GM Rednal |
Yup. Specifically, I export both profiles in full to a word document, then combine them section-by-section, keeping the 'high' values for AC, skills, et cetera. Then I do any lingering manual changes (like adding Power Attack values for melee weapons, just for the quick and easy reference). It only takes a few minutes to do, and tends to turn out rather well. ^^
Harath |
alrighty, harath should be up to date in the profile, more or less.
i still need to update the top fields, but i compiled all the crap into the format you wanted in the main big field so that should be correct (i hope).
certain things like the mythic overmind stuff i dont have on HL. also the Deadly Fist archetype of Soulknife i dont have on HL so i had to put that in by hand, as such it might not be reflected accordingly outside of the special abilities area.
gonna be harder to play, i cant really keep track of the stuff in this format, so i hope you have some more death scenes prepared!
GM Rednal |
Tristalt characters can get VERY complicated. XD I find that it helps if you think of a 'main' thing your character does, and you view everything else as occasional support. For example, "I don't think my normal attacks would work well on this foe. What else do I have...?" Thinking of them as a holistic character, not three separate classes, may also make it easier.
Now, where were we...? Ah, right. XD Your post. You can go back to town, or abandon the place entirely and head somewhere else.
Harath |
well like things here and there interact and i forget them sometimes, much to my chagrin when i later realize i had a +2 or +4 that would have made a failure into a success on something i REALLY rather would have not failed.
as a heads up, his punching now has another 1d4 damage, force damage, that isn't subject to DR. this is because his enhanced fist-blade-thing went up to a total of +1, but he is still limited to +1 of actual enhancement, so i had to pick a special ability. so it was basically 1d6 fire, 1d6 cold, 1d6 acid, or 1d4 force. i thought about trying to go for Dueling but i wasn't sure if that would be allowed on fists.
i did have a bit of a question on that, since the class ability states that the fists have to be +1 before i add special abilities, but they are already kinda non-stacking +1 from the amulet, so it is somewhat wasted. With your approval, i could swap the 1d4 force plus the wasted +1 for a +2 special ability instead.
Harath |
I use a brief section of common ability combinations. XD What abilities are you looking at, exactly?
weapon special abilities? from the list on the Soulknife page, Collision, Linked Striking, Suppression or Wounding all look good. In the future if need be i could swap to Holy.
oh shoot, nevermind. looks like i cant touch the +2 abilities until i am level 7, just realized.
Harath |
oh, i'm not looking at those at the moment. i am so burned out right now i cant stand to look at Harath. spent almost all day on this level up and format change, aside from the other times i put in an hour here and an hour there. never playing tristalt again, haha
GM Rednal |
Ahaha. XD; Yeah, it can be a handful if you're not ready for it.
I probably have more personal experience at it than most people, actually, given the games I've both played and run... it really does help if you have a very clear, solid idea for your character from the beginning. I can also note that it's only going to get more complex as you level, and have a bunch more abilities and powers to remember. You could always bow out now if you're worried about being able to do it, and we could resolve the story as plot instead. I don't want to push you into playing if it stops being fun.
Harath |
I think i can give it one more go, see how the next level works. The big part of this pain was changing formats and redoing every bit from scratch on herolab.
and the fact that many of the things (deadly fist, overmind) were not on herolab.
and with herolab i never know if updating will break everything because i have the DSP stuff on there that is updated at a different rate.
additionally, i am just really having a harder time pinning down actual Dream stuff, hopefully the change to psychic helps out.
if the next level-up proves to be too difficult, i may end up bowing out.
i'm in another game that is tristalt (my "Lump" alias) and i dont have these problems. part of that might also be that he is all support-themed and there isn't the pressure of being torn between "does this fit my theme" and "is this basically required if i want to survive" when making class ability/feat/spell choices.
GM Rednal |
You don't need to have EVERY power match your deity's theme. XD Just having a few you can try to work in on a semi-regular basis is fine, and you can interpret themes pretty broadly. ("Nightmares are a part of dreams. Nightmares make people afraid. Fear effects make people afraid. I should have at least one power that inflicts fear to soften enemies up before I hit them!" And voila.)
Harath |
yeah. i am somewhat excited, i think i start to get some good dream abilities in two more levels of spells