Star Wars: Republic S.O.E.

Game Master Loup Blanc

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It is the year 3652 BBY, one year after the Treaty of Coruscant brought an end to the Great War. An uneasy ceasefire has settled on the Galaxy, with the REPUBLIC still recovering from the SITH EMPIRE's all-out attack.

Beneath the surface, however, conflict lingers. On the planet CARRATOS, an agent of the Republic, KAUL WREN, has been captured by Sith forces. Eager to recover the information he may possess, the Republic sends a newly-formed team, the SPECIAL OPERATIONS EXECUTIVE, to covertly neutralize the Imperial agents and rescue Wren.

Six agents converge on the Sith complex, ready to do what they must to secure peace. . .

Happy New Year, and welcome to the Recruitment for my latest game on these fine forums! This is a Star Wars game, using the Saga Edition ruleset from Wizards of the Coast, set during the Cold War era of the Old Republic. Amidst a backdrop of espionage, uneasy peace, and countless organizations vying for power across the Galaxy, the game will see a team of Republic special agents take on covert missions to help a struggling government maintain its strength against the vast and wicked Sith Empire. The game will open during a rescue mission and move on from there, with potential paths branching out depending on choices made and the way the dice fall. I hope for the game to be gritty but heroic, with a team of highly-trained individuals making hard choices and doing whatever it takes to get the job done. (Or not! Loyalties sometimes switch in the blink of an eye.)

I've drawn up a more nicely-formatted player document that's shared through Google Docs, which you can access HERE; the information is posted below as well, and will be copied into the Campaign Info tab for reference, albeit without fancy formatting to look nice. I've spruced up the system in a few ways, so make sure to take a look, because there are changes to all classes in some way or another.

I'm also including a bit about the game I'm hoping to run and how I'm hoping to run it in a spoiler below, so check that out. Always good to know who you're dealing with when you're trying to game with them!

I'd also like to explicitly say right here and now that this is going to be a relatively long-running Recruitment process: I'm going on a family vacation soon, and after that is the start of a semester at school, so I fully expect not to actually start this game until mid-to-late January. If you can't find it in yourself to wait that long, and check in throughout, then you probably shouldn't apply.

Character Creation Mechanics:
Starting Level: 8. This is intended to allow everyone to have one level of a Prestige Class should they so desire, particularly allowing for full Jedi Knights in the party.
Sourcebooks: I believe I have all of them, so use your judgment but in theory most everything’s available. I’m okay with reflavoring some things, but do ask, particularly if you’re using something obscure. If I don’t recognize it I’ll look it up, and if it seems screwy I’ll call shenanigans.
Ability Scores: All your scores start at 10, and you have 20 points to spend increasing them on a 1-for-1 basis. No scores should be below 10 before adjustments for your species, unless you’re a Jedi, in which case none should be below 10 after adjustments. And don’t forget the score increases for being level 8!
Species: Most species are available, but some aren’t as reasonable. I’m not hugely concerned about what’s canon and what isn’t, but we probably shouldn’t have an Ewok or Yuuzhan Vong running around in this period.
Classes: All five base classes are available, of course, and as long as it makes sense, Prestige Classes are on the table, too. Keep in mind, you’re part of a special team of operators for the Republic during the Cold War: you should pick options that gear you toward a useful skill set for the team. Also make sure to look at my Class Notes/Upgrades below.
Skills: I roll Climb and Swim together into a new skill called Athletics; if either of those were class skills for you, Athletics is a class skill for you. I also fold Jumping into Athletics and Acrobatics, so you can use either of those skills for jumping as you please. Anything that would have added to Jump instead applies to Acrobatics/Athletics checks made to jump (or perform some other use of the Jump skill).
Feats: Biggest changes here are in your class’s Starting Feats. I’ll also be assigning your character a bonus feat of my choosing based on a background element—homeworld, prior experience, training, something of that nature. It’s worth noting, however, that I’m quite willing to change certain feats to replicate their Pathfinder counterparts. The ones that most come to mind are Dodge, Melee Defense (Combat Expertise), Power Attack, and Power Blast (Deadly Aim); ask me if there are others you’re interested in taking that seem worth changing.
Talents: You get two talents at each level you normally receive one—that is to say, every odd level of a given class. These talents are considered to be taken simultaneously, though, so you can’t use one to qualify for another at the same level. I’ve also altered certain talents, as noted in the Class stuff below. The other thing worth noting is that I make talent trees from your base class(es) always available when you take a Prestige Class; e.g., if you go from Soldier to Gunslinger, you could keep taking talents from, say, the Weapon Specialist tree with your Gunslinger levels if you wanted to do so.
Equipment: You have 50,000 credits to spend on starting gear; if you have the Wealth talent, it’s doubled to 100,000. As long as the base equipment makes sense, feel free to purchase modifications, upgrades, templates, and so on, as long as you follow the normal rules and everything works together. You can even purchase upgrades from the Tech Specialist feat, although if you don’t possess that feat yourself it costs double.
Obviously some characters may have more to purchase here than others—Jedi come to mind as probably not needing to spend all that much on their own gear—but I would strongly advise that you keep some cash in reserve for both purchasing/upgrading the group ship and just having some liquid funds during the game. After all, in the galaxy of Cold War espionage, you never know when having a few thousand credits on hand will make a difference.
I would also advise purchasing licenses for at least some of your equipment as necessary. Since you’re Republic agents, you’re technically allowed to carry anything short of illegal equipment, but since you’re covert Republic agents, you won’t be able to fall back on that excuse with any reliability--certainly not on any Imperial-controlled worlds.
Character Traits: I’ll be using the Background system from the Rebellion Campaign Guide, with the caveat that rather than just adding skills to your class skill list, you receive training in them; after all, you’re highly skilled operatives who’ve been chosen for your particular skills and experience. I won’t be using the full Destiny system, but Destiny Points are in play as a rare but powerful resource; each of you starts out with 1 Destiny Point. You also start out with max Force Points as regular for your class and level.For Hit Points, use half-max+1 for your class’s hit die (so Soldiers, for example, would gain 6 HP+Con for each level) for every level after 1st (which uses regular rules).

Character Creation Fluff:
Backstory: The more the better, within reason—while I’d love to read a well-written novella about your character’s life up to this point (that should only be read with a mild amount of snark), I doubt I’ll have the time, or the inclination to spend the time doing that instead of something else. A few paragraphs or so is probably good enough for giving the basics of your backstory: where you come from, how you’ve gotten here. The Legend of the Batman for your character is a good idea here: a neat sum-up of what’s made them who they are, but which doesn’t take too long to get through. We’re looking for the action, after all!
Beyond that, though, there are a few questions I’d like everyone to answer for their character.
Question 1: Who do you know? Name a couple of contacts your character has made, people they can call on for a favor or support when the time comes. One of these should be someone who could be a contact over and over again, and one should be more of a short-term or one-time deal—they owe you a favor, something along those lines. Give them a name and a basic summary of their role—something like “Dexter Jettster, Cantina Owner/Information Broker” would do, with a little more to explain how you know them and while they’re willing to help you.
Question 2: Who knows you? Name an enemy your character has made, living or dead. The Galaxy is a dangerous place, and not so long ago it was embroiled in all-out war. It’s difficult to make it very far in life without making enemies, and for the types of people who become Player Characters, it’s all but impossible. Maybe it’s a smuggler you busted, rotting in prison and waiting for revenge; maybe it’s a Sith apprentice whom you dueled to the death as a Padawan during the dark days of the Great War. Give them a name and summary like your contacts above, with a brief note on why you are (or were) enemies. (Obviously noting their current state will be helpful too, because if you don’t, I’ll take it and run as far as I can.)
Question 3: Why are you part of this mission? The game is going to start with your first mission as a team already underway: a “cold open,” in medias res, whatever you want to call it. The objective is to rescue one Kaul Wren, a Republic Special Forces agent who was compromised and captured by Sith agents. He’s currently being held in a complex on the city-planet Carratos, kept under careful watch and tight security measures. The situation is delicate for many reasons, but it seems a perfect testing ground for the new unit the party comprises.
But the group has been hand-selected for the expertise of each individual and their purpose in this particular mission. Explain what your role in the mission is, and be specific! If you’re a sharpshooter, don’t say “I was brought on for my precise aim and cool trigger finger;” try something like “Intelligence showed there are three guards posted on the balconies of the floor where Wren’s being kept, and there’s no approach to take them out without alerting them. The only vantage point to take them out is over 300 meters away; command knows there are just four rifles in the Republic who can make that shot, and I’m the only one who can make all three quick enough to count.”
Don’t treat this as a restriction that means you have to build characters with certain skills; think of it as a way to really sell yourself as a creative player and your character as a valuable member of the team.

Ability Scores: To play a Jedi, all of your ability scores must be at least 10 after adjustment for your species. Jedi are well-rounded and capable individuals, and are often above average for a member of their species in nearly every regard. (They’re also extremely powerful and I don’t want them to get away with dump stats of any kind.)
Starting Feats: In addition to their regular starting feats, Jedi gain Armor Proficiency (light) and Weapon Proficiency (advanced melee weapons). In these dangerous days, many Jedi find that some light armoring can make the difference between life and death, and with the rise of energy shields, their training has reintroduced the use of vibroswords.
Talents: The Block and Deflect talents are combined into one single talent. Additionally, Jedi can take the Armored Defense talent from the Soldier’s Armor Specialist talent tree.
Build Lightsaber: Assuming you’re high enough level in the Jedi class to have this option, you should have completed it by game start. You do pay the cost for one attempt from your starting credits, but you also gain the bonus for having a personally built and attuned lightsaber (with a crystal of your choice).
The Force: (Listed here since Jedi are the most likely to be affected) When you take the Force Sensitive feat, you pick one mental ability score (Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma). You use this score as the linked ability for the Use the Force skill, and for determining how many Force powers you learn when taking the Force Training feat. By default, this does NOT affect Force talents or other Force effects that rely on a given ability score.

Starting Feats: In addition to their regular starting feats, Nobles gain Armor Proficiency (light) and Weapon Proficiency (advanced melee weapons). Even diplomats and corporate heads are trained to use energy shields and vibroblades in self-defense during these dark times.
Talents: Nobles gain the Connections talent from the Lineage talent tree for free; in the Cold War, who you know is nearly as important as who you are.

Starting Feats: In addition to their regular starting feats, Scoundrels gain Improved Defenses and Weapon Proficiency (advanced melee weapons). For those who live by their wits, natural reflexes and luck are more important than armor, but a vibroknife at your side is never a bad plan.
Talents: Scoundrels gain one rank of the Dastardly Strike or Sneak Attack talent for free; perhaps more so now than ever, it pays to take whatever advantage you can. Additionally, Scoundrels can take the Improved Stealth talent from the Scout’s Camouflage talent tree.

Base Attack Bonus: Scouts have a Base Attack Bonus equal to their class level, rather than the usual progression.
Starting Feats: In addition to their regular starting feats, Scouts gain Armor Proficiency (light) and Weapon Proficiency (advanced melee weapons). Even reconnaissance specialists and backwater survivalists benefit from armor and vibroweapons in this day and age.
Talents: Scouts can take the Armored Defense talent from the Soldier’s Armor Specialist talent tree.

Starting Feats: In addition to their regular starting feats, Soldiers gain Weapon Focus (player’s choice) and Weapon Proficiency (advanced melee weapons). Nearly all combat training in this era includes the use of vibroweapons, and the best warriors are known for their skill with a given set of weapons.
Talents: Soldiers gain the Armored Defense talent for free; having lived through an era of all-out conflict, anyone with combat skill knows how to use armor to their advantage.

A Bit About Myself and This Game:
I'm a senior at college, going into my final semester later in January; I'm a Creative Writing major with minors in Film Studies and Philosophy, which keeps me busy and thinking but does leave me with enough time to post here during the semester for the most part. That said, I'm busy with other things in life as well: I'm involved in a couple of theater-based clubs on campus as well as other activities and two in-person games, one of which I GM. Between that and classwork, I sometimes find myself without time to do big GM-style update posts on a given day. I will do my best to maintain a 1/day post rate if the players do the same, but I make no stalwart promises: real life comes first. I'm almost always able to alert my games if I have an expected absence, though.

This game draws inspiration from a few venues, not just Star Wars, although it of course owes greatly to the films and expanded universe. Most directly it's built from what I know of the Old Republic through games like Knights of the Old Republic and the Old Republic MMO (neither of which I've played much myself, honestly, although I'm familiar with most of the general lore), and the recent Rogue One film, which to me showcased what a grittier story in the Star Wars universe can really do from a cinematic perspective. It also draws inspiration from the James Bond films and other espionage-themed media.

Some Tips to Get Selected:
1: Build a Character You Want to Play
I'm offering you a lot of options here, and giving you a fair amount of power to play with as well. I have a few restrictions, but not that many, and ultimately this is all because I want you to play the character you want. Don't worry about party balance, or trying to cram a "defined" role into your character that nobody else has; build what you want to build. It'll make the character more fun for you, and honestly I'm more likely to pick a neat character with a strong theme about them instead of someone who happens to have slapped a couple of, say, piloting options on the sheet. I'll build the game around the party, not the other way around.

2: Spread Out a Little
With more feats and talents than usual, your characters have a lot more options than most. I've done that to enable you to have characters with more skills at their disposal--not so much so that they can be horrendously good at one thing. I don't have strict requirements here by any means, but I'd advise you to spread things out. Use this as an opportunity to pick up the necessities, sure, but then nab those cool talents you've always looked at but couldn't justify fitting in a regular build; grab the feat that's situational, but flavorful and useful; build that switch-hitter who swaps from sniper rifles to subrepeaters to vibroknives. You can hyperspecialize if you must, but if the party's full of hideously overpowered combat monsters, I'll feel no guilt when I retaliate with the same for your foes. Don't make me do it.

3: Build a Team Player
It might be a natural response to see things like espionage and special operations and start creating a lone wolf sniper, or an undercover specialist who operates behind enemy lines without backup, or something along those lines... but maybe don't. I'm not saying you should build a character who thrives on supporting others, with all their talents and feats geared towards working in tandem with other people, but make sure you can function well as part of a team. Go ahead and make yourself a fine sniper, but make sure you'll have something to do when you're with the rest of the group, too.

3.5: Be a Team Player
This one's a little trickier to nail down in words or rules, but it's a simple enough idea: be a member of the team. Play nicely with others, and make an effort to do so. Gaming is a two-way street: I put forward a big wide world with lots of stuff to do and a plot crafted up to keep things interesting, and you put forward a character who's willing and ready to explore that world, follow that plot, and generally be interested. Ideally you as a player want to do those things, so make a character who does, too!
Like I said, it's not super easy to qualify, but here's a general pointer: I make characters all the time who have really interesting backstories, and lots of cool skills, and they're finely crafted with mechanics to back it all up and they've got really neat personalities, but they're not really "adventurer" types, they don't really poke their nose outside their boundaries or follow plot points. These are perfectly wonderful characters, and they're called NPCs.
Don't build an NPC.

4: Be Present, Be Positive, Be Helpful
I like to see potential players with a bit of initiative during the recruitment process, people who post with useful or important questions, people who help put forward neat ideas, people who are willing to help others without necessarily expecting anything in return. (You shouldn't expect anything--while I like it, I won't give you a spot just because you helped someone else or compiled the lists of applicants people always like to see.) If you maintain a positive outlook, helping people tweak their ideas and support their concepts, I'll take note. I'll also take note if you make unhelpful or maligning comments, so you should avoid that.
Likewise, I'd like to see people who are active in the thread. I don't want the Recruitment thread to turn into an in-character chatter area--if people want one, I'll open one--but I'd like to see people post a few times as the days go by. If you post once a day from now and disappear, that's not as good as seeing you check in every now and again.

5: Try Not to Waste Time
Don't ask questions that have already been answered. (What level are we starting at? How much starting gear do we have?) Don't ask questions that shouldn't need answered. (Can I play a Sith Apprentice? Can I stack X, Y, and Z in an unholy abomination that's strictly rules-legal?) Don't put forward a concept that should be obviously against the kind of game I'm trying to run. (Can I play a modern-day Star Wars fan who's been hilariously universe-transported into the campaign and also they're a Jawa now?)
I admit there's a fine line between questions worth asking and questions that aren't, sometimes, which is why this note is try (which my inner Yoda is yelling at me over, rest assured). If you're unsure, do go ahead and ask--and if you just want clarification, that's always fine!--but in my experience you can pretty quickly get a sense of a GM and what they are and aren't likely to let fly. I don't want to tell people how to play their game, but I am going to advise them strongly on how to play mine. That's my right as the one offering up the game in the first place.

6: Have a Good History
This is one that you can't control quite as much at this point, and in some ways that means it reflects the most on you as a player. If I've had good experiences with you in the past, that's going to be taken into account. If you seem like a generally good player who's got some good games and characters in their belt, that's good. If your first post ever is in this thread and I have no way of knowing what you're like, it's not an instant red alert, but it's something I consider. I'm very forgiving of certain things, especially absences--I once disappeared for a solid month and some folks welcomed me back to games with warm arms, so I'd be a bit of a hypocrite if I wasn't--but I take things into consideration. I'm in my games for the long haul, barring unforeseen problems, and I want players who are the same way.

I believe that's everything I need to say right now, so I'll leave this for the time being. Please post in with concepts, interest, and questions as needed. As a wrap-up, the two big questions that might slip by shall be answered below!

How many characters are you recruiting? Six is my goal.
When is recruitment ending? Mid-to-late January. I do not have a fixed date at this time, so don't ask for one.


I have a Sith I may retread as a Jedi for this one Loup.

EDIT: Nevermind I will be retreading him based on the character creation Guidelines. :-)

I'll probably have him up by early this week as after that my work schedule may start to get busy again and I do not want to run out of time.

Need to do a full read of the rules, but first gut feelings says a Scout/Bounty Hunter would be fun.

I'm interested in playing a droid, perhaps a T7 or T3 series. Obviously, I'd have good technical skills, and a few modifications that aren't standard.

Oof, I'm loving all those bonuses to talents and all that jazz, that makes me a very happy man. I'll also be submitting a Jedi, specifically a Jedi Shadow. They suffer the most from a need for additional talents, so that's a nice change. I do have one question, though; we talked previously about gaining a feat through level-up at every other level rather than every three levels. Are you still planning that, or did that change get cut? Also, am I to assume you aren't using one of your usual changes to using Dexterity for attack/damage and that we still need to take Weapon Finesse?

Wow. I am a great fan of Star Wars for roleplaying purposes and the Saga Edition.
I will have to think about a character. Likely a noble trained in the force. Or perhaps a Mandalorian. I also want to have a look at the time period in question.

I do have a question about the house rules. What happens if you take a second or third base class?

Dotting. I will have to take a look at the various skill/feat/talent modifications, as well as the backgrounds, but I will probably go for either a Scout/Jedi (levels to be decided) or a Jedi 7/Jedi Knight 1.

Okay, count me instantly interested. I have a character I made for game years ago I never got to play more than like 2 game sessions, and I loved him so here's the character. I made sure to include a few paragraphs about his history and such.

Pato Bendo, Jedi Consular

The Fluffy Coating:

Pato Bendo was a young Ithorian padawan raised by an older Ithorian Jedi on one of their colony garden ships. Mostly preoccupied with the terraforming technology used hundreds of years earlier on Telos, Pato's master was an adequate teacher, but also an oft-absent one. His master was more scientifically inclined than Pato was, and was seeking desperately a technology that would help the republic win the war against the empire.
In reality, his master hadn't wanted to deal with a padawan but needed the promotion to Master in order to have the command and resources to continue pursuing his own goals. Pato was given an education in the force, but mostly his inquiries and desire to learn ended up annoying his master more than anything. Unfortunately, their general distance from the temple on Coruscant and the war had meant that there wasn't much oversight in his training.
Which was a terrible mistake, and a boon at the same time. Pato Bendo had an obviously stronger connection to the force than his master did, even as a Padawan. He was particularly great at moving objects; his mind did not associate lifting mass with effort. But also, his solitude meant that he was unnoticed by sith who would have loved the opportunity to exploit his absentee master and induct him into the sith empire.
Pato was sent on numerous 'training missions' to acquire certain types of seeds, plants, or life forms and bring them back to his master as proof. His last mission took him over a year, a mission to find 'force-sensitive plants'. The budding plant he did end up bringing back was responsive.
Since then, his master dismissed him to go to the temple and gain his knighthood. It was easy, though some of the masters were concerned that his lightsaber combat skills had fallen so far behind his mastery of the force. Able to pass the trials, he was granted the title of knight, though Pato only attained the title to rid himself of his master, and pursue his journey in the force on his own.
Since then, he's traveled at the jedi council's request, pursued rare plant life to send to his old master, and handled negotiations wherever he was needed. He was a skilled councilar, after all. When the treaty was signed and the Jedi driven back to Tython, Pato has spent much of the time there helping clear ruins and aiding reconstruction efforts.

Crunchy Center:

Class Jedi 7/Force Adept 1
Species Ithorian (-2 Dex, +2 Wis,+2 Cha)
Racial Powers:
Bellow: Sonic attack (1d20+level) vs. Fort defense in 6 square cone. Does 3d6 damage to failed defense, half on success.
Survival Instinct: Ithorians may always choose to reroll a survival check, but must take the second result even if it's worse.
Ties with nature: If Knowledge: Life Sciences is trained skill, gains Skill focus for that skill free.
Strength: 10
Dexterity 10
Constitution 12 (+1)
Intelligence 12 (+1)
Wisdom 22 (+6)
Charisma 22 (+6)
Derived Stats:
Hit Points: 79
Force Points: 13
Damage Threshold: 30
Speed 6
Initiative 4
Perception 15
Base Attack +7
Fortitude 21
Reflex 20
Will 30
Athletics 4
Deception 10
Endurance 5
Gather information 10
Initiative 4
K:Galactic Lore 5
K:Life Sciences 15 (Trained, Skill focus)
Mechanics 5
Perception 15 (trained)
Pilot 4
Ride 4
Stealth 4
Survival 10
Treat Injury 10
Use Computer 5
Use the Force 20 (trained, skill focus)
Basic (understand), Ithorese, Duros (understand)
Telekinetic Savant
Telekinetic Prodigy
Telekinetic Power
Channel Energy
Indomitable Will
Adept Negotiator
Force Persuasion
Clear Mind
Force Powers: (Suite Uses)
Move Object (2)
Negate Energy (2)
Rebuke (2)
Mind Shard (2)
Force Blast (2)
Far Seeing
Force Shield
Mind Trick
Force Sensitivity
WP Lightsabers
WP Simple
WP Advanced
Light Armor Proficiency
Force Training (2 times, level 1 and 3)
Force Boon (Level 6)
Skill Focus (Use the Force)
Strong in the Force
Fight through the pain
Lightsaber, Tonfa(?) (+1 attack, 2d8). Ithorian Life-Tree(Bonsai). Gardening Tools. Comlink, long-range. Datapad. Fusion Lantern. Holorecorder. Space Suit. Medical Kit. Medpac. Ration Pack (30). 40,000 credits (available to pool for a starship)

Questions, questions...:

1: Who do I know?
Doro Rondo, Ithorian Jedi Master. His old master and tutor. Knowledgeable in the force and almost any type of creature or plant.
Akashira Sixes. A Zabrak tech specialist he rescued from Nal Hutta. Specializes in droid tech.
Gamun, Mon-Cal soldier. Befriended while taking lessons on-planet about Kolto and Bacta uses. Good leadership skills and head for tactics.
2: Who knows me?
Jakkin Shuss, Mandalorian... something. Encountered during his search for force-sensitive plants. Pato-Bendo interfered with him, and then managed to fight him off several times as he tried to get revenge on him for doing so. Current status: Upset, plotting, recruiting disposable minions.
Vitelle, Twilek jedi guardian. Once a fellow padawan, Vitelle grew increasingly jealous of Pato's seeming effortless grasp of force powers, wheras she had to struggle to even move a 10 kilo object. Now a professional rival, Vitelle struggles to control her emotions because she doesn't *want* to fall to the dark side. Current Status: Kicking asses for the republic.
3:Why are you part of the mission?
When the council told me they were going to send Vitelle on this mission, I had to interrupt them. It would be a mistake: Vitelle was a great jedi, but her skills were not the best among my generation. She'd be able to fight it out with her lightsaber, but she'd not be able to counter a dark side force-user. I can. I am a force-specialist. No one but the masters can match me in raw power and control. With me on the mission, nothing will get in our way. And, if I'm not needed to fight, I can talk us through checkpoints, patch up injured teammates, and through the force find unique solutions to our problems.

Pato Bendo is a force power focused character but is also capable of handling himself in a scrape. He's got some social abilities and talents, so he's not just a fighting character. His personality is common among Ithorians: generally calm, with a kind and supportive personality. If he likes a person, he'll be glad to help them. He has a small plant he takes with him in a little enviro-capsule; it was a bud taken from his home colonyship's life tree. He tends to it and trims the branches like we do bonsai trees. He has a difficulty understanding scale sometimes, and that can lead to him overdoing it when it comes to using powers like move object.

As an aside, I would love to develop the force power that lets me do This, which is way more powerful than the usual Ithorian bellow.

Scarab Sages

I'm quite interested in this game, but I also have a slight concern. GM Loup, you run and play in a *lot* of games. Do you think starting more games will slow your production in other games? At the risk of adding more applicants, the other game of yours I'm playing is *very* good, but we also don't come close to one post per day.

As for what I'll submit, I'm not really sure. Probably some combination of Noble/Jedi or Scoundrel/Jedi. An idea is forming in my brain, but it's not *quite* there yet.

Rungok, just a heads up, but I think you have used 22 points instead of 20. If for simplicity's sake we say that the level increases have gone to Wis and Cha (at 4th +1 to each and then at 8th +1 to each again), then:

Str 10 -> 10 (0 points)
Dex 10 -> 10 (2 points, -2 from race)
Con 10 -> 12 (2 points)
Int 10 -> 12 (2 points)
Wis 10 -> 22 (8 points, +2 from race, +1 at level 4, +1 at level 8)
Cha 10 -> 22 (8 points, +2 from race, +1 at level 4, +1 at level 8)

Also, keep in mind that Use the Force works a wee bit differently in this game, so you could maybe get away with having only one from between Wis and Cha be sky high, thus resulting in a more balanced spreading out of ability points and scores.

I would be interested in submitting a Nautolan Scout if that race is okay with you. I just need to find out which book that race is in. If not approved, I'd go for Twi'lek, my second favorite race.

She is a well known as a reconnaissance specialist and would have been chosen for this mission to scout out the best way to get in and out with minimum casualties on their side and as little collateral damage as possible.

You are right F Castor.

Also, Ithorians can speak Basic and other languages normally, unlike Wookies.

Question for the GM -

Is the knowledge of the force talent banned. It is the most OP thing ever.

Also the Enlighten power, Legacy p54, should be banned imho, at least as applies to skill checks. That is what I did.

Scarab Sages

At the moment I'm torn between a pilot and a close-combat take-down specialist. I contemplated the con artist scoundrel/noble, but I play that in a lot of games and rarely get the chance to actually play a character whose specialization is actual fighting. (Though given how many talents we get, the character would be *far* more than just a fighter.)

But the edges of the character are what are taking time coming together. I'm sure they'll form as I see more character ideas. ;)

@GM - In regards to the additional feats and talents that a Class gets (eg: Soldier gets Weapon Focus, Scoundrel gets Dastardly Strike) - Are those also available/free when multiclassing if the class with the bonus is not your first?

Vintressa wrote:
I would be interested in submitting a Nautolan Scout if that race is okay with you. I just need to find out which book that race is in.

They are in the Clone Wars campaign setting book.

Thank you Yoricks.

Dotting. I have several concepts to be dusted off and used, although I don't think I'll actually get started on the character until tomorrow. I'm considering either an intrusion specialist, an SIS officer, or a Jedi mixed with something. I just have to figure out precisely what I want to play.

Less than 12 hours in and already a bunch of interest! Very glad to see that. Less glad to see that I've already forgotten some things... Heh.

JDPhipps wrote:
I do have one question, though; we talked previously about gaining a feat through level-up at every other level rather than every three levels. Are you still planning that, or did that change get cut?

Yeah, I meant to include that and somehow missed it in the writeup. Feat progression for this game is the same as Pathfinder's: You gain a feat at each odd level (1, 3, 5...) rather than every three (1, 3, 6...). I'll edit the Campaign Info tab and the Player's Doc with that update; those are the only places I can edit, so use them for the most up-to-date info.

JDPhipps wrote:
Also, am I to assume you aren't using one of your usual changes to using Dexterity for attack/damage and that we still need to take Weapon Finesse?

Yeah, for this game I'm leaving that alone. I don't worry much about altering it in PF, but Dexterity takes on a bigger role in Saga (what with the prevalence of ranged combat), and the ways to get Dex-to-damage are locked to higher levels, which I don't want to mess with. Plus, with the number of feats and talents available, it's not that huge an investment to get there if people want.

Joynt Jezebel wrote:
I do have a question about the house rules. What happens if you take a second or third base class?

I'm not sure what this means. I think someone later on asks a similar question that's more specific, so if that answers it, there you go; if not, please clarify what you'd like to know.

Rungok wrote:
I have a character I made for game years ago I never got to play more than like 2 game sessions, and I loved him so here's the character. I made sure to include a few paragraphs about his history and such.

I've got no problems with people using old characters, but on first glance I would say take a step back and take your time fixing him up for this game. He seems interesting, but there are a few discrepancies with the build rules (as I'd expect, honestly, given how quickly you seem to have changed him around!). Also, you have one too many people listed for the contacts and enemy; it should be two and one, respectively.

aptinuviel wrote:
GM Loup, you run and play in a *lot* of games. Do you think starting more games will slow your production in other games?

Thanks for the concern, but I'll be okay. If I don't post on a day it isn't typically because I didn't have time for one game, it's because I didn't have time for any GM posting at all. I typically do have swaths of time in which to post, so long as the games are updated enough to warrant it, so I'll be okay. I've never promised a fast-paced game, only a well-loved one.

Vintressa wrote:
I would be interested in submitting a Nautolan Scout if that race is okay with you.

Nautolans are fine--they were around in this period and the species isn't overpowered or anything. Guessing it was in the Clone Wars book just because of Kit Fisto.

Joynt Jezebel wrote:
Is the knowledge of the force talent banned. It is the most OP thing ever.

The talent from the Jal Shey talent tree in the KotOR book? No, that's fine. For one thing I don't really expect a Jal Shey submission, and for another, I don't see spending a Force Point to potentially give someone a whopping +2 to their Use the Force check that powerful.

Joynt Jezebel wrote:
Also the Enlighten power, Legacy p54, should be banned imho, at least as applies to skill checks. That is what I did.

Eh, I don't find that to be too much either. You're spending a spot in your Force Suite on it, and while it's powerful, it's not game-breaking.

YoricksRequiem wrote:
In regards to the additional feats and talents that a Class gets (eg: Soldier gets Weapon Focus, Scoundrel gets Dastardly Strike) - Are those also available/free when multiclassing if the class with the bonus is not your first?

Feats, yes--they effectively join the list of Starting Feats for the class, so you could take one when you multiclass in. Talents are a potential yes, but if I see shenanigans it'll be an issue. (No dipping Scoundrel to get +3d6 sneak attack, for example. Use common sense.)

I think that's all the questions I need to respond to, but if I missed anyone, just holler. I'm very excited for this game!

Actually, I just came up with a question. A common house rule I used to encounter often was limiting Skill Focus to 1/2 level, maximum +5 bonus, instead of giving +5 right off the bat. Since we're starting at higher levels, I don't know that it applies in this game, but I thought I'd ask.

Nautolans are indeed in Clone Wars, page 15.

GM Loup Blanc wrote:

Joynt Jezebel wrote:
I do have a question about the house rules. What happens if you take a second or third base class?

I'm not sure what this means. I think someone later on asks a similar question that's more specific, so if that answers it, there you go; if not, please clarify what you'd like to know.

I am pretty sure the later answer did clarify. If I start as a Noble and later take a level of Jedi I get 2 Jedi Talents and one of the Jedi Starting feats, yes?

GM Loup Blanc wrote:
Joynt Jezebel wrote:

Is the knowledge of the force talent banned. It is the most OP thing ever.

The talent from the Jal Shey talent tree in the KotOR book? No, that's fine. For one thing I don't really expect a Jal Shey submission, and for another, I don't see spending a Force Point to potentially give someone a whopping +2 to their Use the Force check that powerful.

My mistake. I intended to say Insight of the Force, Clone Wars p41.

GM Loup Blanc wrote:
Joynt Jezebel wrote:

Also the Enlighten power, Legacy p54, should be banned imho, at least as applies to skill checks. That is what I did.

Eh, I don't find that to be too much either. You're spending a spot in your Force Suite on it, and while it's powerful, it's not game-breaking.

It isn't that it is game breaking. A big part of the point of a lot of characters is they are very good at a small number of skills. A force user with Enlighten can give anyone a comparable skill check in any skill, once an encounter. It does not quite make all skill based characters useless and pointless all the time. Just most of the time. I ran SW Saga Ed long term and that is what we found. It is up to you of course.

Phntm888 wrote:
A common house rule I used to encounter often was limiting Skill Focus to 1/2 level, maximum +5 bonus, instead of giving +5 right off the bat. Since we're starting at higher levels, I don't know that it applies in this game, but I thought I'd ask.

Hmm. I can see why people would make that ruling, since it's a very powerful feat at low levels (it'd be easy to build a 1st-level scoundrel or scout with a +15 or better in Stealth, off the top of my head). That said, since we're starting at 8th level, I don't see it being as much of an issue, so it'll stand as it is.

Joynt Jezebel wrote:
If I start as a Noble and later take a level of Jedi I get 2 Jedi Talents and one of the Jedi Starting feats, yes?

Yep. Multiclassing works as usual, and the house rule for bonus talents applies whenever you would normally gain a talent.

Joynt Jezebel wrote:
I intended to say Insight of the Force, Clone Wars p41.

Oh, no problem, I'll take a look and... Oh. Yeah, I don't know that I could qualify it as overpowered in the usual sense, but that's one hell of a talent. Insight of the Force is... not outright banned, but highly discouraged. Gaining simultaneous training in every Knowledge skill with one talent is more than a little silly.

I have a character in the works that has nearly every skill or every one, perhaps with a re-roll with a given.

That is 7 skills, which can only be taken at level 1 by a noble with an int 12 if they take no other skills. Then if they take the exceptional skill feat 7 times they would have focus in all 7.

Every force user I have ever seen has focus in use the force, so the one talent = 7 skill slots + 7 feats. If the force user has exceptional skill talent in use the force, some do, it goes up to 7 skill slots + 7 feats + 7 talents.

This is why I say its the most broken thing ever.

Hmmm, I'm still playing around with what I want to play, but I'm currently thinking a Jedi of some kind. My first idea is a miraluka consular, but I'm still bouncing different ideas around.

GM Loup Blanc wrote:
Oh, no problem, I'll take a look and... Oh. Yeah, I don't know that I could qualify it as overpowered in the usual sense, but that's one hell of a talent. Insight of the Force is... not outright banned, but highly discouraged. Gaining simultaneous training in every Knowledge skill with one talent is more than a little silly.

If I had to guess, I'd say it's supposed to allow you to easily play one of the wise, scholarly Jedi with the limited skills that the Jedi class gets. But they likely didn't consider how powerful it was when attached to basically any other kind of Jedi.

Considering how multiclass-friendly Saga is, it seems a simple enough matter to take the first level as something other than Jedi and grab the skills you need and/or fit your concept. After all, not all Jedi were born as one. ;-) a very good talent. I would also discourage it, I think.

Definitely making something part Jedi. We'll see how much Jedi he ends up being.

I am down to play some saga edition. I'd like to resurrect my character from the only time I played saga edition: Maelstrom, the mercenary guild member.

I'll get the books cracked and see what my character ends up looking like.

Would Mandalorian be an approved race? I'm okay if they're not, I just wanted to check before I built a character and then had to change it.


Scarab Sages

Well, it is for knowledge skills. There's a reason why no one thinks bards are overpowered because they can make knowledge skills untrained and get bonuses to all of them. Having knowledge skills is nice, but it isn't exactly going to make people feel awful about themselves if they don't know some obscure fact and another character does. Keep in mind, the *only* time it's a big deal is if one of the other characters in the group doesn't have that particular knowledge skill. Otherwise, this character is the backup just in case.

I mean, I *love* bards, and I *love* knowledge skills. But, not having them is even less likely to matter in Saga than it does in Pathfinder. I think it's certainly worth "discouraging", but as long as the player isn't planning to create a character that replaces nearly every skill with use the force, it'll probably be an okay character.

Also have an idea for a scoundrel/crime lord that I'm playing with now too, so I might not build an outright jedi. Probably a Black Sun officer who got drafted to avoid a major prison sentence. Might still be force sensitive though... not sure yet.

Would it be alright to use the zabrak stats for playing a rattataki?

Vrog Skyreaver wrote:
Would Mandalorian be an approved race? I'm okay if they're not, I just wanted to check before I built a character and then had to change it.

Aren't Mandalorians just a culture of humans, with a few other species who are inducted in to the clans on occasion? I don't think they're a separate race. Though most of the clans are aligned with the Sith Empire at this point in history.

Scarab Sages

kamenhero25 wrote:

Aren't Mandalorians just a culture of humans, with a few other species who are inducted in to the clans on occasion? I don't think they're a separate race. Though most of the clans are aligned with the Sith Empire at this point in history.

There's a bunch of information about them in the Knights of the Old Republic book (pg. 187 starts their chapter). Any race can be a Mandalorian. They do a lot of recruiting around this time.

Yeah, that sounds about right.

kamenhero25 wrote:
Aren't Mandalorians just a culture of humans, with a few other species who are inducted in to the clans on occasion? I don't think they're a separate race. Though most of the clans are aligned with the Sith Empire at this point in history.

Perhaps I should have been clearer in my question: Would it be alright to have my character be a mandalorian?

Vrog Skyreaver wrote:
Would Mandalorian be an approved race?

Well, as others have pointed out, Mandalorians aren't actually their own species, but a warrior culture. (This is a common misconception that even I had not so long ago, as it's a little unclear until you go delving into the lore.) However...

Vrog Skyreaver wrote:
Would it be alright to have my character be a mandalorian?

This is a little trickier. I'll go with a bit of a hedge answer: Yes, you can, but you'll need a good backstory justification. As was mentioned, most of the Mandalorians are relatively allied with the Sith Empire at this point, including Mandalorian leadership. It isn't an outright allegiance like when Mandalore the Indomitable served under Ulic Qel-Droma, and the Mandalorians are their own faction in the Cold War with the potential to fight for any and every side as mercenaries, but the vast majority of them are fairly loyal to the Sith since it's a steady paycheck and the Empire seems like the winning side at the moment.

So, yes, Mandalorian characters are a possibility. But I'll want a particularly good background explaining how you came to work for the Republic, how you came to be trusted well enough to be assigned to the Special Operations Executive, and why you're split from your Mandalorian brethren. That said, Mandalorians have their share of infighting, and it could also lead to interesting character arcs to have a character come to terms with their place in the war.

kamenhero25 wrote:
Would it be alright to use the zabrak stats for playing a rattataki?

That's alright with me. I would alternatively suggest using the rules for making near-Humans from The Unknown Regions, but Zabrak also seems like a simple analog.

F. Castor wrote:

Rungok, just a heads up, but I think you have used 22 points instead of 20. If for simplicity's sake we say that the level increases have gone to Wis and Cha (at 4th +1 to each and then at 8th +1 to each again), then:

Str 10 -> 10 (0 points)
Dex 10 -> 10 (2 points, -2 from race)
Con 10 -> 12 (2 points)
Int 10 -> 12 (2 points)
Wis 10 -> 22 (8 points, +2 from race, +1 at level 4, +1 at level 8)
Cha 10 -> 22 (8 points, +2 from race, +1 at level 4, +1 at level 8)

Also, keep in mind that Use the Force works a wee bit differently in this game, so you could maybe get away with having only one from between Wis and Cha be sky high, thus resulting in a more balanced spreading out of ability points and scores.

Wow, yeah you're right! Goes to show what happens when you spend 4 hours past your bed time working on the character! I'll drop Charisma from 22 to 18 and spend the 2 points I get freed up into Intelligence. That way I can take Treat Injury as a trained skill too, which improves my party flexibility and fits well with my character background.

@Joynt Jezebel: Really? I've... not ever seen an ithorian in any of the games (Though I haven't played through everything in TOR) that did speak basic, so I had thought that they could understand it but not necessarily speak it like wookies. Thanks for that. Makes communicating with the party easier.

@GM Loup Blanc: Thank you for the feedback! Like I said, took a level 2 character of mine from years ago (From an IRL game too) and pumped it up to 8 in like 4 hours and while dreadfully tired. I'm sure there's a lot of flaws, so I'm working on it. Thank you for your patience there. Other than the attribute point issue, were there other discrepancies you found?

Rungok, I'm fairly certain that you've messed up calculating your Defenses as well. Even with a 22 Wisdom, at this level you should really only have a Will Defense of 28 as opposed to 30. You don't add your class bonuses from previous classes together, and even doing that would only get you a 29, so I'm not sure where you got that number from. Both Reflex and Fortitude appear to be correct, though.

Here's what I'm seeing from a look at the crunch you've provided.

The ability scores don't quite add up but you already knew that.

Your Hit Points look a little too low--you should have a total of 82.

I'm calculating your Will Defense as 28 (10 base+8 level+4 class+6 Wisdom) instead of 30; I could be missing something there, though, as I know +2 bonuses are pretty common.

As has been noted, Ithorians are able to speak other languages, so you can remove the (understand) tags.

You look to be missing a talent--you should have 8 from Jedi levels and 2 from Force Adept. Listing the levels at which you took each talent could be helpful, as could the sources, but that's not something I'd asked you to do, and looking it up it does look like you can have all the talents you do by this level, plus one more.

You're missing a feat, but that's not your fault--I'd missed including the change to feat progression in the first post, so it's a net gain for you.

And like I said, you have one more person listed in each category than you should. You can list extra people you know, but they don't necessarily owe you a favor--and if you could declare who's the long-term contact and who's short-term, that would be nice. (I assume the master is long-term, but he's also written as fairly distant in your background, so I'm not sure.) And I guess you can list extra enemies if you want, but you only need one.

Having audited that character, I did discover a couple of things that'd be great if people included--not necessities, but definitely a good way to make things easy on me and maybe score some helpful points. If you could include the level progression at which you took your talents, that would be very helpful, as would listing sources for any feats and talents that don't come from the Core rulebook. It just makes it a lot easier to find them without having to open up the index site I use.


Ithorians get a +2 racial bonus to will defense! :D

I'll look over my character and fix it up. Thank you for working with me. I'll go back through it over the next few days and do the Whole level-breakdown of it.

I'm okay with having extra enemies and contacts. I don't need to have any favors owed from my master.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

After a bit more reading, a Trandoshan Jedi sounds hilarious. "Oh yeah Jedi get their limbs chopped off all the time but I got the leg up on that!"

As a complete aside, unrelated to comments here but something I thought of, some of you may be familiar with this deleted scene. Half-finished special effects and questionable acting aside, it contains an interesting idea: the Jedi having some sort of nonverbal method for communicating relatively complex ideas. While I'm the first to say I dislike some of the... particular details (Why is Grievous just watching them clearly form a plan? How much information is being communicated via nose-rubs and lip touches? How do you suggest Obi-Wan's mustache idea if you don't have a mustache? Why is there a plan for carving a hole in the floor at superhuman speed?... Ahem), the base idea is an interesting one.

It's definitely something I'd be fine with people spending a language on--call it Jedi Sign Code, or better yet, Republic Sign Code for more variety and the chance for more characters to take it. It probably wouldn't be as complex as all that, more for simple concepts that could be strung together into bigger plans, becoming more obvious the more complex the idea is, but it's still a silent way to communicate that outsiders may well not understand. Food for thought, and an option on the table.

"You cut it off, well I still have one leg up on that, and give me a while and I will have two."

Almost there. Will have a draft background up along with all crunch (except equipment) for your perusal Loup.

Okay, I should have everything I need here. Here is my submission

Human (Mandalorian) Soldier 7/Gunslinger 1

Combat Info:

Str 14
Dex 18
Con 16
Int 12
Wis 12
Cha 12

HP 95
BAB +8
Damage Bonus +4
Damage Threshold 25

Ranged Attacks: +12 to hit base (13 w/pb shot)
Pistols: +13 to hit (14 w/pb shot)

Heavy Blaster Pistol: 3d8 (2d8 stun)+6 (7 w/pb shot) damage
Heavy Sonic Pistol: 2d8+6 (7 w/pb shot) damage

Fortitude 25 (+8 level, +2 armor, +2 class, +3 con)
Reflex 29 (+8 level, +4 armor (improved Armor Defense), +3 dex, +4 class)
Will 21 (+8 level, +1 wis, +2 class)

Class bonus: +4 ref, +2 Fort, +2 Will

Speed 30'


Initiative +13, Knowledge (Tactics) +10, Perception +10/12, Mechanics +10, Acrobatics +13, Gather Information +10, Stealth +13, Endurance +12, Athletics +11


Armored Defense, Jet Pack Training, Improved Armor Defense, Juggernaut, Armor Mastery, Weapon Specialization (Pistols), Devastating Attack (Pistols), Penetrating Attack (Pistols), Improved Trajectory, Improved Quick Draw, Trigger Work


Point Blank Shot, Quick Draw, Precise Shot, Weapon Focus (pistols), Far Shot, Skill Focus (Athletics), Unstoppable Force (+5 insight bonus to fort and will def. vs. any attack or effect requiring use the force), Rapid Shot


Battle Armor (+8/2/2; Upgrades (Dual Gear [Electrobinoculars -1 slot; All-temperature cloak -1 slot], Secret Compartment (-1 slot); -10,700 credits total)

Helmet Package (-4000 credits)

Heavy Sonic Pistol x2 (2d8 damage; ROF S; Wt. 1 kg; -2500 credits)

Heavy Blaster Pistol x2 (3d8 (2d8 stun) damage; ROF S; Wt. 1.3 kg; -1500 credits)

Power Pack x10 (-250 credits)

Hip holster x4 (-100 credits)

Wrist Grapple (-1000 credits)

Jet Pack (-300 credits)

Licenses for all gear that require it (-3750 credits)

Consumables: 5 ion grenades (-1250 credits), 5 stun grenades (-1250 credits), 5 frag grenades (-1000 credits), 5 Emp Grenades (-2500 credits), 2 Thermal Detonators (-4000 credits), Reserve money: 4100 credits.

Money to chip in for ship: 30,000 credits


Event: Imprisoned - For having the audacity to question why my clan worked for the Sith instead of following our traditions of attacking everyone, I was subdued and imprisoned in the Spire, a notorious prison, until a jailbreak was staged to rescue a republic spy named Hezran Ro, who had information necessary to stop a Sith superweapon, demanded that I be taken with him, as I had saved his life several times during incarceration. I left with him and aided his assault on the location of the superweapon. Once the battle was over, I was trying to decide what to do with my life when Ro offered to get me a position in the newly founded Special Operations Executive. After screening and training, this will be my probationary mission to see if I can be trusted.

Who do I know: Hezran Ro, a senior member of Republic Intelligence; Jedi Knight Ansel Fi'Ha, a travelling knight who was part of the group that helped free me and destroy the superweapon. I greatly respect his combat ability, and I consider him a worthy foe.

Who knows me: Kassro Orthon, the Mandalorian clan chief of my former clan. He has been thoroughly seduced by working for the dark side, and hopes to become a sith himself, although no one knows this.

Level Progression:

1st level: Talents: Armored Defense (core book; free to soldiers), Jet Pack Training (knights of the old republic sourcebook), Improved Armor Defense (core rulebook); Feats: Point Blank Shot (bonus human feat; core rulebook), Quick Draw (core rulebook)

2nd level: Talents: none; Bonus Feats: Precise Shot (core rulebook)

3rd level: Talents: Juggernaut (core rulebook), Armor Mastery (core rulebook) Feats: Far Shot (core rulebook)

4th level: Talents: None; Feats: Weapon Focus (pistols; core rulebook); Attribute increases: +1 dex, +1 con

5th level: Talents: Weapon Specialization (Pistols; core rulebook), Devastating Attack (Pistols; core rulebook), ; Feats: Skill Focus (Athletics; core rulebook)

6th level: Talents: none; Feats: Unstoppable Force (clone wars campaign guide)

7th level: Talents: Penetrating Attack (Pistols; core rulebook), Improved Trajectory (knights of the old republic campaign guide); Feats: Rapid Shot (core rulebook)

8th level: Talents: Improved Quick Draw (core rulebook), Trigger Work (core rulebook); Attribute increases: +1 dex, +1 con

My draft submission. I need to tweak a few things but I am ready to pass out so those tweaks will need to take place during the week.

Trevan Darksome, unless I am mistaken, since the Use the Force skill and the Force Training feat use the same ability of your choice, so Wisdom in your case, I believe your Use the Force should be +18, not +17 (4 for 1/2 level +5 for training +5 for Skill Focus +4 for Wisdom of 18).

The following is most probably my submission's crunch and progression. I went for something that makes sense to me at least as far as the order in which his feats and talents are taken, trying to move from more basic things to more advanced ones (entirely subjective of course, I am sure, and mostly for how I like to think the guy's training went). Additional tweaking, equipment and fluff to follow at some later post.

Callum Vorn:
Medium Human Scout 1/Jedi 7
Destiny 1; Force 9; Dark Side 0
Init +17; Senses Perception +12
Languages Basic, Old Corellian, Republic Sign Code
Defenses Fort 21, Ref 25 (flat-footed 20), Will 22; Elusive Target, Evasion
hp 82; Second Wind +20; Threshold 21
Special Actions Block/Deflect, Shake It Off
Speed 8 squares
Melee Unarmed +12 (1d6+5/20/x2/B) or
. . Unarmed +10 (2d6+5/20/x2/B) with Rapid Strike
Ranged None
Base Atk +8; Grp +12
Atk Options Acrobatic Strike, Lightsaber Throw, Rapid Strike
Special Actions Adept Negotiator, Redirect Shot
Force Powers Known (Use the Force +17): battle strike, mind trick, move object, surge
Abilities Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 12
Background Corellia
Talents Adept Negotiator, Block/Deflect, Elusive Target, Evasion, Force Intuition, Force Persuasion, Lightsaber Throw, Long Stride, Redirect Shot, Weapon Specialization (Lightsabers)
Feats Acrobatic Strike, Armor Proficiency (Light), Force Sensitivity, Force Training, Martial Arts I, Rapid Strike, Shake It Off, Skill Focus (Use the Force), Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Lightsabers), Weapon Proficiency (Advanced Melee Weapons, Lightsabers, Pistols, Rifles, Simple Weapons)
Skills (Trained) Acrobatics +13, Athletics +10, Endurance +11, Initiative* +17, Knowledge (Galactic Lore) +10, Knowledge (Technology) +10, Mechanics +10, Perception +12, Persuasion* +17, Pilot +13, Use the Force +17
Skills (Untrained) Deception +5, Gather Information +5, Knowledge +5, Ride +8, Treat Injury +7, Use Computer +5
Combat Gear None; Other Possessions None
Money 50000 credits; Other Wealth None

Callum Vorn Level Progression:
Species: Human [+1 trained skill, +1 feat; Basic]
Background: Corellia [Knowledge (Technology), Mechanics; Old Corellian]

Level 1 (Scout 1)
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 15, Cha 12
Languages: Basic, Old Corellian
Talents (Scout): Evasion, Long Stride
Feats: Force Sensitivity, Martial Arts I
Feats (Scout): Armor Proficiency (Light), Shake It Off, Weapon Proficiency (Advanced Melee Weapons), Weapon Proficiency (Pistols), Weapon Proficiency (Rifles), Weapon Proficiency (Simple Weapons)
Skills: Athletics, Endurance, Knowledge (Galactic Lore), Knowledge (Technology), Mechanics, Perception, Pilot, Use the Force

Level 2 (Scout 1/Jedi 1)
Abilities: No change
Languages: No change
Talents (Jedi): Adept Negotiator, Block/Deflect
Feats: No change
Feats (Jedi): Weapon Proficiency (Lightsabers)
Skills: No change

Level 3 (Scout 1/Jedi 2)
Abilities: No change
Languages: No change
Talents (Jedi): No change
Feats: Force Training (mind trick, move object, surge)
Feats (Jedi): Weapon Finesse
Skills: No change

Level 4 (Scout 1/Jedi 3)
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 12 [+1 Dex, +1 Int]
Languages: Republic Sign Code
Talents (Jedi): Force Intuition, Force Persuasion
Feats: No change
Feats (Jedi): No change
Skills: Acrobatics, Initiative*, Persuasion*

Level 5 (Scout 1/Jedi 4)
Abilities: No change
Languages: No change
Talents (Jedi): No change
Feats: Acrobatic Strike
Feats (Jedi): Weapon Focus (Lightsabers)
Skills: No change

Level 6 (Scout 1/Jedi 5)
Abilities: No change
Languages: No change
Talents (Jedi): Elusive Target, Redirect Shot
Feats: No change
Feats (Jedi): No change
Skills: No change

Level 7 (Scout 1/Jedi 6)
Abilities: No change
Languages: No change
Talents (Jedi): No change
Feats: Rapid Strike
Feats (Jedi): Skill Focus (Use the Force)
Skills: No change

Level 8 (Scout 1/Jedi 7)
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 12 [+1 Dex, +1 Wis]
Languages: No change
Talents (Jedi): Lightsaber Throw, Weapon Specialization (Lightsabers)
Feats: Force Training (battle strike) [+1 Force power due to Wisdom increase]
Feats (Jedi): No change
Skills: No change
Other: Build lightsaber

F. Castor wrote:
Trevan Darksome, unless I am mistaken, since the Use the Force skill and the Force Training feat use the same ability of your choice, so Wisdom in your case, I believe your Use the Force should be +18, not +17 (4 for 1/2 level +5 for training +5 for Skill Focus +4 for Wisdom of 18).

Ah thank you sir! :-) to decide whether to re-skin a previous favorite or go in a new direction...

Trevan Darksome:
I'm not sure if you were waiting on calculating your HP and Force Points, but by my quick math you'd have an HP total of 72 and 9 Force Points.

You have your Defenses listed as bonuses (+25) but they're correct, so I'm guessing that's just holdover formatting from saving throws.

The only issues I see with your talents are that Improved Initiative requires Acute Senses as a prerequisite, and you couldn't take Force Recovery at the same level as Equilibrium since it requires that talent. That second issue is easily fixed by swapping Equilibrium with either Lightsaber Defense or Redirect Shot in terms of what level you took them at; the former is more of an issue unless you switch around to take 3 levels in Scout. I can't think of any particular talents that shout out as ideal for your character to take instead, but there are good options around--even just Long Stride could be useful for closing to melee range. I could also see Improved Stealth making sense.

It looks like you took two feats for multiclassing into Jedi: Force Sensitive and Weapon Proficiency (lightsaber). You'd only get one from the multiclass.

Alas to say, I don't think you'll be able to keep all the feats you have at the moment :( You've taken Force Training as Jedi Bonus Feats, and I used to think that should be doable, but having read some of the FAQ notes from the designers they were clear that it's not meant to be a possible Bonus Feat. That said, a lot of your other feats are on the Jedi Bonus list, so I think with a little rearranging you keep most of them...

Human: Extra Second Wind/Skill Training--Gather Information (one or the other)
1: Weapon Finesse
3: Force Sensitive
4 (Jedi 2): Skill Training (Use the Force)
5: Force Training
6 (Jedi 4): Skill Focus (Use the Force)
7: Force Training
8 (Jedi 6): Rapid Strike

...Or something like that. You could swap Force Sensitive to Level 1, based on the backstory, but it doesn't really matter, just for making sure it all works out by level 8. However, depending on how we work with your Background, you could get back that extra Skill Training anyway. I'll be responding with regards to that in our PM conversation!

F. Castor--I don't notice any issues with your sheet, although I will say that functionally there'd be no difference in changing your 7th level of Jedi to a level in the Jedi Knight prestige class other than increased Fortitude and Will Defenses--you can still take the talents you took if you like, since they're retroactively available. (Or rather, I guess it's that I make prestige classes backwards compatible?) You do qualify for it for your 8th level, and you can still have built your lightsaber (the rules just require you to be 7th level, not a 7th level Jedi). Of course, you can also be a full Knight in-universe without having the prestige class, so either way's good.

Oh? I thought you had to be a 7th level Jedi in order to get the Build lightsaber feature, not just be 7th level in general (although I did suspect that could be the case after reading the Building a Lightsaber side entry).

I was planning on taking the 1st level of Jedi Knight as soon as there was a level up (provided of course I am picked and all obviously) and have the first mission act as a sort of evaluation (or at least part of one) to determine whether Callum is ready to become a full-fledged Jedi Knight.

I will think about it nevertheless.

I have a base character for GM consideration.
I know a backstory is wanted. Basicly, Dead Mona was a talented young Given in the process of being highly educated when she was taken as an apprentice by a Jedi despite being somewhat too old. [Don't tell George Lucas, he will steal my idea]. Training was in progress when the master was killed during the Sith War.
Dead Mona was forced to flee and survive on her own resources. She fell into crime, mostly white collar, as a means to survive. Some time ago, she was recruited by Republic Intelligence.
Will fill this out later, its too late now.

On the mechanics, some questions or things to note-
1 I have a few unassigned force powers and languages.
2 I have wealth, have not done equipment yet but should have plenty for the groups ship.
3 Can we take equipment from books other than KOTOR? One reason I have not spent my cash.
4 I took marooned as a background as it fit my story. The feat I wanted was Informer. Will adjust if GM says no.
5 My character has a lot of skills, many substituting Use the Force. This and the fact that the house rules are very generous for skills leads to a situation I have not previously encountered.
After the 3 extra skills I get from background and the few I get via talents, I find that of the 11 skills I get at level 1, I only have 10 to spend them on on the Noble list. I get one more skill at level 8 when my int goes up, which I have spent.
The rules don't address this situation. It only arises as we are starting at level 8 and get extra skills via house rules. Can I spend the skill point elsewhere? I really am fine if the GM says no. I think there are only 3 skills in the game I am not trained in, so I am not feeling bad.

Character Statistics:
Dead Mona

Class Noble3/ Jedi 3/ Soldier 1/Force Adept 1
Species Givin [Intrigue p 13 (-Str, +2 Int)]
Racial Powers:
Exoskeleton- DR 2, +2 spcies bonus to Fort Defence
Deductive Reasoning- May re-roll any knowledge check, but must keep the second roll.
Unique Physiology- do not breathe, immune to effects of vacuum and to the effects of inhaled chemicals and poisons.
Strength: 18 (+4)
Dexterity 10
Constitution 12 (+1)
Intelligence 22 (+6)
Wisdom 10
Charisma 12 (+1)
Derived Stats:
Hit Points: 58
Force Points: 13
Damage Threshold: 23
Speed 6
Initiative 19 [with exceptional skill, rolls of 2-7 count as 8]
Perception 19 [with exceptional skill, rolls of 2-7 count as 8]
Base Attack +6
Fortitude 23 [unarmoured]
Reflex 26 [unarmoured]
Will 22
Background Marooned Rebel p18
Relevant Skills Ride, Survival, Swim
Basic, Givin, Bocce, Binary, Huttese, Sith, Durese, Shiriwook,
Gamorrean, +6 unassigned

Acrobatics [Dex] [Trained] +8
Athletics [Str] [Trained] +12 [Background]
Deception [Cha] [Trained] +9
Endurance [Con] +5
Gather Information [Cha] [Trained = Use the Force] +20
Informer Force Unleashed p33
Initiative [Dex] [Trained = Use the Force] +20
Force Intuition Core p 40
KS:Galactic Lore [Int][Trained] [Re-roll] +14
KS:Technology [Int][Trained] [Re-roll] +14
KS:Beauracracy [Int] [Trained] [Re-roll] +14
KS:Beauracracy [Int] [Trained] [Re-roll] +14
KS:Social Sciences [Int][Trained][Re-roll] +14
KS:Physical Sciences [Int] [Trained] [Re-roll] +14
KS:Life Sciences [Int] [Trained] [Re-roll] +14
Mechanics [Int] +10
Perception [Wis] [Trained = Use the Force] +20
[Force Perception Core p 101 ]
Persuasion [Trained = Use the Force] +20
Force Persuasion Core p 40
Pilot [Dex] [Trained = Use the Force] +20
[Force Pilot Core p 101]
Ride [Dex] +9 [Background Trained]
Stealth [Dex] +4
Survival [Wis] +4 [Background Trained]
Treat Injury [Wis] [Trained = Use the Force] +20
Force Treatment Core p 214
Use Computer [Int][Trained] +14
Use the Force [Int] [Trained, skill focus, exceptional skill] +20


Contacts Core p 44 Noble Level 1
Exceptional Skill- Use the Force Intrigue 21 Noble Level 1
Wealth Noble Core p 44 Level 1
Force Pilot Core p 101 Noble Level 3
Force Perception Core p 101 Noble Level 3
Adept Negotiator Core p 39 Jedi Level 1
Force Persuasion Core p 40 Jedi Level 1
Block / Deflect Core p 41Jedi Level 3
Force Intuition Core p 40 Jedi Level 3
Armoured Defence Core p 52 Soldier Level 1
Improved Armoured Defence Core p 52 Soldier Level 1
Telekinetic Savant Core p 101 Soldier Level 1
Empower Weapon [Light Saber] Core p 214 Force Adept 1
Force Treatment Core p 214 Force Adept 1


Force Powers:
Force Powers
Move Object TK Core p 98
Negate Energy Core p 99
Rebuke Core p100
Force Shield
Force Slam TK Core p 97
Force Grip TK Core p97
Sever Force Core p 100
Mind Trick
6 unassigned


Level 1 Force Sensitivity
Level 3 Force Training
Level 5 Force training
Level 7 Vehicular combat
Jedi 1 WP Lightsabers
Jedi 2 Skill Focus (Use the Force)
Noble 1 WP Simple
Noble 1 WP Advanced Melee
Noble 1 Light Armor Proficiency
Noble 1 Linguist
Noble 2 Predictive Defence War 25
Soldier 1 Medium Armor Proficiency
Background Feat Informer Force Unleashed p33 [need GM OK]

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