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![]() Eben TheQuiet wrote:
I am avalible to judge when you guys need me to. Also, give me any sugesstions on any work that needs to be done to prepare for matches. (Working on arena ideas now, Have one on paper, dont have a scanner so dont know how to get them into electronic form (quickly, I know a very slow way though)) ![]()
![]() Eben TheQuiet wrote:
If you have questions, you might want to ask them here. Or somewhere I am, I dont really know. Anyways here is a link to the new form. Once I get 8 legal charachter (Or any bracket legal number (2,4,8,16,32... you get the point) We can start out first Tournament. I will have details about the tournaments later. All points aside here is the link to the new and more awsomer topic: http://paizo.com/paizo/messageboards/community/campaigns/recruitment/theAre naCallToArms&page=1#1 ![]()
![]() Alright, so this is where characters for "The Arena" Discussion should be posted. If you where lame and did not participate in the original discussion the link is here: http://paizo.com/campaigns/TheArena/recruiting&page=1#36 In terms of creation for charachters here is what the original author posted Pixel Cube wrote:
I dont know what LA0 Races are. So dont ask about them. For simplicity sake I would say stick with core races. But since this is a community event, if it is ok with everyone else I am ok with it. Dont post your charachter here until you have read the parent topic or you have any questions about what is allowed have been awnsered. OK? ![]()
![]() Could this not just be a community run event. Saying really do we need a GM when we could all just GM each other. Hear me out here. Matches are run by "judges" when an argument ensues. A judge is just a third party to make the decision in an argument based on his own interpretation of the rules. The only reason I see for anyone needed to GM the game is to make larger decisions such as league parings and rules and such. Could these decisions not be made by the majority of the players. I dont really understand the magic rules so I would have to stay away from that territory, but I sure can do all other type of fighting. Now I understand with this system that a few players would be doing more work than the others. I would be OK with doing a bit more work, but I think we should all step up if we want to get this running. Just an idea though. ![]()
![]() Eben TheQuiet wrote:
An unarmed fighter archetype could also be included in the "trickster/dirty fighting combat", as most of their abilities revolve around the use of dirty tricks. |