The Avalon Chronicles

Game Master lynora

This is a high level rules light game set in a school for magical kids, kinda a mash-up of Soul Eater, Harry Potter, and X-Men. :)

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male Elf Image gestalt: A: 6 scholar / 14 inquisitor. B: 8 monk / 2 pathfinder chronicler / 10 ninja.

I would Make start of class intro but seeing as how so few PC student are in magical theory I guess I will hold off.

Male Sylph Oracle(Spellscar)/Sorcerer(Djinni Bloodline) Gestalted 16

Rahz will be in Magical Theory at some point; I just plopped him in advanced illusion because...well, Raelle was there and I didn't know where I should've put him. >w>

Male sorcerer 16 wilder (leader/telepath) 3 elocater 2, thrallherd 1, pyrokineticist 10.

As a note Dave did say ghost hand to Raelle before waving to you, though she is unlikely to make a big deal of it.

Human being Game Master and all round good egg
Dom Waverider wrote:

"I'm still left out in the cold." Snow falls around him.

He's not telling any one he made the it snow.

All you left outs you come join Johnny, he don't care man, She's not playing by any ones rules, not working for the man, or becomming a Square. Hes thinking of starting a Biker Gang, making a club house by the lake, Late night partys. Going to call the gang "The Left Outs" you know, hows that sound, hit the roads of the planet on days off and just ride into towns, a hooting and a hollering.


You just see tonight (game time) I has plans

Male Human Druid

Well, that would really only matter if she knew that Rahz was the one who cast the Ghost Sound. It didn't seem like he was pointed out, though, so I don't really think that matters, and even if he was recognized, probably wouldn't amount to much other than just the fact she knew his face from the cafeteria.

Male sorcerer 16 wilder (leader/telepath) 3 elocater 2, thrallherd 1, pyrokineticist 10.

Just after it I turned to him and waved, but that is also a valid point.

Human being Game Master and all round good egg
Salis of Bletherad wrote:
I would Make start of class intro but seeing as how so few PC student are in magical theory I guess I will hold off.

Ye Salis we need you man, you the magic know kind and you have 2 none magic uses stuck in the class as well.

male Elf Image gestalt: A: 6 scholar / 14 inquisitor. B: 8 monk / 2 pathfinder chronicler / 10 ninja.

Oh I'm sticking around. I'm useful in so many ways. Justobserving that there are so few PCs involved in his class to justify a in class intro.

Too bad too the intro I have in mind is a lot like Snapes potions class intro in HP, but I can't blame people for avoiding his class. I would be a boring teacher. Too much of a book worm.

I know he has many uses past magical theory because I have played him in a table top game for a few years. This one is a conversion from the system he was played in. I kinda miss playing him, since he has been retired. So I shall have fun with him here.

Male sorcerer 16 wilder (leader/telepath) 3 elocater 2, thrallherd 1, pyrokineticist 10.

Hmm heavily attuned to magic, that's Dave, but how to make him react. Decisions decions...
Ill make it part of his next post.

Male sorcerer 16 wilder (leader/telepath) 3 elocater 2, thrallherd 1, pyrokineticist 10.

Heh a potential minor emergancy that doesn't involve Dave, I had almost forgot what they looked like ;P

Gift AC 12/FF10/T10 CMB 14 | F+4 R+2 W+2 | HP 16/16| Init+4 | PP23/23

We need you Salis, Adon just went POW!!!

male Elf Image gestalt: A: 6 scholar / 14 inquisitor. B: 8 monk / 2 pathfinder chronicler / 10 ninja.

I noticed. Though it seems I might end up getting hurt by this, at least I'll know somethings happened.

Male sorcerer 16 wilder (leader/telepath) 3 elocater 2, thrallherd 1, pyrokineticist 10.
Johnny Panic wrote:
We need you Salis, Adon just went POW!!!

and then he went puke,

Is it weird that when I read this I thought "Salis I choose YOU"

male Elf Image gestalt: A: 6 scholar / 14 inquisitor. B: 8 monk / 2 pathfinder chronicler / 10 ninja.
David.De'Foul wrote:
Johnny Panic wrote:
We need you Salis, Adon just went POW!!!

and then he went puke,

Is it weird that when I read this I thought "Salis I choose YOU"


Congrats Adon you hit me. Ouch.

male human gestalt fighter 15/duelist 9, rouge 5, monk 1
Salis of Bletherad wrote:
David.De'Foul wrote:
Johnny Panic wrote:
We need you Salis, Adon just went POW!!!

and then he went puke,

Is it weird that when I read this I thought "Salis I choose YOU"


Congrats Adon you hit me. Ouch.

Spoons? how are you talking to me? did i kill the poor little spoonS!?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....

Male sorcerer 16 wilder (leader/telepath) 3 elocater 2, thrallherd 1, pyrokineticist 10.

Adon dero, spoon killer.

male Elf Image gestalt: A: 6 scholar / 14 inquisitor. B: 8 monk / 2 pathfinder chronicler / 10 ninja.

Ninja Down!!! Ninja Down!!!

Does the wards send teachers to the medical ward, if they get hurt?

Male Icy Catfolk Image Warlock/Rogue 16
David.De'Foul wrote:

Adon dero, spoon killer.

third worst super power ever after after caring about people and reverb boy

Male sorcerer 16 wilder (leader/telepath) 3 elocater 2, thrallherd 1, pyrokineticist 10.
Tybalt Baneko wrote:
David.De'Foul wrote:

Adon dero, spoon killer.

third worst super power ever after after caring about people and reverb boy

did you not see the block of actual published superheroes that have really sucky powers, as an example I forgot, my baby brother watches "word girl" and "super why and the super readers" they have the power, get this... To read.. And spell in the case of word girl...


Male Icy Catfolk Image Warlock/Rogue 16

Dave you could probably respond to Tybalt's ridiculous notion of the magic being stolen. He has 14 wisdom I decided it's time to act like it.

Male sorcerer 16 wilder (leader/telepath) 3 elocater 2, thrallherd 1, pyrokineticist 10.

We both have 14 wis right? Hmm how to respond... Thinking... I'm in the middle of a class (which you are potentially disputing) and Dave is quite lawful, (once he knows and is made to understand the rules as expected of him of course) so he won't just ditch, hmmm if classes were not going on Dave would fly to the epicenter if the anti magic, find out the sourse and find out if it needs killing.

Male sorcerer 16 wilder (leader/telepath) 3 elocater 2, thrallherd 1, pyrokineticist 10.

Oh my Johnny is doing something potentially very dangerous with potential long term consequences without realizing it...
Just another Thursday round here right?

Human being Game Master and all round good egg

Ok Let me tell you of NOVA-BOY

NOVA-BOY who's super power is, He can make the sun go SuperNover,
Only the sun hes next to and other than that hes human, and when I say next to I mean with in blast range.

that's right and his tag line.


No 1 most useless super hero ever

male Elf Image gestalt: A: 6 scholar / 14 inquisitor. B: 8 monk / 2 pathfinder chronicler / 10 ninja.

Hmm man I can see wards working for teachers but i can also see reasons them working for teachers wouldn't be great.

Shadow Lodge

Dead Lad. Worse than Nova Boy.

Male Human Druid

As far as I gather, the wards work for students and staff alike.

Male More Human than Human Rogue 10 / Fighter 6 / Shadowdancer 10 / Void Incarnate 4
Vai Sunwake wrote:
Ah yes... I remember now. So either Fei isn't human, or there is something else in the works ;)

Oh Fei is quite human...if IMay borrow from my own description for the Dalesman (and the song title), he is "more human than human" even.


Male sorcerer 16 wilder (leader/telepath) 3 elocater 2, thrallherd 1, pyrokineticist 10.

In sky high there was the guy who's power was that he could melt (note he could not move while melted) a kid who glew in the dark, and a girl who could shape shift... Into a guinnie pig. I still say 40 year old baby man, flightless stinger-less bee man, and doctor formerly evil are the worst though the bouncing boial, (I can't spell that, I refer to the facial blemish) who's power was that he had an evil intelegent boial on his face and could bounce with it, he gets an honorable mention.

male Elf Image gestalt: A: 6 scholar / 14 inquisitor. B: 8 monk / 2 pathfinder chronicler / 10 ninja.

That's what I was thinking as well. Was just hoping it was choice for teachers. Unless unconscious, of course.

male human gestalt fighter 15/duelist 9, rouge 5, monk 1
Salis of Bletherad wrote:
Hmm man I can see wards working for teachers but i can also see reasons them working for teachers wouldn't be great.

well, the wards probably are disabled for a little in this area...

Male Icy Catfolk Image Warlock/Rogue 16

Anyone who watchez the big bang theory knows that aqua man sucks. Original robin was pretty bad and then the movie and teen titans made him a bad @$$.

male Elf Image gestalt: A: 6 scholar / 14 inquisitor. B: 8 monk / 2 pathfinder chronicler / 10 ninja.

True true. Though it might be odd to be sent to the ward after picking myself up and walk to the occurrence the poofing once the magic returns.

Male sorcerer 16 wilder (leader/telepath) 3 elocater 2, thrallherd 1, pyrokineticist 10.
Tybalt Baneko wrote:
Anyone who watchez the big bang theory knows that aqua man sucks. Original robin was pretty bad and then the movie and teen titans made him a bad @$$.

Aqua man is the krilin of the DC universe, powerfull, fairly skilled, but not respected by anyone because he's overshadowed by awesome, despite the fact that he is stronger than some of the other leaugers (well mostly just green arrow)

male human gestalt fighter 15/duelist 9, rouge 5, monk 1
Salis of Bletherad wrote:
True true. Though it might be odd to be sent to the ward after picking myself up and walk to the occurrence the poofing once the magic returns.

depends on what it recognizes you as... if you aren't hurt bad i wouldn't think it would teleport you.

Male Icy Catfolk Image Warlock/Rogue 16

He only has powers in the ocean. What if a crime happens in a landlocked area? Aqua man gets nothing. All the villains movr to a desert base? "Sorry guys can't get a giant squid in the sahara! Have fun I'll be here breathing fish water and oil spill while you're gone."

male Elf Image gestalt: A: 6 scholar / 14 inquisitor. B: 8 monk / 2 pathfinder chronicler / 10 ninja.

I can't say I wouldn't be badly injured. That's 1350lbs of books Not to mention the arrows that would have shot out as well.

Male sorcerer 16 wilder (leader/telepath) 3 elocater 2, thrallherd 1, pyrokineticist 10.
Tybalt Baneko wrote:
He only has powers in the ocean. What if a crime happens in a landlocked area? Aqua man gets nothing. All the villains movr to a desert base? "Sorry guys can't get a giant squid in the sahara! Have fun I'll be here breathing fish water and oil spill while you're gone."

deserts yeah he's screwed but its not true that he's only strong in the water, he still has his super strength enhanced speed and agility and his freaking lightning stick.

male human gestalt fighter 15/duelist 9, rouge 5, monk 1

i might have to go soon. if i dissapear until tomarrow with no other warning, sorry.

Adon Derro wrote:
Salis of Bletherad wrote:
Hmm man I can see wards working for teachers but i can also see reasons them working for teachers wouldn't be great.
well, the wards probably are disabled for a little in this area...

I'd like to meet the student that can strip an artifact of it's powers, even temporarily. Mostly because I'd have to make special living quarters for them.

male Elf Image gestalt: A: 6 scholar / 14 inquisitor. B: 8 monk / 2 pathfinder chronicler / 10 ninja.

Oh well I'll make my way from the medical ward.

male human gestalt fighter 15/duelist 9, rouge 5, monk 1
Headmaster Ryo wrote:
Adon Derro wrote:
Salis of Bletherad wrote:
Hmm man I can see wards working for teachers but i can also see reasons them working for teachers wouldn't be great.
well, the wards probably are disabled for a little in this area...
I'd like to meet the student that can strip an artifact of it's powers, even temporarily. Mostly because I'd have to make special living quarters for them.

this is 15 years of pent up antimagic... probably never going to happen again... and it would be about a 200 foot sphere of disabled ward... it might not be strong enough, i donno.

You might get them to lower for a few rounds, but they aren't completely shutdown.

male human gestalt fighter 15/duelist 9, rouge 5, monk 1
Headmaster Ryo wrote:
You might get them to lower for a few rounds, but they aren't completely shutdown.

what i meant was that they stopped working near me for a little while. so yea, lowered. likely won't be able to teleport me for a while longer though, not because it's down, it just can't pull me. course, that will wear off once the antimagig diffuses soon, and then POP! there he goes, to wherever.

If we could not have salis be teleported, Vai is in his magical theory class. Could make for some roleplay.

male Elf Image gestalt: A: 6 scholar / 14 inquisitor. B: 8 monk / 2 pathfinder chronicler / 10 ninja.

lol By the time Salis gets to your class room you might have popped in to the Medic ward.

male Elf Image gestalt: A: 6 scholar / 14 inquisitor. B: 8 monk / 2 pathfinder chronicler / 10 ninja.

Well I will be coming back through the halls ether way. So she could come across him on his way checking if everyone is all right.

male human gestalt fighter 15/duelist 9, rouge 5, monk 1

Didn't want this to happen. never expected all this power to be forced out at once, but with the circumstances, i couldn't think of anything else that would happen...

i just hope I'm not screwing this up...

male Elf Image gestalt: A: 6 scholar / 14 inquisitor. B: 8 monk / 2 pathfinder chronicler / 10 ninja.

Hey I have never seen Salis get that beat up. So I'm enjoying it.

Nah, you're good until you turn the planet inside-out. That's a bad thing, apparently.

Female Half-elf Gestalt Sorcerer6/Dragon Disciple9 // Rogue (Swashbuckler)8/Duelist7

Vai doesn't think so Taron.

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