Mr. Plugg __ |

When you arrive at Fort Haard, the revelry is already in full swing: tables are laden with roast meat and f lagons of ale, mead, and rum, and loud, drunken buccaneers swagger and stagger around the main hall. Hurricane King Kerdak Bonefist presides over the revelry from his gold-chased, teakwood throne. A blustery man with long black hair and beard, Bonefist looks more pirate than king, forgoing his crown and royal regalia for the long coat and tricorne hat of a sea captain. A tankard of rum rarely leaves his hand, but his most noteworthy features are his magic pistol and his skeletal right hand, the source of his sobriquet.
Already well into his cups, the Hurricane King blearily stares down at you as you are brought forth for introductions. Bonefist repeatedly roars for silence, only to be ignored, so he finally resorts to firing his pistol into the air to establish a deathly silence after its thunderous echo fades. He glares fierily about the hall until, with an apparent change of mood, he smiles and speaks in a calm voice.
"This fresh catch of scallywags want to add their fine ship to our brethren o’ the sea," he says, erratically waving his still smoking pistol toward the mentioned group. "But before I award their letter of marque and make them Free Captains right and true, I say we hear from them." Bonefist turns his dark gaze upon the group. "What say you tell us all a tale or two of how you came by the plunder in your hold?" The inebriated pirates draw closer to hear the group speak.

Lito de'Anora |

Lito spins a take of the capture of the Famished Mane making sure to tell the bloody tale of slaughtering all the stinking Chelish Marines.
Oratory: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (1) + 20 = 21
Then because he isn't happy with that tale, he tells how they beat the beast at Mancatcher bay and made it safe from the daemon spawn for them to loot the legendary treasure there.
Oratory: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (5) + 20 = 25
Lito is off his game, but still probably the best thing they have heard in a little but

Jessica_cabin_girl |

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
Bluff: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (18) + 18 = 36
Jessica notices that the crowd is struggling to boo, as the story Lito spins is remarkable, and remarkably told. His tales would draw large crowds in any city with enough people to field one.
The booing just wont do, so she embellishes a yarn, the tale of their defeat of the Death Knell. How they battled grotesque monsters summoned from the depths, and they even have the bell of the Knell to prove it.
Her embellishments mostly focus on the achievement of the crew in the battle, severely outnumbering them, and making it seem as if they each slew dozens of the undead each.

Foxy Quickpaw |

Together Jessica and Lito manage to sway most of the pirates and the cheers drown the staged booing. As Bonefist finally asks the crowd if they think the crew is worthy to become free captains the answer with a overwhelming "Aye"
Bonefist pulls the Letter of Marque out of his jacket and hands it over to the new members. "And don't forget to come to the Regatta. If ye really good ye can earn a seat in the council. Now let's celebrate!" Bonefist commands and lifts his mug.

Foxy Quickpaw |

Onthe next day, a messenger delivers a letter from Tessa Fairwind, Mistress of the city of Quent on Motaku Isle, inviting them to dinner at her townhouse in Port Peril the following evening.

Estelle Numbduster |

K. Local: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19
"We be wantin' ta go visit with Tessa, she be me idol since I was a wee lass. Strong woman who kicks the arses o' all the men who think they be better than her." Estelle says almost looking star struck.

Lito de'Anora |

Lito takes 10 on the knowlege local for a 22
Then he explains to the rest of the officers.
Captain Fairwind is in effect the well like crown princess of the shackles. It would be a good idea for us to get her on our side, as she could be a powerful ally to make sure we don't have to deal with the political nonsense from other captains in the future.

Foxy Quickpaw |

You meet Tessa Fairwind as suggested in her townhouse. She invites you to a round of drinks on a beautiful terrace with a nice view over parts of Port Peril and the bay.
"Congratulations on becoming members of the free captains." she tells taking a drink herself. "What do you know about current politics in the shackles"
Tessa Fairwind is the red haired one on the cover of Tempest Rising. And as it looks: No matter how far you rise in the ranks, if you're female you cant afford to wear some pants.

Estelle Numbduster |

"that ye be next in line fer the Crown, through force or natural death." Estelle says eyes just shining.

Foxy Quickpaw |

"That might be, but I'm not pushing it. But Bonefist's days are numbered anyway. And those with ambitions are gathering allies. But his days might be over for different reasons than you think. I've heard rumors about Cheliax planning something. And if that is true, it would be the end of the Free Captains." Tessa answers.
"I've heard there are spies among us. And I'm searching someone to verify that."

Lito de'Anora |

Lito lets her answer watching her with an admiring eye.
She does have some nice legs... I wonder what Agasta's legs were like when she was younger. Hmmm, I bet they were really sleek and strong. I wonder if there's magic that would let me find out. I bet she would appreciate that, being young again... Ok think about that later pay attention now!
After she answers he asks:
What exactly would you want this spy to do?
The whole time he tries to get a read on her and see if he can tell her true intentions
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (16) + 20 = 36

Estelle Numbduster |

"Aye like the little one said, the newest or ones sent from other free cap'ns would be spyin' Estell cracks her knuckles at the though of crushing spies.

Foxy Quickpaw |

"I am convinced that Cheliax has spies and informants working in the Shackles, and I can think of only two places that might have some knowledge of these traitorous informers in our midst. The first is the House of Stolen Kisses in Quent, a temple of Calistria and one of the best information brokerages in the Shackles. Use this note to obtain an audience with the temple’s high priestess, Dindreann."
"The second is the Temple of the Hidden Name, a secret temple of Norgorber said to operate in the town of Beachcomber on Bag Island. If anyone knows of these spies, it would be the followers of the Reaper of Reputation. I have no contacts with the priests of that temple, so I hope you can convince them to reveal what they know." Tessa tells. She then unfurls several beautifully drawn, highly detailed nautical charts of the Shackles. These are charts of the fair winds, and Tessa points out the locations of Quent and Beachcomber to you on the charts. "Would you take on that quest?"
Finally, the pilot of a wind-propelled ship can make a DC 20 Profession (sailor) check to plot a course within the Shackles using the charts. If the check is successful, the charts grant the ship a +10% enhancement bonus to its waterborne speed as long as it follows the plotted course.

Foxy Quickpaw |

Tessa rolls up the charts, puts them back into the expertly crafted watertight case and hands them over as a gift. "Then good luck with that. And tell me what you come up with."
"But let's not waste this good rum. Cheerioh." she tells and takes another swig. "Like what you see?" she asks Lito with a mischievous smile. "Those legs cost many men their life, when they couldn't keep their eyes where it counts in battle."

Estelle Numbduster |

"Aye cap'n ye just want one o' them Cheliaxian boats, all that lumber and cannons. Would be fun to run one o' them around the Seas." Estelle remarks to Besmara.
"We be rootin' out the traitors fer ya." Estelle says with Finality in her voice. "Let's get goin' there Lito efore ye get crushed in some legs."

Lito de'Anora |

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22
Of course! I always appreciate great beauty when she appears before me. But any man who can not see past beauty is a fool. By reputation you have a great mind to go with those looks, and anyone who comes against you deserves to lose if they just consider you for your looks.

Besmara __ |

Besmara is frustrated. And as a professional she knows how to deal with frustration. She makes up a reason to punish Jessica, so she got a vent for that. Back on the Kraken she puts the maps on the desk in er cabin, gets the whip out, orders Jessica to stand at the wall and then she starts whipping her.

Estelle Numbduster |

Estelle will get the ship out to sea, feeling the wind in her hair she feels better about the beatings she laid out on the giant and the half orc.
Rapping on the captains door.
"We need ta all talk about where we be headin' first."

Besmara __ |

"To the one we got the note for." Besmara replies.
"How about ye wait for the others to come too? Lito has a ship to command, but if we're out of sight he might get problems to follow. Also I think I still wear the captain's hat. Or did I miss something?"

Estelle Numbduster |

I just figured everyone would be going to the boat.
Estelle looks over the shoulder of Besmara, "I think yer pet there is wearin' the hat." Estelle says with a smirk

Lito de'Anora |

Gods you make a tempting offer, but I think my crew will be needing my skills to plan how we will approach the uncovering of the spies.
But if you are still interested maybe when our task is successful I can return and properly show you how much I appreciate the trust you are placing in us and we can spend the time to get to know each other properly.
Then assuming Tessa is understanding Lito leaves with exaggerated regret to join the crew planning their approach.

Foxy Quickpaw |

Following Tessa’s lead, you journey to the lively seaport of Quent on the northern coast of Motaku Isle, making your way to the House of Stolen Kisses, both a holy temple to Calistria and a brothel. When you present Tessa’s note, scantily clad acolytes escort you through sensually decorated corridors to the chambers of the temple’s high priestess, Dindreann. Dindreann pleasantly greets you, offers you comfortable seating and stimulating refreshment. Once you're seated she asks "What service can I render to associates of my dearest friend Tessa."

Lito de'Anora |

Lito let's his eyes wander appreciably over the attendants.
[i]since I'm here... Even Agasta can't fault me for sampling the wears while I'm here....[/b]
We primarily seek information. Particularly about Chaliax activities and agents, but there may also be a few here who need relief from the rigors of life on the sea... Everyone knows of course that this is the best spot in the whole Shackles for both...
Diplomacy to make it fit the situation.: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (12) + 20 = 32

Foxy Quickpaw |

Dindreann smiles at Lito. "Indeed, you've come to the right place. But neither the relieve, nor the information is for free in this house. While the carnal services of the House of Stolen Kisses can be aquired with a monetary sacrifice it is not as easy to earn the information you seek."
"We have leads on such information, as many people share their secrets with the temple’s sacred prostitutes in the heat of passion. But these secrets are shared in confidence. If you were to perform a service for the temple, however, you could expect such knowledge as payment."
"A ship owned by the temple, the Lady’s Sting, recently went missing. Divinations have revealed that the ship was attacked by a group of pirates who deliberately lure ships into danger so that they can salvage the cargoes of the resulting wrecked ships. Piracy is a fact of life in the Shackles, of course, but the Lady’s Sting was carrying a relic sacred to the faith — a gold-plated wasp statue known as the Golden Vespal. We seek revenge on these wreckers who would dare attack one the faith’s holy vessels, as well as the return of the Golden Vespal, but so far we have been unable to locate the wreckers that attacked the Lady’s Sting. If you can find the wreckers, enact the goddess’s revenge upon them, and recover the Golden Vespal, I'll give you the lead on the spies we have."

Estelle Numbduster |

Estelle will sit down in the middle of a couch of women, her scars and bruises badges of honor.
"Well ladies, what do ye think o' these?" Flexing for the women and the men each.
"Where be the last place ye knew yer ship was?"

Foxy Quickpaw |

"Wreckers are a not uncommon hazard in the Shackles, and finding the specific crew that attacked the Lady’s Sting will be a difficult task. However, it’s possible that the Temple of the Hidden Name in Beachcomber might have some information that could lead to the specific wreckers." Dindreann replies.

Estelle Numbduster |

"We have Trytton ta scout and that wizard fellow. Cham? Cheyanne?" Estelle winks at Chay.
"He can be doin' all that stuff."

Besmara __ |

"Well, everyone is still in their clothes, so we're good to go." Besmara replies. "See you." She adds to Dindreann.
With her officers in tow she returns to the port and the ship again and off to the sea it goes. After half an hour of searching on the map she remembers that this Hidden Name temple is the one Tessa sent them already to and it is actually marked on the maps. As she steps in front of the crew to tell what course to set one can see the red handprint on her forehead from the hard facepalm she gave herself.
The Kraken anchors in some distance from Beachcomber and Besmara enters town with her officers on the ships boat.

Foxy Quickpaw |

Bag Island, home to the largest population of half lings in the Shackles.
Beachcomber is one of Bag Island’s rowdiest ports, and many of its inhabitants are rumored to be secret worshipers of Norgorber.
But the temple of the Hidden Name seems to be hidden itself. At least it's no bit building with a sign on it.
temple to Norgorber would likely meet with failure, if not outright hostility.
So the obvious solution for Estelle is to find someone hostile, and then beat it out of them ;)

Estelle Numbduster |

K. Local: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25
"The temple we want is in the warehouse district, I can beat the infermation outta some unluckly slub once we get there ta find the right building." Estelle cracks her knuckles and heads off towards the warehouses.