GM Evo |

Hello! I'm opening recruitment for a PBP adventure - The Feast of Ravenmoor Module.
I'm new to the Paizo boards, but not to Pathfinder. I was introduced to the ruleset a couple of years ago, when my local gaming group made the switch from 4E. Since that introduction, I've played a couple of modules and started an AP as a GM until, alas, our group fell apart due to relocation and kids. It's always the kids…
I'm looking for 4 or 5 players who are committed to posting regularly. I have quite a bit of flexibility at my job, so I can easily post throughout the day. Those who can post multiple times per weekday are strongly encouraged to apply.
How To Apply
1. Submit a character concept using the criteria below. You don't need to spend a ton of time on a super-fleshed out backstory. I'm planning on just playing this module, and from what I've read in some recent recruitment threads, these games drag on or die due to inactivity. If I choose your character, we can beef up his/her history as needed.
2. Respond to the questions as your character.
3. Answer the player questions.
Character Creation
1. Level 3 Character, 20-point buy.
2. 3,000 Starting Gold. Characters should spend no more than half their total wealth on any single item.
3. Core Races only. Alternate racial traits and archetypes from the Advanced Race Guide are allowed.
4. All Paizo-created classes and archetypes are allowed (Core, APG, UM, UC).
5. Two traits - both can't be of the same type.
If there's a Paizo-created source that you'd like to use that I haven't listed here, please let me know.
Character Questions
1. Where in Golarion where you born?
2. Why did you become a mercenary/adventurer?
3. How do you contribute on the battlefield?
I'll be looking to fill all four core roles (martial, arcane, skill and divine), so make sure it's clear what your contribution to the party will be. I realize hybrid characters make this difficult.
Player Questions
1. How strictly do you like to abide by the rules?
2. How many PBP games are you currently playing?
3. Have you ever played the Feast of Ravenmoor module?
I will keep recruitment open until I have the slots filled, however long that takes. That said, I'd prefer to wrap up the recruitment and get playing as soon as possible.
I look forward to the applications!

Khalil Noyon |

I'd be interested. Khalil was part of a previous campaign that started at 3rd level, but the game died fairly quickly. He's a Keleshite Rogue/Cleric of Calistria. Born in the Osirion port city of Totra, he is traveling at the call of his goddess and to escape those who would see him tried as a thief and spy. Khalil is out to seek adventure and wealth that could eventually allow him to prove wrong those who condemned him as nothing more than a scoundrel and wastrel.
On the battlefield he acts as a ranged threat with bow or thrown daggers, can handle a short sword in close combat or sneak attack enhanced by a little trickery, or he can provide healing and limited divine support to his companions.
The rest of his stats and listing are in the alias. I can make any modifications to fit with your campaign if selected.
As for myself, as a GM I tend to be fairly loose with the rules. I tend to choose fun, logical solutions, and keeping things moving over strict following of the rules most of the time. I use the same philosophy as a player, often choosing RP over character optimization and leave most of the rules decisions up to the GM if there is any controversy or uncertainty.
I'm currently GM'ing one Kingmaker PBP and playing in two other somewhat active games (posting about once a week). I also have a bit of flexibility at work so posting during the day isn't a problem most of the time.
I've never played the Feast of Ravenmoor module.
Thanks for considering.

Gorag |

Hello, I'm Gorag of the Shattered Skull Clan.
I'm born in the Lands of our Clan. In the north west of the Mwangi Expanse.
Why I am an Adventurer. It's as simple as embarassing. Look, I was the Shaman of our Tribe. My chieftain wanted a potion to make him bigger at a ting, to impres the other chieftain. In hurry, I must have mistaken a ingredient for another ingredient. My chieftain was not exited to shrink in front of the other chieftain to the size of a goblin. Gorag had to run very fast.
How does Gorag contribute to the Battlefield? I can smash the enemy with my fists. When that doesn't suffice, I have potions good potions. Some to defend me, some to make me very angry. And I'm quite skillful.
1.) I have one rule. The GM makes the rules. For myself it is more important to let the game flow than to debate which detail of a rule was bent.
2.) I'm running 2 Games at the moment.
3.) I've never played the module.
See you soon

Filios |

I offer Filios Philandril, Elven Rogue Swashbuckler for your consideration. Most questions are answered in his background in the profile, but I will address each in turn.
Character Questions
1. Where in Golarion where you born?
I was born and raised in the Kyonin Forest.
2. Why did you become a mercenary/adventurer?
I fell out of favor with the elven community by no fault of my own, The self-righteous Elves claimed that I \was too self-centered and greed driven for their established standards.
3. How do you contribute on the battlefield?
I attack from positions of stealth or getting the drop on the enemy to inflict precision wounds, and I provide melee prowess using a two-weapon style.
Player Questions
1. How strictly do you like to abide by the rules?
As strictly as the GM would like to apply them. I am familiar with all of them, but I am certainly not a rules lawyer.
2. How many PBP games are you currently playing?
Seven longstanding PbP's with daily posting frequency, two of which are Pathfinder Society sanctioned events.
3. Have you ever played the Feast of Ravenmoor module?
No, I have not.

Ojore |

I would like to propose Ojore, Mwangi Lion Shamen. Ojore is pretty much ready to play with the exception that I need to review his gear and make sure he is a the 3000 gold mark.
Character Questions
1. Where in Golarion where you born?
Ojore hails from the great savannahs of the Mwangi expanse of the Zenj tribe.
2. Why did you become a mercenary/adventurer?
Ojore joined an an adventure's camp in the jungle near his home as both an emissary and observer to see what the foreign men would do in the Mwangi. His people were impressed with these "finders of the path". They spoke true and did no harm by intent. This made them very different from those of Chelaix who came first. They were observed to do much good and were deemed worthy of support, winning a place with the Zenj.
During his tenure with these Pathfinders (or some other group if Pathfinders do not exist) Ojore made fast friends and strong bonds grew (leveling to level 3). He began to accompany these pathfinders on exhibitions away from the jungle and has fully caught the adventuring bug. He was invited to join the Pathfinder Society and plans to use that group to see the world.
3. How do you contribute on the battlefield?
Ojore and his lion companion will contribute to the party in a number of ways.
With a good outdoor skill set and the ability to track, even by scent, he will be quite handy to have in any natural surrounding. He can serve as both scout and guide and at 4th level his scouting can be enhanced with a fly speed, or climb speed, or swim speed. His perception will be at least +8.
He is built to be a front line fighter and with a round to buff can deal out significant damage behind a respectable AC of 20 or so. His lion companion is no slouch either. With spells like Flaming Sphere and Summon Nature's Ally he can be doing a lot of things in combat all at once. He is a spell caster and can cast summon nature's ally on the fly. He can buff and heal as well.
Player Questions
1. How strictly do you like to abide by the rules?
I know the rules fairly well and would prefer to abide by them. I have never found them a barrier to having fun and like the level playing field they provide.
2. How many PBP games are you currently playing?
I have been pretty active in PBP over the past year. I currently am playing in 10 and do not have any problem making multiple detailed posts in each.
3. Have you ever played the Feast of Ravenmoor module?

GM Evo |

Thanks to those have already applied. Here's the list, just for reference.
The Applicants
Khalil - Human Rogue/Cleric of Calistria
Gorag - Half-Orc Alchemist/Monk
Filios Philandril - Elven Rogue Swashbuckler
Ojore - Mwangi Lion Shaman
I have a couple of additional questions, should you choose to answer them:
1. At the beginning of the AP, you will find yourself in Magnimar - how did you arrive there?
2. Is your character a member of Pathfinder Society (your character, not you as a player - this will not be a sanctioned PFS)?

Zuuruk |

I present Zuuruk, Human Druid and initiate of the Verduran Druidic Circle. Most info is in his profile/backstory. Justask if you have any questions.
Character Questions
1. Where in Golarion where you born?
In a small community in Andoran called Carpenden. Growing up Zuuruk was surrounded by plants, trees, and nature. So it felt like a natural step to him to give back to Golarion that sustained him and his people.
2. Why did you become a mercenary/adventurer?
Sent by the druid circle to investigate some odd happenings around Golarion.
3. How do you contribute on the battlefield?
I can use my spells to empower and aid allies or to summon help, and then move to the front lines to help in melee alongside my trusty animal companion. (primarily melee combatant and secondary divine caster)
Player Questions
1. How strictly do you like to abide by the rules?
I tend to stick to the rules as best I can, unless it leads to weird contradicting rules, then I try to apply common sense to see what should be done. I'd rather die and start a new pc and experiment with more backstory than to keep a character alive by bending the rules. I get attached to characters, but the possibility of failure and death make victory all the sweeter.
2. How many PBP games are you currently playing?
So far maybe one other (still waiting to see if my rogue is picked)
3. Have you ever played the Feast of Ravenmoor module?
No I have not

Ojore |

1. At the beginning of the AP, you will find yourself in Magnimar - how did you arrive there?
Ojore was directed to Magnimar on Society business but was drawn to the City of Monuments out of his desire to both see the great Irespan and to explore the Mushfens. As a druid he finds them much less inhospitable that most, and believes they might hold great secrets and maybe even more Thassilonian ruins.
2. Is your character a member of Pathfinder Society (your character, not you as a player - this will not be a sanctioned PFS)?
Yes, Ojore is a Pathfinder in good standing and wears a wayfinder proudly. If it were not for his involvement with that esteemed society he would likley still still be living on the savannahs of the Mwangi.

Kinota |

The character's stats are in the profile, more extensive background to come after I eat lunch.
1. Where in Golarion where you born?
In the tents of the Murdered Child tribe, under the shadow of the Tusk Mountains, in the Hold of Belkzen.
2. Why did you become a mercenary/adventurer?
I hold to the orcish virtues of endurance and prowess in battle, the brutality and endless mayhem is tiresome and frustrating. I tell them orcs will never be great again until we stop slaughtering each other.
My views were not received well by my people. They say I am merely half an orc. I must leave or die.
3. How do you contribute on the battlefield?
I give my allies strength and expose my enemies weaknesses.
1. How strictly do you like to abide by the rules?
I think the spirit of the rules should be followed.
Especially rules like "The DM makes the final call," and "It's supposed to be fun."
2. How many PBP games are you currently playing?
3. Have you ever played the Feast of Ravenmoor module?
1. At the beginning of the AP, you will find yourself in Magnimar - how did you arrive there?
After I leave Belkzen, I travel west, towards the land my father came from. I do not find him, but I find Magnimar.
2. Is your character a member of Pathfinder Society?

Gorag |

Hm, you want to here the story, how fate broought me from the far south to Magnimar. It's banal. I'm an outcast, without home, whithout relatives. I traveled from town to town and offered my services as healer and alchemist. But it never held me long at one place. The human cities are nothing to stay long for me.
No, I never joined this Society.

GM Evo |

Hey everyone - we already have some great applicants here. Thank you!
The Applicants
Khalil - Human Rogue/Cleric of Calistria
Gorag - Half-Orc Alchemist/Monk
Filios Philandril - Elven Rogue Swashbuckler
Ojore - Mwangi Lion Shaman
Zuuruk - Human Druid
Kinota - Half Orc Scarred Witch Doctor
We're a little light on the martial - so if you're looking to apply, that might be a good niche to fill.

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How To Apply
1. Submit a character concept using the criteria below. You don't need to spend a ton of time on a super-fleshed out backstory. I'm planning on just playing this module, and from what I've read in some recent recruitment threads, these games drag on or die due to inactivity. If I choose your character, we can beef up his/her history as needed.
2. Respond to the questions as your character.
3. Answer the player questions.
Character Creation
1. Level 3 Character, 20-point buy.
2. 3,000 Starting Gold. Characters should spend no more than half their total wealth on any single item.
3. Core Races only. Alternate racial traits and archetypes from the Advanced Race Guide are allowed.
4. All Paizo-created classes and archetypes are allowed (Core, APG, UM, UC).
5. Two traits - both can't be of the same type.
If there's a Paizo-created source that you'd like to use that I haven't listed here, please let me know.
Character Questions
1. Where in Golarion where you born? Brevoy (region) Gronzi Forest
2. Why did you become a mercenary/adventurer? I became an adventurer to get out of the rut that I hvae been in lately
3. How do you contribute on the battlefield? I contribute to the battlefield with the amount of damage I do on the battlefield with my bow
I'll be looking to fill all four core roles (martial, arcane, skill and divine), so make sure it's clear what your contribution to the party will be. I realize hybrid characters make this difficult.
Player Questions
1. How strictly do you like to abide by the rules? I like to make sure that the rules are followed but having fun over rules the games for me
2. How many PBP games are you currently playing? Currently in 2
3. Have you ever played the Feast of Ravenmoor module? Nope
Drake Ghosthowl
Male Human Ranger 3
LN Medium Humanoid (human)
Hero Points 1
Init +5; Senses Perception +6
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 32 (3d10+6)
Fort +5 (+4 vs. hot or cold environments and to resist damage from suffocation), Ref +6, Will +1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Handaxe +2 (1d6+1/x3) and
. . Scimitar +2 (1d6+1/18-20/x2)
Ranged Darkwood Composite longbow (Str +3) +4/+4 (1d8+2/x3)-Rapid Shot.. with out +6
Special Attacks favored enemy (goblinoids +2)
Ranger Spells Prepared (CL 0):
Str 13, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 12
Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 17
Feats Endurance, Far Shot, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot
Traits Devotee of the Green (Knowledge [nature]), Reactionary
Skills Bluff +1 (+3 vs. goblinoids), Climb +7, Handle Animal +7, Heal +6, Knowledge (geography) +9 (+11 vs. goblinoids, +11 while in forest terrain), Knowledge (nature) +9 (+11 vs. goblinoids), Perception +6 (+8 vs. goblinoids, +8 while in forest terrain), Ride +9, Sense Motive +0 (+2 vs. goblinoids), Spellcraft +8, Stealth +9 (+11 while in forest terrain), Survival +6 (+8 vs. goblinoids, +8 while in forest terrain, +7 to track), Swim +1 (+5 to resist nonlethal damage from exhaustion)
Languages Common, Cyclops, Elven
SQ combat styles (archery), favored terrain (forest +2), hero points, track, wild empathy
Combat Gear Potion of barkskin +2, Potion of cat's grace, Potion of cure moderate wounds, Potion of invisibility; Other Gear Leaf armor, Arrows (40), Darkwood Composite longbow (Str +3), Handaxe, Scimitar, 547 GP
Arrows - 0/40
Potion of barkskin +2 - 0/1
Potion of cat's grace - 0/1
Potion of cure moderate wounds - 0/1
Potion of invisibility - 0/1
Special Abilities
Endurance +4 to a variety of skill checks. Sleep in L/M armor with no fatigue.
Far Shot Halve the range increment penalty for extended range.
Favored Enemy (Goblinoids +2) (Ex) +2 to rolls vs Favored Enemy (Goblinoids).
Favored Terrain (Forest +2) (Ex) +2 to rolls vs Favored Terrain (Forest).
Hero Points (1) Hero Points can be spent at any time to grant a variety of bonuses.
Point Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
Rapid Shot You get an extra attack with ranged weapons. Each attack is at -2.
Track +1 Add the listed bonus to survival checks made to track.
Wild Empathy +4 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.
I got the items on there, but not 100% of the gear if selected I will post the gear afterwards.
There is a alias for this but right now it is being used for a dead campgain I want to leave it like that till I know I get this spot sir.

GM Evo |

Hey everyone. Since the recruitment seems to have slowed down, I'm going to go ahead and take the following players:
The Party
Khalil - Human Rogue/Cleric of Calistria
Gorag - Half-Orc Alchemist/Monk
Filios Philandril - Elven Rogue Swashbuckler
Ojore - Mwangi Lion Shaman
Zuuruk - Human Druid
Kinota - Half Orc Scarred Witch Doctor/Sorcerer?
Drake Ghosthowl - Human Ranger
Ok. Yes, that's all of you. I struggled with this decision, but with the apparent attrition these games experience, the more the merrier, right?
Everyone head on over to the Discussion Thread and check in.

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Wulfgars Valisson
Human Two-weapon-fighter (dogslicers)
1. Where in Golarion where you born?
Trollheim , Land of Linnorm Kings
2. Why did you become a mercenary/adventurer?
Wulfgars left his home with his family,when he´s father asked them to met him in Absalom. The caravan was attacked by strange goblins , and everyone except him was killed. Using the skills learned in his homeland and neighbouring ones, paied by his father´s money , he chased down the attackers and killed the one that murdered his mother. He know wears those same Dogslicers as his signature mark weapons.In grief,he started drinking a lot, and getting jobs in caravans, until he arrived in Absalom. Then came the day when Cayden Cailean intervined, and he,during a hangover outside a Inn, saved a Venture-Captain of the Pathfinder Society. It was an old friend of his father, and that men , and the God Cayden Cailean saved his life that day, with him getting into the PFS....
3. How do you contribute on the battlefield?
I´m at the forefront of the batlle , and i take the lead in combat, doing a prayer of thanks to Cayden Cailean, and singing a Ulfen battle song while i rush unto them with my Dogslicers in hand, defending my comrades...
1. How strictly do you like to abide by the rules?
Always, as i GM myself , i don´t like when someone upsets the game i´m running, and spoils mine , and everyones hard-earned "immersion", just to do something out of the rules. So why would i even consider it?!
2. How many PBP games are you currently playing?
3. Have you ever played the Feast of Ravenmoor module?
1. I´m there in an assignament from the Pathfinder Society
2. I´m a Pathfinder agent for 4 years now
I have the backstory with more detail,and can post it if i get into the Campaign.
The PC is also already made.