The Ironfang Invasion: Fangs of War

Game Master vayelan

A tale of desperate survival set against the invasion of a ruthless hobgoblin army — the Ironfang Legion! As the Ironfang Legion begins carving out an empire of monsters, the heroes must flee their hometown of Phaendar as it burns, saving any lives they can.

Upper Caves Map
Lower Caves Map
Regional Map

Encounter Map: Morlock Warrens

Party Treasury (Old)
Party Treasury (New)
Militia Worksheet

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The Ironfang Invasion Adventure Path launches with Trail of the Hunted, a tale of desperate survival set against the invasion of a ruthless hobgoblin army—the Ironfang Legion! As the Ironfang Legion begins carving out an empire of monsters, the heroes must flee their hometown of Phaendar as it burns, saving any lives they can.

Recruitment open until March 25th at noon.

House rule death by damage doesn't occur until the beginning of the damaged PC's turn. This allows healing to occur to prevent insta-death.

Starting Level: PCs will start at 1st level.

Alignment: No evil.

Ability Scores: 15 Point Buy. No score lower than 8 before racial modifier.

HP: Max at 1st level; average rounded up thereafter.

Traits: Two traits. One from player's guide. No drawbacks.

Starting Wealth: You may roll for it, but you get what you roll. If you don't roll for it, you may take the average for your class

Races: Core. Please note that half-orcs may have certain social problems because of the orcish invasion.

Classes: Core, Base and Hybrid classes permitted. Summoners must use the Unchained version.

General Build Stuff: No third-party products

General play stuff:I expect roughly around one post per day. I understand if real life gets in the way. I would appreciate it if you can give us a heads-up if you are going to be unable for post for more than a day or so. That said, if you don't post within 24 hours, and the rest of the party is waiting on you, I will post for you. This is generally only relevant for combat and certain checks.

Dark Archive



Huge, huge dot. Yes!

Dotting. I think Eustoma would fit as a character concept for this AP. I need to update her to the build rules.


Dotting here.

Thinking elf hunter. Archer

I've been waiting for this!



Question- Could I choose both traits out of the players guide, I like the synergy in RP of both Unbreakable Survivor, and Ironfang Survivor. because you could use reason for Ironfang Survivor is the Unbreakable survivor. and that's how you gained renown.

chubbs wrote:
Question- Could I choose both traits out of the players guide, I like the synergy in RP of both Unbreakable Survivor, and Ironfang Survivor. because you could use reason for Ironfang Survivor is the Unbreakable survivor. and that's how you gained renown.

No, please. Only one campaign trait.

Dark Archive

heck yeah!

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Dotting, will put up a dwarven Warpriest of Angradd.

Oooh, the challenge of a 15pt buy calls to me. I've been curious about this one, too. So I'd like to present Cedric Thistlewyne, Cleric of Erastil, for consideration. Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome. I didn't want to step on the toes of the way the town was built in the AP, so I left out the name of the cleric that took him in. If there's a particular preexisting character in the AP that fits, I'd be happy to more specifically tie Cedric's backstory to that person.

As a child, Cedric was always getting into trouble of some sort. Like his parents before him, and most of the Nirmathi around him, there was a fiercely independent spirit within him that refused to accept rules as something that could be applied to him. Despite his frustrating escapades, his family was always kind in their correction. They preferred to explain how his actions hurt others rather than simply punish the boy without instruction to back it up. As a generally good-natured boy, it went a long way toward establishing a moral foundation based on empathy rather than fear.

But then, as so often happened during the summer in the Nesmian Plains, a raiding party of Molthuni monster-soldiers attacked their tiny farming community. Unlike most years, however, this time the little villiage didn't have as much forewarning as they needed. Both of Cedric's parents fell to the enemy while they were still in the process of setting fire to their home and their crops. This was devastating enough on its own, but it also meant that young Cedric was put into the care of his father's sister.

Where Cedric's parents used kindness and understanding to guide his behavior, his aunt preferred to use a switch. Every infraction, regardless of severity, always earned the same punishment. It began to nurture a seed of resentment in his soul, and he ran away as soon as he thought he had a chance of never coming back. He never expected to get very far, but his fircely independent nature saw him through until he reached the town of Phaendar. He'd never seen a town so big!

With no money, he resorted to stealing from others to get by. He wasn't very good at it, though, and was caught the first time he tried swiping a piece of fruit from a passing cart. The farmer grabbed him by the wrist to drag him along to the town sheriff, but was stopped by Phaendar's senior cleric of Erastil who happened to be coming the opposite direction and saw the whole thing.

The cleric paid for the fruit and took Cedric back to Erastil's lodge. Unlike his Cedric's aunt, the cleric wasn't interested in restribution, but rehabilitation. He took Cedric in, treated him like a son, and, with his help over time, the sprouting seed of bitterness was uprooted and replaced with a structure of community and respect built upon the foundation of empathy laid by his parents long ago.

Now Cedric is a full-fledged member of the church that saved him from a dark path. He enjoys doing what he can to help the community of Phaendar grow in spirit, population, and prosperity. When the troubles of frontier life cause injuries, he's usually there to heal the wounds. When his community is threatened, he picks up his spear and does his best to defend it as though everyone in town is his close family. He likes to fish in the river whenever he gets some time to himself, but his fiercely independent streak has never truly gone away. He does his best to hew closely to Erastil's teachings in all ways, but still struggles with order and law. He hopes that will change eventually, but has come to accept that personal growth, like any plant, requires constant attention and an eye for the future.

Stat Block:
Cedric Thistlewyne
Male Human Cleric of Erastil 1
NG Med Humanoid (Human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +3
16, touch 11, flat 15 (+5 armor +1 dex)
HP 12 (1d8+4)
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +4
30' (20' in armor)
Melee longspear +2 (1d8+3/x3) or dagger +2 (1d4+2/19-20)
Ranged javelin +1 (1d6+2)
Special Attacks - enlarge 5/day, channel positive energy 4/day (1d6, DC 11)
Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1, concentration +3)
__5/day - calming touch
Spells Prepared (CL 1, concentration +3)
__1st - bless, enlarge person (D), shield of faith
__0 - create water, read magic, spark
Domains Community, Growth
14, Dex 13, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 12
BAB +0; CMB +2; CMD 13
Feats Combat Reflexes, Toughness
Languages Common
Skills Diplomacy +5, Heal +7, Knowledge (Religion) +4, Sense Motive +6
SQ Aura of Good/Law
Combat Gear javelins (3) Other Gear longspear, dagger, scale mail, backpack (winter blanket, trail rations (5), 50' silk rope, torches (5), chalk (5), fishing kit, mess kit, soap (2), healer's kit (10/10), earplugs), spell component pouch, belt pouch, canteen, iron holy symbol of Erastil, 2gp, 1sp, 5cp
Frontier Healer:
You make your way in life by putting people back together after the rigors of the world take their toll—brewing herbal remedies, setting broken bones, and treating diseases. You gain a +1 trait bonus on all Heal and Knowledge (nature)* checks, and one of these skills is always a class skill for you. Any time you restore hit points using the Heal skill or a cure spell (but not with channeled energy, lay on hands, or a magic device such as a potion or wand), you restore 1 additional hit point, plus 1 for every 2 class levels you have beyond 1st.
Frontier-Forged: A hard life on the edge of civilization has made you resourceful but has also given you a streak of self-preservation bordering on paranoia. You receive a +1 trait bonus on Perception checks and a +1 bonus on Survival checks made to get along in the wild.

I'd be interested in playing an aerokineticist glider pilot.

Dante's father and mother were Varisian merchants who made Phaendar their home base for purchasing agricultural supplies. Three years ago, tragedy struck as the family was rushing into town on a wagon, trying to beat out a thunderstorm that was bearing down on them. His father, usually a wary man, did not notice the bandits until it was too late. One of the robber's crossbows was accidentally discharged and Dante saw his mother die in front of his eyes, followed shortly afterwards by his father as he attacked his mother's killer. Dante doesn't remember what happened afterwards. The townsfolk describe that there was a massive stroke of lightning and thunder which grabbed there attention. As they went to investigate they found dead bandits, horses and a shattered wagon. Dante was barely alive but seemed to survived the lightning unscathed. Something changed in Dante that day. He has a terrible drive to try to fly. He has spent most of his inheritance on the purchase of a glider from the Technic League and spends his days patrolling the area for 'bandits'. He is assisted in his endeavors by one of his father's old caravan drivers named Bertram. They load the glider up on a wagon and launch it from a high vantage point. Bertram follows and tried to keep up as Dante flies his patrol. The locals just smile and shake their heads at the crazy rich kid, but they admire the way he pursues his dream.
CAMPAIGN TRAIT - Unbreakable Survivor


Dante Black
Male human (Varisian) aerokineticist 1 (Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 10)
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +4
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 12 (1d8+4)
Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +0
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +0 (1d4/19-20) or
longspear +0 (1d8/×3)
Ranged heavy crossbow +2 (1d10/19-20)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with longspear)
Special Attacks kinetic blast
Kineticist Wild Talents Known
Defense—enveloping winds
Infusions—extended range
Blasts—electric blast (1d6+1 electricity)
Utility—basic aerokinesis
Str 11, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12
Feats Skill Focus (Fly), Skilled Driver[UC]
Traits rich parents, unbreakable survivor
Skills Acrobatics +6, Craft (gliders) +5, Fly +9, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (local) +2, Perception +4
Languages Auran, Common, Varisian
SQ burn (1 point/round, max 6), gather power
Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds; Other Gear leather armor, crossbow bolts (10), dagger, heavy crossbow, longspear, backpack, bedroll (4), belt pouch, blanket[APG], blanket[APG] (4), cutting board, wooden (2 lb), firewood (per day), flint and steel, glider[UC], knife, cutting (0.5 lb), ladle (0.5 lb), masterwork shipwright tools, medium tent[APG], medium wagon[UC], mess kit[UE] (4), pot, seasonings, local (0.5 lb), skewer (1 lb), skillet[UE], tinder packet (0.5 lb), tindertwig, torch (10), trail rations (5), trail rations (8), tripod, iron (3 lb), waterskin, hireling, dagger, masterwork carpentry tools, training whip, pony, pony, 17 gp
Special Abilities
Burn 1/round (1 nonlethal/burn, 6/day) Burn HP to gain greater effects on your wild talents.
Electric Blast (Sp) Level 0; Burn 0
Extended Range Kinetic blast has range of 120ft.
Gather Power (Su) Move: reduce the burn cost of a blast by 1 or Full-round: reduce the burn cost of a blast by 2
Kinetic Blast (Sp) The kineticist can unleash her kinetic blast at a range of 30 feet at will.
Skilled Driver (Air) Gain +4 bonus on driving checks with made with one vehicle
Fahter -Algiero Black
Mother - Bella Black nee Abati

Hireling Driver - Bertram
His ponies names are Sinister and Dexter

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
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Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Wealth: 5d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 6, 3, 5) = 18 Essentially average, I can work with that.

Presenting Thorek Ironspark, professional bodyguard for merchants out of Kraggodan. Stats are complete, still working on the fluff but I have a question:

In the "Kraggodan Castaway" campaign trait description, it references a siege of the Sky Citadel by Molthune. Is there any additional information on that? I didn't find anything on the wiki and it'd be germane to Thorek's motivations.

are there any good maps of the area? also would there be any privileged info to the individual players depending on the campaign trait or their back story?

I can assume that this might be provided if selected though but it would be cool to give information in pieces privately to each player based on their back story and allow the role-play among the party to bring it out.

I'll be submitting a starknife slinging human warpriest of Desna. It seems like there are quite a few ranged characters coming out of the woodwork for this, but luckily this character is just as effective in melee as it is at range due to Desna's divine fighting technique.

I'm planning on taking a dip of flying blade swashbuckler (pending GM approval) to add a bit more versatility. While I'll be short on skills, I should have the AC of a frontliner, social skills covered, and warpriest spells to boot.

I really want to play in this AP, so I'm going to take my time selecting my campaign trait and coming up with a decent background.

also the trait Ironfang survivor, a little info in the ironfang legion would be useful. I would hate to take this trait and make a backstory that contradicts what the AP says cause I don't have any info on the legion.

where are they coming from (this will be useful in placing the origins of my character)? what would it consist of? would I recognize anything concerning them?

from reading a little into the trait it mentions some things, it seems to reference something called the Ramgate Massacre, what is this?

Dark Archive

any problem with the archaeologist bard archetype? wanted to make sure before I submit

This is sixteenbiticon's alias for this campaign. I will be taking the Blight-Burned trait with a large scar over her left shoulder. Anca hails from Acorn's Rest (she was rescued by the druid Androssana when the Darkblight overran Anca's village), but happened to be staying in Phaendar when the Ironfang Legion attacks.

Eustoma's profile has been updated with the 15 point buy, and the Her Blight Burned trait. Her reason for being in Phaendar is to sell the season's pelts at the festival. She's looking forward to a new batch of tea, and some new clothes.

Dotting, very interested. I have a dwarven ranger originally made for Kingmaker that I can retool a bit, or maybe something else that strikes me.

Not quite done with the archaeologist (RobL383), but here's the skeleton

Leedwashere wrote:
Oooh, the challenge of a 15pt buy calls to me. I've been curious about this one, too. So I'd like to present Cedric Thistlewyne, Cleric of Erastil, for consideration. Any thoughts or suggestions are welcome. I didn't want to step on the toes of the way the town was built in the AP, so I left out the name of the cleric that took him in. If there's a particular preexisting character in the AP that fits, I'd be happy to more specifically tie Cedric's backstory to that person.

After thinking about it overnight, I've made a slight change to the distribution of the point buy to make it work better in the long term. There's no actual change to the way the numbers work in the rest of the stat block, but I'm reposting here to keep everything together.

Book-keeping of change:
12(+2 race), 13, 13, 10, 14, 12 becomes 12(+2 race), 12, 12, 10, 15, 12

As a child, Cedric was always getting into trouble of some sort. Like his parents before him, and most of the Nirmathi around him, there was a fiercely independent spirit within him that refused to accept rules as something that could be applied to him. Despite his frustrating escapades, his family was always kind in their correction. They preferred to explain how his actions hurt others rather than simply punish the boy without instruction to back it up. As a generally good-natured boy, it went a long way toward establishing a moral foundation based on empathy rather than fear.

But then, as so often happened during the summer in the Nesmian Plains, a raiding party of Molthuni monster-soldiers attacked their tiny farming community. Unlike most years, however, this time the little villiage didn't have as much forewarning as they needed. Both of Cedric's parents fell to the enemy while they were still in the process of setting fire to their home and their crops. This was devastating enough on its own, but it also meant that young Cedric was put into the care of his father's sister.

Where Cedric's parents used kindness and understanding to guide his behavior, his aunt preferred to use a switch. Every infraction, regardless of severity, always earned the same punishment. It began to nurture a seed of resentment in his soul, and he ran away as soon as he thought he had a chance of never coming back. He never expected to get very far, but his fircely independent nature saw him through until he reached the town of Phaendar. He'd never seen a town so big!

With no money, he resorted to stealing from others to get by. He wasn't very good at it, though, and was caught the first time he tried swiping a piece of fruit from a passing cart. The farmer grabbed him by the wrist to drag him along to the town sheriff, but was stopped by Phaendar's senior cleric of Erastil who happened to be coming the opposite direction and saw the whole thing.

The cleric paid for the fruit and took Cedric back to Erastil's lodge. Unlike his Cedric's aunt, the cleric wasn't interested in restribution, but rehabilitation. He took Cedric in, treated him like a son, and, with his help over time, the sprouting seed of bitterness was uprooted and replaced with a structure of community and respect built upon the foundation of empathy laid by his parents long ago.

Now Cedric is a full-fledged member of the church that saved him from a dark path. He enjoys doing what he can to help the community of Phaendar grow in spirit, population, and prosperity. When the troubles of frontier life cause injuries, he's usually there to heal the wounds. When his community is threatened, he picks up his spear and does his best to defend it as though everyone in town is his close family. He likes to fish in the river whenever he gets some time to himself, but his fiercely independent streak has never truly gone away. He does his best to hew closely to Erastil's teachings in all ways, but still struggles with order and law. He hopes that will change eventually, but has come to accept that personal growth, like any plant, requires constant attention and an eye for the future.

Updated Stat Block:
Cedric Thistlewyne
Male Human Cleric of Erastil 1
NG Med Humanoid (Human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +3
16, touch 11, flat 15 (+5 armor +1 dex)
HP 12 (1d8+4)
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +4
30' (20' in armor)
Melee longspear +2 (1d8+3/x3) or dagger +2 (1d4+2/19-20)
Ranged javelin +1 (1d6+2)
Special Attacks - enlarge 5/day, channel positive energy 4/day (1d6, DC 11)
Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1, concentration +3)
__5/day - calming touch
Spells Prepared (CL 1, concentration +3)
__1st - bless, enlarge person (D), shield of faith
__0 - create water, read magic, spark
Domains Community, Growth
14, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 12
BAB +0; CMB +2; CMD 13
Feats Combat Reflexes, Toughness
Languages Common
Skills Diplomacy +5, Heal +7, Knowledge (Religion) +4, Sense Motive +6
SQ Aura of Good/Law
Combat Gear javelins (3) Other Gear longspear, dagger, scale mail, backpack (winter blanket, trail rations (5), 50' silk rope, torches (5), chalk (5), fishing kit, mess kit, soap (2), healer's kit (10/10), earplugs), spell component pouch, belt pouch, canteen, iron holy symbol of Erastil, 2gp, 1sp, 5cp
Frontier Healer:
You make your way in life by putting people back together after the rigors of the world take their toll—brewing herbal remedies, setting broken bones, and treating diseases. You gain a +1 trait bonus on all Heal and Knowledge (nature)* checks, and one of these skills is always a class skill for you. Any time you restore hit points using the Heal skill or a cure spell (but not with channeled energy, lay on hands, or a magic device such as a potion or wand), you restore 1 additional hit point, plus 1 for every 2 class levels you have beyond 1st.
Frontier-Forged: A hard life on the edge of civilization has made you resourceful but has also given you a streak of self-preservation bordering on paranoia. You receive a +1 trait bonus on Perception checks and a +1 bonus on Survival checks made to get along in the wild.

Dark Archive

5d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 2, 3, 1) = 15

1d100 ⇒ 17

Interested in this. After reading through the player's guide, I'd like to play a Herb Witch with the Frontier Background trait.


Alysha the Pale is a old wise woman residing on the edge of Fangwood Forest who's spent her time harvesting herbs and helping villagers commune with their ancestors. Women often come to her to consult about their health, and she provides tonics for a small fee. She's consulted with them and the spirits have asked her to do what she can to challenge the invaders.

Once married, she's raised two children who have left the village and left to find their fortunes. She lights a candle in the window for them every night. Now, she spends her time talking to her pet Owl/familiar Wing.

Her trade has not always looked at favourably. There was an inquisitor who tried to get her hung, but Alysha exposed him as a charlatan who loved to mobilise mobs for his own purposes. Since that incident she has decided to be more careful in her dealings with villagers.

Not much of a combatant, she hopes to provide her skill with nature and her healing abilities to aid the battle against the Invaders.

She treats anyone looking younger than her like a child, and can be naggy at times. She's fond of a little drink and pipeweed from time to time, though careful not to get drunk.

Will be stating her out this weekend.

I'm efforting to get a fey caller summoner statted up and posted tomorrow.

I have a wizard that I'd love to play for this adventure. Here's the infos for him. (I'm quite proud of the backstory, but if you don't want to read one page of backstory I have bullet points at the bottom.)


Human Wizard 1
LG Medium humanoid

Init:+6; Senses:Perception +1


AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
HP 7 (1d6+1)
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +2


Speed 30 ft.
Melee Quarterstaff -1 (1d6-1/x2)
Ranged Light Crossbow +2 (1d8/19-20)

Special Attacks

Wizard Spells Prepared
1st-- Silent Image, Color Spray, Summon Monster I [D]
Lvl.0 (at will)-- Light, Detect Magic, Create Water

Wizard Spellbook
1st--True Strike, Silent Image, Color Spray, Enlarge Person, Grease, Obscuring Mist, Summon Monster I
Lvl.0-- Resistance, Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Read Magic, Daze, Dancing Lights, Flare, Light, Ray of Frost, Ghost Sound, Create Water


Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 10
BAB +0; CMB -2; CMD 10

Feats Dimensional Agility(Lvl.1 feat), Improved Initiative (Dancer Feat), Scribe Scroll (Wizard Feat)

Traits Two-World Magic (Create Water), Resilient (+1 fort)

Skills Knowledge (Arcana) +7, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +7, Knowledge (Local) +7, Knowledge (Religion) +7, Linguistics +7, Perception +1, Spellcraft +7

Languages Common, Celestial, Goblin, Draconic, Elven, Halfling



Special Abilities

Arcane Bond: Amulet (given to him by Edna, it also is inscribed with the holy symbol of)

Wizard Specialized School & Abilities
[D] indicates the conjuration bonus spell slot
Summoner's Charm (Su): +1 round of summoning spell
Shift (Su): 7/day teleport as dimension door for 5ft.

Short and thick black hair is continusly messy atop the frame of a lanky young man. Freckled and fairly pale, yet a slight grin is nearly always pasted across his face.

What's going on, bucko? The Backstory of Mavis:
Mavis came into this world in a way quite different than most other people. it was in a stable out in the backwoods behind a farmhouse Mavis’ opened his eyes for the first time and saw the welcoming face of a
man. Mavis looked down to see what was steadying him. Hands. Mavis liked hands. His parents were both horses, so he didn’t have any himself.

Being a horse didn’t come easily to Mavis. While others of his kind would submit to their base instincts and were more predictable as they were trained, but Mavis wanted to know why he had to pull a plow… and a cart… and carry people. Mavis eventually did come around, submitting to the whims of whoever was riding him, but he found it incredibly boring. He wanted someone to talk to, and so he turned to the other horses on the farm, but found that they were but simple beasts, and didn’t understand his whinnied pleas for conversation. After some time of this, Mavis found himself looking for ways to escape his fate as a simple beast of burden, and so, the next day as he plodded down the lane with the farmer and his wife weighing down upon his back, he began listening to their conversation and trying to imitate the words they spoke. After only five minutes of riding, the farmer deduced that some evil spirit had taken ahold of his good horse, and they turned their course to go to the closest temple.

Luckily for Mavis, Edna, the local priest was wise as she was old. She was able to see that Mavis was simply an exceptionally intelligent horse. Edna also knew just how Mavis felt, as she herself hadn’t been understood when people had first heard that she, a woman, wanted to become a priest. An instant connection was formed between the two of them, and luckily for them, the farmer wanted to be rid of Mavis once it was explained to him that his horse’s condition could not be cured. The farmer simply dropped the reins, and ran the whole way home.

In Edna’s free time, she would read to the horse out of the holy scripture, as Mavis seemed very interested. Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months as eventually, Mavis learned the language. For over a month, Edna never ceased to praise her god for blessing this horse. On one of these days, Edna went to the market for food and bumped into a man of the forest, who was in town for much the same reasons. She quickly explained the situation to him, and even offered him gold in exchange for the man using his forest magics to change Mavis into a form whereby he would better be able to grasp his own fate. The man met with Mavis and after seeing his profound thirst for knowledge, yet inability to turn pages, he promptly agreed help him. Re-incarnate was cast after Mavis was briefly killed, and his spirit took shape in the body of a human. The man left shortly thereafter without asking for any payment, or leaving a name.

Since Edna had never had a child of her own, she adopted Mavis. As Mavis’ new guardian, she figured it was her solemn duty to teach Mavis about what was right and wrong, and about the joys that came with loving and serving others. Mavis adapted to his new form rapidly, and eagerly took to her lessons as a fish to water. He still did thirst for something more though: Magic. After completing his chores each day, he would spend the rest of his time reading through some of the books on theories of magic that Edna had collected over the years. After abundant trial and error, Mavis was able to cast his first spell.

Overview in bulletpoints:
- Born an exceptionally smart horse, Mavis became self-aware, and wanted more for his life
- The farmer thought Mavis was possessed, and gave him away to a priest named Edna
- Edna saw Mavis’ potential and taught him how to read, and speak
- A druid used magic at Edna’s urging in order to change Mavis into a human
- Mavis was adopted and taught by Edna. In his spare time he taught himself magic

Grand Lodge

Background Skills?
Combat Stamina for Fighters?

I am thinking a Shielded fighter.

Grand Lodge

common lots of money: 5d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 5, 6, 4) = 25 so 250 gold.

Thorek Ironspark wrote:

Presenting Thorek Ironspark, professional bodyguard for merchants out of Kraggodan. Stats are complete, still working on the fluff but I have a question:

In the "Kraggodan Castaway" campaign trait description, it references a siege of the Sky Citadel by Molthune. Is there any additional information on that? I didn't find anything on the wiki and it'd be germane to Thorek's motivations.

Dark Archive

Looking to make a cavalier with Daring General Archetype. Is there restrictions on leadership feat? I mainly go for flavor over min/mixing that feat to my benefit.

Edward Sobel wrote:

are there any good maps of the area? also would there be any privileged info to the individual players depending on the campaign trait or their back story?

I can assume that this might be provided if selected though but it would be cool to give information in pieces privately to each player based on their back story and allow the role-play among the party to bring it out.

I've just put a link in the "Campaign Info" tab to an overall map.

Early on there will be no privileged information. But, there may be later.

Grand Lodge

Background Skills?
Combat Stamina for Fighters?

I am thinking a Shielded fighter

Edward Sobel wrote:

also the trait Ironfang survivor, a little info in the ironfang legion would be useful. I would hate to take this trait and make a backstory that contradicts what the AP says cause I don't have any info on the legion.

where are they coming from (this will be useful in placing the origins of my character)? what would it consist of? would I recognize anything concerning them?

from reading a little into the trait it mentions some things, it seems to reference something called the Ramgate Massacre, what is this?

The Ironfang Legion served Molthune loyally as one of its infamous “monster regiments,” mercenary units of nonhuman creatures, hired without official sanction to pillage during the coflict between Molthune and Nirmathas. The force served with distinction and earned a reputation for innovative tactics and fearless soldiers, culminating in a devastating rout of Nirmathi guerrillas assaulting Fort Ramgate (now referred to as the Ramgate Massacre by its few Nirmathi survivors). Without a word, the Ironfangs vanished shortly thereafter, soon followed by several other monster regiments, quickly depleting Molthune’s mercenary forces

RobL383 wrote:
any problem with the archaeologist bard archetype? wanted to make sure before I submit

As long as it is official Paizo material and not third-party, I will certainly consider it. I, as the DM, may not know how it works, and I may ask you to clarify effects, etc., during play, but I will certainly consider it for the party.

Alastair_Cadwallader wrote:
Looking to make a cavalier with Daring General Archetype. Is there restrictions on leadership feat? I mainly go for flavor over min/mixing that feat to my benefit.

I will not place undue restrictions on the leadership feat. But, beware, if you use your cohort during combat, then the cohort is a legitimate target. Also, if I don't have prior instructions for the cohort, I will have the cohort do things.

Raltus wrote:

Background Skills?
Combat Stamina for Fighters?

I am thinking a Shielded fighter

I am not using background skills. I'm a little too old-school for that.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I think it only fair to let everyone know that on the roll-playing/role-playing spectrum, I am definitely more on the roll-playing end. As a player, I prefer hack-n-slash to problem solving.

That said, it is only a personal preference, and I will, to the best of my extent, accommodate role-playing.

Here is current breakdown of submissions:

Thorek Ironspark (Warpriest) crunch in.
Alastair Cadwallader (Cavalier)

Anca Covenu (Warpriest)
Eustama Handlefoot (Hunter) crunch in
Edward Sobel
Dante Black (aerokineticist) crunch in

Mavis (Wizard) some crunch in
Bree Fairchild (Archaologist Bard)

Cedric Thistlewyne (Cleric) crunch in
Alysha the Pale (Witch)

The Chess
Valera De stinzite

On behalf of the player who submitted an aerokineticist above, and myself thinking of a geokineticist - are occult classes allowed? They were not mentioned in the first post, so double-checking.

CyberMephit wrote:
On behalf of the player who submitted an aerokineticist above, and myself thinking of a geokineticist - are occult classes allowed? They were not mentioned in the first post, so double-checking.

Occult classes are allowed. Though they may have some difficulties in the wild.

Do we need to make an alias? or just post here?

right now my crunch is done but I am stuck on a name.

as far as background: how detailed is needed? I can make a quick background that just highlights most important stuff or I can try and go more story like background.

Grand Lodge

I am deciding on a campign trait, I think I have the one I want but they aren't up on Hero Lab Yet.

Edit: Going to take World Weary Trait.

World Weary:

World-Weary: You’ve seen the horrors of war, and had
hoped you’d seen the end of it. You’ve retreated from
the fighting—likely from the front line with Molthune,
but maybe from the crusade of Lastwall or the political
infighting of Ustalav—and now just want to protect
and provide for those you care about. You gain one of
the following as a permanent class skill: Appraise, Heal,
Knowledge (history), Sense Motive, or Survival. When you
perform an aid another action to improve a creature’s
Armor Class, you increase its AC by +4 rather than +2.

Going to take Heal since it makes sense to what Churlost would be like. Hard but caring and wanting to bring everyone home.


Churlost Binder
Male human fighter (shielded fighter) 1 ( Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 108)
LN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +3
AC 18, touch 10, flat-footed 18 (+5 armor, +3 shield)
hp 12 (1d10+2)
Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +1
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee light flail +4 (1d8+3)
Ranged shortbow +1 (1d6/×3)
Str 16, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 14
Feats Combat Expertise, Improved Initiative, Shield Focus
Traits frontier-forged (any frontier area)
Skills Acrobatics -6 (-10 to jump), Climb +1, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5, Perception +3, Profession
(soldier) +5, Survival +5 (+6 to get along in the wild)
Languages Common, Orc
Other Gear scale mail, shield spikes heavy steel shield, arrows (20), light flail, shortbow, bedroll, belt
pouch, crowbar, flint and steel, folding shovel UE, masterwork backpack APG, mess kit UE, pot, silk rope (50
ft.), soap, sunrod (5), trail rations (5), waterskin, 41 gp, 1 sp
Special Abilities
Combat Expertise +/-1 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.

Having fought in the last couple years of the existence of the World Wound, Churlost never saw front line action. He was there when the Storm King destroyed Kenabres, he was there when the Heroes emerged from the assault on the fort changed. He helped with Rebuilding of Kenabres as well.
After 2 years and the closing, Churlost headed home. He had a wife that was he was missing something dearly, upon returning home he was put to work with the beast legion. Training them and helping them find their place in Nirmathas, after another year of training Churlost retired.
Finding solace in his wife's home town of Phaendar, Churlost took to working for the guard as needed. When he heard about the Iron Fang Legion on a rampage to make a country of beasts, Churlost began
to store supplies and prepare to weather the influx of refugee's that would be coming to Phaendar.

Little did he know about the true danger.

Anca's crunch has been posted. Everything is done except for non-combat gear, which I'll do if/when I am selected. ;)

I'm still working on her background, but I like what I've got so far.

Just out of are the shadowbound curse and succor mystery for the Oracle allowed? Shadowbound fits in with the backstory given the fluff of the curse and the succor mystery is a pretty cool support mystery.

MadScientistWorking wrote:
Just out of are the shadowbound curse and succor mystery for the Oracle allowed? Shadowbound fits in with the backstory given the fluff of the curse and the succor mystery is a pretty cool support mystery.

I don't have Horror Realms. But, since it is Paizo material, if you add to your submission the text from the book about the shadowbound curse and the succor mystery, I will consider it.

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