The Avalon Chronicles

Game Master lynora

This is a high level rules light game set in a school for magical kids, kinda a mash-up of Soul Eater, Harry Potter, and X-Men. :)

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Yeah,what is up with my posts dissapearing!? D:

Anyways,can I try and get myself into the game somehow,or do you want me to wait until tomorrow?

sphar wrote:

Yeah,what is up with my posts dissapearing!? D:

Anyways,can I try and get myself into the game somehow,or do you want me to wait until tomorrow?

Yes, you have to wait. I need to look over the character first and then you need to let us work you into the game.


Alright then,since my posts keep dissapearing(what the heck?! D:),here's my character.

Hey lynora

I do still want to join, but i will get back to you tomorrow with more info, i was getting down with a flu but seem to have recovered. That means i have slept about 11 hours, and with the amount of schoolwork the university throws my way, that really dosnt leave much for anything remotely related to roleplaying. Now that im feeling better i will think it over and get back to you.

I presume its not a problem that im on UK time and not US.

nicklas Læssøe wrote:

Hey lynora

I do still want to join, but i will get back to you tomorrow with more info, i was getting down with a flu but seem to have recovered. That means i have slept about 11 hours, and with the amount of schoolwork the university throws my way, that really dosnt leave much for anything remotely related to roleplaying. Now that im feeling better i will think it over and get back to you.

I presume its not a problem that im on UK time and not US.

No, it's not a problem. And I understand about the schoolwork. I am drowning in it right now. Midterms. Ugh.

Anyways, glad you're feeling better. Don't feel like you need to rush to get stuff right now. I've got two more exams on Tuesday, so I'll be a bit scattered until then anyways. :)

Sae-avel-lylth wrote:
Alright then,since my posts keep dissapearing(what the heck?! D:),here's my character.

Hmmm. You're going to need to bump your hps up a bit. Make sure you're getting max hit points for every level. And if that's still below 150, well then up it to 150. Especially for a melee character that's really low at this level.

Also, the attack bonuses on the scimitars seem low. Can you tell me what the bonuses and properties on the scimitars are? I'm not seeing it at first glance, and I am sleep deprived, trying to study, and helping my kid with his homework at the moment so I may have missed something obvious. Humor me. :)

Keep in mind this is rules don't have to follow a class' framework verbatim, so feel free to think outside the box and play around with it a bit. You can even gestalt a bit. Just make sure you're aware of the mechanics involved in what youre trying to portray, everything else is gravy.
These guys are supposed to be a little over the top.

The only real stipulation is keep your damage to around 200-250 per round. Too much more than that and it becomes a pain to GM encounters, too far under that and your meleer will get out DPS'd by the caster ;)

See? What did I tell you? Super helpful people! :)

Thanks, Kryzbyn. :)

Heh high praise!

I just remember when I first joined I had the same kind of questions :)

Oh, another thing:
You can even go so far as to assign stats. Don't worry about point buys, or rolling, or having enhancement bonuses to augment your base stats, just assign them within reason. I used the advanced template to justify why Krays had higher than normal kobold stats early on, and Ryuzo's are very solid. Just go with it :P

Oh,I haven't even been getting max hp for every level.My HP should be...202.

Also,thanks Kryz :D

My attack bonus is +21 from:+14 BAB,+5 Dex,+1 Weapon Focus,+1 Enhancement bonus.

My scimitars are +1 Keen Scimitars. Should I up the Enhancement bonuses?

grr,I may have to remake my char.I am sucking BADLY compared to some other chars I've seen(A +37 attack??!? :O)

Kryzbyn's right--I set my own ability scores, in fact. My kobold expert/fighter/rogue is crazy minmaxed.

My guy will be too....let me see what his attack bonuses/damage would be while Dervish Dancing at level 20 with two +5 keen Scimitars....:

Attack Bonuses:+40/+40/+40/+40/+35/+35/+35/+35/+30/+30/+30/+30/+25/+25

Ummm....okay,so without anything but damage bonuses,let's say 10 of those hit,the damage would be 30d6.A +10 enhance bonus(I kno I'm not getting it :P) for an extra 100 damage,plus 20 from Strength,plus 50 from Dervish Dancing,plus 1d6+3 for TWR,and if I crit on any(which I probably will with a 15-20 crit range),it does 2d6 bleed damage and staggers them.

I won't be doing that,however :P

My old build was doing 3 attacks at 3d6 each... >_< if I crit,that would be 2d6 bleed.

I like to break systems :P

Anyways how is my character going to be integrated into the campaign?

Here's my updated character.

Up to page 100, awww so many lost friends :(

Anyway, on to business. I worry about my posting times. EST M-Fri 7:30PM-1:30am are almost always available. ( about every other Tues my schedule flip-flops and it would be 7:30am-1:00pm) Sat's are catch as catch can, I have two RL PnP games one in morning and one in evening that due to RL can have breaks up to a month each. Sundays are usually wide open.

Hoping for ah honest responce, are these hours conducive interactive play? If not, no worries, I will just continue to read the stories as they develop. And wish for lottery winnings so I can give up work and play all day. :P


Greg Wasson wrote:

Up to page 100, awww so many lost friends :(

Anyway, on to business. I worry about my posting times. EST M-Fri 7:30PM-1:30am are almost always available. ( about every other Tues my schedule flip-flops and it would be 7:30am-1:00pm) Sat's are catch as catch can, I have two RL PnP games one in morning and one in evening that due to RL can have breaks up to a month each. Sundays are usually wide open.

Hoping for ah honest responce, are these hours conducive interactive play? If not, no worries, I will just continue to read the stories as they develop. And wish for lottery winnings so I can give up work and play all day. :P


A lot of our gameplay happens during the day monday to friday. Some does occasionally happen in the evenings, but for some reason my family expects me to occasionally shut down the computer once in a while and pay attention to them. :P

Posting rarely happens on weekends. Most of us have too much RL stuff going on. Doesn't mean that there won't be an occasional post, but for the most part weekends are quiet.
Looking at your available times I wouldn't say that was a dealbreaker. You might have some challenges with schedule, but it's still workable. And if schedule becomes more challenging than you expected, you can always play a teacher since it's easy for them to drop in for brief interactions.

Sae-avel-lylth wrote:
Here's my updated character.

Looks much better. :)

Feel free to introduce yourself over in the discussion thread and I will do my best to get an intro up for you in the morning.

Oh, if we're doing max HPs, I've got a little math to do.

Edit:I imagine I'll be getting intro'ed soon as well?

Edit 2: 402 HPs, as opposed to 327.

lynora wrote:

A lot of our gameplay happens during the day monday to friday. Some does occasionally happen in the evenings, but for some reason my family expects me to occasionally shut down the computer once in a while and pay attention to them. :P
Posting rarely happens on weekends. Most of us have too much RL stuff going on. Doesn't mean that there won't be an occasional post, but for the most part weekends are quiet.
Looking at your available times I wouldn't say that was a dealbreaker. You might have some challenges with schedule, but it's still workable. And if schedule becomes more challenging than you expected, you can always play a teacher since it's easy for them to drop in for brief interactions.

Thanks for the quick responce. Yeppers, turning off the comp is a "good thing". I have been in denial about teaching staff, but perhaps that would be a better route. Prof Vakkler makes it look easy.

Things to think upon.



sphar wrote:

My guy will be too....let me see what his attack bonuses/damage would be while Dervish Dancing at level 20 with two +5 keen Scimitars....:

Attack Bonuses:+40/+40/+40/+40/+35/+35/+35/+35/+30/+30/+30/+30/+25/+25

Ummm....okay,so without anything but damage bonuses,let's say 10 of those hit,the damage would be 30d6.A +10 enhance bonus(I kno I'm not getting it :P) for an extra 100 damage,plus 20 from Strength,plus 50 from Dervish Dancing,plus 1d6+3 for TWR,and if I crit on any(which I probably will with a 15-20 crit range),it does 2d6 bleed damage and staggers them.

I won't be doing that,however :P

My old build was doing 3 attacks at 3d6 each... >_< if I crit,that would be 2d6 bleed.

I didn't think you could use Dervish Dance with two weapons. Granted, this would be the place it's possible.

Shadow Lodge

"Jim" Rivets wrote:
I didn't think you could use Dervish Dance with two weapons. Granted, this would be the place it's possible.

The Pathfinder Feat Dervish Dance, no. But the class feature of the 3.5 Dervish presitge class, yes.

I didn't max out krays' hit points... 0.0

I read my gunslinger comic this morning, so if a gestalted gunslinger/inquisitor shows up...

Kennit so, thankee sai.

Ah. I didn't use many PrCs when I played 3.5, so I don't know many of the abilities they have.

I made a nasty Dervish build in 3.5 starting with a basiran dancer (think monk/bard) from Kalamar...he dual weilded scimitars, or 2 handed a falchion...he could self buff, got a 20% miss chance from class features, he was fun. Elf, iirc.

*wipes blood off of his face* "Oh! Now you've gotten blood all over the duvet..."

One of my favorite characters in 3.5 was actually similar to Jim here. Warforged Artificer, prior to combat, he'd just buff the crap out of himself if possible, then he'd wade into melee and rarely get hit. Warforged and Artificers can both get pretty nasty pretty easily, but both together is quite powerful.

This is my fav character...ever.
Started out as a LE wood elf anti-paladin in 2nd ED 1992, and has since evolved through different game systems to a LN cosmic kind of samurai silver-surfer cosmo knight guy.

He always took risks, and the dice always fell into place for him, the more gutsy the better. Fun as hell...

Looks pretty BA. Would've loved to play in a game with him. I didn't start gaming until late 2009, so I never played 2nd ed. I started with 3.0/5, and then I got to Pathfinder.

My favorite PF character would have to be Udoeak Duskwalker, my Elven Alchemist from Numeria. The DM and I [Mostly the DM] worked out a kicka$$, 5-6page Background, but the basics are that he was an orphan, captured and sold as a slave as a kid to a merchant, got in a relationship with a fellow orphan, sh_t happens, he comes back to find her r_ped, and Udo kills the guy. Sadly, she figures out she's pregnant, so she kills herself. A few more things happen, and Udo joins the expedition into the Stolen Lands. If you want, I can send you more info. I'm trying to find the time to type it up in Google Docs, and I've almost got it done.

Dakryn looks familiar...

Funny I could say the same thing about you.

We make quite the handsome three, don't you think? No one we set our sights on will be able to resist! ;)


Shut up, you're in the wrong thread.

That's cool stuff Jim.
I'd have to write book to cover all of Dak's background.
He started out as a stolen baby raised on a remote island to become a knight of the 'evil' god of shadows. He passed his trials, and became a knight, then his missions to the mainland, against paldins of his nemesis, then against knights of the top god in the evil pantheon...needless to say he became his god's favorite and functioned as his avatar, with all the power that entails. That was just the beginning...

In those early days, as an example of how much the dice were with this one, he managed to one-shot an adult black dragon, by rolling a nat 20, then rolling max for sword damage and shadow damage. It took more damage in one hit than it had hp. DM declared Dak had split the dragon's skull, all the way down it's neck, in one stroke, then had the rest of the enemies make morale checks, and they crit failed. Thus, began the legend of Dakryn Mel'Arys...

That's pretty intense, Kryzbyn.

Yeah it was!
The DM and I have actually considered writing a book of his exploits...
It's insane stuff.
It would make me angry, though if people say "of course it happened that way! Author's license" not knowing random die rolls dictated the outcomes...

lynora wrote:
nicklas Læssøe wrote:

Hey lynora

I do still want to join, but i will get back to you tomorrow with more info, i was getting down with a flu but seem to have recovered. That means i have slept about 11 hours, and with the amount of schoolwork the university throws my way, that really dosnt leave much for anything remotely related to roleplaying. Now that im feeling better i will think it over and get back to you.

I presume its not a problem that im on UK time and not US.

No, it's not a problem. And I understand about the schoolwork. I am drowning in it right now. Midterms. Ugh.

Anyways, glad you're feeling better. Don't feel like you need to rush to get stuff right now. I've got two more exams on Tuesday, so I'll be a bit scattered until then anyways. :)

Yah i must admit im completely swamped in the schoolwork right now. And with my professors seeming to expect about 70 hour or more work weeks, i begin to doubt how much time i will have for playing. So i think i will have to catch a rain check on the game, and see if i at some point can squeeze it in. Seems like such a cool game, so i definately hope my schedule clears up.

I feel your pain, nicklas, I really do. I'm honestly not sure where I'm getting the time to do this myself. :)
Enrollment is always open, so if you do end up with time you are welcome to join in when you can.

Is enrollment stil open?

Enrollment is always open.


This will probably mean even more paperwork for me...

My character concept is a level 16 Advanced tengu 1/2 black dragon(4 lvls)with alchemist/witch gestalt (12 Lvls) coming in as a student. His wings are feathered so there is less chamce of being recognized as a dragonkin.

Gunslingermage wrote:
My character concept is a level 16 Advanced tengu 1/2 black dragon(4 lvls)with alchemist/witch gestalt (12 Lvls) coming in as a student. His wings are feathered so there is less chamce of being recognized as a dragonkin.

Can you give me some idea about his background before coming to Avalon? Basic ideas really, not necessarily details. He couldn't come from Agartha and be 1/2 black dragon, so I would need some way to get him there and some reason for him to stay. Also, we don't really use level adjustment, so he could just be straight up sixteenth level.

He was on patrol in his swamp and was captured by a tribe of Thri-kreen that thought he resembled their diety. They were going to worship him by sacrificing and eating him. He escaped into their temple and activated an old portal. The room he ended up in had a chest with his present gear and an invitation to the academy with his name on it and a letter with directions to the academy that was dated over seven hundred years ago.

Gunslingermage wrote:
He was on patrol in his swamp and was captured by a tribe of Thri-kreen that thought he resembled their diety. They were going to worship him by sacrificing and eating him. He escaped into their temple and activated an old portal. The room he ended up in had a chest with his present gear and an invitation to the academy with his name on it and a letter with directions to the academy that was dated over seven hundred years ago.

Why seven hundred years? I've got a time-traveller (or so, but one openly known) so I can make it work, but I'm curious aqs to why. Also...which parent was the dragon, mother or father?

Other background info includes: He was raised by a swamp hag. At 16 she sent him to the temple of Calistrian where he worked as an exotic prostitute for 5 years. He prefers to wear a kilt instead of pants. His kilt and armor are dyed with a green and purple tartan. He keeps his wings wrapped around him so that they look like a cloak.

Gunslingermage wrote:
Other background info includes: He was raised by a swamp hag. At 16 she sent him to the temple of Calistrian where he worked as an exotic prostitute for 5 years. He prefers to wear a kilt instead of pants. His kilt and armor are dyed with a green and purple tartan. He keeps his wings wrapped around him so that they look like a cloak.

How old is he? I mean, I know that half-dragons age more slowly than humans and all. I just want to know an equivalent. It is a school after all, so as a student he would need to be the equivalent of a teen to enroll as a student.

As far as which parent he does not know. 700 years, it took the spaceship that long to get to the other planet with him in hibernation where the swamp hag found him?

25 as far as he knows.

Don't need no baby mama drama. Wasn't me!

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