About Radyx FelstonExperience:
Languages Common (Taldane), Shoanti, Orc
Bruising Intellect (Trait):: Your sharp intellect and rapier-like wit bruise egos. Intimidate is always a class skill for you, and you may use your Intelligence modifier when making Intimidate checks instead of your Charisma modifier. -------
Wealth: (71 gp, 3 sp, 7 cp) (1000 gold banked, Erastus 6th)
Description: Radyx is a broad, tall man with impressive musculature. He has a vicious scar on his face near his right eye, received from a near-death stab from an opponent's trident in Serpent's Run. His hair is short and light, bleached by the sun in the Arena. He has a Shoanti tattoo on his back, of a sun with the rune for Family to it's left and Strength to it's right. Personality: Radyx is gruff, short tempered, but calculating in his attacks. He is overly confident in his abilities, brought on by his repeated success in Serpent's Run. He enjoys his drink second only to the enjoyment of the brothels. He is untrusting of magic, but now that "Shalast" is ruled by a mage of legend, he has taken the outlook that it is a necessary nuisance he must now accept as part of life. Background: Tanja Hawk Dancer was once a proud warrior woman of the Sklar-Quah, particularly a small clan in the southern Cinderlands. Her husband also a warrior of great reknown amongst the Quah. That was until they had a particularly violent fight with a raiding party of orcs. Their branch of the Quah was nearly slaughtered to the last soul, with only a few women remaining. Tanja was one of them, and she suffered a fate worse than death... A few years later, Tanja had been taken in by a distant relative, but now, she was a far different woman than what she had been before. Her fighting spirit broken, mother to an unwanted half-orc daughter, Kidran Half Blood, and with little way to support them both, she lived a life performing menial tasks and farming to provide whatever support she could and hopefully find a new life. Eventually, she was "married" off to another warrior in the Quah, and she soon gave birth to a son for the man, whom they named Radyx. Radyx was a violent youth, but he showed great devotion to his mother and older sister. Many times, he had to fight off other members of the Quah in defense of his elder half-sister, but it was a task he never backed down from, even when greatly outnumbered. Eventually, however, he had to start fighting his own kin. His mother soon gave birth two twin sons, Coreth and Stromthur, that showed more devotion to the Quah than to their own blood. In particular, their harassment of Kidran was ruthless, and Radyx would have to fight his own blood on behalf of his sister. This led to many a beating from his father, who adored the twins. One day, the orcs returned, and the Quah rallied up to fight them. Tanja, in particular, felt a bloodlust she hadn't felt in years, and her violent spree would have been something of Sklar-Quah legend, had it not led to the accidental destruction of the entire camp. She was fighting with a scimitar in one hand, a lit torch in the other, and the flames spread by her blind rage incinerated much of the clan's holdings. As a result, Tanja, Kidran, and Radyx were banished. They fled south, and were eventually "acquired" by a Kaer-Maga aristocrat, and were put to work in Kaer-Maga. Radyx, for his size and strength, was sent to Magnimar to fight in Serpent's Run and put on a show for profit. It was around this time, that Karzoug the Claimer was completing his conquest of Varisia, and formed the nation of Shalast. In Magnimar, the previous Master of Ceremonies was replaced by a minion loyal to Karzoug, and actual bloodsport was introduced to Serpent's Run. By the time Radyx got there, a man named Vigar Bloodborn had made a name for himself as the best fighter in the arena. Radyx emulated the man, as he figured if he was the best, learning his methods would be his best chance at survival. However, as Radyx got better at fighting, so too did his love of the crowd and the attention to his skills it brought. Eventually, his adoration of Vigar changed to envy and contempt. In an attempt to suplant Vigar as the Champion of Serpent's Run, Radyx came up with an underhanded scheme to remove the man from his path. One night, while Vigar was sleeping, Radyx slipped out and stole his famed blade, an enchanted sword called Wrath's End, and made his way to the ancient bridge in Magnimar and heaved it as far as he could into the Varisian Gulf. The next day, the champion was forced to fight without his favored weapon, and was slain. This did not help Radyx take the title of Champion, but it was a step in the right direction. However, as Karzoug's reign continued, it soon became evident that becoming Champion would not help him attain freedom of his own. So his plan soon changed. He began making wagers on himself in secret, and eventually, he earned enough coin to buy the freedom of himself, his mother, and his sister. He returned to Kaer-Maga with his wealth and freed his family, but his love of the city had surpassed his desire to return to his Quah. Tanja and Kidran returned to the Cinderlands, and Radyx made his way back to Magnimar, hoping to amass even greater wealth than he had in the Arena. However, he soon squandered his coin on booze, women, and other wasted pursuits. Eventually, he realized he was on the doorstep of becoming a slave once again, and decided to sign on with the Ciphermages as a bodyguard. It was a promise of good coin, and Radyx was willing to do anything to hang on to the "good life" as long as he could. |