The Avalon Chronicles

Game Master lynora

This is a high level rules light game set in a school for magical kids, kinda a mash-up of Soul Eater, Harry Potter, and X-Men. :)

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Image Alternate Image Yet another alternate image this one showing at least a tattoo
David.De'Foul wrote:
"so um I'll just give you time to get ready...I'll just wait here if that's ok"

"Oh, uh, yeah, sorry. I don't usually sleep so long. cause it takes me a little bit to get going in the morning....I'll just be a couple minutes."

The door closes and there is a series of thuds, curses, the occasional splash, what sounds like an argument, more thuds, a little steam escaping under the door, and then a long silence. At the end of which Raelle came out of her room dressed in her school uniform, hair neatly brushed and styled, and slightly out of breath.

"Hey. So, uh....breakfast?"

Female Elf Gestalt Sorcerer (Starsoul) 16/Oracle (Heavens) 16
Jaiye wrote:
"Yeah, that sounds cool. Not so sure I'll remember all of what you say though. I'm not so good at the memorizing as you."

"Well, if all else fails, it is very beautiful up there. So it won't be a complete waste." Tyrrin's appetite seems to have returned, as she makes a serious dent in the rice.

Krisilanni Rashira wrote:

Krisilanni just nodded as the guy prattled on, not actually paying attention until he heard Tyrrin's name; then he was all ears. "Yeah, not right at all," he said about the last statement, though he had no intentions of sharing any of his own bacon. "Tyrrin, though? That elf girl? Seems we have a common enemy."

As if to solidify an alliance he wasn't sure he even had yet, Krisilanni shot a hand forward in an offering for a shake. "Krisilanni," he said, introducing himself. "And if you have a reason to get back at Tyrrin, I think we might be able to make something happen."

He shook Kris's hand. "Albin. Good to meet you."

"And yeah. Tyrrin and Jaiye both. Jaiye is like her enforcer. I'm so sick of both of them with all their got a plan to take them down a peg or two and I am all ears," he said nose twitching with excitement at the thought.

"male" Ooze? sorcerer 6, fighter 16, ??? 10.
Balamor Sinspinner wrote:
"Yeah, probably and we need to head to orientation."

"i see... well, let's see what school is like." *Roel is now following Balamor, wherever he goes till we get to orientation.

Male sorcerer 16 wilder (leader/telepath) 3 elocater 2, thrallherd 1, pyrokineticist 10.

dave stands there chuckling at the noise and really wishing that he knew what exactly caused them when he sees the door open "why yes, I was here to see if I could accompany you there"

Male Drow gestal: tower shield specialist 16 /malefactor 16

He heads straight for the orientation.

"male" Ooze? sorcerer 6, fighter 16, ??? 10.

Roel collapses into a puddle and waits until origination starts, or until someone speaks to him. he accidentally melts stuff here and there.

Male Drow gestal: tower shield specialist 16 /malefactor 16

Balamor sits and waits.

Male Human Rogue 16/Magus 9
True Seeing:
He is wearing a blank white mask

Sits, Waits, Watches

from a dark corner

RETIRED Seer 16 / Warlock 16

Ryckart wakes to a piece of paper flitting about his head. Upon reading it, he goes through the cafeteria and grabs a tray, taking it to go. The cafeteria was as loud as usual, but with no particularly amusing fights going on. He decides to eat his food on the outer wall of the school, to look out at what surrounds the school. As he is looking for a suitable place, he spies Ace and some little red lizard creature tied up. Ryckart sits on the wall and begins to eat.

Male Kitsune Oracle/Soulknife (16 Gestalt)
Albin wrote:

He shook Kris's hand. "Albin. Good to meet you."

"And yeah. Tyrrin and Jaiye both. Jaiye is like her enforcer. I'm so sick of both of them with all their got a plan to take them down a peg or two and I am all ears," he said nose twitching with excitement at the thought.

Krisilanni put a sinister smile on his face as he started to think, wondering if this would be the best time to use the hat, but maybe not...but still, it was Tyrrin.

"I have an idea already," he said as he pulled out the red hat from his pocket, showing it to Albin. He then started to whisper, "Some strange thing gave this to me, so I don't know if it works, but if it does, it'll be awesome. Apparently, when someone puts this on someone else, it turns them into the opposite gender. Only way to reverse it is by kissing or something, and I think it has to be the one who put the hat on the afflicted's head, so this could cause some awkward moments."


let me know how the orientation goes. and tres if you ever need to talk I'm always here for ya man

Sun returns to statue form

Image Alternate Image Yet another alternate image this one showing at least a tattoo
David.De'Foul wrote:
dave stands there chuckling at the noise and really wishing that he knew what exactly caused them when he sees the door open "why yes, I was here to see if I could accompany you there"

"Sounds good to me. I'm really looking forward to some burnt toast and a really big cup of coffee," she said, still fighting the urge to yawn.

male human monk 16

Lang will join Tres and Adon to orientation.

Krisilanni Rashira wrote:
Albin wrote:

He shook Kris's hand. "Albin. Good to meet you."

"And yeah. Tyrrin and Jaiye both. Jaiye is like her enforcer. I'm so sick of both of them with all their got a plan to take them down a peg or two and I am all ears," he said nose twitching with excitement at the thought.

Krisilanni put a sinister smile on his face as he started to think, wondering if this would be the best time to use the hat, but maybe not...but still, it was Tyrrin.

"I have an idea already," he said as he pulled out the red hat from his pocket, showing it to Albin. He then started to whisper, "Some strange thing gave this to me, so I don't know if it works, but if it does, it'll be awesome. Apparently, when someone puts this on someone else, it turns them into the opposite gender. Only way to reverse it is by kissing or something, and I think it has to be the one who put the hat on the afflicted's head, so this could cause some awkward moments."

Albin grinned. "So the question is who to put it on, and when to cause the most embarrassment and chaos. Like maybe if you put it on her right before she walks into the girls locker room or something."

Male sorcerer 16 wilder (leader/telepath) 3 elocater 2, thrallherd 1, pyrokineticist 10.

dave holds out his arm and assuming she takes it walks her down to the cafateria with skeets meeting them on the way

Male Kitsune Oracle/Soulknife (16 Gestalt)
Albin wrote:
Albin grinned. "So the question is who to put it on, and when to cause the most embarrassment and chaos. Like maybe if you put it on her right before she walks into the girls locker room or something."

Krisilanni gave that idea some thought, but having to let Tyrrin kiss him to reverse the effect made him cringe, especially since that meant it would have to be in a male form. "While that does work..." he said, shuddering a bit. "I was thinking that maybe we could trick...whoever else you were having a quarrel with to put it on Tyrrin's head, and not tell them how to reverse it."

Krisilanni wrote:
Albin wrote:
Albin grinned. "So the question is who to put it on, and when to cause the most embarrassment and chaos. Like maybe if you put it on her right before she walks into the girls locker room or something."
Krisilanni gave that idea some thought, but having to let Tyrrin kiss him to reverse the effect made him cringe, especially since that meant it would have to be in a male form. "While that does work..." he said, shuddering a bit. "I was thinking that maybe we could trick...whoever else you were having a quarrel with to put it on Tyrrin's head, and not tell them how to reverse it."

"Yeah, you're right! That's even better! Jaiye's mean, but not so much in the brains department. We could totally trick her into doing it! I like how you think," he said, rapidly nibbling a piece of bacon.

Male Kitsune Oracle/Soulknife (16 Gestalt)

"Then it's settled," he said, a little eager to see Tyrrin suffer. "You'll give the hat to Jaiye and tell her to put it on Tyrrin's head, and we can watch from a distance and see the chaos." Krisilanni then handed the hat to Albin, whispering still. "Just make sure that Tyrrin doesn't suspect a thing when you give this to Jaiye."

Male Human Gestalt: Binder 16, Wizard (Enchanter) 6

Treisdan goes to sit near the front, but not not in the front row

RETIRED Seer 16 / Warlock 16

After watching the episode with Ace and the red lizard, Ryckart will head to the orientation so that he isn't late.

pre-ret-conning here as i dont think they finished it but i dont want detention

Male sorcerer 16 wilder (leader/telepath) 3 elocater 2, thrallherd 1, pyrokineticist 10.

as apparently we're just going to the orientation first, I'm going to say that Dave ate with Raelle and then went to the orientation
on his way to the orientation, dave met up with skeets to check over supplies
"ok so you got the giant foam finger"
"drink hat"
"confeti cannon"
"no sir, closest I could get were single use confeti guns"
"that will have to work, come on I don't want to be late,"
I am unaware if returning students come to the orientation, if so he sits with Raelle, if not he tries to find Ace

Male Quasit (Demon) Gestalt Vitalist/Psion(Telepath) 16
Ehos Denulia wrote:
Ehos was already seated in the cafeteria with Phaezeriel [ooc](invisibile if he so chooses) when Tyrrin entered. That was 5 nights in a row that he hadn't come back to the room they shared. It was worrisome, but if he brought his concern to her attention, she would be dismissive. Best leave her to her obsession. ::Phaeze, how are you still a student here? You really should be a teacher with your mastery over your abilities. I can't imagine you learn much in class.::

Phaeze turns his odd silver eyes to Ehos, ::It is not control of my abilities for which I am here. I am still a demon. It is to master myself that I am here. I am not ready to trust myself being in charge of others.::

Male Kobold? Unknown
"Ace" wrote:
The young man leans down and cuts the binding on kobold's mouth. "Hi there"

The kobold works his jaw a few times, inadvertantly displaying viscious teeth. When he speaks again, he has a very odd way of speaking, I bid thee good morning and thank thee for severing my bonds. Would thou mind terribly cutting the rest of these ropes as well?

Both Doppelganger Except younger looking Factotum 16/Taskshaper 6/Chameleon 10(Gestalt)

"Gladly good sir" And the youth does just that.

Female Aasimars - Archon-Blooded HP:99/99|AC:20(t:16,ff:14)|F:+11|R:+8|W:+13|CMD:24|CMB:+7|Init:+3 Per:+18 Lesser Angel of Death, LE Cleric [Law/Death] L9

Rosa is waiting in the SIMs with her fellow teachers for any student that come for the other orientation

Some appears in the school at several places at once before heading for 1st days orientation. Its very small and seems to shift about a lot.

Its little more than a blur, but for a few moments its solid, standing some 6" high the small female elf like being asks every one she meets very fast.

"Hellosorrylookingforthe1stdaysorientationwastolditsaroundheresomeplacegosh lookslikeimlatenormalthatalwaysseemtohavethewongtimesothisorientationanyide awhereitcouldbe?"

Image of STAR LIGHT 6" high

male Elf Image gestalt: A: 6 scholar / 14 inquisitor. B: 8 monk / 2 pathfinder chronicler / 10 ninja.

"Good day Rosa. So the year officially starts today." The young elven monk pulls a book from his satchel. "I do hope there will be enough things for me to write about."

Female Aasimars - Archon-Blooded HP:99/99|AC:20(t:16,ff:14)|F:+11|R:+8|W:+13|CMD:24|CMB:+7|Init:+3 Per:+18 Lesser Angel of Death, LE Cleric [Law/Death] L9

"You missed the events in the medical wing last night, Miss Jones had help that student with the split personality problems luckily he was helped, Im heading to the SIM room and I hope a number of students who miss the orientation"

male Elf Image gestalt: A: 6 scholar / 14 inquisitor. B: 8 monk / 2 pathfinder chronicler / 10 ninja.

"Oh I didn't miss it I just observed with out alerting anyone to my presence. Intelligence gathering was one of my primary role's back home... I do apologist if you would have preferred knowing I was observing but I find it much more useful many times to not disrupt the on goings." A smirk rises across his face as though he just remember something comical. "Sometime I'll have to tell you about how I met the friends I adventured with. If you don't mind I would like to accompany you. I figure it will be good to observe the students entering a strange environment."

Female Aasimars - Archon-Blooded HP:99/99|AC:20(t:16,ff:14)|F:+11|R:+8|W:+13|CMD:24|CMB:+7|Init:+3 Per:+18 Lesser Angel of Death, LE Cleric [Law/Death] L9

Rosa's face stays as impassive as ever it can be hard to read the inner thinkings of a Robot, but but she is not that expressionless, her mechanical face smiles.

"I would like that a lot Salis, why not tell me now wile we walk, it wile wile away the time."

Students rush past seeking to make the head masters meeting,

"I have a servitor at the orientation so will follow it by means of they, it helps to have lots of oneself spreed around, keep an eye on students doing things they should not. If you like I can play you a recording of the duel that happened yesterday, very sport men like and they shook hands at the end."

She steps over a small dwarf running to fast to see her.

male Elf Image gestalt: A: 6 scholar / 14 inquisitor. B: 8 monk / 2 pathfinder chronicler / 10 ninja.

"It would be nice to see what those two are capable of. Well it's rather short story one that never has made it in to the book I have written about our travels. It takes away from the heroic I try to highlight about them. Well when i first might the group I traveled with we were just out side of a small village in the jungle. I had been making my way to the temple there. I had heard that the temple had been founded to keep a holy relic hidden. On my way there I decided to take a few notes on some of the herbs in the region that medicinal purposes. So I had stepped off the trail and was documenting how to tell the herbs from others, when a small group of people came chasing a fairy. Well I took the chance to observe the fairy a bit while they were there. It was quite an innocent thing but it seems that it had been pranking the group. Well during there hustling the fairy got away. As I figured it would since that particular breed could turn invisible. Well I finished up my notes on the herbs and stood up. Bewildered by the presences of a another traveler that none of them noticed while searching for the fairy, the leader of the group struck out at me. Alass though he had forgot the dense foliage and got his arm stuck in some vines. After that I initiated a conversation with them and thus how we met."

While telling the story he became quite animated moving his arms around to simulate details in the story.

Female Aasimars - Archon-Blooded HP:99/99|AC:20(t:16,ff:14)|F:+11|R:+8|W:+13|CMD:24|CMB:+7|Init:+3 Per:+18 Lesser Angel of Death, LE Cleric [Law/Death] L9

"Fascinating, may I ask where had the come from, before the meet you?"

Male Human Rogue 16/Magus 9
True Seeing:
He is wearing a blank white mask

Just pointing this out: Dave had Balamor's Token thingy...Which dissapeared... Will he ever find it again?

Male sorcerer 16 wilder (leader/telepath) 3 elocater 2, thrallherd 1, pyrokineticist 10.

no idea, after the anouncements he's going to send skeets to check the entier area out with a metaphorical fine toothed comb. when he's not busy he's going to go there himself.

Male Human Rogue 16/Magus 9
True Seeing:
He is wearing a blank white mask

Why not send skeets now... Gives you a mini Rp session & Skeets can get the info from ur brain later

Image Alternate Image Yet another alternate image this one showing at least a tattoo

Raelle devoured a small mountain of burnt toast at breakfast, as well as an extra large mug of black coffee. She looks much more aware of her surroundings now.

She laughed as she saw all the stuff Dave was bringing. "I missed last year's orientation since the term was nearly over when we got here, but from what I've heard about it you'd get along well with my brother-in-law." ^.^

male human monk 16

Lang will take a seat next to Tres. Looking about the room for any familiar faces or maybe even unfamiliar ones (which there are alot of).

Lang whispers to Tres. I heard some of the others talking about some duel. Do you know who it was?

Male Elf Bard 14/Sorcerer (Maestro) 14
Phaezeriel wrote:
Phaeze turns his odd silver eyes to Ehos, ::It is not control of my abilities for which I am here. I am still a demon. It is to master myself that I am here. I am not ready to trust myself being in charge of others.::

::If you say so, but I think others would disagree. I think we might have all died if you were there to direct the collective when we were fighting the infernal machine.:: Ehos was become more and more of a meat-eater the longer he stayed here. He had never touched bacon before he had come, but now he couldn't resist it.

Male Human Gestalt: Binder 16, Wizard (Enchanter) 6

I actually don't really but I know that David was involved and I think Ace was in it too... but that's just an assumption....I dont know if it actually was them" Treisdan responds in a low voice

Male sorcerer 16 wilder (leader/telepath) 3 elocater 2, thrallherd 1, pyrokineticist 10.
Raelle del Sol wrote:

Raelle devoured a small mountain of burnt toast at breakfast, as well as an extra large mug of black coffee. She looks much more aware of her surroundings now.

She laughed as she saw all the stuff Dave was bringing. "I missed last year's orientation since the term was nearly over when we got here, but from what I've heard about it you'd get along well with my brother-in-law." ^.^

dave pauses in his checklist and food eating "oh and who might that be? and what did you hear, I hope I'm not copping something that's already been done that would just be boring, question do you think using Desna candles would be a bit too much?"

Male Dhampir Champion of Darkness, Order of the Gunslinger initiate

Well last year the school president got slimed it was awesome. Unmarked I wonder if Jimmy would be willing to prank Ace for upsetting Vain last night....

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Drow gestal: tower shield specialist 16 /malefactor 16

FYI if I'm anywhere near the person being pranked.....I'm in trouble

M Advanced tengu 1/2 Black Dragon 16 Gestalt Alchemist/Witch

Khassar grabs a bowl of grits and a few slices of gator bacon before heading to the orientaion.

Male sorcerer 16 wilder (leader/telepath) 3 elocater 2, thrallherd 1, pyrokineticist 10.
Asch Redgrave wrote:
Well last year the school president got slimed it was awesome. Unmarked I wonder if Jimmy would be willing to prank Ace for upsetting Vain last night....

I know this, Dave doesn't

Female Nymph Touched Fetchling Bard

Umbri stepped out of her Room at 6 in the morning with Rin. leading the sylph to the cafeteria for a silent early breakfast and to raid the lost and found to supply Rin with a source of fresh clothes before orientation.

when the 2 attend orientation, they will be perfectly silent and listen meticulously.

Rin will get up at 4 in the morning, spending her first hour reading her spellbook and preparing spells

Umbri will awaken at 5 in the morning, spend 30 minutes refocusing spell slots and supply both of them with a prestidigitation spell for cleanliness and Presentability.

the 2 will also sit in the back row and (despite their high charismas) seem socially invisible as part of the background.

still in nevada, found a pocket to post at starbucks

Male Human Rogue 16/Magus 9
True Seeing:
He is wearing a blank white mask

Umbri and Rin are copying me...

Image Male Human (Paragon) Gestalt Monk 14 / Fighter (Unarmed) 7 / Elemental Fist 5 / Enlightened Scholar 2 / [CLASSIFIED] 6 (^-^); Champion of Courage
Vai Sunwake wrote:
Vai had in fact managed to wake up in time for Fei's usual morning routine. Except instead of books and studies, she brought her harp with her today. Fieri's lessons had been paying off. Though Vai was in no way a great player, you could probably say she was good. She usually plucked the right string anyway. She was a little early at the pair's usual spot.

Like clockwork, Fei was up well before sunrise, quickly making his cot before ensuring there were no overnight tasks that needed to be addressed in the Materials and Supplies building. That done, he makes his way to the western green, where Vai is already waiting.

He greets her warmly, nodding with approval at the harp by her side, before beginning his morning katas and obeisances to Lathander.


As I am not sure if you have specifics planned or not, I will leave this open for them or for moving on to breakfast and orientation with the others.

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