GM_of_the_Heads |

In an amazing, super-theropodic display of agility, the dinosaur somehow manages to twist, dodge, and block its way through the entirety of Dru-Head's assault. The SnapHydra, however, catches it right in the nose, giving it a small singe-mark. In a rage, it continues its assault, directing its attacks against three of the heads next to it.
Bite vs. Dru-Head: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (9) + 14 = 23
Damage: 2d6 + 8 ⇒ (3, 6) + 8 = 17
Claw vs. Blockhead: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (10) + 14 = 24
Damage: 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
Claw vs. Ziphora: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (20) + 14 = 34
Damage: 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
Crit confirm vs. Ziphora: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (6) + 14 = 20
Additional Damage: 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
Mo, unable to get a clear shot at the dinosaur still standing through the mass of heads attacking it, interprets Tomorbataar's shouting, and chucks another rock at the dead dino. It strikes the dead beast square in the back of the head.
"Me good shot!" Mo proclaims.
So Dru-Head takes 17 damage, Blockhead takes 15 damage, and Ziphora takes 13 damage. You heads are up!

Tomorbataar |

Ahah! Good throw. Tomorbataar says, nodding at Mo and then swinging back around towards the still living assailant, swinging his head in somewhat wider arcs than usual, as he is considerably upset.
Hasty Power Attack: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31
Damage: 1d6 + 16 ⇒ (3) + 16 = 19
Hasty Power Attack: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24
Damage: 1d6 + 14 ⇒ (1) + 14 = 15
Archon style fully active, so neighbors get the +2 AC, but will not be intercepting blows due to low HP.

Ziphora |

"Ow ow ow! You'll pay, you meanies!"
Ziphora tries to gore it with her lightning horns.
Kinetic blade(Lightning) - touch ac : 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15
Dmg: 3d6 + 2 ⇒ (3, 1, 3) + 2 = 9
Kinetic blade(Lightning) - touch ac haste attack : 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25
Dmg: 3d6 + 2 ⇒ (3, 2, 2) + 2 = 9

GM_of_the_Heads |

Between Tomorbataar's pummeling and Ziphora's lightning, the remaining beast collapses to the ground, unconscious, though still alive.
I believe, if someone doesn't heal Blockhead, that he's going to fall off when he stops raging. :D

Hothead |

Noticing that Blockhead appears to be held together mostly by anger and a great deal of luck, Hothead gives the other head a few gentle pokes infused with positive energy. "There, that should keep you up and running! For a while, at least,"
CLW: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
CLW: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
If anyone wants some healing feel free to ask, I have lots of spells per day. :P

Blockheadd |

Yup! I am just about ready to test out the built-in Hydra-regeneration feature. You know, in almost 6 years of playing I have never had a character die >:D
...REDACTED... and apparently I wont for a while longer!!!
I was trying >-> grumblemumblegrumble...
The bloodloss finally reaches his head and he swoons from the lightheadedness and falls to the ground (almost wrapped around the Raptorbunny) his strength spent. Then the blue Hydrahead pokes him a bit (we wont say where @-@) and new life flows into Blockhead, which was a good thing, there wasnt much left in there :p
Rising a bit, Blockhead realizes that his Raptorbunny is subdued and snoozing cutely within the crook of his neck. Gently he picks it up and places it on their shared back, and wraps around it to hold it in place.
Groan... Well done guys! We gots him! Ima... Ima...ima take a rest...
I am assuming I can lift him :p If I can, I place him on our back, wrap around him and then rest a bit (not sleeping). Blockhead is not thinking of much at the moment so he has an empty vote, voting to stand still if nothing else presents itself.

GM_of_the_Heads |

I'm afraid he is far, far too heavy to lift. In fact, if you want the effort to be the final straw that does you in... ;)

Blockheadd |

Well then ignore the lifting onto our back part.
Blockhead curls up around the large Raptorbunny on the ground as much as his neck will allow him and takes a few minutes/moments to rest (however long he gets).

GM_of_the_Heads |

I'm guessing this won't be long, given the fairly empty state of your stomach and the large chunk of meat lying on the ground nearby...

Ziphora |

"That's Blockhead's raptorbunny. How could you even think of doing something like that!" Ziphora gives Dru-head a look of hurt and disgust. "Blockhead would have wanted to keep him as a pet!"She continues mournfully. "You make me sick, behaving like animals!" She scolds Dru-head.

Dru-head |

Fine, Ill cook it first, it's not that big a deal.No-one cared when I didnt cook my balsa. Dru-head entirely missing the point, deigns to wait to finish the dino, and find some firewood.
Dru-head votes to gather firewood to cook with.

Tomorbataar |

Yes, cooking would be a good idea, Tomorbataar says, trying to make keep his voice from cracking, but first we must find some towels. That...corpse...nearly threw up on me!

Ziphora |

"That's not the point, point is Raptorbunny is supposed to be Blockheads pet, and no one eats their pets! Pets are meant to be cuddled and hugged and taken care off!" Ziphora yells.

GM_of_the_Heads |

Mo thinks really hard, then walks over towards Tomorbataar, holding up part of the smelly furs he wears. "Not towel, but I help!"
Rorl warily walks back onto the road from where he'd hidden in the underbrush on the other side. "I'll... wait until you're ready to go on," he says.

Hothead |

"W-What? Cook it?" Hothead stammers, recoiling away from Dru-head. "Are you out of your mind? Why would we ruin perfectly good food, in an extremely dangerous manner like that to boot? Nonsense!" he shouts. "If you want to eat then eat, but we have better things to do than play with food irresponsibly and accidentally start a forest fire and burn the whole forest down and burn ourselves down and die painful fiery deaths and go to whereever arsonist go after death and die painful fiery deaths for ever!" feeling dizzy from lack of oxygen, Hothead takes a moment to gasp for air. "Let's -wheeze- just go -wheeze- meet with the lizardfolk, all right? -wheeze- We wouldn't want to be late and give a bad first impression, would we?" he says in a pleading voice.
Hothead votes to get going before Dru-head kills everyone.

Blockheadd |

Looks to the left <_< looks to the right >_>
Ya know... we have a dead Raptorbunny Right There, but sure, lets cook and eat the living one over here instead... perfectly logical I guess. Only the freshest will do? Or something?
Blockhead remains curled around the leg of the Raptorbunny, seemingly oblivious to the antics and conversations of the others.

Dru-head |

That one looked at me funny. But in seriousness, I legitimately thought we killed both and Blockhead was having a "Lenny with the bunnies" moment. Just decided to roll with it.

Ziphora |

"Chill there, Newhead. Fire isn't all THAT bad. I've done a bit of cooking and I'm not too bad at it."Ziphora continues. "But we're not eating Blockhead's raptorbunnies. Lets go find some plants to munch."
Ziphora votes to find some plants so they can become vegetarian hydras.

Tomorbataar |

Tomorbataar considers the furs for a moment, his newfound respect for Mo suddenly dwindling. He moves his head forward slowly, inhaling through his nostrils, and then coughing violently. No, no uh, I do not think that will be necissary. Perhaps you could grab a suitable slice of meat instead.
And I wouldn't worry, Hothead, Dru's started ones of fires before, he's got lots of experience. Perhaps you'd like to set it instead? It's not really good yet, it needs to get all the juice out first, good and tough before we can eat it.
I can assure you, Zip, these don't talk. Tomorbataar says, snapping his head forward in an attempt to get dinosaur saliva off.
Tomorbataar votes to stick around and have lunch before continuing.
What are we doing with the human?

Ziphora |

Big one because he's our guide sent by Sir Tolgrith to the lizard meet. We follow him once we have our lunch.
Ziphora gives a long-suffering sigh. "It's not that they don't talk, it's Blockhead wanted them as pets. We're one big family so we should try to compromise."

Dru-head |

Right but like... Dru-head's hungry.
*raspberry* No-one care's I don't like seeing the forest cut down by the humans. I don't care about pet's we'd hafta feed. Forest for the tree's I say.

Ziphora |

"The humans are nice people, they've been giving us presents. And scrolls to read." Ziphora is quick to jump to the humans defense. "If being hungry had turned you into such a grouch, eat the dead one over there. I don't think you can do him more harm then we have already."Ziphora snaps.

GM_of_the_Heads |

Yessssss, conflict! Somebody bite a head off! =P
"Oh..." Mo looked genuinely disappointed, but then perked up. "I help with firewood!"
He goes charging off, gathering sticks from the ground. Behind you Rorl sighs.
"I'll start chopping some meat off of the dead one," he states, walking towards the dead dinosaur.

GM_of_the_Heads |

I was assuming Ziphora caught you before you ate much.

Blockheadd |

Yessssss, conflict! Somebody bite a head off! =P
Ohh! Ohh! Can I volunteer?
...Wait... What side am I volunteering for? :?Blockhead looks up as he realizes that Dru is eating his favorite Raptorbunny and tries to chase him off by taking a little nip at him (as an AoO).
Back Off!: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
Nip!: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
Eyy! Leave Rappy (Raptorbunny) alone! Go eat his brother over there!
...Actually, Ima kinda hungry too... Rappy wouldnt mind much if I eat his sibling much would he? (actually, Bro? Sis? Mate?!? O.o uh oh...)
Blockhead starts to help out with the fire by breaking down some of the bigger logs into smaller kindling.
Dont worry Zip, Blockhead only cares for the one Raptorbunny, eating the other one is fine by me! Also, Vote to stay and eat.

GM_of_the_Heads |

I'm very confused about the current state of the votes. XD
Blockhead's teeth don't manage to penetrate his sibling-head's scales.

Ziphora |

Now that Blockhead has consented to eating the other raptorbunny, Ziohora settles down, waits for Mo to return with the firewood and get a fire going, then begins to cook the raptor bunny.
profession cook: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19

GM_of_the_Heads |

The voting has been all over the place, but I think this is the closest thing to a consensus.
Eventually, between Mo and Rorl working and you eventually lumbering over to the other dinosaur, you get yourselves well-fed. About as you finish eating, while Mo and Rorl are working on packing some meat for the road, the other dinosaur starts to stir.

Tomorbataar |

Tomorbataar leans real close to the fire, trying to sterilize himself, though he is completely dry by this point. Well Blockhead, he's all yours. In a servile capacity, naturally, and beware of giving him too much agency, or he'll just rebel and poison our food. Tomorbataar says these last words suspiciously.
I suppose we should be off then, off to see the lizards.
Tomorbataar votes to get going as soon as possible.

Ziphora |

"Here Mo, want to try some Raptorbunny? It's good and there's more then enough for us all. You too, Rorl! Come join in the feast!" Ziphora calls out cheerfully as she munches into the raptorbunny just to show how good it is.
"Urm Blockhead...his brother is waking up...its up to you now." Ziphora edges away from the waking dinosaur nervously.

Dru-head |

The Lizards of a sod...den. Place. Having a pet is a big responsibility blockhead. . You need to feed it and take care of it. And call him george.
Dru-head elects not to fight his bro-head at the challenge.
Dru-head votes to see how this dinosaur thing plays out. He's also totally in head form now and I wasn't accidentally giving him the ability to talk in animal form.

The Hungry One |

Hungry stares intently at the "raptorbunny" that isn't Blocky's and unleashes 7 waves of negative energy aimed at the body.
In game terms, using all but one use of his Command Undead feat in an attempt to channel the surge of negative energy to animate the body.
He stares at the body intently waiting for a reaction.
Hungry fazed out for many a minute until he smelled cooked foods and dug in completely on instinct before he realized what he was doing. Mid bite, AW NO! SONE OF A DONKEY HERDER! I WANTED TO TRY SOMETHING WITH THIS THING BEFORE WE ATE IT!" Hungry droops sadly but none the less continues eating, but with less gusto than any of you have ever seen.

GM_of_the_Heads |

I'm afraid Command Undead only lets you control already-made undead, not make new undead. For creating undead you need Animate Dead.
Mo carefully pretends that he hadn't already been sneaking pieces of the dinosaur while helping. "Thanks!" He says, smiling widely as he now openly takes a big piece.
Rorl looks rather doubtfully at a dino steak, but after cooking it and trying it he seems much more okay with it.
(Oh, and Ziphora's cooking was again pretty good XD)

GM_of_the_Heads |

Now that I understand what you're going for
Hungry's attempts at animating the dinosaur are, sadly (for him), a dismal failure. It doesn't so much as twitch.

The Hungry One |

"Drat! I was hopeing that would do at least something. Maybe if I concentrate the energy more..." Hungry goes off into thought as he begins to nibble at the body.

Hothead |

Sorry for not posting in a while, was a bit busy. :/
Hothead has to face the facts: his confused ranting calm and reasonable rhetoric failed to intimidate into obedience sway the hearts of his fellow heads. Now he can't do anything but stare at the others with a disgusted look on his face and muttering to himself in a low ranting voice.
"Utter lunatics all of them why would they ruin good food like that they'll be the end of me one day why am I even hanging out with them oh wait because I am connected to them by my neck how wonderful I can't believe how lucky I am sometimes."

Ziphora |

"Hey Newhead! Have you tried my specialty, roasted raptorbunny?"Ziphora calls out cheerfully. "Its good! I'm going to become the bestest chef in the world!" Ziphora proclaims proudly.
Ziphora votes to move on to the lizard meet after Blockhead does what he needs to do with the other raptorbunny

GM_of_the_Heads |

I am mostly waiting to hear from Blockhead how he's trying to tame this allosaurus. :D

Blockheadd |

Ok. Going to try to do a bit of a modified Handle Animal check :/ If this just flat out doesnt work then we will see what happens XD
Blockhead notices that his favorite Raptorbunny (Named George) is stirring and he immediately starts to fear for it (You think he could trust his brothers with a hunk of meat??? (tasty meat to be sure, but that doesnt matter!))
He instantly goes over to his side and starts to lick his wounds in an attempt to calm the dino and to ease his pain even just a little bit when he wakes up.
When George actually wakes up Blockhead attempts to lay his neck on to the side of his head and gently (but firmly) press down.
Doing a Handle Animal check to "Push" the animal with the command of either Down or Stay. Should be a DC 15 check with a +2 modifier for taking damage, plus any modifiers you feel appropriate (such as for eating its mate ^_^)
Down! Down! DOWN! please?: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15
Ya... Good luck guys ^=^
He also begins to cooo to the Raptorbunny, singing a (what he thinks) is a lullaby.
Purrr. Purr. Growl. Mroaaarrr!!! Growl....

GM_of_the_Heads |

The allosaurus snaps awake, lurches to its feet, and starts running away as fast as it can.
Feel free to take attacks of opportunity/attack other heads for taking attacks of opportunity. =P

Ziphora |

"That didn't go so well."Ziphora observes with clinical detachment. "I suggest next time you use a leash." She informs Blockhead, but makes no attempt to attack George.

The Hungry One |

Hungry catching the blur out of the corner of his eyes, "Another test subject!!!" At the end of the "round" that the Allosaurus runs Hungry casts Snapdragon fireworks and launches a Firework.
Ref DC 15: 1/2 Dmg. and Negate Dazzled: 1d4 ⇒ 3

Ziphora |

"Oh yeah!" Ziphora thumps The Hungry One angrily. "What'ya doing that for. He's just trying to get away and won't do us any harm!"
Thanks for reminder =)

Tomorbataar |

As the Dinosaur stumbles up and begins to run, Tomorbataar is just swallowing a bite of surprisingly well cooked food, thank's Ziphora, perhaps you should be our chef?
Then he notices that the large toothy animal doesn't seem to be responding to Blockhead at all, and reaches towards it, wrapping a head around it's leg and attempting to bring it down.
Trip: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25
Tomorbataar votes to wait a bit while Blockhead gets control of his underling.

Blockheadd |

Blockhead presses firmly down on the Alosaurus's head but immedeately feels the creature lurch out from under him (not that he had any hope of keeping it down) and then take off... trailing fireworks as he went...
They do that? Awww, my poor Goerge is going to be all alone in the world :,(
Sigh... I hope he finds a happy life... what were we doing again? Oh ya, lizardfolk... lets... go.
Blockhead seems significantly upset to see his pet leave and so he returns to his task with a detached and morose tone.
Vote to go towards the Lizardfolk, but only a halfhearted and wishy-washy vote :)

Ziphora |

"Aww, Blockhead, don't look so sad."Ziphora nuzzles Blockhead as she tries to console him. "I don't think Raptor bunnies make good pets. Why don't I ask the humans to get you a puppy instead?"