Red Ramage presents: Goblins of Thornkeep (Inactive)

Game Master Red Ramage

The tales of a bunch of gobs with big heads and big plans.

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Male Goblin Alchemist (Fire Bomber). HP:10/10 AC: 17; T: 14; FF: 14; CMD: 12 | F: 5; R: 5; W: 0 | Init: +3; Per: +4 (+6 to hear)

Makena's been keeping Moany in good health too, no wonder she's so good at this!

Maybe Vonk will learn from Makena and poke Boorgub with the magic healy wand stick.

Grand Lodge

Kingmaker World Map Encounter Map Lords of Themselves Kingdom Tracker

To move the game along, I'm taking Farg Farg's action for him.

Grand Lodge

Kingmaker World Map Encounter Map Lords of Themselves Kingdom Tracker

to move the game along, I'm taking Kavous' turn for him. You guys still with me?

Male Goblin Alchemist (Fire Bomber). HP:10/10 AC: 17; T: 14; FF: 14; CMD: 12 | F: 5; R: 5; W: 0 | Init: +3; Per: +4 (+6 to hear)

I'm still here... you should share some of those good dice that roll 20s all the time!

M Hobgoblin
Str: 16 / Dex: 18 / Con: 17 / Int: 8 / Wis: 9 / Cha: 7 / AC: 18 / Touch: 14 / FF: 14 / Init: +6 / CMB: 4 / CMD: 19 / Fort: 6 / Ref: 4 / Will: -1 / Darkvision 60ft / Perception -1
Level 1 Two-Handed Fighter (13/14)hp

Incoming TPW. :/

Kobold Lotus Geisha - HP: 8/8 | AC: 13; T: 13; FF: 11; CMD: 9 | Fort: 0; Ref: 4; Will: 1 | Init: 2; Perc: 5

Could be if he keeps rolling like that :p

Grand Lodge

Male Goblin Gunslinger (Pistolero) 11/11 HP

And watch I'll get healed and when I can attack I'll roll ones. Knocking on wood as I type.

Grand Lodge

Male Goblin Gunslinger (Pistolero) 11/11 HP

I might be a little slow on posting for the next few months, my wife is pregnant with our 4th child due in October and this one is giving her a run for her money. We've already had multiple hospital visits and it's not looking like there going to end soon. Do to this I've had to take a few sick days from work to play Mr. Mom to our other 3 which leave little time for posting. If I have not posted for over a day and you would like to move the story along I give Red my permission to post on my behalf.

Grand Lodge

Kingmaker World Map Encounter Map Lords of Themselves Kingdom Tracker

No problem at all, thanks for the heads up.

Grand Lodge

Male Goblin Gunslinger (Pistolero) 11/11 HP

I just don't want anyone to think I'm disappearing and I will post whenever I get the chance.

Kobold Lotus Geisha - HP: 8/8 | AC: 13; T: 13; FF: 11; CMD: 9 | Fort: 0; Ref: 4; Will: 1 | Init: 2; Perc: 5

Wow, not good Boorgub. Hope everything goes okay.

Grand Lodge

Male Goblin Gunslinger (Pistolero) 11/11 HP

Yeah, we keep telling the little girl in my wife's tummy how many more weeks she needs to stay in there, buy I think she's already trying to defy us so I know this one is going to be a little firecracker just like her older sister.


Male Goblin Alchemist (Fire Bomber). HP:10/10 AC: 17; T: 14; FF: 14; CMD: 12 | F: 5; R: 5; W: 0 | Init: +3; Per: +4 (+6 to hear)

*looks up from eating bugs* Huh? Whoops sorry Chief.

Grand Lodge

Kingmaker World Map Encounter Map Lords of Themselves Kingdom Tracker

Skipped Lurgun (unconscious), took turns for Kavous and Farg Farg.

Male Goblin Alchemist (Fire Bomber). HP:10/10 AC: 17; T: 14; FF: 14; CMD: 12 | F: 5; R: 5; W: 0 | Init: +3; Per: +4 (+6 to hear)

Darn. Was hoping to heal Lurgun a bit more so he didn't just get knocked down again :/

Grand Lodge

Kingmaker World Map Encounter Map Lords of Themselves Kingdom Tracker

Took turns for Fang Fang and Kavous to move the game along.

Grand Lodge

Kingmaker World Map Encounter Map Lords of Themselves Kingdom Tracker

Lurgun, click on Makena, Vonk, or Farg Farg's profile for examples of a statblock in the profile. It allows me to do stuff like opposed skill checks in secret.

Kobold Lotus Geisha - HP: 8/8 | AC: 13; T: 13; FF: 11; CMD: 9 | Fort: 0; Ref: 4; Will: 1 | Init: 2; Perc: 5

Makena has 3 summon monster I spell-like abilities left. Then it'll be acid splash, daze and crossbow. If everyone else is happy to continue then Makena will follow, but I wouldn't mind retreating to rest up.

Grand Lodge

Kingmaker World Map Encounter Map Lords of Themselves Kingdom Tracker

nice avatar!

Kobold Lotus Geisha - HP: 8/8 | AC: 13; T: 13; FF: 11; CMD: 9 | Fort: 0; Ref: 4; Will: 1 | Init: 2; Perc: 5

Thanks. For some reason they've added some Kobolds from Dragon's Demand to the Avatars, but nothing from Kobolds of Golarion *rolls his eyes* go figure...

AC17 T15 FF12 /Init+7/Perception+6 Darkvision 60ft/Saves F+2 R+7 W+2
Goblin Ranger 1 HP 11/11

I am sorry guys. I am going to bow out as I find myself too distracted to post regularly. I am sorry for wasting your time waiting on me. It was fun and thanks for letting me try it out..

Male Goblin Alchemist (Fire Bomber). HP:10/10 AC: 17; T: 14; FF: 14; CMD: 12 | F: 5; R: 5; W: 0 | Init: +3; Per: +4 (+6 to hear)

Sorry to hear that! It's been fun.

Grand Lodge

Kingmaker World Map Encounter Map Lords of Themselves Kingdom Tracker

No problem mate. Thanks for playing!

Kobold Lotus Geisha - HP: 8/8 | AC: 13; T: 13; FF: 11; CMD: 9 | Fort: 0; Ref: 4; Will: 1 | Init: 2; Perc: 5

Bummer, well who knows I'm sure we'll run into each other again (it does seem to happen on these boards :) )

As a heads up I am working 34 hours over the next three nights, so my posting ability is likely to be limited until Mondayish. Feel free to bot Makena as necessary

Grand Lodge

Kingmaker World Map Encounter Map Lords of Themselves Kingdom Tracker

super busy at work right now. Expect a post tomorrow!

Grand Lodge

Kingmaker World Map Encounter Map Lords of Themselves Kingdom Tracker

Again, sorry for the delay. I normally have ample time to post while at work, but the last few days have had me on a special project that demands 100% of my time. We should be back to normal now, thanks for the patience!

Kobold Lotus Geisha - HP: 8/8 | AC: 13; T: 13; FF: 11; CMD: 9 | Fort: 0; Ref: 4; Will: 1 | Init: 2; Perc: 5

No problem RR!

Male Goblin Alchemist (Fire Bomber). HP:10/10 AC: 17; T: 14; FF: 14; CMD: 12 | F: 5; R: 5; W: 0 | Init: +3; Per: +4 (+6 to hear)

You guys okay to keep going or do you want to go back to rest?

Male Goblin Pajama Clan Fighter 9/9 HP AC 18

Either is fine with me.

M Hobgoblin
Str: 16 / Dex: 18 / Con: 17 / Int: 8 / Wis: 9 / Cha: 7 / AC: 18 / Touch: 14 / FF: 14 / Init: +6 / CMB: 4 / CMD: 19 / Fort: 6 / Ref: 4 / Will: -1 / Darkvision 60ft / Perception -1
Level 1 Two-Handed Fighter (13/14)hp

Keep going.

Kobold Lotus Geisha - HP: 8/8 | AC: 13; T: 13; FF: 11; CMD: 9 | Fort: 0; Ref: 4; Will: 1 | Init: 2; Perc: 5

Makena will only have two spells again tomorrow, so may as well finish exploring this wing, or at least make sure that there's no unsecured treasure since we just defeated the guardians of this area. Don't want the longshanks to steal our loot!

Grand Lodge

Male Goblin Gunslinger (Pistolero) 11/11 HP

Hey as long as Boorgub is still alive I'm all for moving on.

Kobold Lotus Geisha - HP: 8/8 | AC: 13; T: 13; FF: 11; CMD: 9 | Fort: 0; Ref: 4; Will: 1 | Init: 2; Perc: 5


Kobold Lotus Geisha - HP: 8/8 | AC: 13; T: 13; FF: 11; CMD: 9 | Fort: 0; Ref: 4; Will: 1 | Init: 2; Perc: 5

So, I think we've lost about half our players here again. I would like to keep going with this campaign, but understand if we're not able to.

So who's paying attention, and do we want to try and recruit again?

M Hobgoblin
Str: 16 / Dex: 18 / Con: 17 / Int: 8 / Wis: 9 / Cha: 7 / AC: 18 / Touch: 14 / FF: 14 / Init: +6 / CMB: 4 / CMD: 19 / Fort: 6 / Ref: 4 / Will: -1 / Darkvision 60ft / Perception -1
Level 1 Two-Handed Fighter (13/14)hp

I'm paying attention! I just have very little to do when there is no combat!

Grand Lodge

Kingmaker World Map Encounter Map Lords of Themselves Kingdom Tracker

A role call seems in order. If you're interested in continuing, sound off!

Kobold Lotus Geisha - HP: 8/8 | AC: 13; T: 13; FF: 11; CMD: 9 | Fort: 0; Ref: 4; Will: 1 | Init: 2; Perc: 5


M Hobgoblin
Str: 16 / Dex: 18 / Con: 17 / Int: 8 / Wis: 9 / Cha: 7 / AC: 18 / Touch: 14 / FF: 14 / Init: +6 / CMB: 4 / CMD: 19 / Fort: 6 / Ref: 4 / Will: -1 / Darkvision 60ft / Perception -1
Level 1 Two-Handed Fighter (13/14)hp


Male Goblin Pajama Clan Fighter 9/9 HP AC 18

This campaign has started and stopped and been re-rolled so many times...

I think I'm done. This is the main problem with Paizo MB's... games 90% likely to fall apart in a month or less.

Kobold Lotus Geisha - HP: 8/8 | AC: 13; T: 13; FF: 11; CMD: 9 | Fort: 0; Ref: 4; Will: 1 | Init: 2; Perc: 5

Cycling through new players/characters seems to exacerbate the problem too :s This campaign seems like it has a lot of potential though...

Male Goblin Alchemist (Fire Bomber). HP:10/10 AC: 17; T: 14; FF: 14; CMD: 12 | F: 5; R: 5; W: 0 | Init: +3; Per: +4 (+6 to hear)

I'm still here! I was just busy yesterday. I totally agree, Makena. Frequently introducing new people can kill the story. I'm enjoying this game, and it looks like a very interesting story. But if it's just going to keep starting and stopping, it is hard to attract new people and keep it interesting for the players who do stick around.

Grand Lodge

Male Goblin Gunslinger (Pistolero) 11/11 HP

I'm still here, the new babies here now we're getting life back up and rolling. I read every post, but sometimes there just isn't the time to reply or there's just not much for my guy to do. I would like to continue playing though, if that's alright with everyone else that is.

Kobold Lotus Geisha - HP: 8/8 | AC: 13; T: 13; FF: 11; CMD: 9 | Fort: 0; Ref: 4; Will: 1 | Init: 2; Perc: 5

Well to those who say there's not much for your character to do I can certainly commiserate. That is obviously not the case with Makena who seems to have become the 'face' of the group, but I've definitely had the quiet character, or even just the character with nothing to contribute to the current topic.

Even so I would suggest posting anyway, even if it's just "Boorgub lurks in the corner and picks his nose.". It helps to show that you are still active and following along, and tricks people into checking more often :p It's a good opportunity to display character quirks and the like too. Have yourself an internal monologue; ruminate upon the quantity of your belly button fluff, or complain about the quality of the pickles the local goblins produce. Half of Makena's posts are for the amusement of the players rather than the characters or the progression of the story :) Like the bits in Draconic and internal monologues.

Male Bugbear
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5 AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +2 Dex) hp 14 (1d12+1) Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1
Barbarian / 1 Init-4 Perc-5 Move 40 [spoiler=skills]Acrobatics +2, Climb +4, Craft (weapons) 6, Escape Artist -2, Fly -2, Handle Animal 4, Know (nature) +5, Ride -2, Stealth +6, Survival +5, Swim +0 Languages Common, Draconic, Goblin, Orc[/spo

Wow still going impressive even if it is off and on again.

Cavalier 1/HP:14/AC:19/T:15/FF:17/CMD:16/F:5/ R:4/W:0/Init:4/Per:0 (Fangface 5)


Grand Lodge

Kingmaker World Map Encounter Map Lords of Themselves Kingdom Tracker

Well, I was one of the players in the original chiefmaker game, and this would be the fifth re-up of the game. I'm in agreement with Okki. I'm going to close it down

Thanks for playing, guys. I'll probably revisit the concept in the future, but do a very thorough vetting process to insure all players are in it for the long haul.

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