Ruins of Pathfinder: Road to Damnation (Inactive)

Game Master Crustypeanut

"If you have men who will only come if there is a good road, I don't want them. I want men who will only come if there is no road at all." 
-David Livingstone

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Sorry to see you go Cuan!

Also I'd like to remind everyone that Tomorrow is the last day for applications!

Now that we're just about over with recruitment, I'm getting really excited to get this started :D

I'd also like to add that my real-life friend has backed down due to job issues - as a result, while we will be losing a potentially awesome Gnoll Thundercaller Bard who blasts people with his voice, this does mean that An eighth player slot has just opened up, so one more of you will be getting in!

I would be interested. I would love to play a bag-of-tricks wizzard type, who despises the straight-forward approach

If you need an example of my play style you can check out this thread I play in.;topicseen (My character is Clouse and user name is Gabboge)

Can I get a bit more time to set up a character? I just spotted this thread.

Oh and if I totally gimp out my characters stats can I get a Immovable rod? Like give up an amount of points from my buy in?

I've already extended the recruitment by a week - so you have today until midnight west-coast to get it done and get a post up.

No gimping your stats for an immovable rod, I'm sorry.

Alright guys, though I doubt we'll have any last minute entries, you have Two hours till recruitment is Closed.

I'm off to bed for now, so I'll see you all tomorrow! I'll need a few days to look over everyone and decide who will be getting in.

Good luck to everyone.

The Exchange

Good Luck All

(Being distracted from going to bed by a friend)

Cel! Did you ever get your character finished?

The Exchange

Sadly, I did not. As you know from my other threads that I am in, my internet up to this point had been almost 0. It's strong now, but even with your extenstion I was not able to finish and it's a shame, because I am sure that this is going to be one hell of a game. If you do end up picking me, I'll be able to turn out something 100% solid, since Ali is about 80% done, but I totally understand about wanting to give first rights to the people that were able to put in the time and effort that this campaign deserves.

Recruitment is now closed!

I will need a few days to look in detail over everyone's submissions and the gameplay thread, then I will have the announcement of who I've picked no later than Wednesday, after which we will start on Thursday.

Celeador wrote:
Sadly, I did not. As you know from my other threads that I am in, my internet up to this point had been almost 0. It's strong now, but even with your extenstion I was not able to finish and it's a shame, because I am sure that this is going to be one hell of a game. If you do end up picking me, I'll be able to turn out something 100% solid, since Ali is about 80% done, but I totally understand about wanting to give first rights to the people that were able to put in the time and effort that this campaign deserves.

Yeah, while I certainly know how amazing of a writer you are from having worked with you in the past, I do have to give precedence to those who got their characters completed in the three weeks I gave them - I understand that you had stuff out of your control that prevented you from finishing, though.

As a result, I'm going to be looking over the characters that got in the gameplay thread first and foremost, though since the gameplay thread *was* heavily based around letting me see everyone's roleplaying skills, I won't leave out the possibility of picking you for that eighth spot that opened up since my friend wasn't able to join, since I've already seen how you roleplay.

Though there are a ton of great submissions that did meet the deadline.. so we'll see.

I want to just say good luck and congrats to all who make it in or even submitted. I've been a fan of our DM for awhile (thanks to his interesting group in Skull & Shackles), but I couldn't get something fleshed out in time either. I know it's gonna be a great read and fun for all involved.

Knock 'me dead, people!

I tried to grasp at time to finish Zeriax's submission but just could not - only the crunch and partial background info ever got done...


I would like to throw my best wishes onto the pile! Best of luck to everyone. And the greatest of fun to those of you who make it in!

Announcement on who I've chosen soon!

Awesome possum.

First off, I would like to say that I was fully impressed by everyone's entries; There were a ton of great characters and I had a difficult time choosing who I'd pick.

As you all know, this is a Mythic Campaign; A campaign that goes above and beyond the normal heroics afforded by normal campaigns and normal heroes. Mythic Heroes are a cut above the rest - where normal heroes slay dragons, liches, and evil runelords (Or in the case of Ruins of Pathfinder, fail at doing so), Mythic Heroes fight demigods, slay ancient behemoths present at the time of creation, and change the course of history - they are born with Mythic Potential that normal heroes can barely comprehend. These heroes are known throughout the ages at accomplishing things others could not. The Ancient Azlanti hero of Savith, who decapitated the Serpentfolk god Ydersius, was a hero of mythic potential. The unspoken heroes who cast down the Tarrasque were as well. These heroes put others to shame.

As an unspoken challenge issued with the recruitment process, I wanted to see who could rise to the task of making a character with truly Mythic potential. While everyone did an excellent job of making characters with heroic potential, three people rose to the challenge and created characters with truly mythic potential, characters who, in time, I could see rivaling the heroes of old, during the Age of Legend. These characters took what information I gave them and wrote their characters' backstories well enough to intertwine them with later aspects of my campaign - giving me quest ideas and whatnot.

These three characters, and the first of the characters I chose for the campaign, are as follows:

  • Unafe Two-Hearted - gyrfalcon - N Female Human Saurian Shaman Druid 2
  • Thorgrim Sigurdson - Kagehiro - CG Male Human Invulnerable Rager Barbarian 2
  • Aluriel - MPCampbell/Hilde Alfborne - LG Female Human Oracle of Battle 2

Now, while these three made characters of truly mythic potential, everyone elses characters are still excellent! I truly enjoyed reading everyone's backstories, and out of the rest of the players, I chose the following:

  • Gi'chak - Peanuts - CN Male Monkey Goblin Pistolero Gunslinger 2
  • Ardeshir Qahremae - LurkingTyranny - LG Male Ifrit Ranger Guide 2
  • Nexander Davramputi - WesternWolf777 - N Male Human Archivist Bard 2
  • Jack 'of all Trades' McAllaster - BeowulfIam - LN Male Elf Rogue 2
  • Sasbrek - Airon 87 - N Male Kobold Crossblooded Sorcerer 2

All in all, there are 2 Hierophants, 2 Champions, 2 Tricksters, 1 Guardian, and 1 Archmage, not including any secondary Paths anyone may take.

Everyone not picked, I appreciate your entries and still enjoyed reading them, and if such a time comes when we have a spot open, I will message one of you to fill it.

For those picked, expect a gameplay post by Friday at the latest, moving us along; Please make sure your profiles are finished, though gear does not have to be. You will have time to purchase any gear you need before the expedition heads out.

On that note, Auriel, if you could get your statblock set up in your profile, I'd much appreciate it. That pdf takes a while to load.

Woot woot! Thanks for the pick :) Looking forward to playing this one. I promise to try my best to grow Nexander into a mighty mythic hero. He just needs the proper motivation.

Be my guest and use the Hand as an NPC if you need one that you can kill off to prove the severity of the situation, I dont't think I will ever get use out of him in another game.

Hurray!! This has all the makings of a fantastic campaign. Crusty, I'm glad Unafe intrigued you, she certainly does me and I appreciate you selecting me!

Jack, I just noticed here that you're LN. Is that a typo? If not I'm totally curious. I can imagine a LN Rogue -- one could be quite interesting -- but in your very first post you con a random merchant, which seems less than Lawful. I'd love to hear what your alignment means to you.

All, I leave for a camping trip tomorrow or Friday, with plans to return on Sunday. Depending on when the first gameplay post is up, I may or may not get anything posted until Sunday night or Monday day...but am very much looking forward to getting this kicked off and to gaming with y'all.

Mmm I know what you meant about those three Crusty, I only skimmed some of the other applicant's backgrounds but from what I saw in the gameplay Unafe's was quite interesting. I too felt my background was a little weak on actually tying him into the campaign, but the opportunity to play a badass monkey goblin gunslinger was too good to pass up. I'm glad it was interesting enough to get me through :)

This should be a really awesome campaign. Can't wait!

Hmm, I think I'll try to inject a bit more mythic into Gi'chak's background now I know I'll get to use him if that's okay Crusty? I'll PM at some point to discuss ideas I think.

I actually also just got an idea to make Nexander more epic. I'll think about it some more and wait until we have a discussion thread to talk in.

This is why I hate getting stuck with profiles. Wish you could delete them. Of course the extended recruitment made that appreciably less likely.

I am surprised I was able to make the cut, as I didn't have much time to really do anything in the initial RP thread. I have plans for this character and I am very curious whether they will work out the way I envision them.


I am very pleased to have made the cut! Everyone had great concepts. I look forward to the discussion thread and gameplay post!

Great, thanks for the pick!

Now the question for the GM and fellow players: kobolds speak Draconic and regional language for Sasbrek would be Polyglot. As a n extra language should I pick Osiriani or Common (taldan)?

This would be the language he learned in Nex while trying to get into the arcane expedition detailed in his Campaign Trait.

Common, Airon - all players start with Common.

Also, I totally forgot about a discussion thread, so I'm putting it up now! Feel free to move your discussions over there.

Wu Cheng wrote:
This is why I hate getting stuck with profiles. Wish you could delete them. Of course the extended recruitment made that appreciably less likely.

Yeah tell me about it. I've at least a half dozen characters from dead threads or ones that didn't make the cut. I requested it in the suggestion forum months ago (or rather an option to hide them like you can expired game threads) but nadda :(

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