Star Wars: Republic S.O.E.

Game Master Loup Blanc

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I'll send them to you. All my PDF copies are scanned--I don't think WotC ever released actual PDF copies--so you can't search with them, but otherwise they work just fine. I'll send them in a couple batches so I can send the files directly as opposed to you having to pull them off of Google Drive or something.

EDIT: Books are too big not to be Google Drive links. Oh well.

Just as a note: There are two ways to go for combat oriented characters. Dropping people on the condition track or straight hp. Both methods of taking out enemies are very effective.

And if your plan is to have a guy with some weapon/tech/gadget for every occasion (like a Boba Fett, say) then I suggest getting your hands on Scum and Villainy. As others have pointed out it has a lot of stuff for modifying equipment.

On a separate note, I've added Qal's background and questions to his profile to make it all easier to find.

I'll have my submission finished tomorrow, I think. I just need to quadruple check the maths and finish up the backstory.

I hope you all brought your anti-nausea meds. I am not the only pilot who knows how to tumble a ship so that it will fool a Kalvonex S23 "Heimdall" sensor web - you know, like the one surrounding Carratos - but there aren't many of us and most of the ones I know are ... um... not exactly sympathetic to lawful authority.

Dropping people's places on the Condition Track is probably one of the rudest ways to take people out of the fight, and even if you don't force them into unconsciousness they begin to take some very significant penalties if you do it repeatedly. Scoundrels can do this very well as can Bounty Hunters, as they have abilities that drop someone two steps as opposed to one; that gives them an automatic -2 to d20 rolls, and the next two steps takes them to a -10. The next drops them, but it's one of my favorite subsystems in the whole game.

That sounds pretty cool. This guy started out as a tribal hunter so knowing how to debilitate his prey fits well.

The best way to knock someone down the condition track is a Wookie Soldier/Elite Trooper with shockboxing gauntlets, Devestating Attack, Mighty Swing, Martial Arts 1-3, and the Teras Kasi talent tree. Guaranteed 3 steps down on a hit. Freaking powerful.

F. Castor, thank you for pointing that out. I'll have to do some thinking on a replacement unless the GM allows us to take both at the same level.

I'll have my updates completed tomorrow night as well as a revised background. Till my ankle heals no gym in the morning so a late night Friday night is no big deal :-)

@Automatic weapons: Actually, this was removed (and errata'd out later); you can't make your weapons automatic, there's just a bit of text to suggest you can.

@Heavy armor: If you have Improved Armored Defense, this is *significantly* better than medium armor. Actually, the higher dex a character has, the more heavy armor makes sense—the armor bonus from light armor is low enough that a high-dex character is better off not wearing it (max dex cutoffs are pretty low), whereas it's still worth wearing heavy armor. Also, heavier armor gives a significant boost to fort defense, which is a big deal; plus, you can mod a lot more systems into it, and some of these are really good, even for a high-dex ranged character (integrated weaponry, rangefinder, jump modules for instance, if you want to play a boba fett type).

There are two different ways to make your weapons automatic, actually; even checking the errata neither of them that I can see are affected by it. The Tech Specialist feat from Starships of the Galaxy lets you make a semi-auto weapon full-auto and vice-versa, while the Rapid Recycler and Sniper Switch modifications from Scum and Villainy do the same thing. Unless you're referring to text from the Core book, then you're correct and you can only fire weapons in their listed firing modes.

As for heavy armor, I'd personally disagree. Improved Armored Defense is either losing you Reflex or coming out as a wash, and giving you an average of +2 Fortitude overall. With Tech Superiority options available to us, I can match the Fortitude bonus of heavy armor with Stormtrooper armor and have comparable Reflex defense as well; more importantly, I can use the feat you spent on Heavy Armor Proficiency on Grand Army of the Republic Training and get +4 to my Will Save instead. In at least one book I can think of there's a suit of powered light armor, which starts you with three upgrade slots as opposed to the five in powered heavy armor, which isn't a huge difference; you can mount of miniature proton-torpedo launcher on your armor with that and still have a slot left over without scalping it for more upgrade points. Most of the upgrades you'd want in heavy armor are more beneficial for characters in melee, like a power generator and a powered exoskeleton. You can even fit a shield generator and a generator in that light armor. Rangefinders are built into weapons and why have a jump module when you can have a jet-pack? You can rock a heavily-armored character with a high dexterity, but I'd disagree that the higher your dexterity is the more heavy armor makes sense. Medium armor is still kind of useless though, I'll give you that.

PS: I'd argue the best way to drop people on the Condition track is some good old Gas Grenades; you beat someone's Fortitude defense and they automatically drop 2 steps down the condition track and take Stun damage, which could potentially drop them another step. If you have a talent that causes people to drop another step when they drop a step normally, you've got someone at a -10 in one move. Sure, droids and races like Kel Dor are immune, but most enemies will be hit by it and if built properly you'll drop them at least three steps on that attack if not four. Plus, it grants concealment you can use for added fun--just wear a gas mask or be a droid.

Oh, I'm not talking about auto fire; I meant autonomous weapons, which aren't thing although someone mentioned them (because errata).

Also—with Armored Defense, the best reflex you can get in stormtrooper armor is level+3; in heavy battle armor, it's 11 (the same at level 8). With Improved Armored Defense, it's also level+6, but the difference is an extra +2 fort defense, as well as extra upgrade slots. Either way, improved armor defense is getting you a significant bonus. (I was looking at the droid armor table by mistake; with droid scaling, more dex benefits from heavier armor)

Rangefinders take an upgrade slot; if you're going to be using integrated weapons, you can save those weapon upgrade slots for something useful.

Ah, I didn't realize they were errata'd out. They were never really a great option, what with them automatically doling out penalties to attack rolls and skill checks. Mounting the weapons so they don't need to be drawn is still immensely useful.

I agree, heavy armor is still a good choice. You can do pretty well for yourself with light armor as a high-dexterity character, but I feel that feat can potentially be spent on better things than that +2 to Fortitude, especially if you already have a decent equipment bonus. And you're correct, droid armor plating scales better with heavy armor. Medium armor is... eh, really. I'm not sure you can attach a Rangefinder to armor, even if you have integrated weapons.

Maybe I'll swap to Soldier as my primary class, because I definitely want cool power armor with integrated gadgets. I didn't realize until I'd read through S&V that there were limited slots base don armor type.

I'd hoped to make a proper switch hitter or some such but that looks less and less likely to be effective the more I read.

If I drop the idea of having Force powers and raise my Int a bit I won't feel the loss of trained skills so bad.

I can go full on Iron man or something with mechanics. May need to change my race though since Trandoshans are supposedly pretty tribal and kinda primitive.

A lot of the Star Wars races look silly though, I can't get past it for some reason.

More quick commentary since it's late, but I'm going to use the nice list that was compiled as well as what people have posted to try and nail down my thoughts and comments on all the submissions so far while I'm on the road tomorrow, and post tomorrow night!

That said, I like the commentary people are giving and the help being put forward. All the sourcebooks are indeed open to use within reason--Scum and Villainy is a particularly useful one in many regards, as are most of the others, really. They did a good job of spreading useful stuff across all the books, which does make it somewhat annoying to try and find all the options, but also means there's plenty of good stuff to pick from.

Armor is tricky, it mainly comes down to what fits your character and what you want to sink into it. Some characters deserve a tricked-out suit of heavy beskar'gam; some prefer not wearing armor at all. (Although since I've made Light Armor Proficiency and Armored Defense more available, it wouldn't surprise me to see a larger number of characters picking up something light and useful at some point, since normally it's pretty much just Soldiers.)

Decking out your gear with upgrades and such is fine, since you're special agents for the Republic who are equipped with some cutting-edge technology; that said, only the Tech Specialist upgrades are available for purchase, not the Superior Tech options. For one thing, Superior Tech normally requires you to be 9th level to take it, so you wouldn't normally have access to it; for a second, it leaves room for improvements to your gear; and for a third, I have plans for that a little way down the line.

Glad to see continued interest, collaboration, and work here!

Sundakan wrote:

I can go full on Iron man or something with mechanics. May need to change my race though since Trandoshans are supposedly pretty tribal and kinda primitive.

A lot of the Star Wars races look silly though, I can't get past it for some reason.

When it comes to Trandoshans, they're fairly tribal but they do well enough with technology. They're often slavers of a sort and do well enough with technology to use it; more importantly, SOMEONE has to be fixing their ships and all that. Presumably that person is good with technology, why can't it be you? Trandoshans are fun, they're one of the races that can try to punch a Jedi and not worry too much about the realistic implications of "blocking" that punch with a lightsaber. As for races looking weird, probably #1 reason I'm not playing a Kel Dor. They're a really good race for my character and all, but I just think they look kinda weird. I mean, they have a cool design, but it's still weird.

Also, as opposed to a switch hitter I might recommend playing a dedicated ranged character. It's looking like just based on averages for submissions we're going to end up with a lot of melee characters--both Jedi and others--so someone who can provide ranged support will be useful to the potential group and also set you apart from the crowd.

Trandoshans are tribal in the same way wookies are tribal (ironic, considering they hate each other). They have advanced tech, space ships, a seat in the senate, but they really like their old school religion and tribal customs, so they end up with situations where they act like tribal savages, but are flying around on hover bikes with laser cannons while hunting big game (or wookies, have I mentioned that trandoshans hate wookies a lot?).

Yeah, the regeneration was the main reason I picked Trandoshan. Plus, alligator people are cool.

For a dedicated ranged character they That Dex malus won't be fun. And I still want heavy armor so I'd be brushing up on encumbrance without a high Str I imagine, so if I go that route I may as well have roughly equal Str and Dex and use both combat styles.

GM Loup Blanc wrote:
...not the Superior Tech options...

Well, poop. I need to make some changes to my gear then.

Two questions...

1. I am a wee bit confused about modifying items and their slots. Now, my guy has a self-built lightsaber. At the time of creation he can add one of the lightsaber accessories and modifications (Jedi Academy Training Manual, page 60) at no cost in time and credits. If he also wants to have a fellow Jedi add a Tech Specialist trait (Improved Accuracy to be specific) at the appropriate cost (1000 credits x2 = 2000 credits), can he do so? Add both that is? Or must he choose only one due to the lightsaber having one slot (I think)?

I am leaning towards the latter, but the text in page 60 of the Jedi Academy Training Manual is a little confusing.

2. If a Jedi Knight takes the Masterwork Lightsaber talent from the Jedi Artisan tree (Jedi Academy Training Manual, page 19) must he build a new lightsaber for it to take effect? Or can he apply it to and modify the one he has already built himself (and which was a prerequisite to take levels in Jedi Knight in the first place)?

...Okay nobody told me there was a prestige class that can deploy turrets.

Please stand by, Iron Man may become The Engineer instead.

I'm fairly certain the first interpretation is correct, Castor. You can add an additional one of those modifications USING your Tech Specialist slot, but it doesn't take one up on its own. Why you would do so is beyond me, though.

2. I'm curious on the latter one as well, that trait's pretty nice.

@Sundakan: I didn't know there was one. What's it called?

The Saboteur, from the Force Unleashed campaign guide.

JDPhipps wrote:
Dropping people's places on the Condition Track is probably one of the rudest ways to take people out of the fight, and even if you don't force them into unconsciousness they begin to take some very significant penalties if you do it repeatedly. Scoundrels can do this very well as can Bounty Hunters, as they have abilities that drop someone two steps as opposed to one; that gives them an automatic -2 to d20 rolls, and the next two steps takes them to a -10. The next drops them, but it's one of my favorite subsystems in the whole game.

Cough cough... Adept Negotiator and Skilled Negotiator from the Jedi Consular tree. Not as generally applicable as some other stuff perhaps, but it shows how the pen (i.e. words) may indeed be mightier than the sword.

That's another one, and it feels fitting for a Jedi... well, some Jedi anyway.

Anyway, my backstory will be up on the alias here shortly, but here's your three questions:

Question 1: Who do you know?:

Jedi Master Quel Doran was Alaric's master when he was completing his Jedi training. As the Caretaker of First Knowledge, Quel Doran was the head of the Council of First Knowledge of the Jedi Order and held a position on the Jedi High Council as well. Alaric was selected by Quel Doran as his pupil after training his from afar as a Youngling; the Kel Dor had taken a liking to the youth's inquisitive mind and felt he would be a pupil that could appreciate learning as both a warrior and a scholar. A tough and stern instructor, Alaric's Jedi training was relentless and harrowing under Quel Doran, but Alaric triumphed every time, earning his master's respect. When Alaric was captured on a mission during the Great Galactic War, it was Quel Doran who received his Padawan's message and coordinated the Republic air strikes in order to help in his plan to free himself and other Republic POWs. After being freed, Quel Doran pushed his apprentice to undergo the Jedi Trials, and he emerged as a Jedi Knight. As a Jedi Shadow, he now serves the Council of First Knowledge directly in striking blows against the Sith. It was Quel Doran's vote of confidence that led to Alaric being drafted into the Special Operations Executive, and he continues to serve as Alaric's confidant and ally when needed.

Marik Tu'loc is a Togruta crime lord on the planet of Corellia. Before the end of the War, Tu'loc came into the possession of a Sith Holocron through a mutual associate. Realizing the item for what it was he wanted nothing to do with it, contacting the Jedi Order and offering to sell it to them for it be destroyed. Alaric was sent to retrieve the holocron--not to buy it, but to simply destroy it--and ended up saving Marik's life after a Sith Assassin had tracked him down to locate the missing holocron. Slaying the Sith after a pitched battle, a relieved Marik handed over the holocron for destruction by the Jedi Order. While the two haven't crossed paths since, Marik is well aware of the debt he still owes to the young Jedi Knight.

Question 2: Who knows you?:

Meline and Lin Kytos were twins, trained as Sith assassins during the Great War. Trained to fight as a team and overpower their opponents through the use of the Dark Side, Alaric clashed with the twins on numerous occasions. Holding a personal vendetta against Alaric after killing three of their soldiers and saving an assassination target, the twins sought to hunt down the newly-knighted Jedi and end him. His last confrontation with the pair was thwarting their assassination attempt on a Republic senator on Coruscant. He fought the two viciously after their initial attack on the senator failed, and he and the twins dueled until he finally managed to strike a solid blow; he sliced Meline Kytos across the chest and used the Force to kick her through the glass and off of the platform that had held their duel; she was struck by a passing speeder car and her dead body fell down the miles high fall to the bottom of the city-planet. Enraged by her sister's death, Lin fought like a woman possessed. Nearly overcoming the Jedi Shadow, he sliced off her arm at the elbow after she was distracted by the arrival of his former master and another Jedi Shadow. Cursing his name, she fled the scene clutching at her stump of an arm. Tired and wounded, Alaric let the Sith assassin go and opted to receive medical attention for his injuries.

Alaric was haunted by his killing of the Sith, but ultimately understood that he had completed his duty to the Jedi Order. Shortly after, the Treaty of Coruscant was ratified and the Great War ended with Alaric never knowing what became of the other Kytos sister.

Question 3: Why are you part of this mission?:

"Master Doran, with all due respect," Senator Kallin began, beseeching the Kel Dor Jedi Master as he paced the senator's office, hands clutched behind his back. "I was hoping you might recommend another of your fellow masters for this assignment, or perhaps at least a more senior member of the Order--" the senator stopped mid-sentence as Quel Doran held up one hand, motioning for the Senator to stop speaking. The Jedi, finally done pacing, sits across from the senator and calmly places his hands in his lap; the Kel Dor's goggles and mask hide any emotion from the senator, making him uneasy.

"You asked for my recommendation for this mission, for this... group of individuals. I have given it." While the Jedi Master wasn't angry or irritated, the finality of his statement made Senator Kallin blush. "Perhaps you might tell me why you believe the Knight I have selected is not suitable for the operation you require?"

"This is a highly classified mission, Master Doran. It must be handled with... with tact, and a balanced hand. We've signed a treaty with the Sith--"

"Because you did not heed our warnings," Quel Doran says, interrupting the other man.

"And they will expect us to hold to it! We know they won't, but can't very well tarnish the name of the Republic. Kaul Wren is a very important and highly regarded intelligence asset, and we can't risk anything going wrong on this mission. I don't doubt the skills of your choice, but I feel that perhaps someone with more experience might better handle the situation--"

"It is good you do not question the skills of my former apprentice, Senator Kallin," the Kel Dor says, interrupting the man again. "I trained Alaric as a Jedi Knight, and to doubt his skills would be to doubt mine and those of the Council of First Knowledge. This is not some form of favoritism on my part, Senator--Jedi do not engage in such behavior. Alaric was selected by a vote of the Council, with only one dissenter. You requested a Jedi Shadow be brought along on this mission and made a part of this team, and Alaric Quor'ran is the Jedi we believe is best suited to the task." Again, Senator Kallin swallows hard, finding it difficult to resist the Jedi Master.

"Master Doran, I don't feel that Alaric is well suited to this mission." The senator pauses, breathing in deeply to collect himself before continuing. "From what I have seen of your former apprentice, he is a brash and headstrong young man; he may be devoted to your Order, but he hardly--"

"I realize why you summoned me here, Senator. You credit me with saving your life before the Treaty of Coruscant was signed, because I was present when the fight was over. You believe I handed the glory off to my former apprentice because I have earned enough respect in my lifetime of service to the Order; you believe that I wished the best for Alaric and handed him my laurels, so to speak." The Kel Dor pauses long enough for the senator to open his mouth to speak, then continues again. "Alaric chastised you for traveling without bodyguards during a perilous and savage war; he was out of place, but he was not wrong. He slew a Sith Assassin and grievously wounded another to protect you from harm. He dueled a pair of Sith, trained to fight as one to take down their opponents, for nearly an hour until he gained the upper hand. Do you not think that is deserving of your respect, Senator Kallin?"

"I, I--"

"Or do you believe he lacks the skills for this mission? Alaric staged a prison raid on a Sith POW camp while captured and alone, and freed dozens of Republic personnel in doing so. After he was granted the title of Jedi Knight, he executed decisive strikes on Sith prison camps and holding facilities, both covertly and as an organized assault. No one else amongst our Order has such experience with Sith prison facilities, including myself. Alaric still holds a code cylinder with Imperial Sith codes from nearly a dozen Sith facilities, codes that you will need in order to gain access to that facility."

"He lacks skills vital for this mission! He is not--"

"What skills does he lack, Senator? It is true that Alaric does not possess talents some Jedi develop early; he has never been a gifted negotiator or pilot, unlike many others within the Order. But he possesses skills most Jedi outside his sect lack; he moves like a ghost, and can use his mastery of the Force to travel through walls and suppress his presence in the Force. He can wield the Force where he cannot wield his words, and he possesses some skill in mechanical engineering that is quite rare amongst the Order. Perhaps more importantly, he is skilled in tracking down and eradicating those in service to the Dark Side of the Force."

"That is enough!" Senator Kallin yells, slamming his fist down on the desk. "You may be a Jedi Master, but you still have no right to speak to me this way. I don't care who he is or what he can do, I don't want him on this task force!" The senator breathes heavily for a few seconds, still glaring at the Jedi, believing he's stunned the Kel Dor into silence. "Take the code cylinder from him and give it to another Jedi! One with more tact, who might be able to stay in line." He straightens himself now, leaning back into his chair and collecting his temper. "He may be skilled in combating the Dark Side, but that has no use here, Master Doran. Now, you will find me another Jedi or I will find someone who will--"

"Whether you like it or not, there will be a need for someone skilled in combating the Dark Side of the Force. There will be Sith Acolytes at this prison, likely both as guards and interrogators, and they will find your team eventually. They might slip by for a time, but sooner or later those Sith devotees will sense them and come to kill them, no matter how stealthy they are."

"And what makes him so special that another Jedi couldn't take his place?" The senator's tone is still pointed, clearly irritated.

"With all due respect, Senator," Master Doran says politely, "You are ignorant of our Order in many respects. All Jedi are trained to combat the Dark Side, but it is the Jedi Shadows who seek out the darkest corners of the galaxy and cleanse them of their taint. Alaric is the only of our sect of the Order that possesses all the skills necessary for your task; he has knowledge of Sith facilities, the codes to access them, as well as the skills to travel unseen within the confines of the prison and eradicate perhaps the most pointed threats to your task force. He is your best candidate--"

"And I don't want him! You'll find another--"

"The Council has made its decision, Senator Kallin; either Alaric Quor'ran will serve on your task force, or no Jedi Shadow will at all."

I'll put these up in my profile for you as well.

JDPhipps, I may be wrong, but Alaric seems to have more trained skills than he should have, at least at first glance.

Far as I can tell, being a human and starting as a Jedi, he should have 2 (Jedi) +1 (human) +2 (Int) for a total of 5 skills. He has 7. That could be explained with a Planet Background that has Gather Information and Stealth among its three associated skills, such as Nar Shaddaa. If that is indeed the case, you should have a total of four languages, not three: Basic (human) +2 (Int) +Planet Background bonus language. Or in your case: Basic, Bocce, Huttese, Republic Sign Code.

Also, you could perhaps put Initiative among your trained skills with a little asterisk or something, since Force Intuition does make you trained in it for all intents and purposes.

On a somewhat related note, I rather like this guy. It would be interesting if we got to play together.

Alaric doesn't have a Planet Background, he has the Imprisoned background. That grants Acrobatics, Gather Information, and Stealth; he was captured by the Sith as a Padawan during the Great War, and he managed to smuggle in his long-range commlink using the Force to dampen his presence amongst the guards and trick them into the looking the other way. He was imprisoned for months as Republic and Sith forces fought planet-side, and used his commlink to communicate with his master and orchestrate a large-scale prison break using an air strike as cover for Republic forces that stormed the prison.

Actually, he's currently *missing* a skill; with his background he should have eight total trained skills. I was going to add Mechanics as it was errata'd as a Jedi class skill at one point, just forgot to put it on the sheet. I did mean to mark Use the Force as counting as Initiative, I just forgot. Thanks for the catch, I'll fix it while I'm editing. I may still try to make some room for Dark Deception and so that I can train Deception now as opposed to possibly needing a feat for it, but if not he'll might just... not take it at all. I feel like a better version of that talent would have just let him use Use the Force as Deception instead. Oh well. Maybe I'll bring it up to the GM...

And thanks! I dig your character too. Alaric has a really weird, very strict sort of world view from being a Jedi Shadow, so I'm hoping another actual member of the Jedi Order is around to maybe be a little bit of a foil to that. Callum seems like he'd be a fun and interested character to play in a game with, so I hope that happens.

Hmm... In that case, I think -though I could be mistaken- that choosing a Background does not grant you all the skills associated with it. Like before you have to choose a skill (or two for Planet of Origin Backgrounds) from among the background's associated skills, only in this game that skill (or skills) does not just become a class skill, but a trained skill as well.

At least that is what I understand from the relevant houserule for this particular game.

In fact, a bit of GM clarification would be welcome, as it affects every character, mine included. :-)

I wasn't sure either, I interpreted it differently. Yeah, some GM clarification would definitely be useful there.

Here is my submission for Vintressa.

I may still play around with her gear list and tweak her background if any new inspirations spring to mind.

Pic of Vintressa


Question 1: Who do you know? Name a couple of contacts your character has made, people they can call on for a favor or support when the time comes. One of these should be someone who could be a contact over and over again, and one should be more of a short-term or one-time deal—they owe you a favor, something along those lines. Give them a name and a basic summary of their role—something like “Dexter Jettster, Cantina Owner/Information Broker” would do, with a little more to explain how you know them and while they’re willing to help you.

Vil Illaush -
An ex-boyfriend of Vintressa's and a fellow nautolan, Vil works as both a freighter pilot and a smuggler. They had know each other since childhood and dated briefly when teenagers. They broke up when they realized they both wanted to embark of vastly different careers, but have always maintained their friendship and frequently communicate with each other.

Kirai Maltease -
Vintressa met Kirai when they were both imprisoned at at a juvenile facility at the same time. Kirai is the human daughter of a crime boss on Coruscant and thought that she was above being arrested. Vintressa saved her from being shivved when Kirai was jumped by some inmates who owed fealty to a rival crime boss. Kirai vowed to return the favor some day and is back to currently serving as the heir to her father's criminal empire.

Question 2: Who knows you? Name an enemy your character has made, living or dead. The Galaxy is a dangerous place, and not so long ago it was embroiled in all-out war. It’s difficult to make it very far in life without making enemies, and for the types of people who become Player Characters, it’s all but impossible. Maybe it’s a smuggler you busted, rotting in prison and waiting for revenge; maybe it’s a Sith apprentice whom you dueled to the death as a Padawan during the dark days of the Great War. Give them a name and summary like your contacts above, with a brief note on why you are (or were) enemies. (Obviously noting their current state will be helpful too, because if you don’t, I’ll take it and run as far as I can.)

Oonai Ja'kar -
Vintressa used to be partnered up with a fellow scout and male Twi'lek by the name of Rurak Ja'Kar. He was captured by Imperials while on a mission and is assumed dead. His sister, Oonai, blames Vintressa for his capture and claims that she didn't do anything to help him. Oonai was a Padawan, serving at the same Coruscant Temple that Ril'lan has once served specialist and is suspected of defecting to the Sith side. Most likely in an attempt to find her brother.

Question 3: Why are you part of this mission? The game is going to start with your first mission as a team already underway: a “cold open,” in medias res, whatever you want to call it. The objective is to rescue one Kaul Wren, a Republic Special Forces agent who was compromised and captured by Sith agents. He’s currently being held in a complex on the city-planet Carratos, kept under careful watch and tight security measures. The situation is delicate for many reasons, but it seems a perfect testing ground for the new unit the party comprises.
But the group has been hand-selected for the expertise of each individual and their purpose in this particular mission. Explain what your role in the mission is, and be specific! If you’re a sharpshooter, don’t say “I was brought on for my precise aim and cool trigger finger;” try something like “Intelligence showed there are three guards posted on the balconies of the floor where Wren’s being kept, and there’s no approach to take them out without alerting them. The only vantage point to take them out is over 300 meters away; command knows there are just four rifles in the Republic who can make that shot, and I’m the only one who can make all three quick enough to count.”

Vintressa unit had been tapped to gather up the initial intel on the complex where Kaul Wren was being held at. She was responsible for tracking down one of the original designers of the complex who had long since retired. After securing a set of early blueprints from him, it appeared that there were a series of desalination tubes ran under the complex and that there was an access point to them located in the bowels of it. A really patient person would be able to make her way through the 3x3 foot tubes, cut through the locks on the hatch to the access point, stealthily make her way to the point where she would best be in position to make the shots needed to take out the two sentries who be responsible for watching the area that the retrieval team would be making its entry point from and to provide support fire during it's withdrawal.

Given her past performances, Vintressa's superiors recommended her for the job and the mission commanders agreed.

I would imagine that Vintressa would already be in position during game open.


Vintressa was born on the Nautolan homeworld of Glee Anselm, but migrated with her parents to Coruscant when she was a young child. Her parents couldn't bear to be separated from their son. Ril'lan was Vintressa's older brother and tested as force sensitive. He was sent to the temple on Coruscant for his training.

Vintressa has always adapted to new environments well and had no difficulty in adjusting to life on what was a vastly different planet than the one she was born on. She soon found other children her age to befriend, her closest one was Vil Illaush, a fellow Nautolan child. He was her best friend throughout childhood, her first boyfriend as a teenager and remained a close confidant as an adult.

Her life on Coruscant wasn't perfect though. When she was in her early teens, Vintressa was befriended by group or girls. A not unusual occurrence, though their reason for befriending her was not benign. Given Vintressa's rather sheltered up-bringing, they figured that she would make a perfect fallguy for some of their plans. Vintressa never even thought to look into the backpack her "friends" asked her to deliver to another friend. Next thing she knew, Vintressa was grabbed on the street by a security officer and had "her" backpack searched. It contained some items that had been reported as being stolen and she was arrested for stealing. Her protests that the backpack wasn't hers were ignored and her former "friends" were witnesses against her at her trial.

Because of her age, Vintressa was sent to a juvenile prison for an 18 month time period. It was yet another new environment for her to adapt to. She made a few friends and enemies during her time there, the most notable being Kirai. The daughter of a crime boss, she had considered herself above the law and that she was as immune to prosecution as her father seemed to be. However, she soon found out that she couldn't just walk out of a store with jewelry that she didn't feel the need to pay for. Vintressa and Kirai were assigned as roommates during their time in prison and Vin even prevented Kirai from being stabbed by another inmate.

After her release from the juvenile prison, Vintressa did her best to catch up to her schooling and complete her education. Though with a criminal record already, her future prospects for employment looked rather dim and for a while she was not sure of what to do with her life. That indecision ended with her brother's death. Ril'lan had graduated from the Jedi Temple during her incarceration and had later been sent on a classified mission. The mission had been pronounced a failure and her brother listed as being killed in battle by a Sith.

Wanting a chance to get revenge for the death of her brother, Vintressa joined the Republic Military. She soon found out that she had actual talent with a gun, that plus her natural adaptability and her keen senses got her grabbed up by the scouts for some specialized training.

After her training is completed, Vintressa found herself assigned to a unit in the capacity of scout/sniper. She spent almost two years with that unit, earning a reputation for her patience as a sniper. Never rushing a shot, being more than willing to just lay still for as long as needed for kill shot. During her time with her old unit, she had managed to form a few friendships, one of which turned into an actual relationship. The fellow was a male Twi'lek, a scout and demolitions expert by the name of Rurak Ja'Kar. They did their best to keep their relationship hidden and to not let it interfere with their work.

One particular mission has Vintressa partnered up with Rurak. She was to assist him in gaining access to a seaside Sith supply depot. Vintressa's job was to infiltrate the water desalination plant beside the depot through the long, underwater pipes that brought fresh seawater into the plant. She was then to make her way to the top and assume a position to take out the sentries when Rurak was ready to approach and set the explosive charges to cripple the depot. However, it seemed that the intel they received regarding guard shift changes appeared to be flawed. Halfway through the set up, a new set of guards headed to the watch points of the sentries that she had efficiently taken care of. Vintressa cursed the gods of several different races as she tried to raise Rurak on his com. By the time he answered, he had already been spotted by one and Vintressa managed to head shot the fellow before he could do anything other than point. She wasn't so lucky with the other guard though. He noticed Rurak a split second after the first guard did and was on his own com before Vintressa could kill him too. Rurak wasted precious time finishing up the explosives, thus not leaving himself enough time to swim back out to Vintressa before being captured by the guards who had responded to the intruder alert. Realizing that he wasn't getting away, Rurak yelled over his com for her to dive deep and then he triggered the explosives. Obeying him, Vintressa dove down and swam away, never actually seeing the explosions and the completion of their mission.

Vintressa was eventually able to report back to her unit, detailing how Rurak had sacrificed himself to see the mission completed. No one in her unit or in command blamed her at all for Rurak's death, though his sister, Oonai Ja'kar was another matter. She was convinced that it was all Vintressa's fault that he brother died and when Vintressa attended Rurak's memorial services, Oonai physically attacked her and threatened to kill her. Several other people at the service separated the two and Vintressa quickly left instead of causing anymore of a scene at the memorial.

Vintressa continued working with her unit for another month before being chosen for the mission to rescue Kaul Wren.

Character Sheet:

Class: 3 Scout/1 Scoundrel/3 Soldier/1 Bounty Hunter
Species: Nautolan
Gender: Female

Racial Abilities:
Breathe Underwater: As amphibious creatures, Nautolans cannot drown in water
Expert Swimmer: A Nautolan can reroll any Swim check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted, even if it is worse. In addition, a Nautolan can take 10 on Swim checks even when distracted or threatened .
Low-light Vision: Nautolans ignore concealment (but not total concealment) from darkness.
Natural Damage Reduction: The rubbery hide of a Nautolan provides DR 2.
Pheromonal Sensor: A Nautolan can reroll any Perception check made to sense deception or sense influence, but the result of the reroll must be accepted, even if it is worse. If underwater, the Nautolan can take the better of the two rolls instead.
Automatic Languages: Basic and Nautila.

Imprisoned: As a result of your imprisonment, you start as a hero with a criminal history, but you also have a number of criminal contacts who can help you out. You can obtain black market goods in half the time it usually takes to obtain them (minimum 1 day). See pagee 119 of the Saga Edition core rulebook for information on obtaining resticted objects on the black market.
Skill: Stealth

Strength: 12
Dexterity: 18
Constitution: 16
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 16
Charisma: 10

Derived Stats:
Hit Points: 86
Force Points: 10
Damage Threshold: 23
Damage Reduction: 2
Speed: 6 [Swim Speed: 4]
Base Attack: +7

Fortitude: 23 (18+3+2)
Reflexes: 26 (18+4+4)
Will: 22 (18+3+1)


Athletics: +10 (+4+1+5)
Endurance: +12 (+4+3+5)
Initiative: +13 (+4+4+5)
Perception: +17 (+4+3+5+5) *reroll available
Stealth: +13 (+4+4+5) *reroll available
Survival: +12 (+4+3+5)

Acrobatics: +8
Deception: +4
Gather Information: +4 (*Note: Replaced by Perception. Reroll available.)
Knowledge (any): +4
Persuation: +4
Pilot: +8
Ride: +8
Treat Injury: +7
Use Computer: +4
Use the Force: +4

Languages: Basic, Nautila

Acute Senses: (Core pg. 49) You may choose to reroll any Perception check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse.
Evasion: (Core pg. 50) If you are hit by an area attack. you take half damage if the attack hit you. If the area attack misses you, you take no damage.
Dastardly Strike: (Core pg. 46) Whenever you make a successful attack against an opponent that is denied its Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense, the target moves -1 step along the condition track.
Improved Stealth: (Core pg. 49) You may choose to reroll any Stealth check, but the result of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse.
Disruptive: (Core pg. 46) By spending two swift actions, you can use 'your knack for causing trouble and instigating chaos to disrupt your enemies. Until the start of your next turn, you suppress all morale and insight bonuses applied to enemies in your line of sight.
Ghost Assailant: (Galaxy at War pg. 20) If you start your turn with total concealment or total cover from a target, during that turn you can make a Stealth check as a swift action, opposed by the target's Perception check. If you succeed, the target is considered flat-footed against you until the end of your turn.
Keen Shot: (Core pg. 49) You take no penalty on your attack roll when attacking a target with concealment (but not total concealment).
Armored Defense: (Core pg. 52) When calculating your Reflex Defense, you may add either your heroic level or your armor bonus, whichever is higher. You must be proficient with the armor you are wearing to gain this benefit.
Devastating Attack (Rifles): (Core pg. 53) Choose a single exotic weapon or weapon group with which you are proficient. Whenever you make a successful attack against a target using such a weapon, you treat your target's damage threshold as if it were 5 points lower when determining the result of your attack.
Penetrating Attack (Rifles): (Core pg. 53) Choose a single exotic weapon or weapon group with which you are proficient. Whenever you make a successful attack against a target using such a weapon, you treat your target's damage reduction as if it were 5 points lower when determining the result of your attack.
Indomitable: (Core pg. 52) Once per day as a swift action, you can move +5 steps on the condition track. This does not remove any persistent conditions that may be affecting you.
Tough as Nails: (Core pg. 53) You can catch a second wind one extra time per day. If you have this talent and the Extra Second Wind feat, you can catch your second wind a total of three times per day.
Hunter's Mark: (Core pg. 208) If you aim before making a ranged attack, you move the target -1 step along the condition track if the attack hits.
Nowhere to Hide: (Core pg. 208) You may choose to reroll any Gather Information checks made to locate a specific individual, but you must keep the result of the reroll even if it is worse.

Shake it Off: (Core pg. 88) You can spend two swift actions instead of three swift actions to move + 1 step along the condition track.
Weapon Proficiency (Pistols): (Core pg. 89)
Weapon Proficiency (Rifles): (Core pg. 89)
Weapon Proficiency (Simple Weapons): (Core pg. 89)
Weapon Proficiency (Advanced Melee Weapons): (Core pg. 89)
Armor Proficiency (Light): (Core pg. 82) When you wear light armor, you take no armor check penalty on attack rolls or skill checks. Additionally, you benefit from all of the armor's special equipment bonuses (if any).
Skill Focus: Perception: (Core pg. 88) You gain a +5 competence bonus on skill checks made with one trained skill of your choice.
Point Blank Shot: (Core pg. 87) You get a + 1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons against opponents within point blank range.
Careful Shot: (Core pg. 82) If you aim before making a ranged attack, you gain a + 1 bonus on your attack roll.
Precise Shot:: (Core pg. 87) You can shoot or throw a ranged weapon at an opponent engaged in melee combat with one or more of your allies without tak ing the standard -5 penalty.
Weapon Focus (Rifles): (Core pg. 89) You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you make using the selected exotic weapon or weapon group.
Steadying Position: (Galaxy at War pg. 26) When you are prone and aim before making a ranged attack, your target does not benefit from its Dexterity bonus to Reflex Defense.
Quick Draw: (Core pg. 87) You can draw or holster a weapon as a swift action instead of as a move action.
Informer: (Force Unleashed pg. 34) You can use your Perception modifier instead of your Gather Information modifier when making Gather Information checks. You are considered trained in the Gather Information skill for the purpose of using this feat. If you are entitled to a Gather Information check reroll, you can reroll your Perception check instead (subject to the same circumstances and limitations). Additionally, when you have favorable conditions for your Gather Information check (such as from operating on your home planet), you reduce by half the time it takes to make a Gather Information check.

This equipment list is pretty flexible. For the most part the character will have at least one rifle, a pistol, and some defensive grenades. Some survival equipment and light stealth armor to round it out. But she doesn't need much else.

Credits: 35,590

Shadowsuit (Scum and Villainy pg. 49)
modification: Environmental System (extreme cold) (Scum and Villainy pg. 45)
Cost: 1,200
License: Military (Cost 120)

Sorosuub Firelance (Clone Wars pg. 61)
modifications: Bipod, targeting scope (standard), Double Trigger
Cost: 2,200(
License: Restricted (Cost 120)

SG-4 Blaster Rifle (Rebellion ra pg. 50)
Cost: 400
License: Military (Cost 80)

Blaster Pistol, Heavy
Cost: 750
License: Military (Cost 150)
Hip Holster (Cost 25)

Grenade, ion (2)
Grenade, stun (2)

Comlink, long range (wrist-size) (Cost 500)
Pocket Scrambler (Cost 400)
Electrobinoculars (Cost 1000)
Field Kit (Cost 1000)
Climbing Harness (Cost 45)
Syntherope, 45m (Cost 20)
Breath Mask (Cost 200)
Stealth Field (Knights of the Old Republic pg. 74) (Cost 5000)

Character Creation:

Starting Attributes:
Strength: 12, Dexterity: 16, Constitution: 14, Intelligence: 12, Wisdom: 16, Charisma: 10
Species: Constitution +2, Intelligence -2, Wisdom -2
Level 4: Dexterity +1, Wisdom +1
Level 8: Dexterity +1, wisdom +1

Background: Imprisoned (Trained Skill gained: Stealth)
Scout (5 Skills): Athletics, Endurance, Initiative, Perception, Survival

Defenses: +4 Reflex, +2 Fortitude, +1 Will
Scoundrel: +2 Reflex, +1 Will
Scout: +2 Reflex, +1 Fortitude
Soldier: +1 Reflex, +2 Fortitude
Bounty Hunter: +4 Reflex, +2 Fortitude

Level Breakdown:
Level 1: Scout 1
Hit Points: 24+3 (27)
Class Starting Feats: Shake it Off, Weapon Proficiency (Pistols), Weapon Proficiency (Rifles), Weapon Proficiency (Simple Weapons), Armor Proficiency (Light), Weapon Proficiency (Advanced Melee Weapons)
Level Feat: Skill Focus: Perception
Talents: Acute Senses, Evasion

Level 2: Scoundrel 1
Hit Points: 4+3 (34)
Class Feat: Point Blank Shot
Talents: Dastardly Strike (free), Improved Stealth, Disruptive

Level 3: Scout 2
Hit Points: 5+3 (42)
Class Bonus Feat: Careful Shot
Level Feat: Precise Shot

Level 4: Scout 3
Hit Points: 5+3 (50)
Talents: Ghost Assailant, Keen Shot

Level 5: Soldier 1
Hit Points: 6+3 (59)
Class Feat: Weapon focus (Rifles)
Level Feat: Steadying Position
Talents: Armored Defense (free), Devastating Attack, Penetrating Attack

Level 6: Soldier 2
Hit Points: 6+3 (68)
Class Bonus Feat: Quick Draw

Level 7: Soldier 3
Hit Points: 6+3 (77)
Level Feat: Informer
Talents: Indomitable, Tough as Nails

Level 8: Bounty Hunter 1
Hit Points: 6+3 (86)
Talents: Hunter's Mark, Nowhere to Hide

Was there an answer on how many skills taking a background grants? I'm gonna need a few more days to write up a character, but figuring out what I'm good at first might help.

Meanwhile, since everyone's apparently posting it now, here's the stats for my reprogrammed Sith "protocol" droid, HK-51. He's good at shooting things, but can also fight unarmed (as well as smuggling pistols in his belly), being generally designed to either pose as an "unarmed" civilian droid, or as a sith agent. (I might need a better name, since HK-51 is the name of the entire Czerka line during the Great War). Since the HK-51 programming involves loyalty to one specific individual, it might make sense to have someone in the party be responsible for activating/reprogramming him.

Stats in need of formatting:
Fourth-Degree Droid Soldier 4/Scoundrel 3/Gunslinger 1
(Level 9 plan: Scoundrel 4, for Power Blast and Double Attack)
Wishlist: Elite Trooper? Independent Droid?
Background: Disgraced? Imprisoned? Criminal?

Str 14
Dex 22 (incl racial +2, levels +2, enhanced dex +2)
Con —
Int 14 (incl racial -2, levels +2)
Wis 12
Cha 12 (incl racial -2)

Languages: Basic, Binary, Bocce, Huttese, + protocol droid translator unit

HP: 65/65 (30+3d10+3d6+1d8)

Ref [evasion]: 26/31 vs grenades+missiles (Level 8, Half Armor +4, Class +4 [gunslinger], +0/+5 deflection)
Fort: 22 (Level 8, Str +2, Class +2 [soldier])
Will: 21 (Level 8, Wis +1, Class +2 [gunslinger])

BAB +7, Initiative +15, Speed 6

Unarmed +14 or +12/+12 (1d4+6) (may provoke)
Vibrodagger +13 or +11 if dual (2d4+6+2d6 ion)
Disarm +14 (may provoke)
Grab +14
Grapple +15

Iridonian heavy blaster pistol +14 (3d8+6)
Heavy sonic pistol +14 (2d8+4)
Subrepeating blaster +15 (3d6+4)
Disarm +15

(Wishlist: Toughness? Power Blast? Double Attack? Improved Disarm? Martial Arts? Crush?)
Weapon Focus (Pistols) (Soldier Campaign Bonus 1) (+1 to hit)
Weapon Proficiency (Advanced Melee Weapons) (Soldier Campaign Bonus 1)
Point Blank Shot (Scoundrel Bonus 1) (+1/+1 at point-blank)
Weapon Finesse (Soldier 2) (use dex with melee weapons)
Precise Shot (Soldier 4) (Core)
Quick Draw (Scoundrel 2)
Dual Mastery I (Level 1) (TWF penalty at -5)
Pin (Level 3) (Grapple after Grab to immobilize enemy)
Crush (Level 5) (Deal unarmed damage to grappled enemy, treating as flat-footed, combos with dastardly strike)
Dual Mastery II (Level 7) (TWF penalty at -2)

(Wishlist: Ranged Flank? Counterpunch? Defensive Jab? Disarming Attack? Second Skin? Seize Object? Modification Specialist? Repair Self? Droid Smash?)
Armored Defense (Soldier Campaign Bonus 1) (Core) (use level or armor bonus to ref def)
Dastardly Strike (Scoundrel Campaign Bonus 1) (Core) (-1 to condition on hit vs. flat-footed)
Improved Armored Defense (Soldier 1) (Core) (level +1/2 armor to AC)
Grabber (Soldier 1) (LE) (no -5 to grab enemies)
Weapon Specialization (Pistols) (Soldier 3) (Core) (+2 to damage)
Expert Grappler (Soldier 3) (Core) (+2 on grapple checks)
Cheap Trick (Scoundrel 1) (GaW) (advantage on checks to feint w/in 6 feet)
Surprise Strike (Scoundrel 1) (FU) (if caught in a lie, can immediately begin combat, automatically gaining free surprise round)
Easy Prey (Scoundrel 3) (GaW) (after hitting enemy with standard action, can halve damage to deny dex until end of next turn)
Evasion (Scoundrel 3) (Core) (reduces damage from area effects)
Ranged Disarm (Gunslinger 1) (Core) (can disarm with ranged weapons)
Multitrack Proficiency (Pistols) (Gunslinger 1) (Core) (Reduce penalty by -2)

(Class skills: All except Force, Survival)
Trained in 3+Int+Background (at least 5)
(Perception? Gather? Computer? Knowledge?)

(Approximately 600 credits remaining)

Droid Parts (11350):
-Magnetic Feet, Walking, Jump Servos (1080) (can take 10 on jump, always a running start)
-2 hand appendages (100)
-2 tool appendages (not sure what these do on something with two hands, but they’re standard on HK models) (20)
-Heuristic Processor
-Internal commlink (250)
-Vocabulator (50)
-Improved sensor package + darkvision (350) (perception +2)
-Translator Unit (DC 5) (2k)
-Locked access (50)
-10 kg Internal Storage (concealment compartment) (500)
-Verpine Shield Generator (military, 7000 with license) (SR 10, DR 10 vs ion)

Secret Compartment Items (11242.5, 9.8 kg):
>>Subrepeating blaster, quick-draw, scope, rangefinder, improved accuracy (military, 1280 with license; 2.3 kg) (3d6 damage, retractable stock, 50 shots, +1 to hit)
>>Iridonian heavy blaster pistol, quick-draw, scope, rangefinder, increased weapon damage (illegal, 5510 with license; 1.3 kg) (3d8+2 damage or 2d8+2 stun, +2 to power blast damage, 50 shots)
>>Heavy sonic pistol, quick-draw, scope, rangefinder (licensed, 1737.5 with license; 1 kg) (2d8 damage, 50 shots)
>>Vibrodagger, quick-draw, ion charger (licensed, 1250 with license; 1 kg) (2d4+2d6 ion damage)
>>Security kit (military, 900 with license; 1 kg)
>>Code cylinder (500; 1 kg) (contains license and clearance ID)
>>Liquid cable (10; 0.2 kg)
>>Mesh tape (5; 0.5 kg)
>>Binder cuffs (50; 0.5 kg)

Body Enhancements (4400)
-Enhanced Droid, +2 Dex (2k)
-Improved Accuracy (Hand) (2k)
-Droid Diagnostic (GaW) (400, +2 to Self-Mechanics)

Armor and integrated systems (20365)
-Durasteel Armor, Agile, Armorplast (restricted, 12960 with license) (+8 ref bonus, +4 max dex, reduced weight)
>Cloaked (licensed, +787.5 with license) (+5 to Deception checks to appear as normal droid plating)
>Integrated Equipment (5 slots) (1k)
>>Blaster pistol, hold-out, cloaked, quick-draw (illegal, 1267.5 with license) (3d4 damage, +10 vs detection, 6 shots)
>>ABC Scrambler (3k, +5 deflection to ref against grenades/missiles)
>>Electrobinoculars (1k, reduces range penalties to perception)
>>Videorecorder (100)
>>Tool kit (250)

I thought that it only granted one. With my Imprisoned background the associated skills were: Acrobatics, Gather Information, and Stealth. I only took Stealth from that.

That is how I created my character as well. However, it has been interpreted differently by some, so better to have the GM's clarification I think.

Dennis Harry/Storyteller Shadow, Hugo/Trevan cannot actually take the Improved Initiative scout talent as it has the Acute Senses talent as a prerequisite (and as a heads up, even were he to take Acute Senses as one of the two scout talents, he would not be able to take Improved Initiative as well because both talents are considered to be taken simultaneously and thus one cannot have the other as a prerequisite).

Re-reading the relevant rules I think it must be a single skill from the relevant background skill list. I was just being a little over-optimistic.

Yet another edit...

F. Castor wrote:

That is how I created my character as well. However, it has been interpreted differently by some, so better to have the GM's clarification I think.

Dennis Harry/Storyteller Shadow, Hugo/Trevan cannot actually take the Improved Initiative scout talent as it has the Acute Senses talent as a prerequisite (and as a heads up, even were he to take Acute Senses as one of the two scout talents, he would not be able to take Improved Initiative as well because both talents are considered to be taken simultaneously and thus one cannot have the other as a prerequisite).

Thanks Castor, I will be updating my submission tonight and will take that into account. I forgot about the restriction on simultaneous Talents with another set of picks as well. Late night complex character building will lead to these types of results!

An updated list...

Qal Orne, Male Human Scout 3/Scoundrel 3/Jedi 1/Saboteur 1

colin spear:
Gorshym, Male Wookie Soldier 4/Jedi 3/Force Adept 1

Dennis Harry/Storyteller Shadow:
Hugo Lightbringer/Trevan Darksome, Male Human Scout 1/Scoundrel 1/Jedi 6

Tavin Gunn, Male Duros Noble 3/Scoundrel 3/Scout 1/Ace Pilot 1

F. Castor:
Callum Vorn, Male Human Scout 1/Jedi 7

Alaric Quor'ran, Male Human Jedi 7/Jedi Knight 1

Vintressa, Female Nautolan Scout 3/Scoundrel 1/Soldier 3/Bounty Hunter 1

Joynt Jezebel:
Dead Mona, Female Givin Noble 3/Jedi 3/Soldier 1/Force Adept 1

Jal Raxis, Male Rattataki Jedi 2/Scoundrel 5/Crime Lord 1

Harkol Siv-Ban, Male Zabrak Scout 1/Jedi 6/Jedi Knight 1

Pato Bendo, Male Ithorian Jedi 7/Force Adept 1

HK-51, Male Droid Soldier 4/Scoundrel 3/Gunslinger 1

Vrog Skyreaver:
Khrr, Male Wookie Soldier 8

@Thunderbeard, Conceivably you could have come with me when I left the sith empire a few years ago and moved to the republic.

Also I just saw that I forgot to put in the class progression in the actual post I made. Here I have corrected that mistake.

character sheet:

Age 31 – 7’ tall – 350lbs - Male
Wookie Soldier 4/jedi 3/force adept 1
Force points: 10
Dark side points: 5
Init +11
DEFENSES Fort 28 ref 26 Will 24
Damage threshold: 28
Hp 93
Speed: 6 sq
ryk blade +14 (2d10+15), or 2 ryk blade +12/+12 2d10 +10
Ranged: +13
Special attacks: Wookie rage, power attack
Force powers: battle strike x2, surge
STR: 20 DEX: 16 CON: 14 INT: 14 WIS: 12 CHA: 8
FEATS: Weapon prof (simple, rifle, pistol, advanced,), armor prof (light, medium), power attack, weapon focus (ryk blade), dual weapon mastery I, force sensitivity (int), martial arts I, force training, dual weapon mastery II, skill training (use the force),
SKILLS: athletics (trained) +14, endurance (trained) +11, initiative +11 (trained), stealth (trained) +17, survival (trained) +10, use the force (trained) +11,
Languages: Common, shyriiwook, sith, huttese
Talents: Melee smash, armored defense, unrelenting assault, damage reduction, force harmony, indomitable will, cortosis gauntlet block, clear mind, equilibrium, block/deflect, empower weapon,
Gear: 2 sith alchemical ryk blades (2400), bowcaster (1500), phryk alloy light dark armor (shadow skin) (+2 against force perception) (17000), voxbox (memory upgrade) (4200), (long range miniture) encrypted commlink (5000), code cylinder (imperal) (500), electrobinoculers (1000), aqua breather (350), stealth field generator (5000) bracer computer (1300), cortosis gauntlet (improved durability) (2500) 4500 credits

Gorshym at first glance is nothing special for a wookie. Rather tall at just over 2 meters tall he is muscularly built with a nice coat of dark brown fur covering him. He carries his weapons, a pair unusually colored ryk blades on his back as would any self-respecting wookie warrior. Its not until you look into his eyes that you notice anything out of the ordinary. In his eyes there is nothing but death. Being raised as a personal assassin to the sith lord Darth Tentik does not give room for much else in a life. Gorshym was taken as a young age from kashykk and raised on Dromund Kaas to serve as both a jedi hunter as well as a sith killer. Trained to fight force users and specially equipped to handle their lightsabers he served for many successful years in this capacity. Gorshym was a powerful servant under Darth tentik and was well rewarded for his work. However as is won’t with the sith, a rival envied the position and power of Darth Tentik and made his move, eliminating Darth Tentik’s forces and slaying the sith lord. Since that day Gorshym has vowed to bring vengeance upon Lord Slithus. Yet Gorshym knew that lord slithus would be prepared for him knowing that he wasn’t there in the massacre of Darth Tentik and his followers. Gorshym decided to leave the empire and seek out an SIS agent by the name of Ribb Tenson who he encountered several times on earlier hunts into republic space. Since that time 4 years ago Gorshym has been serving as an assassin and a defender in an attempt to gain the trust of the SIS. His unique talents in fighting against force users have served the SIS well in defending against the assaults of the sith before the end of the war.

About the background thing: I asked the GM while I was making my character and he did clarify that Castor's correct. Would have said something last night but I was tired and working one something else.

Though I have to say, I'm really digging everyone's characters so far. There's some really creative stuff coming up.

Sundakan wrote:

...Okay nobody told me there was a prestige class that can deploy turrets.

Please stand by, Iron Man may become The Engineer instead.

Indeed, Saboteur is a pretty cool prestige class. (It's why Qal Orne is one!) You could actually do an Iron Man with Saboteur pretty well. The prestige class would build rather well on a Scoundrel/Soldier chassis (with perhaps a level of Scout). Start with Scoundrel for the skills and a couple of interesting Talents, then move into Soldier for the armor Talents. Your Feat spread could be anything from Tech Specialist to Weapon Focus depending on how in-your-face you want to be in a fight.

I was thinking of properly combining the ideas, yeah. I don't like many of the Scoundrel talents, but I was thinking going full Soldier up to 6th and being somewhat of a tech savant like the Soldier or Commando from the Borderlands games and being an explosives expert would be really cool. I also might go Scout 1/Soldier 4/Saboteur 2 (or Soldier 5/Saboteur 1?) just for the extra trained skills and snagging Jury Rigger + Evasion as my Talents. Then I could be somewhat of a "hold the line" character who's not particularly mobile but can set up a nice semi-fortified position to protect myself while I'm fixing a vehicle in a warzone or setting a charge, or others when they're doing similar.

I'd have to spend 2 Feats on Heavy Armor proficiency but it might be worth it. Although thinking of that just going Soldier 6 or 7/Saboteur 2 or 1 and just grabbing Skill Training twice would give me the same result but without Jury Rigger and Evasion.

If both my guy and Qal Orne get picked we could even set up a proper Sentry nest!

Guess who's laptop decided to crap out and crash about a half-hour down the road today, dropping all the profiles of folks and losing his notes? I'll give you a hint: it was me. I'm sorry everyone, but you'll probably need to wait a little longer for dedicated feedback on characters. I'd love to say tomorrow will be the day, but between chances of my laptop dying and linking up with the rest of the family at our destination (a bunch of people decided to fly instead of taking the scenic route), I have no idea if I'll actually have the time to look things over, write things up, and post.

That said, in another installment of quick and snappy notes, I'll confirm that Backgrounds only give you training for the skills that would normally become class skills--you pick one from the list, or two if it's a Planet background. You don't get all three, but then, you wouldn't normally get all three either.

Also, as a quick note mainly to Sundakan but also to anyone else newer to the system: the minimum Heroic level (or BAB) for prestige classes, along with other prerequisites, has to be met before you take a level in the class--meaning that with rare exception, no prestige class can be taken before your 8th character level. (In fact, the only exception that comes to mind is the Independent Droid class, which is mainly just hugely helpful for droid characters who want to actually do things without following relatively strict guidelines.) It's a tad confusing, so worth pointing out.

Submission edited per DM feedback (and Castor notes).

I still need to pick out equipment but I'll have to get to that later.

GM Loup Blanc wrote:
Also, as a quick note mainly to Sundakan but also to anyone else newer to the system: the minimum Heroic level (or BAB) for prestige classes, along with other prerequisites, has to be met before you take a level in the class--meaning that with rare exception, no prestige class can be taken before your 8th character level. (In fact, the only exception that comes to mind is the Independent Droid class, which is mainly just hugely helpful for droid characters who want to actually do things without following relatively strict guidelines.) It's a tad confusing, so worth pointing out.

Ah. I assumed it worked like Pathfinder and D&D where you gained a new level and then picked class/Feats/skills/etc. in roughly that order.

I'm assuming in this system everything is assumed to take place simultaneously at level up then.

Actually as far as PrC prerequisites are concerned I think all systems mentioned are the same. They have to be met before the PrC is taken. It is just that in Saga most if not all Prestige Classes share one particular prerequisite, that being Heroic Level 7th (some like Jedi Knight have BAB +7 instead). Basically it is like saying Soldier 7th or Scoundrel 7th, but because the system is made to be multiclass-friendly it generalizes it into Heroic Level 7th, i.e. any combination of levels in Heroic Classes (more or less the Saga equivalent of Base Classes) that totals 7.

Dennis Harry/Storyteller Shadow , the Shake It Off feat requires you to have a minimum Constitution score of 13 (as well as be trained in Endurance, which you are) in order to take it.

Sundakan wrote:
I was thinking of properly combining the ideas, yeah. I don't like many of the Scoundrel talents, but I was thinking going full Soldier up to 6th and being somewhat of a tech savant like the Soldier or Commando from the Borderlands games and being an explosives expert would be really cool. I also might go Scout 1/Soldier 4/Saboteur 2 (or Soldier 5/Saboteur 1?) just for the extra trained skills and snagging Jury Rigger + Evasion as my Talents. Then I could be somewhat of a "hold the line" character who's not particularly mobile but can set up a nice semi-fortified position to protect myself while I'm fixing a vehicle in a warzone or setting a charge, or others when they're doing similar.

As GM Loup has noted you won't be able to get two levels of Saboteur, but other than that you have a lot of options. The reason I recommended Scoundrel was just to easily pick up Deception and Use Computer, but there are a few other ways to grab those so it's not *vital* to have a level of Scoundrel. A combination of Background choices and skill feats gets you there. Any background that would add Deception would be one I'd look at. Nar Shaddaa would be a good one if you start with Soldier and are starved for skills. (You'll get two and a language!)


I'd have to spend 2 Feats on Heavy Armor proficiency but it might be worth it. Although thinking of that just going Soldier 6 or 7/Saboteur 2 or 1 and just grabbing Skill Training twice would give me the same result but without Jury Rigger and Evasion.

If both my guy and Qal Orne get picked we could even set up a proper Sentry nest!

I won't say that Medium Armors are bad (they're not) but it's a popular opinion. The thing is that Heavy Armors can be *really* good. Especially with a good bit of modification. The options range from Katarn Commando Armor (crazy-expensive but the most customizable armor in the game with all sorts of unique and cool stuff) to Matrix armor (relatively cheap and not so customizable but with a really good unique power.) The bottom line is, using a feat on Heavy Armor proficiency is definitely worth the investment. If you're going that route then you should also grab the Grand Army of the Republic feat from the Clone Wars book.

F. Castor wrote:
the Shake It Off feat requires you to have a minimum Constitution score of 13...

I didn't think you could make a character in any d20 based game with less than a 14 con. Weird.

Vrog Skyreaver wrote:
F. Castor wrote:
the Shake It Off feat requires you to have a minimum Constitution score of 13...
I didn't think you could make a character in any d20 based game with less than a 14 con. Weird.

Of course you can. It's just that a lot of people think you shouldn't. I pretty often make characters with only 12. Heaven help anyone who makes a character with less than 10, though.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

For Constitution definitely at least a 12 for me. And certainly never below 10. But then again I never drop any stat below 10, not even Charisma, as I hate dump stats with a passion. :-P

F. Castor wrote:

Actually as far as PrC prerequisites are concerned I think all systems mentioned are the same. They have to be met before the PrC is taken. It is just that in Saga most if not all Prestige Classes share one particular prerequisite, that being Heroic Level 7th (some like Jedi Knight have BAB +7 instead). Basically it is like saying Soldier 7th or Scoundrel 7th, but because the system is made to be multiclass-friendly it generalizes it into Heroic Level 7th, i.e. any combination of levels in Heroic Classes (more or less the Saga equivalent of Base Classes) that totals 7.

Dennis Harry/Storyteller Shadow , the Shake It Off feat requires you to have a minimum Constitution score of 13 (as well as be trained in Endurance, which you are) in order to take it.

That is a Scout basic feat package so I don't think the pre-requisite is a barrier in this instance but I'll double check when I get near my books.

Edit: You are correct Castor! 3.5 used to give exemptions to class feats, I guess Saga does not. I'll adjust that later.

I have updated my gear list. Planning to polish up the Background later this evening.

I actually only have Con 10 because I was a bit attribute starved (I have a 16 Int because that's the attribute the turret uses to attack). I took the Feat that lets me use Str for my Fort defense and my race gets Toughness for free though so it's like having a 12 Con for HP and a 16 for Fort.

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