The Fallen Shall Rise (Inactive)

Game Master Nazard

Brave aventurers help settle far-flung Arcadia for the glory of Taldor and the Known World.

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Nope, no intention of picking any fights. Although I fear Elorin might be multiclassing to rogue now. It appears he's found a treasure chest he wants to plunder. O_O;

Alexis adds Unseen Servant to her shopping list for level 2

I went ahead and bought some last-minute stuff that Biter would have had anyway, backpack, waterskin, etc.

Down to 1g, but i haven't picked up trail rations or anything. I'l be back on in the morning.

Male Dwarf Rogue 1

I know the dwarf is carrying alot of stuff...but he's a tool guy. He's gotta have his tools.

M Human Paladin 1

I haven't put anything for background yet. Suffice to say Gram is soft-spoken, strong, and kind.

I'll work on the exact background as we go. We can get started...I'm sorry it's going so slow. I'm not wanting CotCT or Kingmaker to lag, so it's eating into my time. Bits and pieces...he's coming together.

Pete: I was just looking at the requirements for Handy Haversacks and Bags of Holding. While they don't cost too terribly much, it's gonna be a looooong while before I can fashion any of them (CL 9). Hopefully we'll have a stable base of operations in which to leave all our "stuff".

Gram: No worries, I think everyone else has sacked-out for the night with the exception of you, Pete and I. If you show up at the tavern tonight, I'll have Alexis wake up to go rummaging for a midnight snack or something so we can meet in character.

Have you had a chance to read thru everyone's backstories for ideas on where things have been going? I can try to summarize if it would help, I've only just gotten to work and I've another 9.5 hours until quitting time...

Human Male Investigator (Steel Hound) 2 | HP 17/17 | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | Fort+2 Ref +5 Will +4 | Initiative +3 | Perception +9 (+10 vs. Traps)| Inspiration 4/4 | Grit 1/1

Nazard - Gregor is ready to go, all information is in his profile.

Looking around with a scowl on his face.

"How much longer till we get on the blasted boat? The sooner we're out of this damned city the better I tell ya."

Gregor: You might need to double-check the math for your ability scores. Removing the adjustments for aging, it looks like you would still have another 2 points to spend. That is, unless aging doesn't matter (at character generation) in which case you'd be over by 4.

EDIT: Also looks like Pete and Abbas may each be over by 1. I had to edit Alexis because she was over too. ^_^;

Male Dwarf Rogue 1

Thanks for pointing that out, Alexis. Yikes. All this time I was over! My only choice without overhauling my character is to cut off the 17 Con I had. That was my favourite part of the dwarf! He was already flat to begin with. Now he is just too flat.......and too charismatic...groan...

option 1:
ST 14 DX 14 CN 16 IT 14 WS 16 CH 8
Point Buy: 5+5+5+5+5=0 = 25

The only other option as far as I am concerned is take down his strength. Making him a bit wimpier, but keeping the flavour....

option 2:
ST 12 DX 15 CN 17 IT 14 WS 16 CH 7
Point Buy: 2+7+7+5+5-1 = 25

Any advice? I always had in mind a real tough, but clever and perceptive rogue with enough DEX to get by. What to do? I'm leaning to #2....

Took me a few minutes, but I just updated the ability score calculator I made to include aging effects. I've uploaded it to the library if anyone wants to make use of it: tyScoreCalculator%28PfRPG%29.xls?attredirects=0&d=1

Male Human Cleric 3

Personally I would go for option 2 str isnt that important for a Rogue as most of your damage will come from sneak attack and attack rolls from weapon finesse (if you take it). and you said your going for tough so more con is always good and the lowering of CHA is a given for a guy named "stinky Pete" lol

I agree with Abbas on option #2. You'll be able to bump those odd-numbered ability score up to grant an additional modifier much more easily if they are odd-numbered.

Also, bumping Dex up yields the same AC benefits as having Dodge. You could then take Weapon Finesse in its place to boost your attack rolls.

Male Dwarf Rogue 1

Yeah, but now Stinky Pete is becoming a little bit dandy with the finesse thing......which means he will have to go the TWF route....
you know he'll be quick drawing hatchets and hammers, forks and knives.... All along I pictured him sneak attacking with a big hammer!.....but you are right in the end. You have to let a rogue be a rogue....

ST 12 DX 16 CN 17 IT 14 WS 14 CH 7
Point Buy: 2+10+7+5+2-1 = 25

time to make adjustments...and thanks for the advice

Oh, I found another cool utility for streamlining PbP gameplay today. Here's the link in case any of you might find it useful:

Basically, ShortKeys allows you to define keyboard sequences that (when typed) will be replaced with a block of text that you specify.

So far I have 3 setup: d20 roll, attack, and whisper. Typing the following key sequences (without spaces in-between) automatically enters the associated text into whatever app I'm typing in (i.e. Chrome, IE8, Word, etc.). Then, I just go back and type out the particulars.

d w p
[ ooc] [ dice]1d20 + [/dice][/ooc]
Diplomacy 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

a t k
[ ooc]atk [ dice]1d20 + [/dice][/ooc] [ ooc]dmg [ dice]1d6 + [/dice][/ooc]
[ ooc]threat? [ dice]1d20 + [/dice][/ooc] [ ooc]dmg [ dice]1d6 + [/dice][/ooc]
atk: dagger 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (2) - 1 = 1 dmg 1d4 - 2 ⇒ (4) - 2 = 2
threat? 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (11) - 1 = 10 dmg ×2

w s p
[ smaller][ b]""[/b][/smaller]
"This is my leeeettle voice!"

EDIT: Had to add spaces to the output so you could actually see the tags. >.>

Male Dwarf Rogue 1

So I made the adjustments to correct the point spread for Stinky, and despite having to relinquish one point he is now a proper rogue....much better than before. He's got an axe for short range firing, a hammer for longer range and a heavy pick to get nasty in close.

Biter wrote:

I went ahead and bought some last-minute stuff that Biter would have had anyway, backpack, waterskin, etc.

Down to 1g, but i haven't picked up trail rations or anything. I'l be back on in the morning.

Rath has 9GP and change which he would absolutely give to Biter for Rations. Borrow what you need and let me know how much I have left. :)

Wait, you actually expect him to have money left over if he goes food shopping? And here I thought Wisdom was Alexis' dump stat! ;D

Alexis Kirmoon wrote:
Wait, you actually expect him to have money left over if he goes food shopping? And here I thought Wisdom was Alexis' dump stat! ;D

Nah... I just like to see if Biter can restrain himself. ;)

As soon as everybody "arrives" at the Anchor's Away, and "get's to bed", I can advance things to the next morning and off you go. Gregor and Gram, come join us in the common room.

Ravarath wrote:
Nah... I just like to see if Biter can restrain himself. ;)

Psh.... Biter is the very image of restraint.

that 1g is being held specifically for trail rations... should be enough, i would think.


Gregor, a man of few words... i love it.

Here I thought Rath was the quiet one...

Human Male Investigator (Steel Hound) 2 | HP 17/17 | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | Fort+2 Ref +5 Will +4 | Initiative +3 | Perception +9 (+10 vs. Traps)| Inspiration 4/4 | Grit 1/1
Biter wrote:


Gregor, a man of few words... i love it.

It's not that Gregor is a man of few's just the ones he does say you really don't want to hear.

Human Male Investigator (Steel Hound) 2 | HP 17/17 | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | Fort+2 Ref +5 Will +4 | Initiative +3 | Perception +9 (+10 vs. Traps)| Inspiration 4/4 | Grit 1/1
Alexis Kirmoon wrote:

Gregor: You might need to double-check the math for your ability scores. Removing the adjustments for aging, it looks like you would still have another 2 points to spend. That is, unless aging doesn't matter (at character generation) in which case you'd be over by 4.

EDIT: Also looks like Pete and Abbas may each be over by 1. I had to edit Alexis because she was over too. ^_^;

Good catch, fortunately 2 points are really easy to spend.

Regarding the ongoing conversation about money and gear, here are my thoughts. Naz has hinted often about how there might not be a lot of use for cash when we get to our destination, and the premise of his campaign is such that we should put some thought into spending that money wisely now.

We're taming the wilderness here, so purchases like a climber's kit or two (and a good amount of rope), would be smart.

Everyone needs durable and flexible clothing... weather can be a punk, and we want to be prepared.

Food should not be hard to come by, but we should have a week or two (each) of trail rations in their personal kit in case something bad happens. You never know when bad stuff will happen to the best-laid plans. A boat crashing at an inopportune time would really make things bad.

Enough tents/sleeping bags for everyone... ever try sleeping with rain pouring on your face?

Flint & Steel on at least one person.

Sun-rods, torches, or other light sources. biter is not worried about this, but any humans should be.

Of course, this is all well and good for Biter to suggest - as he has no left-over money.


Human Male Investigator (Steel Hound) 2 | HP 17/17 | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | Fort+2 Ref +5 Will +4 | Initiative +3 | Perception +9 (+10 vs. Traps)| Inspiration 4/4 | Grit 1/1

All good points, Biter. Gregor still has a little over 18gp left and I will add a few things to his gear when I get home from work tonight. As far as light sources we have multiple folk capable of casting Light, plus I have a couple of sunrods to boot. If no one else has flint and steel, and we are content with only one person having it, I have it already.

There are a lot of variables. If all three boats make it, we will have some 'scavengable' materials on them. Extra sail canvas can be used as tenting, etc. Unless we land on a desert or a heath, there should be wood enough for torches. I'm happy to throw my remaining cash into the purse for some key items. On my own (if I wanted to be armed :) ) I couldn't afford to purchase either a tent or climbing kit. And since I may very well be one of the lead climbers (Climb +8), if we had at least one kit, that would be great. Supply-wise (viewable on google) I have some food, bedroll, a couple of sunrods, whetstone, 50' silk rope, grappling hook, and flint&steel. Happy to share any and all items... especially happy to share the bedroll with some charming milkmaid - sharing 'warmth' and whatnot. :) I really do 'give til it hurts'.

So I'm tossing my cash in the communal pool 9GP 2SP 8CP.

Edit - Just checked my inventory - also have artisan tools, a sack, winter blanket, a steel mirror (for signaling, spying, or making myself look all puurty), and soap Pete.

Eh, Biter is honestly happy enough to rough it. Just thought I'd give folks the opportunity to make last-minute, necessary purchases.

Eben TheQuiet wrote:
Eh, Biter is honestly happy enough to rough it. Just thought I'd give folks the opportunity to make last-minute, necessary purchases.

When you fail that Climb check roll by 1 (sans kit) and plummet down that crevasse... you let me know how that strategy works out for you. :D

Seriously, Nazard's "John Smith & Pocahontas" analogy got me thinking this could be a very gritty - can you survive the wilderness, not just the unfriendly natives, kind of campaign. If so, the better prep'd we are, the more advantage we'll have. Character-wise, I'm willing to rough it - Monks are built tough - but a few extra essentials could be useful.

Yah, that was kind of my point with that earlier post of mine. of course, it's purely academic for Biter as he can't really contribute the the group monies.

Also keep in mind that your characters KNOW what things are likely to be like. As for where you are landing, all you really know is to expect some place with the latitude of New England/Atlantic Canada, so temperate climate, snow and cold in winter. While the expedition does have things like tents for the colonists when you first land, if you want tents, etc. for party exploration by themselves, you'll have to get it. Also, since you have a stopover in Absalom where your purchasing will have to happen, you will have the opportunity to pool your resources, trade gold around, which you don't normally have the luxury of doing during character creation (in other words, it'll have to happen in character, not before we start).

And yes, expect things to be rough. I won't say much, but I will mention that in my research to prep this campaign, I did read several websites detailing the effects of scurvy, just in case it came up!;)

And as for starting, I have to be out this evening (Atlantic Time), and expect to be able to make the first "official" post while watching the Penguins-Habs game. Game 7 between the hometown hero Crosby and the "localest" team Montreal. <<rubs hands with glee>>

One other thing, I am playing out the voyage across the ocean. There are several key moments that can't be skipped over, and it really gives you a chance to get to know many of the colonial personalities and start making alliances/enemies before you even reach land.

On an unrelated note, i just changed my second trait to Scurvy-Proof... hope that's cool.

Nazard wrote:
One other thing, I am playing out the voyage across the ocean. There are several key moments that can't be skipped over, and it really gives you a chance to get to know many of the colonial personalities and start making alliances/enemies before you even reach land.

Enemies? On our happy ship of non-conflicting personalities? Surely you jest?!

I'm all for sea 'moments' unless it starts out with "OK guys, so it is Day 3, in the open ocean past the Arch, and an amorous Kraken attracted by Pete's scent..."

Nazard wrote:
And yes, expect things to be rough. I won't say much, but I will mention that in my research to prep this campaign, I did read several websites detailing the effects of scurvy, just in case it came up!;)

(OO) *gulp* I'll take "Why I'm buying a sack of limes in Absolom" for $1000, Alex.

Male Human Cleric 3

edited my equipment listing really just added a suit of leather armor (to wear while on the ship drowning is not good and got a healers kit (the better to play the healer/surgeon with)

Okay, while prepping the first official post, some basic PbP philosophy, in case some here are PbP rookies.

This is collaborative story-telling, not me trying to squish players into a pre-selected storyline, nor is it me against players. I don't think it'll be a problem, given some of the RPing we've seen so far, but feel free to decide things for your characters involving NPCs. I can always say no, I don't like that, or no, that NPC wouldn't do that. For example, if you decide that your PC wants to start a dice game with a group of soldiers one night, feel free just to write it in, don't wait for me to say sure you find some soldiers willing to gamble. Don't be afraid to write for PCs sometimes too (like pulling on ropes holding large piles of dwarven equipment together, for example). If toes get stepped on, we can figure it all out in this thread; just try to keep everything friendly. Writing that you're up on deck and accidentally knock a PC overboard is probably okay, but knocking them overboard and saying that their gear washes away is over the line. In drama terms, we're "extending invitations" that other players can choose to accept or not.

With eight PCs in play, there's no way that I can't know everybody's stats and skill ranks, etc, so the honour system is in full force. Do try to keep things accurate, though.

With that all said, the first post is in draft as we speak and should be up in a little bit. Have fun all.

Oh, and I need e-mail addresses from Sully and Talomyr so you can have access to the campaign website.

Nazard wrote:

Oh, and I need e-mail addresses from Sully and Talomyr so you can have access to the campaign website.

Sully's Uber-Secret Email:

bandersnatch1110 at yahoo dot com

Before Rath meets a horrible and grisly death... I'd like to say I'm having a ball playing with you guys. This is a kick.

Also, once I die, I'm sure Alexis will go into mourning and wear black. So none of you will ever get that corset off her. :) You know the old saying - once you have Rath, you never... er... take a bath.

Human Male Investigator (Steel Hound) 2 | HP 17/17 | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | Fort+2 Ref +5 Will +4 | Initiative +3 | Perception +9 (+10 vs. Traps)| Inspiration 4/4 | Grit 1/1
Nazard wrote:

Oh, and I need e-mail addresses from Sully and Talomyr so you can have access to the campaign website.

Gregor's gear is updated and ready to go.

Talomyr's email:

ldeterman at hotmail dot com

I didn't realize the website OOC Tavern had a name. Should have called the inn in Cassomir The Soggy Duck!

Thanks for the ideas with the website. I especially love the one with the location and time zone.

There you go, folks. It's a small novella. Have at it.

Male Dwarf Rogue 1

Nazard. I do not have access to the website.

ersigen at yahoo dot ca

Stinky Pete wrote:

Nazard. I do not have access to the website.

** spoiler omitted **

Sorry, entered it as, not .ca

Hooray, another Canadian!

Male Dwarf Rogue 1

Vivent les Habitants! 5-2!

Stinky Pete wrote:
Vive les Habitants! 5-2!


Male Half-Orc Cleric 2

Sorry Nazard. But I still don;t have access. I think it requires a gmail address. Can you try sending an email to ....

cardanshroom at gmail dot com


We have a boat! Looks like Nazard added maps of our boat on the google site including chips for each of us. Hm... seems like this voyage may not be a pleasure cruise after all.

I was finally able to find my PDF copy of the Spell Compendium in an old backup on my external HDD earlier today. I updated Alexis' spellbook and swapped out a couple spells that should be more practical for the journey.

I'll try to get my reply to the RP thread finished once the damn phones here quit going nuts. >.>

Phew, finally had about 30 minutes where it was calm before it started up again. I'm gonna smite the HELL out of my phone things don't calm down here... >.<

Biter never thought he'd be on a booaatt!

also, at some point i'm sure i'll get less long-winded (maybe?)... i just wanted to make sure introductions happened to all the new characters...

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