Pixel Cube |

This has probably already been done here, but I don't see anything active at the moment so I might as well start one myself.
I would like to make a basic tournament for character: basic arena fighting or magical duels. This could be the chance to try the most powerful build you have in mind, fight with a character that is not in a campaing at the moment and put the performace weapons rules to good use.
I was thinking of dividing the arena into 4 main Leagues:
- Performance/Gladiator combat.
- Regular combat (no performance rules).
- Tricksters/Dirty fighting combat (for weaker but cunning participants).
- Magical duels.
All fights would be 1v1, opponents are assigned at random. Beating your opponent gives you a level advancement, a money prize to spend in equipment and your opponent's stuff (which can be sold). If you lose, you can enter the tournament again with the same character or a character with the same level and gold of the last one you played.
Some more ground rules:
- All LA0 races, classes and archetypes are allowed.
- No homebrews and 3rd party content.
- Average starting gold, plus a cure light wounds potion.
- You start at level 1, and get maximum hp at every level.
- 20 point buy.
- No traits.
- Every one who is not fighting in a specific combat and whose character is not in the same League could act as a referee for that fight, effectively acting as the DM of the situation.
- Additional rules about the terrain, engagement and such depending on the League you play in.
Bear in mind that these are all basic rules and that I'm open to suggestions. Don't post your character here yet, just tell if you are interested and give your suggestions. As soon as we gather enough interst, we can set up the actual arena where your character can go and sign up for the fight (a chance to RP your character a bit and to meet your opponent beforehand).
Now, let's see some blood spill!

Azure_Zero |

Very tempting pixel cube
Some more ground rules:
- All LA0 races, classes and archetypes are allowed. No homebrews.
- Average starting gold, plus a cure light wounds potion.
- You start at level 1, and get maximum hp at every level.
- 20 point buy.
- No traits.
So what about 3PP content.
The LA 0 races, does that include Changeling, Assimar, tiefling etc..

Pixel Cube |

I think then you are refering to CR, not LA.
As LA does not exist in the pathfinder system.so it would be CR's less then 1.
You are right. Maybe a full list of the "legal" races would help.
Very interested! Are Maguses classed under magical duels or the standard stuff?
Your pick. Maguses could actually fare well in both leagues.
I'm coming up with more ideas, will post them tomorrow.

Eben TheQuiet |

The race thing is an interesting issue. While I like the idea of opening up to other races, i think it's fairly obvious that the core races are a bit less powerful than many of the other Bestiary races. I think you're asking for a lot of non-core gladiators, honestly.
I've been in a couple of these things, and while I enjoy them, they've all fallen apart after a few months. Usually because the guy who got it started lost interest or didn't have the time to keep it going.
Are you hoping that other people will keep it going? Or are you going to be the person to kick-start things when there are lulls or absences?
Also, what are your expectations in terms of how actions and rounds play out? How do you want to handle opposed skill checks that require a single or double-blind situation (like stealth vs. perception or bluff vs. sense motive)?

Pixel Cube |

The race thing is an interesting issue. While I like the idea of opening up to other races, i think it's fairly obvious that the core races are a bit less powerful than many of the other Bestiary races. I think you're asking for a lot of non-core gladiators, honestly.
I think that all the races from the Monsters as PCs list from the PF SRD should be allowed, with the exception of drow and svirfneblin. And actually yes, I expect a lot of people to go for exotic races. This is one of the few chances for them to actually play one, since very few DMs allow them in their campaigns.
I've been in a couple of these things, and while I enjoy them, they've all fallen apart after a few months. Usually because the guy who got it started lost interest or didn't have the time to keep it going.
Are you hoping that other people will keep it going? Or are you going to be the person to kick-start things when there are lulls or absences?
While I would like to be dedicated to this as much as I can, what I really want is to gather enough interest so this thing goes by itself. Kickstarting and hoping for more people to step up for duty. In cases of absences and stalls, we can reassign the players for other duels.
Also, what are your expectations in terms of how actions and rounds play out? How do you want to handle opposed skill checks that require a single or double-blind situation (like stealth vs. perception or bluff vs. sense motive)?
Combats usually follow the initiative order and the usual phases, so the players can pretty much handle it themselves. The referee (another player that is not in the same league) would be necessary in special situations and, god forbid, controversies. Whoever he is, he's the authority of the situation.
As for the blind situations, the only instrument I can think of is the spoiler tag. Of course, nothing is going to stop you from opening your opponent's spoiler tag, but that would be taking out the fun from the whole challenge.
tl, dr: this will be very empirical and messy at first. Hopefully, we will find ways to adjust the flaws as we go, with the cooperation of the players.

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Nimon wrote:I don't think they should deserve a separate league. Having a mount or a companion is not an advantage, since other classes have other class features to compensate. I think mounted combatants should go in general combat.
You might want to have a league for those with mounts/companions.
You think tricksters should have thier own, but not mounted combatants?

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Another question. Is this just fight after fight fun? So you can rack up wins and losses? And do you progress your character at some point? Based on wins/lossses?
Or is it to the death, and fi you're killed, that glad is out?
It sounds like there will be opportunity for some role-play between matches. I would assume that there would be some level gaining going on, so that we can test out the various combat rules.
But I would also like to echo your question to get a confirmation...

sphar |
Also,a few more questions...
*Are tiefling variant heritages available?
*What conditions are we fighting in? Is there special terrain? Is it night or day? Do we get to choose,or do you decide/roll?
*Will there be any fame/'honor' system? Are all magic items available?
*Will the Additional Traits be able to pick,even if we normally get no traits?

Eben TheQuiet |

Bear in mind that these are all basic rules and that I'm open to suggestions. Don't post your character here yet, just tell if you are interested and give your suggestions. As soon as we gather enough interst, we can set up the actual arena where your character can go and sign up for the fight (a chance to RP your character a bit and to meet your opponent beforehand).
Now, let's see some blood spill!
How many players would you like to have before you pull the trigger on the actual character creation thread? We seem to have a decent amount of interest.

Eben TheQuiet |

That's a good question, and leads to a few more regarding the four leagues.
How do you define which group a combatant goes into? I'd assume that the purpose of the leagues is to offer a more fair playing field for the different types of competitors.
So with that in mind, how do you determine who's appropriate for the Magical Duels and who isn't'? Is anyone using spells going to go in there? Or does it depend more on how the magic is used? Ar we looking at a Sorcerer vs. a melee cleric here?
What defines someone as "trickster/dirty fighting combat"? Is this pretty much strictly for rogues, ninjas, a few flavors of monks and bards? Do rangers have more reason to be here than the 'regular combat'?
I really like the idea that the 'Regular Combat' is for non-spell-caster classes only, but that may just be me.
Or, if people really want a place where their competitor can (and will) go up against literally any opponent willing, open up a fifth league called "Free-for-all" or something.

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That's a good question, and leads to a few more regarding the four leagues.
How do you define which group a combatant goes into? I'd assume that the purpose of the leagues is to offer a more fair playing field for the different types of competitors.
So with that in mind, how do you determine who's appropriate for the Magical Duels and who isn't'? Is anyone using spells going to go in there? Or does it depend more on how the magic is used? Ar we looking at a Sorcerer vs. a melee cleric here?
What defines someone as "trickster/dirty fighting combat"? Is this pretty much strictly for rogues, ninjas, a few flavors of monks and bards? Do rangers have more reason to be here than the 'regular combat'?
I really like the idea that the 'Regular Combat' is for non-spell-caster classes only, but that may just be me.
Or, if people really want a place where their competitor can (and will) go up against literally any opponent willing, open up a fifth league called "Free-for-all" or something.
An unarmed fighter archetype could also be included in the "trickster/dirty fighting combat", as most of their abilities revolve around the use of dirty tricks.

Pixel Cube |

PIxel Cube, you still interested in this?
Sadly, I'm afraid not. I have too much pbp going on already, and this looks more complicated that I was expecting and would require the extra commitment I can't provide now. I would be happy if some other DM took this, stretching it out more, make it work. Feel free to step up if you want.

Eben TheQuiet |

Well, that's a bit disappointing, but I appreciate that you realized this now rather than after it got up and running.
I don't have the time to be the primary DM of this thing, but would be willing to work in a support DM role should anybody else be willing to be the primary DM. I do think it could work with a handful of recognized DM's, but there does (in my opinion) need to be a primary DM who makes the ultimate decisions and helps push this thing forward.
Anyone got the time/desire to step up to this?

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Could this not just be a community run event. Saying really do we need a GM when we could all just GM each other.
Hear me out here.
Matches are run by "judges" when an argument ensues. A judge is just a third party to make the decision in an argument based on his own interpretation of the rules.
The only reason I see for anyone needed to GM the game is to make larger decisions such as league parings and rules and such. Could these decisions not be made by the majority of the players.
I dont really understand the magic rules so I would have to stay away from that territory, but I sure can do all other type of fighting.
Now I understand with this system that a few players would be doing more work than the others. I would be OK with doing a bit more work, but I think we should all step up if we want to get this running.
Just an idea though.

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I'm definitely willing to give it a try. You wanna throw up a Discussion Thread so we can throw up characters? :)
I have a handful of questions, but we can iron them out as they come up (like how would stealth be resolved).
If you have questions, you might want to ask them here. Or somewhere I am, I dont really know. Anyways here is a link to the new form. Once I get 8 legal charachter (Or any bracket legal number (2,4,8,16,32... you get the point) We can start out first Tournament. I will have details about the tournaments later. All points aside here is the link to the new and more awsomer topic:
http://paizo.com/paizo/messageboards/community/campaigns/recruitment/theAre naCallToArms&page=1#1