
shroin's page

Organized Play Member. 22 posts (51 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 aliases.


Lvl 12 Procrastinator wrote:
usually the split-ups are the results of intra-party disagreements, and then I pick off the lone, rebellious straggler like predators do on Discovery Channel

This made my morning.

I would also be interested in this, I'd go with a barbarian (I've been wanting to play one for a while anyway).

Let me know if there are still slots open!

We're looking for a couple potential players to fill in the gaps on a weekly LoF campaign up here in Victoria, BC. If there is anyone who is interested, let me know!

I'd be very interested in being involved in this campaign. I've been wanting to try out a Summoner for a while now, here's my concept:

Back Story:

The character made his living as a bodyguard in New Stetven, where he was born and raised. He grew up as a baker, but when he turned 16 and his abilities as a summoner manifested he began to look for greater excitement than sourdough. He found his new career protecting the lesser nobles and merchants of New Stetven.

He is an extremely dedicated person, who would rather take a crossbow bolt than see any harm come to his client. He is very lawful neutral, and once his word is given he will do everything in his power to keep it. His eidolon takes the form of a man-at-arms in medium armor with a two-handed sword across his back and a sap at his side for situations where deadly force is innapropriate.

There's a lot of possibility on hooks as to why he's on his way to Silverhall. The first one which jumps out to me is that he could be guarding another party member on their journey to Silverhall. If that does not work, he could have recently failed in his task of protecting a lesser noble, and has decided to leave town for a while after some... less than encouraging feedback from the nobles remaining family.

OberonViking wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

There is no duration on this? No maximum amount of bleed before it clots by itself? The creature continues to bleed until a heal check is made?

So, I sneak attack/bleeding attack an allosaurus, and climb a tree out of reach. I sit back and watch it bleed to death over several rounds.

Allosaurus isn't the best example because of it's high speed - I was going to suggest that I simply run away. It won't work against creatures/people that can perform a heal check on itself.

Sounds about right, from a real world perspective at least. I stab someone deep enough to severely wound them, if they don't receive some kind of medical attention they will bleed out.

GM Weynolt wrote:

Hu5tru, since there's no word yet from shroin, I'd like to hold off on starting until the morning. If he doesn't return, are you interested in soloing? Or would you like me to recruit one other?

Shroin, not trying to cut you out, just don't want to delay too long. Still happy to have you on board!

Hi Weynolt, no need to worry, I was caught up laying some flooring. I'm good to go now! I've updated Caiden, switching out Best Friend for Resilient.

Looking forward to it!

james maissen wrote:
drbuzzard wrote:
james maissen wrote:

I don't see the tie between starting at 6th and not focusing on rays. When you start at 6th you're going to have what, burning hands?


You get burning hands at first level. At sixth you get lightning bolt or fireball.

You mean at 7th you get lightning bolt or fireball.


Are you sure you don't want to double check that?

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
shroin wrote:
Gentleman wrote:
Also try to keep your petty insults to yourself, if you can't argue without them I suggest you don't at all.

I don't see anywhere in there where he insulted you. He referred to a character who failed their knowledge check as being an idiot on the subject, not you...

"ignorant" is a more accurate word than "idiot." Idiot implies lack of knowlege across several subjects. Ignorant implies a lack of knowlege in a particular subject. For example I (in real life) am ignorant on the subject of cars. I am blissfully unaware of brands, types, year, make, models, etc.

To be clear this is a reflection of the character, not the person. Nor is it intended as an insult. If the character failed a knowledge check on the demonic sea serpent than he is ignorant about demonic sea serpents, not necessarily any other subject.

My 2C

I agree, especially given the definitions of the term idiot with regards to mental health. It is a pretty significantly overused word.

Gentleman wrote:
Also try to keep your petty insults to yourself, if you can't argue without them I suggest you don't at all.

I don't see anywhere in there where he insulted you. He referred to a character who failed their knowledge check as being an idiot on the subject, not you...

Hi Everyone, sorry to take so long to get back and reply.

First of all, the situation in question involved us having prior warning, so I had time to cast all of the minutes/level spells. I then used invisibility to get into position, cast my round/level spells, then unleash the damage.

I've done some talking with my DM, taken a look at a couple other builds, and considering the resources I expended it seems pretty reasonable. Thanks for all your input!

Also, looking at the rules now I don't know quite how we got to it, but the arrow is simply a Frost enchantment without the +1 prerequisite.

After killing a CR 5 in one round of combat last night, the question was raised about whether or not I was calculating the damage for my level 6 inquisitor right. Here's what he was dealing with:

Composite Longbow (+3 Strength modifier)
Frost Arrows (1d6 frost damage)
Flames of the Faithful (Flaming Burst)
Weapon of Awe (+2 Damage)
Divine Favor (+2 Damage)
Judgement of Destruction (+3 Damage)
Bane (Class Ability) (2d6 Damage)
Point Blank Shot (+1 damage)

With all of these combined, my calculations had me doing:

1d8+11 bow damage, 1d6 frost, 1d6 fire, 2d6 Bane

And then take all of that, with rapid shot to do 2d8+8d6+22 damage.

Is this normal, or have I calculated something wrong?

GM Weynolt wrote:
Can you elaborate a bit on his relationship to Sandru? Beyond employer that is.

Caiden looks at Sandru with more than a little bit of awe, and as someone he wants to be like. He sees in Sandru the freedom to make his own way and explore the world that he wants in himself. He's always eager to go the extra mile to shine in front of Sandru, almost to his own detriment.

Looking forward to hearing from you next week!

Hu5tru wrote:

Hi, I'm a newbie GM myself, and I understand if you want to keep it to just one player, but I am kinda interested in exploring this type of NPC heavy pbp myself. Besides running a solo game for my husband, I am currently running in a few PbPs here, and really feel the lack of interaction with the NPCs that really makes a setting come alive for me. Would you mind terribly if I made a character?

I know nothing about the AP other than some talk I have read on the boards about the new romance mechanic, which.. I am kind of curious about.

Hi Hu5tru, I'm fine with it, but the final decision is all Weynolt's.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hi folks, I'm trying to roll up a wizard (starting at level 5) who specializes in force spells. I know the obvious (Mage Hand, Magic Missile, Floating Disc, Mage Armor), and I'll be making use of metamagic to boost those, but beyond a couple first level spells I don't know of any good force spells.

Any advice?

And here are my rolls for my Animal Companion hit dice:

2d8 ⇒ (4, 7) = 11

Hi Weynolt, I took a look at your Serpents Skull campaign, it looks good. I'll start rolling up a character.

The 10th works for me, the PDF of the AP only comes out on the 4th after all.

I've been wanting to start a Pathfinder PBP campaign for a while now, but whenever I see one started it's always filled up immediately. I figured I'd bite the bullet and start one myself. So here it is, I'd like to try out the Jade Regent AP, but I would prefer to be a player, not a GM.

If a GM would like to volunteer, please do, if not I will take the reigns (but it will be my first time GMing Pathfinder, or any game other than Rifts).

If we get a GM, I will be playing a Cavalier, most likely a human or a halfling.

So, apply away: CRB, APG, and UM are all fine as sources.

If anyone drops out, I'd love to be involved.

Has anyone considered the possibility of using Sovereign Glue and individual armour plates? This would remove the issue of attaching the armour to the snake, and it would still distribute the force of the blow evenly.

Of course, since snakes shed their skins, you will probably have to spend a bit on re-applications of glue when the individual plates fall off.

But hey, completely plausible armoured snake!

Seems like there is already plenty of interest in this, I'll try and find another game. Have fun everyone!

Monkeygod wrote:
oh, just an FYI: My timezone is Eastern Standard Time, ie it's 12:32 am for me. I work 10:30am-5:30pm Mon-Fri and usually go to bed tween 1-2am weekdays. However, I have a smart phone and can access these boards with ease. So I can keep up even at work. Long posts can be tricky, but are doable, though if it's important, I usually try to wait till i get home.

That lines up perfectly with my schedule, I work 7AM - 3PM, but Pacific Standard Time.

I'd be really interested in getting involved with this. I've had a couple of ideas kicking around, and if it fits in well I'd like to try an Inquisitor.

I'll get back with a proposal as soon as possible!