Ruins of Empire (Inactive)

Game Master EltonJ

Game of Thrones via Pathfinder. This is a birthright campaign using the 1st edition Pathfinder ruleset.
map of Anuire
Player's Domain Tracking Map

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Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

It can be filed under item 9 of the previous agreement. Unless you want to change the contract. Changing the contract would mean a diplomacy action.

M 1/2 Elf Arcanist (Occultist) 4
EltonJ wrote:
It can be filed under item 9 of the previous agreement. Unless you want to change the contract. Changing the contract would mean a diplomacy action.

If she's good with that, I'm good with that. Looks like I'm going to be building some roads...

On to 7.3
Court Actions (4/5)
a) Build Highway in Calrie [2 GB – plains terrain] – progress in GB: 1d4 ⇒ 3. As build is DC 0, I’m not rolling a check unless someone opposes the action.

b) Build Highway in Halried [2 GB – plains terrain] – progress in GB: 1d4 ⇒ 4.

c) Build Highway in Northvale [4 GB – forest terrain ] – progress in GB: 1d4 ⇒ 3.
Question : Do I need to spend more to ensure that the highway is built in a non-source impacting way (elven style)? As far as I can tell in the RAW, the only thing that actually impacts source levels is population, but figure I will ask anyways

d) Build Highway in Westmarch [4 GB – forest terrain ] – progress in GB: 1d4 ⇒ 4.

Niall Action : Rule Holding as a Realm Action . Attempt to improve Law holdings in Westmarch and Northvale from 1 to 2. This uses his 5th and last court action this domain turn. [2 GB], DC is 11 in both provinces (level 1 holdings). Both provinces are helpful for a +1 to Action success (Loyalty). Niall will spend 16 rp to add +8 to each check (only fails on a 1)
rule Law Holding in Northvale: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 8 + 1 = 21
+8 rp, +1 loyalty
rule Law Holding in Westmarch: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 8 + 1 = 13
+8 rp, +1 loyalty

Niall’s personal action is going to be spent investigating Caer Callin with his detect secret doors spell.
From the wiki “The castle was probably built over the ruins of an ancient elven fortress and it's quite big even for Anuirean standards. An high tower, The Howling Tower, dominates the castle. Named for the noise it makes when the wind blows through it many whispers ancient elven treasures still lie in its foundations.
Yes, I am trying to set up an adventure action in the future…

William/Osoerde's action for 7.3 was spent failing at diplomacy. It deserves mention that all the provinces in Osoerde are under occupation now - Raenach will not collect gold nor RP from his holdings...
With diplomacy having failed, William will have to take full control of Osoerde the hard way, with ceremonies of Divestiture.
Question - can you take control of holdings (law holdings) by divestiture, or do you have to destroy/contest them and build up your own? . The text of Ceremony of Divestiture only mentions provinces...
If you can't divestiture holdings, expect William to get pillage happy next turn...

EltonJ wrote:

The Council of Elders have a court level of 5. Base DC 25. This is the first time Siele has been able to talk to the CoL of the Chimaeron and the establishment of a trade route will take some trust on their part.

SRT 7.3

Ok, the SRT will be looking for options to establish a maritime trade route from Calrie. Question if the SRT tries again, will there have been a change in the DC?

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
King Niall Swordwraith wrote:
EltonJ wrote:
It can be filed under item 9 of the previous agreement. Unless you want to change the contract. Changing the contract would mean a diplomacy action.

If she's good with that, I'm good with that. Looks like I'm going to be building some roads...

On to 7.3
Court Actions (4/5)
a) Build Highway in Calrie [2 GB – plains terrain] – [Dice=progress in GB]1d4. As build is DC 0, I’m not rolling a check unless someone opposes the action.

b) Build Highway in Halried [2 GB – plains terrain] – [Dice=progress in GB]1d4.

c) Build Highway in Northvale [4 GB – forest terrain ] – [Dice=progress in GB]1d4.
[b]Question : Do I need to spend more to ensure that the highway is built in a non-source impacting way (elven style)?

You could. If you are building for the elves in the Errebannen, they could request a highway that's more environmental friendly.


Niall’s personal action is going to be spent investigating Caer Callin with his detect secret doors spell.

From the wiki “The castle was probably built over the ruins of an ancient elven fortress and it's quite big even for Anuirean standards. An high tower, The Howling Tower, dominates the castle. Named for the noise it makes when the wind blows through it many whispers ancient elven treasures still lie in its foundations.”
Yes, I am trying to set up an adventure action in the future…

I'll try and make it suitable for one PC.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
pad300 wrote:

William/Osoerde's action for 7.3 was spent failing at diplomacy. It deserves mention that all the provinces in Osoerde are under occupation now - Raenach will not collect gold nor RP from his holdings...

With diplomacy having failed, William will have to take full control of Osoerde the hard way, with ceremonies of Divestiture.
Question - can you take control of holdings (law holdings) by divestiture, or do you have to destroy/contest them and build up your own? . The text of Ceremony of Divestiture only mentions provinces...
If you can't divestiture holdings, expect William to get pillage happy next turn...

Per the RAW, William will have to set up law holdings and then rule them up. He can perform Divestiture with the provinces he occupies.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
pad300 wrote:
EltonJ wrote:

The Council of Elders have a court level of 5. Base DC 25. This is the first time Siele has been able to talk to the CoL of the Chimaeron and the establishment of a trade route will take some trust on their part.

SRT 7.3

Ok, the SRT will be looking for options to establish a maritime trade route from Calrie. Question if the SRT tries again, will there have been a change in the DC?

A small change. DC 18.

M 1/2 Elf Arcanist (Occultist) 4
EltonJ wrote:


Niall’s personal action is going to be spent investigating Caer Callin with his detect secret doors spell.

From the wiki “The castle was probably built over the ruins of an ancient elven fortress and it's quite big even for Anuirean standards. An high tower, The Howling Tower, dominates the castle. Named for the noise it makes when the wind blows through it many whispers ancient elven treasures still lie in its foundations.”
Yes, I am trying to set up an adventure action in the future…

I'll try and make it suitable for one PC.

Addendum to Niall's personal action - he will also try to find some NPC's (or PC's if there are any available) to adventure with him.

He won't be taking the full bodyguard - it's a pain adventuring with a bunch of lvl 1 npcs, as you saw when Rogr and Lady Barad went spider hunting.

He will likely take the ranger and paladin from his bodyguard, and see if he can find a) a cleric from the ETN and b) a trustworthy rogue in Calrie...

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
King Niall Swordwraith wrote:

Addendum to Niall's personal action - he will also try to find some NPC's (or PC's if there are any available) to adventure with him.

He won't be taking the full bodyguard - it's a pain adventuring with a bunch of lvl 1 npcs, as you saw when Rogr and Lady Barad went spider hunting.

He will likely take the ranger and paladin from his bodyguard, and see if he can find a) a cleric from the ETN and b) a trustworthy rogue in Calrie...

Trustworthy rogue, right.

M 1/2 Elf Arcanist (Occultist) 4
EltonJ wrote:

Trustworthy rogue, right.

Trustworthy is relative. Trust him with money - maybe not. Trust him to have my back - much more important... Start looking in the detectives and the thief-catchers of the town, not the thieves guild.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Alrighty. I'll make some stat blocks tomorrow.

M 1/2 Elf Arcanist (Occultist) 4

King Niall decrees : "The highways in the Erebannien shall be built to an elven construction standard, so that they do not impact the mebhaighl flows in the Erebanien"
Building Highways to elven standard will cost 50% more than regular highways? Does that work?

SRT 7.3
I just realized, the SRT has significant interests outsides of Aerenwe:

a guild 0 in Bellam (Roesone), a guild 2 in Caercas (Roesone), a guild 3 in Fairfield (Roesone), and a guild 2 in Ghoried. I think I am going to assume that she spends 7.3 dealing with something there...

Moure, her LT, will spend another LT action in talks with the Council of Elders in the Chimaeron. The modifiers haven't changed since the last turn...

Diplomacy Action: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (18) - 2 = 16 vs dc 18

Yeah, still fishing for a Nat 20, but hopefully the DC will continue to come down if he is persistent

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
King Niall Swordwraith wrote:

King Niall decrees : "The highways in the Erebannien shall be built to an elven construction standard, so that they do not impact the mebhaighl flows in the Erebanien"

Building Highways to elven standard will cost 50% more than regular highways? Does that work?

I think that will work, yes.

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
pad300 wrote:

SRT 7.3

I just realized, the SRT has significant interests outsides of Aerenwe:

a guild 0 in Bellam (Roesone), a guild 2 in Caercas (Roesone), a guild 3 in Fairfield (Roesone), and a guild 2 in Ghoried. I think I am going to assume that she spends 7.3 dealing with something there...

Moure, her LT, will spend another LT action in talks with the Council of Elders in the Chimaeron. The modifiers haven't changed since the last turn...

[dice=Diplomacy Action]1d20-2 vs dc 18

Yeah, still fishing for a Nat 20, but hopefully the DC will continue to come down if he is persistent

The DC now is 17.

M 1/2 Elf Arcanist (Occultist) 4

Closing out the turn
The Kingdom of Aerenwe , Turn 7 close

10. Adjust Loyalty/Treasury/Regency:
Loyalty: as per, HERE
Domain Loyalty Check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
+2 control all law holdings in provinces.
EDIT : Domain is Helpful
Treasury: 32.5+38 income -25 maintenance -1 GB Research – 1GB Rule Province +5 GB Alchemy, - 2 GB highway for Calrie complete, -2 GB highway for Halried complete, -3 GB (of 6) highway for Northvale, -4 GB (of 6) highway for Westmarch, -2 GB rule Law holdings = 35.5 GB

Regency: 98+47 Collected -18 alchemy – 16 rule law holdings – 34 automatic increase to niall’s bloodline (note, if this stays above 68 next turn, 35 will be automatically spent to increase Niall’s bloodline) = 77

Spider River Traders, Turn 7 close
10. Adjust Loyalty/Treasury/Regency:
Loyalty: as per, HERE
Domain Loyalty Check: 1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 + 2 = 13
5 ranks + in diplomacy +2, +2 control all guild holdings in provinces.
EDIT : Domain remains neutral
Treasury: 24.5 + 18 income – 3 maintentance -3 vassalage -4 Rule Holding Realm Action – 1 GB Diplomacy w/ Chimaeron = 31.5 GB
Regency: 37+27 Collected -11 RP Rule holding = 53 RP

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Sounds good to me. Did you designate an heir yet?

M 1/2 Elf Arcanist (Occultist) 4
EltonJ wrote:

Sounds good to me. Did you designate an heir yet?

Not yet. Not sure there are any candidates. A dynastic marriage would be a decent idea, but a) to whom - any candidate would need to be either elven or 1/2 elven, due to longevity. Not to mention needing all the other appropriate characteristics (political situation) b) Not really sure I want to RP that.

In other notes, King Niall's bloodline strength is now 35. Barring major RP expenditures, it will hit 36 next turn. How is that handled? Will he develop a new minor blood ability?

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Well, I haven't decided yet on what happens if you do raise your bloodline score. It's quite likely that he will develop a new blood ability.

On designating a new heir, it would be smart to do so in case your character is killed exploring the ruins of the castle.

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