![]() Plugg orders the crew around to their jobs. As the crew is shorthanded, there is no one assigned to scrubbing. Almost everyone has to help in the riggs. And because of his special dislike of the kids, Tarjun and Clara get bilge dutry again. "And you go cooking.!" he orders Jewel. You can clearly see, that he'd like to punish her too with a dirt job. But he is not willing to sacrifice getting a decent meal himself for that. ![]()
![]() Mr. Plugg walks behind the merchant's crew. "You get to choose. You can pledge your life and your loyality to our captain and become part of the crew. Or you can choose not to." He stops behind the captain of the merchant ship. "Do you pledge your life and your loyality to our captain, yes or no?" The "No, never will I..." is interrupted by a cutlass blade coming out of the chest of the merchant captain. As Plugg pulls it out, the captain collapses. Two pirates grab the body and throw it overboard to feed the sharks. Plug continues down the line and repeats "Do you pledge your life and your loyality to our captain, yes or no?" From there on, every man and woman answers with a short and uncommented "Yes." Of course Pierce can give an answer of his own if he insists to stick out. ![]()
![]() The nighgt passes and the next day early morning you are woken by the shrill sound of the ship's bell. Everyone jumps out of their bunk and hurries to get on deck. One comes down, unlocks Jewel's cage and runs back up. Once all are lined up on deck including Jewel, Mr. Pugg comes out and walks along the line mustering his crew. He stops at Jewel and comes uncomfortably close to her face. "You pull that shit again, and I have you walk the plank." Then he walks the rest of the line. At the end he starts inquiring "Can you cook?" The bald human answers no. Plugg moves to the next one. "Can you cook?" Another no from the elf. Back to Jewel. "Can you cook?" ![]()
![]() As Tarjun pours the grog out he learns how life is on a pirate ship. "Hey, you drink that. Take him to the mast that's six leashes!" Two of the pirates grab Tarjun, drag him to the mast and hold him in place, face to the wood. Plugg takes out his whip and administers the punishment. Whip Non Leathal: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
"Now fill his mug again." Plugg demands. "Drink." he orders as the mug is hold out to Tarjun. Tarjun: Something with you HP doesn't add up. 12 would be reached already with a 1 roll for your second level oracle and the toughness feat. I assume you are not worse for HP than Clara and are still standing. ![]()
![]() As the evening comes all are called on deck. The boat is moored in the open sea and only one guy in the crow's nest still is on duty. All others stand in line for their daily ration of grog. Mr. Plugg oversees the distribution and controls that everyone drinks their share. As the kids arrive at the front of the row Plugg greets them "Ha, now you're finally getting something real drink. Drink up!" Shackles Rum Ration: Type ingested; Addiction minor, Fortitude DC 5 Price 2 sp Effect variable; +1d4 alchemical bonus to Charisma and fatigued for 1d8 hours Damage 1d3 Con ![]()
![]() As you enter the ship you are greeted by the same guy again. "Ah, you're back early. Let me show you your place on the ship."[//b] You are taken under deck and there you find out that ships are very cramped. Some of the seamen have hammocks stored to hang between walls and masts, but you get two bunk beds on the sides of a narrow corridor to share. [b]"Make yourself comfortable. You're called to deck once we're on the way. You landlubers wouldn't be any help in getting the ship underway anyhow." ![]()
![]() The group takes the stuff of the dead boatswain and climbs the stairs back to the deck. The deck scrubbing sailor points them to the captain's room. It is a large room at stern with a large desk that has a sea map of the area and some navigational tools on it. The captain stands behind the desk. "So you managed to get the old nutjob out of the bilges? Congratulations. You're qualified for the job. Welcome on the crew of the 'Promise Made'. The two gold are paid in the next harbor." ![]()
![]() When you arrive at Fort Haard, the revelry is already in full swing: tables are laden with roast meat and f lagons of ale, mead, and rum, and loud, drunken buccaneers swagger and stagger around the main hall. Hurricane King Kerdak Bonefist presides over the revelry from his gold-chased, teakwood throne. A blustery man with long black hair and beard, Bonefist looks more pirate than king, forgoing his crown and royal regalia for the long coat and tricorne hat of a sea captain. A tankard of rum rarely leaves his hand, but his most noteworthy features are his magic pistol and his skeletal right hand, the source of his sobriquet. Already well into his cups, the Hurricane King blearily stares down at you as you are brought forth for introductions. Bonefist repeatedly roars for silence, only to be ignored, so he finally resorts to firing his pistol into the air to establish a deathly silence after its thunderous echo fades. He glares fierily about the hall until, with an apparent change of mood, he smiles and speaks in a calm voice. "This fresh catch of scallywags want to add their fine ship to our brethren o’ the sea," he says, erratically waving his still smoking pistol toward the mentioned group. "But before I award their letter of marque and make them Free Captains right and true, I say we hear from them." Bonefist turns his dark gaze upon the group. "What say you tell us all a tale or two of how you came by the plunder in your hold?" The inebriated pirates draw closer to hear the group speak. ![]()
![]() As the Man’s Promise sets sail, acting captain Mr. Plugg and his first mate Master Scourge gather the crew together "Although this is a new ship, the rules are the same, though discipline on the Man’s Promise will be a good deal harsher than on the lackadaisical Wormwood — all crimes are now punishable with the cat instead of the whip. All of the crew keep the same jobs they had before on the Wormwood, but you will have to work a good deal harder, as the crew is smaller now." ![]()
![]() As the usual distribution of the days work shall take place Mr. Plugg accompanied by Master Scourge picks out several of the Wormwood’s original crew "You are aboard the Man’s Promise within 10 minutes to set sail for Port Peril. Sandara, Rosie, Cogward, Shortstone, Toppin, Tibbs, Scrimshaw, Syl, Maheem, Fipps, Shivikah, Badger, Tilly, Ratline." And with an evil grin he adds "Also Noonan, Estelle, Besmara, Lito, Trytton and Jarrus." ![]()
![]() As the day comes to an end it is time for bloody hour again. Plug revels in the opportunity quite some of the new ones he despises. "You an' ye hold these incompetent landlubbers t' th' mast one at a time. That`s what ye get fer failin' at piratin'. An' once I be done ye clist up th' mess." he orders pointing out Jarrus and Besmara to hold Estelle, Noonan, Lito and Trytton. "Master Scourge?"