Ruins of Empire (Inactive)

Game Master EltonJ

Game of Thrones via Pathfinder. This is a birthright campaign using the 1st edition Pathfinder ruleset.
map of Anuire
Player's Domain Tracking Map

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Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Those wishing to play regents can set up their play here.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Rolling Random events:
Random Event: 2d10 ⇒ (7, 9) = 16

An intrigue takes place. This time in Endier. It seems that one of Endier's courtiers is making a play.

Roll 1d10 please for your domain initiative.

Finally, collect regency points while we resolve the intrigue.

Initiative: 1d10 ⇒ 4

With regards to collecting Regency Points: are we considered to have 1 rank in skills as a 1st level character, or are we calculating the total sum of skill bonuses to ascertain Regency Collection Ratings?

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

It looks like they are going by ranks in a skill. You are all considered to have 4 ranks in your class skills for regency collection, although 2e does it easier. They wanted to make the skills matter in 3.5; so they matter here too.

RP = 22 (80% of 28 RP (Province 7 RP; Source 14 RP; Law 7 RP), rounded down) Do we begin with 0 accumulated regency?
GB = 9 (Province 7 GB + Law 1/3 of 7, rounded down)

Initiative: 1d10 ⇒ 6

Probably should have looked at this section before, looks like I am generating 0RP.
A couple of questions Guild assumes 8 skills and there are only 7 of there in pathfinder, can we use Know (local) to replace Gather Info?
With this in mind I think I should forget Vigilante, that gives me another skill from favored class, Moves my guild RP collection to 40%. If you don't mind me swapping Climb for Warcraft that nets me 80% of the province.

RP = 16 or 12 (80% of Provance =4 and 40% of Guild = 12)
GB = 28 (Province 6 GB + Law 1/3 of 8 + Guild 2/3 of 31 rounded down)

Female Human Bard(Negotiator) 2

initiative: 1d10 ⇒ 5

Ok, I'm trying to track down all the rules for this. The way the site has things set up is slightly confusing to me.

I used the rules here g_a_domain_Domain_collections

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Lady Adriana Barad wrote:


Ok, I'm trying to track down all the rules for this. The way the site has things set up is slightly confusing to me.

Well, that reminds me, I have to make it less confusing.

A couple of questions Guild assumes 8 skills and there are only 7 of there in pathfinder, can we use Know (local) to replace Gather Info?

You use diplomacy instead of Knowledge: Local.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Is everything fine? Would you like to resolve the intrigue?

I am all for it, but I'm not sure how to proceed... Is the ball in Endier's court? Can you propose a mise en situation? Is Endier supposed to use a domain action to resolve the issue one way or another?

I am pretty sure that once we've figured out the details over the course of the first round, this is going to be a whole lot of fun!

FYI: This page, is useful to understand events.

Question: should we have added our Bloodline to our initiative?

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Rogr Aglondier of Ilien wrote:

I am all for it, but I'm not sure how to proceed... Is the ball in Endier's court? Can you propose a mise en situation? Is Endier supposed to use a domain action to resolve the issue one way or another?

I am pretty sure that once we've figured out the details over the course of the first round, this is going to be a whole lot of fun!

FYI: This page, is useful to understand events.

Question: should we have added our Bloodline to our initiative?

No. I'm waiting on how Endier is going to resolve the intrigue in his court. Is he going to handle it as an adventure? That way, Ultimate Intrigue comes into play. Is he going to ignore it? Or is Endier's regent going to handle it more abstractly with a roll of the dice! Either way, Diplomacy is needed.

Female Human Bard(Negotiator) 2

Ok, so I gain 24 GB and 12RP I think...

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Lady Adriana Barad wrote:
Ok, so I gain 24 GB and 12RP I think...

Alright. We go on to Domain Maintenance. Here is where you maintain the court level of your domain, maintain your military, and so forth. I'll contact Mr. Strange to see if he's still interested in handling the intrigue happening in his court.

Domain expenses can be read about here.

Female Human Bard(Negotiator) 2

7GB after expenses.

Kurt want to handle it directly, to send a message. If we want to do that as an adventure then I am game for that,

Expenses: 12 GB. This means that the kingdom's treasury is reduced from 16 GP to 13 GB. Ouch.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Kurt Talbehr wrote:
Kurt want to handle it directly, to send a message. If we want to do that as an adventure then I am game for that,


The intrigue goes down during a ball. The season's first ball. The woman making the intrigue is to introduce her daughter to the ball. Her aim is to get her daughter to marry above her station. Perhaps even marry one of your lieutenants. However, this isn't her only design.

You have invited everyone of the nobility to the Spring Ball in Endier. It's up to you to invite the other regents.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Alright, the Intrigue is happening in Ilien to get things moving. You may do your domain actions now.

Court Action: The courtiers of Ilien invite the lords and nobles of all the nearby kingdoms to attend the Spring Ball, presenting it as an occasion to meet the recently-crowned Count Rogr Aglondier.

Domain Action:
The Spring Ball. From across the kingdom, nobles and notables, courtiers and courtesans, all the good people of Ilien come together in their finest attire, to mingle and maneuver. Truth be told, Count Rogr Aglondier rather enjoys these social events. They are an occasion to learn about his people – and to uncover plots.

A mother is introducing her daughter and aims to marry her off above her station? And she has other designs? As the ruler, it is the count's duty to handle these delicate affairs.

"If she wants to find a husband for her daughter, then we should assist her," he discusses the matter with Conor Ja'teem – a man who, as Chamberlain of the Castle Ward, knows the nobles of the land better than most. Together, they attempt to find a suitable suitor for the young woman – a gentleman with enough importance to sway the woman's mother, but who is not so high-born that others would consider the union odd or inappropriate.

"I will present the suitor myself and encourage the union," the Count decides, figuring that his personal attention could at the very least flatter the courtesan.

Knowledge, Nobility: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17
Event Resolution: 1d20 ⇒ 11 Bonus, if any, to be assigned by GM

Question: Can regency be added to Event Resolution checks?
Also: Do we begin with the province's Accumulated Regency, or is our initial Accumulated Regency nil?

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Rogr Aglondier of Ilien wrote:

Court Action: The courtiers of Ilien invite the lords and nobles of all the nearby kingdoms to attend the Spring Ball, presenting it as an occasion to meet the recently-crowned Count Rogr Aglondier.

** spoiler omitted **

Question: Can regency be added to Event Resolution checks?
Also: Do we begin with the province's Accumulated Regency, or is our initial Accumulated Regency nil?

A1. No, not really. You add your diplomacy bonus, however, for Event Resolution checks.

A2. The province's accumulated regency is for the DM to use every turn as an NPC realm. Suppose that I'm playing Ghoere (and I am), I use the accumulated regency of that realm in order to make a power play against Roesone. Or for something that hits close to home, I'm playing High Mage Aeles against you, defending my source network, and keeping you from establishing any sources. I'd use the accumulated Regency every turn as a DM. You don't start with the Accumulated Regency number as far as I know. It's use is for the DM.

EltonJ wrote:
You add your diplomacy bonus, however, for Event Resolution checks.

My understanding is that the GM attributes a bonus, which takes into account both the regent's appropriate skills –in this case, Diplomacy and/or Knowledge, Nobility – and the plan itself? In this particular case, if Diplomacy is, in fact, the relevant skill, would Knowledge, Nobility offer insight and allow for synergy?

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Rogr Aglondier of Ilien wrote:
EltonJ wrote:
You add your diplomacy bonus, however, for Event Resolution checks.
My understanding is that the GM attributes a bonus, which takes into account both the regent's appropriate skills –in this case, Diplomacy and/or Knowledge, Nobility – and the plan itself? In this particular case, if Diplomacy is, in fact, the relevant skill, would Knowledge, Nobility offer insight and allow for synergy?

A1. Yes, it would. :) Remember, though, some creatures (the great Awnsheghlien) do not recognize nobility.

Got it. So I believe that the ball is in your court!

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Domain actions, Ghoere, Spiderfell, and HMA:
Ghoere tries to establish a law holding in Ghoried. Uses Contest Holding against Roesone. Contest holding to establish a law (0) holding: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11

RP spent: 1 GB spent: None.

Roesone may respond with a domain action.

High Mage Aelies makes a move by establishing a ley line from Ghoried to Aerwenwe. Spellcraft + Nature: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (6) + 19 = 25

Gold Bars spent: 1, RP spent: 1

Spiderfell: The spider sends an army into Roesone to test for weaknesses. The army is composed of one unit of Gnoll Irregulars.

Female Human Bard(Negotiator) 2

Was that a create holding action, not a contest holding action?

Would it be assumed I have troops in the province the gnolls are attempting to invade, I see a move troop action, but I'm not sure where my troops are located to begin with.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Is it better you have a map for this? I can create one.

Map Key: Most of your troops are stationed in Caeracas. Where proudglaive stands. Anywhere you've established a fort stands a garrison of troops.

I'm creating a map now to show you.

EDIT: Map of Roesone that shows where your troops are stationed.

And you are right, that would be a create holding action.

So how would it work if Lady Adriana Barad wanted to ask for the help of Rogr Aglondier of Ilien? Does she have to use a diplomatic action? Or are interactions between PCs considered outside of the domain turn sequence?

Perhaps she is presently at the Spring Ball, which would make such discussions possible?

Female Human Bard(Negotiator) 2

Yes, that is very helpful. What province are the gnolls invading and what do I need to roll for the troops stationed there?

The lady is going to ignore the law holding being built, if he tries to increase that foothold I can deal with that.

Standard action create guild holding in Abbatuor 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13 1GB

I think my character action will be used up by attending the ball in Illien, if not she will use it to lead her troops in the defense of her realm.

Court action move troops to where they are needed.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Rogr Aglondier of Ilien wrote:

So how would it work if Lady Adriana Barad wanted to ask for the help of Rogr Aglondier of Ilien? Does she have to use a diplomatic action? Or are interactions between PCs considered outside of the domain turn sequence?

Perhaps she is presently at the Spring Ball, which would make such discussions possible?

A1. Adriana does not have to use a full diplomacy action to ask the help of Rogr for a realm spell. A diplomacy action is called for on a formal treaty. Such as one between you and Ghoere for example (although given Gavin Tael's alignment . . . ).

Q2. What province are the gnolls invading and what do I need to roll for the troops stationed there?

A2. They are invading Ghoried. You can quickly move troops from both Caercas and Fairfield to deal with the gnoll irregulars.

Perhaps a discussion at the ball? The Count of Ilien may have the means to resolve the situation in Ghoried without risking the lives of good soldiers...

Female Human Bard(Negotiator) 2

The site says I have a unit of archers in Ghoried. I'll send the knights to support them.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Lady Adriana Barad wrote:
The site says I have a unit of archers in Ghoried. I'll send the knights to support them.

Alright. We're almost ready to do Ultimate Campaign.

The gnoll irregulars: XP 420, Fine, AL CE, Gnoll Fighters, 5 hp, ACR 1, DV 11, OM 10
Tactics: The Gnoll Irregulars are sent out to probe for weakness in Roesone. If the Gnolls return victorious over the Roesoneans, then the Spider will consider tougher methods.

Resources: The irregulars have a small supply line back to the Spiderfell.
Speed: 3
Morale: 3
Consumption: 1 GB
Commander: Lt. Tilek -- Goblin, hp 30, Cha +3, Profession (Soldier) +5, Leadership 10.

What you do:
The following summarizes the key rolls you’ll make
when using mass combat:
Offense Check: d20 + Offense Modifier (OM)
Damage Dealt: Offense check result – the defending
army’s Defense Value (DV)
Morale Check: d20 + the commander’s modifiers +
the army’s Morale score

If you have Ultimate Campaign, you could also do your army of two units. After that we can resolve the combat.

Female Human Bard(Negotiator) 2

Am I able to accompany my army, or am I assumed to be traveling to this Illien ball?

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Lady Adriana Barad wrote:
Am I able to accompany my army, or am I assumed to be traveling to this Illien ball?

You can accompany your army. But you spent your Character action to attending the ball in Ilien.

Female Human Bard(Negotiator) 2

That's what I wanted to make sure of. Did you mean for the gnolls to be a unit of 1 gnoll and a goblin? Size fine is for a single unit.

If we are using ultimate campaign for this, what are the stats for my units as I do not know how you wish to translate the already existent ones.

I am sorry this is taking so much to do a simple conflict, once we get these nailed down it should go smoother.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Lady Adriana Barad wrote:

That's what I wanted to make sure of. Did you mean for the gnolls to be a unit of 1 gnoll and a goblin? Size fine is for a single unit.

If we are using ultimate campaign for this, what are the stats for my units as I do not know how you wish to translate the already existent ones.

I am sorry this is taking so much to do a simple conflict, once we get these nailed down it should go smoother.

Yep, a goblin is leading the gnoll irregulars. So, you want me to do stats for your archers and Anuirean knights? Yeah, it should go smoother. Our new father hasn't quipped up about his domain turns yet.

That's why I'm ignoring Avanil's domain turns.

Okayse. Who are leading your knights? A cavalier?

Female Human Bard(Negotiator) 2

Oh, nm. I just realized what it meant by units. I don't know why I was thinking it was one singular gnoll being bossed around by a goblin.

I kinda need stats for the units in order to know what I have to roll, although I could just roll d 20s and let you figure it out.

The knights being a unit of cavaliers would make sense I think. Though I could see them being Paladins for a different kingdom. I think we have a lot more in depth control with the ultimate campaign stuff.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Lady Adriana Barad wrote:

Oh, nm. I just realized what it meant by units. I don't know why I was thinking it was one singular gnoll being bossed around by a goblin.

I kinda need stats for the units in order to know what I have to roll, although I could just roll d 20s and let you figure it out.

The knights being a unit of cavaliers would make sense I think. Though I could see them being Paladins for a different kingdom. I think we have a lot more in depth control with the ultimate campaign stuff.

Actually, it's better than using War Cards from the Birthright boxed set. The War Cards are great to use on the tabletop, but necessity has forced me to use the Ultimate Campaign rules.

Anuirean Archers
XP: 425
Size: Fine (1 unit)
Type: Human longbow archers
HP: 5.5
ACR: 1
DV: 13
OM: +2 (Ranged attacks)

Tactics: Depends on what the commander says as to their tactics. Usually they stay behind a unit and let their arrows fly.

Resources: Anuirean archers are a ranged unit, so are supplied with longbows and crossbows, and many, many arrows.

Special: ranged unit.
Speed: 3
Morale: +3
Consumption: Based on Domain maintenance
Commander: Lt. Roesone(?), human, Cha +3, Profession (Soldier) +10, Leadership 14
Anuirean Knights
XP: 720
Size: Fine (1 unit)
Type: Armored Cavalry
HP: 6.5
ACR: 1
DV: 18
OM: +4

Tactics: Armored cavalry is often used on the front lines, and can be supported by the archers.

Resources: They have healing potions at their disposal.

Special: Challenge
Speed: 7
Morale: +4
Consumption: based on domain maintenance
Commander: Leader of the Order of the Lion, human, Cha +3, Profession (Soldier) +12, Leadership 20
There, that should do it.

Female Human Bard(Negotiator) 2

Looks good. Adriana is at the ball during this month so she was not able to go, but it is what it is.

Ranged round
Archers: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6 no damage, just a distraction.
knights rush to flank

Melee round
Set to reckless
Knights charge in: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24 -11 dv= 13 +6 damage reckless 19 total damage.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Lady Adriana Barad wrote:

Looks good. Adriana is at the ball during this month so she was not able to go, but it is what it is.

Ranged round
[dice=Archers]1d20+2 no damage, just a distraction.
knights rush to flank

Melee round
Set to reckless
[dice=Knights charge in]1d20+8 -11 dv= 13 +6 damage reckless 19 total damage.

According to the rules, you wiped out a unit of Gnoll Irregulars from the Spiderfell. Ghoried is still yours.

Female Human Bard(Negotiator) 2

well, at least they are efficient.

So, what are we doing about this ball?

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Rogr needs to get you guys back on track for the roleplay.

"Lady Barad and Lord Talbehr, it is an honour for me to have you in my home," Count Rogr Aglondier owns. After formal introductions, his chamberlain had accompanied them not to the Great Hall where the guests were convened for a spring ball that would long be recognized as lavish and memorable, but to the castle's large meeting room at the foot of the tower.

"The Spring Ball represents for me a new beginning and I believe that the two of you may feel the same. I will speak plainly: it is a unique coincidence that the three of us are presently assuming power in our lands and I believe that we have much to gain from standing together."

"I know the both of you only by reputation. I look forward to learning to know you. Assuredly, reputations paint at best incomplete portraits."

Female Human Bard(Negotiator) 2

Speaking of reputations...A little retroactive introduction at the soiree.

The Lady Adriana awaits her turn to enter the great hall of Ilien, a mixture of boredom and annoyance plays round and round in her heart.

The loud voice of the herald rings out through the hall.

He forgot the voice of reason... What are titles for if no one uses them properly.

Decided it would a useful answer to the how the heck did she gain power by marrying her off to Daenal after Marlae died tragically, and then he went and died tragically himself... not that she had a hand in either death, in fact Daenal's death was very inconvenient... how inconsiderate of him.

"Yes,reputations have a nasty habit of concealing more than they reveal." Lady Adriana nearly purrs as she smiles at the other two lords.

The count nods and smiles. He is a handsome young man with bright eyes, an easy smile, and proper manners that belie his common birth. "Your barony is a signatory of the Pact of Ilien and I hope that I can continue to rely on your goodwill?"

"Similarly, I do believe that Endier and Ilien have good reason to be friends," he continues, turning to Lord Talbehr.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

A woman in her forties comes up to Rogr with a girl in her twenties, and homely looking, and says, "May I present my daughter, the Lady Prinpress."

Female Human Bard(Negotiator) 2

Well, she is quite forward...

Adriana is about to answer Rogr's question about the continued relationship between their two countries, when this dreadful bore of a woman attempts to interject her ugly progeny into their midst. Well, this will not do at all.

"Oh dear, it seems we have an interloper in matters of state. Well, best to make some good of this Ill fortune... tell me, Lady Primpness was it? Someone's mother lacked imagination it would seem. Primpness, right as we speak, the Spider is currently feeling at the borders of our realms, men of power seek to take the iron throne, and your lord needs an heir... I assume you are here to attempt to answer the third of his problems." Adriana pointedly ignores the little puppet's puller of strings, keeping her veiled gaze leveled uncomfortably staring into the poor girl's soul.

"Well, speak up little Primpness, am I correct that you and your mother have interrupted my introductions to attempt an arrangement? all while I stand here recently widowed, bereft of the only man who could brighten my dreary days, a sorrow I have born now two full seasons without cease? The gall and nerve. You are lucky you are not of my land, you would find that I do not allow for rudeness among those close to me. But, I see your manners are outstripped by your ambitions..."

The Lady waits for her competition to make their move, keenly interested to see if either woman had enough brains to compete.

I know, Adriana just jumped a lot of steps there, hopefully it puts the noble ladies on their back foot. Not sure if you want intimidate or oratory for an attempt to fluster them right out the gate.

The Count is both somewhat surprised and bothered to find the courtesan here, in the tower, when he had expressly asked that none be allowed to interrupt his encounter with Lady Barad and Lord Talbehr.

Still, he knew this was coming. "I had heard that you would be presenting your debutante daughter and it will certainly be my honour to welcome her into society," Aglondier speaks graciously. "But as you can plainly see, this is not the Great Hall."

He smiles to allow the woman a moment to realize the impropriety of her appearance in the tower when he is alone with regents, discussing matters of state.

"I will appear in the Great Hall shortly and I look forward to conversing with your daughter," he assures her before his embarrassed chamberlain rushes in, apologizes, and leads mother and daughter out.

Aglondier sighs. For a moment, the weight that he bears despite himself seems heavier than usual.

"My apologies for the interruption," he returns his attention to his guests. "This is the first ball of the season, and for many – as for myself – it is of the utmost importance."

"Lady Barad, I will be blunt: I need your help. Giant spiders have infested the banks of the Spider River, attacking ships and barges. My inquiries in Roesone and Medoere have confirmed that the creatures are coming from the Spiderfell. The foul creatures are disappearing somewhere into the Erebannien and I fear that they are massing for an attack on Ilien or Roesone."

"Given that you are so near the Spiderfell," he continues, facing Lord Talbehr, "I believe that you also may have an interest in defeating the creations of the Awnshegh who lives there?"

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

The lady Prinpress sours her face at being called "Primpness" by the ruler of Roesone. "It's Prinpress," she says without trouble. "And you are being a simp to call me 'Primpness.' I am not fat, I'm just big boned."

Her mother tried to shut her up. "Please child, do not insult the Baroness of Roesone," she turns to the Baroness. "My Lady Barad, my apologies, but my daughter is sensitive about her name. We'll wait in the great hall for our king, the Count of Ilien."

With that, she takes her daughter and moves her to the great hall. Leaving the three(?) of you alone.

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