Sandpoint Sandbox

Game Master Tricord

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I would like to begin a Sandpoint Sandbox PBP “Campaign” that is character driven and MMORPG inspired. Instead of a campaign, this is more of a setting. For example, I will not be coercing players to form a party to accomplish a specific task. I will plant little seeds for typical adventures, but a character could literally be mundane as can be if the player so chooses (go to work, roleplay that or not; go to the inn for drinks, roleplay that or not; walk home drunk, singing songs about Aroden—awesome!).

Basically, my intention is for this to be a roleplay heavy game for anyone, and an adventure/dungeon crawler for few. There are pros and cons to this idea, but it may be nice place for someone to have a character that you can hop into and roleplay a bit without much of a commitment to a party or an adventure path, though some—I hope—will head down that route.

I've drafted some "rules", but I would really like board feedback especially from those that have tried this already.


As much as I’d love to have none, for this to work we’re going to have to have a few.

Books: Let’s try and stick with materials available on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Reference Document. I can’t afford to buy and read everything.

Go Home: If you don’t like what’s going on, your character can go “home”. NPCs cannot interact with your character when they go home and neither can other player characters. This solves vacation issues as well as gives someone an out if they don’t like roleplaying with someone else. Home can be a room in an inn, a shanty somewhere, a tent outside of Sandpoint, anywhere a recent immigrant without much wealth might live. The Go Home power can’t be used to escape negative consequences (just snatched that lady’s purse and the guards are about to pound you…sorry, go straight to jail, do not pass go, do not go home).

Player versus Player: Only between consenting players. That is, your character may not want to fight, but the player may. I would need to see both players agree in the discussion section. Fight may continue to the death with player consent. Battle must occur either outside of town or inside a private(ish) building so as not to interrupt other roleplaying.

Sandpoint Based: Until I’m more comfortable, don’t have your character leave the Sandpoint area. Obviously, you can go to the surrounding wilderness and dungeons after discovering their location via role play, but no trips to Korvosa or Magnimar or wherever yet.

Time: We’re going to have to be nimble with time. Some scenes will be progressing in slow motion while others going through hours in just a few posts. I will start the game with a week in real time lasting for one day in game time. Perhaps your last or first post of the week should summarize how your character ended the last day and where they’re starting in the new day. Players outside of the city of Sandpoint will go through time differently. I will try to make a post on Monday mornings signifying the next day has arrived and maybe an intro to the goings on in the city.


Party by Post In the discussion section, list your likely posts per day or week. Try to stick to other characters with similar posting patterns without breaking the roleplaying narrative.

Mind Ya’ Business If another party is roleplaying in an indoor location, then leave them alone unless it really makes sense for your character to appear. Roleplaying in the streets of Sandpoint should be thought of as a public activity and anyone should be able to interject or observe.

Spoilers by Party or Location To help clean up the message board, once it’s pretty clear you are in a “party” with someone else, or at least heading towards a clear goal together, then put your whole post in a spoiler, aptly titled something appropriate for the group you’re in. Or if you’re in a building/private location, then title your spoiler by where you are.

Formatting Regular text for character actions and other goings on. Italics for our Pulitzer prize winning inner monologues. “Bolded quotes for dialogue.”

Character Creation:

Level 1, 15 point buy, starting wealth by class, full health for first level, let’s start with only core races for now

Alignments All alignments are okay with some restrictions on evil. Lawful evil are okay in moderation. If we have a game of 15 people going, then we shouldn’t have more than 2 or 3. Chaotic evil characters are only okay when paired with a Lawful Evil, and the Lawful evil is clearly the boss instructing the chaos. We’ll tread lightly with the evil characters and I reserve the right to have an epic Paladin NPC show up and smite them all if they are getting out of hand.

Background All PCs should be coming to Sandpoint from somewhere else, for whatever reason. It would be difficult for me to work in PCs with native Sandpoint backgrounds.

So let me now what you think. I'd like to get at least 3 interested folks before starting.

Dot, will check in every now and then to see if this gets off the ground. Good luck to ya, it can be a process at times :)

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

This sounds interesting ... I too will follow to see what becomes of this ...

Just putting a big ol' dot right here. I'm out for the weekend with no HeroLab, but I'll try making something when I'm home. This sounds like a really neat idea.

Scarab Sages

Sounds neato. Interested.

I made a grave error in assuming everyone was familiar with Sandpoint. Since every character should essentially be new to town, it's less important to get bogged into details during character creation.

Brief Intro to Sandpoint
Population: Between 1,000 and 1,500 depending on the season; 90% human, 3% halfling, 2% dwarf, 2% elf, 1% half-elf, 1% gnome, 1% half-orc
Languages: Common, Varisian
Industries: fishing, lumber, farming, hunting, brewing, tanning, shipbuilding, and glassmaking
Brief History: Less than fifty years old, Sandpoint is essentially a colony of the greater city of Magnimar.

Sandpoint Town Map and Legend

Sandpoint Hinterlands Map

Map of Varisia

I am super interested. Dotting! What are we doing for traits?

Putting in my interest... I think I'll put together a traveling alchemist/brewer stopping in to the Two Knights brewery for supplies and to talk shop.

Alright, here is my submission. Adara is a Varisian street performer originally from Magnimar. I'm not done with her background yet, but it's coming along.

Is the Psychonaut variant in the SRD okay?

Edit: I'm still a little new to Paizo pbp and Pathfider but a veteran of 3.X and used to be a regular on DnDOG so please forgive me as I figure out how this site works. I'm Comp0sMentis

Second Edit: Can I combine Mindchemist with Psychonaut? They don't appear to overlap

Edward Nightingale wrote:
I am super interested. Dotting! What are we doing for traits?

Standard two traits, anything from the PRD. I believe you already did that for Adara above.

Liam "Lex" Garohk wrote:

Is the Psychonaut variant in the SRD okay?

Edit: I'm still a little new to Paizo pbp and Pathfider but a veteran of 3.X and used to be a regular on DnDOG so please forgive me as I figure out how this site works. I'm Comp0sMentis

Second Edit: Can I combine Mindchemist with Psychonaut? They don't appear to overlap

I'd prefer if you stick with one archetype as I don't have the system mastery to work that out in a fair way.

It's just that with my character concept I have no use for poisons or physically buffing myself... I want to be all mind focused

My suggestion so far would be to use this for your reference document. Or this one works too, since it's a good deal wider in information.

Does your game have any need for a samurai or a ranger? Because if so, I would be more than interested in joining up.

Very neat idea. I'll definitely be putting together a character for this.

How intense will the dungeon crawls be? Trying to figure out what sort of class would be best suited for this. I will probably play an Elf Ranger or a Halfling Rogue, since it has been a long time since I played a Tolkien-esque character.

I would be interested, and am posting under the alias I'd most likely use. Ceru was played in not one but TWO Jade Regent PBP campaigns that flopped and faded very early on. Thus her background already has a story worked into it into "how she came to Sandpoint." The assumption in the background is that she's lived in Sandpoint for a few years, but I can certainly rejigger it so that she is a more recent arrival--the background would probably just end at the beginning of the third paragraph, ending with "most interesting at the time."

The existing character sheet is written up for Jade Regent still, but if the idea of her seems a reasonable submission, I will rework her with the appropriate point buy and take away her traits.

For starting wealth, do we roll it, use average, or use max?

This sounds interesting. Maybe will solve the problem of players that go AWOL.
I have the RotR AP, so have plenty of information about Sandpoint.

Think I'll make a cleric...

I'd like to play in this, but the concept I have relies on material from two books not on the normal SRD, Inner Sea Magic and Paths of Prestige.

I'd like to play a Tattooed Sorcerer who would eventually become a Tattooed Mystic, if the game lasts that long.

Here's the stat-block for my cleric:

Artthar Oakthorn:
Artthar Oakthorn
Half-Elf Cleric 1
NG Medium Humanoid (elf, human)
Init +0; Senses low-light vision; Perception +8
AC 15, touch 10, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +6; +2 vs. enchantments
Immune magic sleep; Resist elven immunities, resistant touch (6/day)
Speed 20 ft.
Melee Dagger +2 (1d4+2/19-20/x2) and
Glaive +2 (1d10+3/x3) and
Light mace +2 (1d6+2/x2)
Ranged Light crossbow +0 (1d8/19-20/x2)
Spell-Like Abilities
6/day—Lightning Arc (6/day), Resistant Touch (6/day)
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 1):
1 (2/day) Divine Favor, Bless, Obscuring Mist
0 (at will) Detect Magic, Cure Minor Wounds (DC 13), Read Magic
Str 14, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 13
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 12
Feats Human Spirit, Skill Focus (Perception)
Traits Armor Expert, Sacred Touch
Skills Acrobatics -3 (-7 jump), Climb +0, Diplomacy +5, Escape Artist -3, Fly -3, Perception +8, Ride -3, Sense Motive +7, Stealth -3, Swim +0; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Common, Elven
SQ aura, cleric channel positive energy 1d6 (4/day) (dc 11), domains (cloud, protection), elf blood, spontaneous casting
Other Gear Scale mail, Crossbow bolts (20), Dagger (2), Glaive, Light crossbow, Light mace, Backpack (8 @ 13.5 lbs), Belt pouch (5 @ 0.18 lbs), Blanket, winter, Candle (3), Chalk, Fishhook, Flint and steel, Holy symbol, wooden (Shelyn), Ink, black, Inkpen, Parchment (5), Scroll case (6 @ 0 lbs), Signal whistle, Silk rope, Spell component pouch, Torch (3), Trail rations (2), Waterskin, 2 GP, 4 SP, 3 CP
Special Abilities
Armor Expert -1 Armor check penalty.
Aura (Ex) The Cleric has an aura corresponding to his deity's alignment.
Cleric Channel Positive Energy 1d6 (4/day) (DC 11) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect.
Cleric Domain (Cloud) Associated Domain: Air
Cleric Domain (Protection) Granted Powers: Your faith is your greatest source of protection, and you can use that faith to defend others. In addition, you receive a +1 resistance bonus on saving throws. This bonus increases by 1 for every 5 levels you possess.
Elf Blood You are counted as both elven and human for any effect relating to race.
Elven Immunities +2 save bonus vs Enchantments.
Elven Immunities - Sleep You are immune to magic sleep effects.
Lightning Arc (1d6+0) (6/day) (Sp) 30' Ranged touch attack deals 1d6+0 Electricity damage.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Resistant Touch (6/day) (Sp) May donate Protection Domain's Resistance bonus to ally by touch for 1 minute.
Sacred Touch You were exposed to a potent source of positive energy as a child, perhaps by being born under the right cosmic sign, or maybe because one of your parents was a gifted healer. As a standard action, you may automatically stabilize a dying creature mer
Spontaneous Casting The Cleric can convert stored spells into Cure or Inflict spells.

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I'll get a background and personal and alias later. Someplace I have to go now.

ShadowyFox wrote:
My suggestion so far would be to use this for your reference document. Or this one works too, since it's a good deal wider in information.

I think that's an excellent idea, thanks. I will probably update in the first discussion board post.

The Silver Prince wrote:
How intense will the dungeon crawls be? Trying to figure out what sort of class would be best suited for this. I will probably play an Elf Ranger or a Halfling Rogue, since it has been a long time since I played a Tolkien-esque character.

I can't imagine that I will make intense dungeon crawls, but I hope that I will anyway. I 100% support characters that require 4 breakfasts.

Monkeygod wrote:

I'd like to play in this, but the concept I have relies on material from two books not on the normal SRD, Inner Sea Magic and Paths of Prestige.

I'd like to play a Tattooed Sorcerer who would eventually become a Tattooed Mystic, if the game lasts that long.

Thanks to ShadowyFox's suggestion above, I think we'll be able to open up other class options listed in d20.

Johnnycat93 wrote:
Does your game have any need for a samurai or a ranger? Because if so, I would be more than interested in joining up.

I hope that this game will not need anything. You can make any class you want to.

Liam "Lex" Garohk wrote:
It's just that with my character concept I have no use for poisons or physically buffing myself... I want to be all mind focused

We can work something out. My main concern is you playing something you want to roleplay.

Since it looks like we've got a few characters good to go as well as others with an eye on this, I would like to start the first day on Monday, September 9th. Anyone with a character that's in Sandpoint is welcome to hop in.

I want to reinforce that this should be an RP heavy game and I hope a lot of rping between characters. Character creation should be RP rather than battle based. I recommend that each character have a profit generating profession of some sort so that way if you miss several weeks then you can roll for wages and be making money while in "vacation mode".

We'll also have a trade goods system in which the prices of goods will vary day to day. Your characters will be able to buy or sell these at profits or losses, while using their INT, WIS, or CHA modifiers (whichever is highest) to get bonuses. I doubt many people will take a stab at this but it just adds another dimension to this whole thing and isn't much work on my part.

Hmmmm heavy role playing you say...maybe, maybe

Kyleah, these Downtime Rules might be helpful for you, even if just to make your system better.

So... Waterhammer here. This is the character I wish to submit. Statblock, background and appearance in the alias.

I will flesh this out later but here is the idea. A maser summoner who makes his living by pitting summoned animals against each-other in an arena/dog fighting pit.

Alright here is my submission. Let me know if I make it in.

Hopefully there will be some brawls scattered here and there. What can I say? I'm a sucker for a good combat. I think that even combat has the potential to provide some sweet character development.

Ideally though I struck a good enough balance between RP potential and combat capability.

Here's Loup Blanc's submission--an elf ninja who hopes to forge a crime empire. I will note that I'm probably gonna swap Weapon Finesse for Additional Traits and pick up some other goodies--he's intended to be a social and RP character, not a particularly strong warrior (at least, not yet).

Lantern Lodge

Hey, I'd like to put my interest down on this, I'm thinking of making some kind of craftsman trying to make their way in Sandpoint and establish their own workshop, makes for a good roleplay based character, quite possibly a blacksmith since that's a trade I have actual interest and experience in.

Interesting point, possibly, for some, the anvil as priced in the gear section of the ultimate equipment guide is wayyy too cheap.

GM Kyleah wrote:

Since it looks like we've got a few characters good to go as well as others with an eye on this, I would like to start the first day on Monday, September 9th. Anyone with a character that's in Sandpoint is welcome to hop in.

I want to reinforce that this should be an RP heavy game and I hope a lot of rping between characters. Character creation should be RP rather than battle based. I recommend that each character have a profit generating profession of some sort so that way if you miss several weeks then you can roll for wages and be making money while in "vacation mode".

We'll also have a trade goods system in which the prices of goods will vary day to day. Your characters will be able to buy or sell these at profits or losses, while using their INT, WIS, or CHA modifiers (whichever is highest) to get bonuses. I doubt many people will take a stab at this but it just adds another dimension to this whole thing and isn't much work on my part.

Kyleah, are you just accepting all who sign up or are you selecting players from their posts here?

Ceru wrote:

Kyleah, are you just accepting all who sign up or are you selecting players from their posts here?

I would like to accept everyone for now. So far there aren't an overwhelming amount of entries.

Adara Lavariss; Varisian Bard
Alicarus Vorasik, “The Mantis”; Elf Ninja
Artthar Oakthorn; Half-elf Cleric
Heie Matsuya; Human Samurai

Monkeygod wrote:
Kyleah, these Downtime Rules might be helpful for you, even if just to make your system better.

Thanks Monkeygod. I really like these downtime rules...I'm trying to think of how to best to integrate this system.

Lantern Lodge

I'm about ready for my entry, if you don't mind I'll just do a couple of height and weight rolls (which might be tweaked afterwards) then set up my concept.

Age: 1d4 + 15 ⇒ (2) + 15 = 17
Gender: 1d10 ⇒ 4
Height: 2d10 ⇒ (6, 1) = 7
Weight: 2d10 ⇒ (9, 5) = 14
Starting Monies: 3d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 2) = 10=100g
Hmm, 17 bit short, pretty stocky looking
Follow up gender roll: 1d10 ⇒ 6
Female kinda butch looking, maybe tomboyish.
5'2" 155lbs... sure why not, blacksmith after all.

Madeleine Geiszler

Human(Focused study alternate trait if allowed)
Oracle 1 - Lame curse - Metal Mystery
Appraise, Craft(armor), Craft(Weapons), Profession(Blacksmith), Knowledge(engineering), Knowledge(local)

Feat skill focus Profession(blacksmith) Other feat not yet decided

Anvil, common tools, other 90gp of equipment yet undecided

Basic background,
Born of good stock from simple farm folk Madeleine lived a fairly normal farm girl's life until at age 12 a nasty incident with a plough horse left her with a broken leg, it was during this time of infirmity that she first hefted the hammer at the small farm forge and discovered a driving love and intrinsic talent with metalworking, of course in her zeal to practice this newfound skill she wound up fouling up her leg permanently. A few years later she left home with almost half a years earnings to buy herself into an apprenticeship in Magnimar, Things started out quite well until her intrinsic skill at the forge got her accused of stealing the master smith's secrets and she had to flee, seeking a place to build a new life at the forge she headed north, to a smaller community where she hoped to build her own place in the world.

That should do, I think I could write a couple pages on her already, if anyone cared to see them.

Cool! So, should we post in Discussion or anything?

I keep forgetting to mention: I generally post once a day, though if people are on in the evenings, when I am, it can get pretty busy.

Hey, Loup. Should be fun playing with you again. :)

A freelance job opportunity has popped up so I've decided it would be a bad idea for me to add to my RP commitments, so I'm bowing out. Sorry about that, this really sounds like a good idea and I hope to see more sandbox and freeform stuff around here.

Indeed, it'll be fun to cross paths once more.

Posted Day One Here

It's a bit early, but I suspect we'll need the extra time and it'll give a chance those without characters to join in on the first day.

Feel free to introduce your character as either just arriving or doing whatever.

Second day will be 9/16

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Adara Lavariss

Female Varisian Bard (Street Performer) 1 | HP 10 / 10 | AC 16 | T 13 | FF 13 | CMD 14 | Fort +1 | Ref +5 | Will +1 | Init +3 | Perc +3 | Sense Motive -1
(7 posts)


Heie Matsuya

Male Human Samurai (Sword Saint) 1
(9 posts)


Carilain Riveroak

Elf Male. Hp 54/72 Magus(Bladebound) 6/Occultist 1 AC 19(shield 23) T 14 F 15| Init +5| Fort +8| Ref +5| Will +8| Per +14| pool 3/5
(555 posts)