Red Ramage presents: Goblins of Thornkeep (Inactive)

Game Master Red Ramage

The tales of a bunch of gobs with big heads and big plans.

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Male Goblin Pajama Clan Fighter 9/9 HP AC 18

So, in Gobmaker, we were sortve pulling punches and rolling a kinda good..ish group of gobs so we could fit in with the kingmaker campaign.

Are the alignment restrictions off on this one? Just getting a feel for how we are as a party. I dont wanna be the one holding us back and stopping the wanton murder if good or at least neutral favoring good isnt whats needed.

Male (he/him) Aberration (bodysnatcher)

This is Feeva's PC.

For the record, I don't care as long as there isn't any random surprise PVP. Normally I'd say I'm good with any alignment except Chaotic Stupid, but we're all Goblins, so the point's kind of moot. ;-)



Grand Lodge

Kingmaker World Map Encounter Map Lords of Themselves Kingdom Tracker



there will be exposition in the gameplay thread, but here's a quick summary. Thornkeep is a bandit run town in the river kingdoms that survives on logging and highway robbery. It's dominated by humans - mercenaries, brigands, and craftsmen. The brambleclaw goblins live in a thorny thicket on the edge of town and are tolerated because they keep the rats down and dont cause too much trouble. Graalsk has big plans for his tribe that involve killing off the longshanks and taking over, but you're hopelessly outnumbered and outmatched. You're goblins through and through, but have to walk a fine line lest you end up casually murdered in the street or boiled in the Chief's dinner. I don't want random griefing, but pvp is allowable if it makes sense and all parties involved consent. However, working together's gonna be the only way you make it to the top in one piece...

Male (he/him) Aberration (bodysnatcher)

Awesome sauce!

Grand Lodge

Kingmaker World Map Encounter Map Lords of Themselves Kingdom Tracker

Alrighty, we have

Lexibean replacing Hophop with Fireface (wizard)
Whack-a-rogue replacing Feeva with Ki-ah (monk)
Manzcar continuing with Chopslot (barbarian)
medlii bringing in Vonk Dogburner (alchemist)
Kozaric continuing with Farg Farg (cavalier)

Thunderfrog has posted with Okki but hasn't posted in the gameplay thread yet

Have not heard from

Mechaedd, who was playing the Chubgrubs
Peanuts, who was playing Kibbles
Seranov, who was playing Mikmek

Five or six players is certainly enough to get started. If everybody plays we have 9 players, which is insane but goblins run in packs so it's cool. I intend to start the gameplay going for realsies on Tuesday, after everybody's sobered up and digested the bbq. Sound good?

Male Goblin Pajama Clan Fighter 9/9 HP AC 18

Sounds good ta me.

Male Bugbear
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5 AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +2 Dex) hp 14 (1d12+1) Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1
Barbarian / 1 Init-4 Perc-5 Move 40 [spoiler=skills]Acrobatics +2, Climb +4, Craft (weapons) 6, Escape Artist -2, Fly -2, Handle Animal 4, Know (nature) +5, Ride -2, Stealth +6, Survival +5, Swim +0 Languages Common, Draconic, Goblin, Orc[/spo

Real life has come up and bitten me in the well yeah. I need to take care of personal issues and will have no time for extra stuff in my life. Because of this I will be leaving the game. I am sorry if this puts a burden on the game but my real life issues are far more important as I am sure you will all understand.

Thanks for the fun while it lasted.

Grand Lodge

Kingmaker World Map Encounter Map Lords of Themselves Kingdom Tracker

Sorry to hear that, and just as we get started too. Well if things change, you're always welcome back. Good luck!

Hmm, so it seems everyone but Ki-ah knows common, and everyone but Makena knows Goblin. Communication shouldn't be too much of an issue then.

HP: 9/11 | AC: 17; T: 17; FF: 12; CMD: 16 | Fort: +4; Ref: +7; Will: +3 | Init: +5; Perc: +6
Martial Artist of Many Styles 1

Yeah, I got tired of being the group's interpreter. It's much more fun playing your typical stupid Goblin. I'll pick up Common or Draconic in a level or two if need be.

Kobold Lotus Geisha - HP: 8/8 | AC: 13; T: 13; FF: 11; CMD: 9 | Fort: 0; Ref: 4; Will: 1 | Init: 2; Perc: 5

Hmm, I have to get used to a new Alias, keeping posting with the wrong one.

As far as interpreter, Makena's only got her natural Charisma, but she'll be happy to contribute to the talking :) I'll chuck another rank in Linguistics when she hits second so she can speak gob properly.

Male Goblin Pajama Clan Fighter 9/9 HP AC 18

Okki will have a few cha skills, but not many. I dont plan on pumping the stat by any means.

Summoners handle the role well anyways. Seems like every pbp has one, likely because most DM's ban them outright from their tables, if you read the Paizo boards anyways.

Male Goblin Pajama Clan Fighter 9/9 HP AC 18

He is taking some diplomacy ranks though, since its a class skill and it kindve fits his personality from the last game.

Grand Lodge

Kingmaker World Map Encounter Map Lords of Themselves Kingdom Tracker

Lexibean has spotty internet access recently. I was hoping she'd be able to join us right off the bat, but I'm gonna continue on and she can join up whenever she's back online.

Kobold Lotus Geisha - HP: 8/8 | AC: 13; T: 13; FF: 11; CMD: 9 | Fort: 0; Ref: 4; Will: 1 | Init: 2; Perc: 5

cool. *crosses fingers for her internet*

Grand Lodge

Kingmaker World Map Encounter Map Lords of Themselves Kingdom Tracker

Man, all those tags and brackets are a pain to type on a phone!


Kobold Lotus Geisha - HP: 8/8 | AC: 13; T: 13; FF: 11; CMD: 9 | Fort: 0; Ref: 4; Will: 1 | Init: 2; Perc: 5

Heh, yeah I can imagine :p Will post in about 8 hours when I get back from work.


Grand Lodge

Kingmaker World Map Encounter Map Lords of Themselves Kingdom Tracker

AAAH! Ow! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! *edits Ki-Ah into the post*

Male Goblin Alchemist (Fire Bomber). HP:10/10 AC: 17; T: 14; FF: 14; CMD: 12 | F: 5; R: 5; W: 0 | Init: +3; Per: +4 (+6 to hear)

I just realized - Vonk isn't particularly sociable, but he can make potions of disguise for himself if needed (+10 to disguise checks) if we need to sneak among the longshanks. Unfortunately, he can't make them for the party.

Kobold Lotus Geisha - HP: 8/8 | AC: 13; T: 13; FF: 11; CMD: 9 | Fort: 0; Ref: 4; Will: 1 | Init: 2; Perc: 5

He can with brew potion :p But I know what you mean.

Male Goblin Alchemist (Fire Bomber). HP:10/10 AC: 17; T: 14; FF: 14; CMD: 12 | F: 5; R: 5; W: 0 | Init: +3; Per: +4 (+6 to hear)

Since disguise self has a range of 'personal,' it cannot be made into a potion :( Or at least, that's how I've always understood the rule of what can be made into a potion.

Kobold Lotus Geisha - HP: 8/8 | AC: 13; T: 13; FF: 11; CMD: 9 | Fort: 0; Ref: 4; Will: 1 | Init: 2; Perc: 5

Ahh yeah, I never really understood that rule. A balance thing I suppose...

F Kobold Barbarian 1

Hey Red, I'm back with actual internets now. :) Lemme know where and when you want to drop Fireface in!

Grand Lodge

Kingmaker World Map Encounter Map Lords of Themselves Kingdom Tracker

Sweet. You'll show up after this fight.

Male Goblin Pajama Clan Fighter 9/9 HP AC 18

Hey Red, sorry for vanishing.

Oklahoma City has had some gnarly weather. My internet should be sorted now.

Grand Lodge

Kingmaker World Map Encounter Map Lords of Themselves Kingdom Tracker

Not a problem! You guys sure have been getting pasted.

Male Goblin Pajama Clan Fighter 9/9 HP AC 18

Yea. We must have pissed off mother nature somehow.

Grand Lodge

Kingmaker World Map Encounter Map Lords of Themselves Kingdom Tracker

Phones were not made for longwinded typing, lol. Feel free to post any reactions to the trip, the town, or the Brambles as you see fit, as well as introducing yourself to the chief.

Ok. I know I was gone again. >< This time it was a vacation. The good news is, I no longer have any more vacations, I have a computer, the building's internet seems to have stabilized, I'm working on schedules with my therapist to keep me organized, and most of my other friends seem healthy and unlikely to go into the hospital for emergency surgery!

In fact, next month my mother is going to the US for almost two months, giving me a lot of time to be lonely and clingy to you all. :)

Point being, I am here. Most likely my scheduling will put me on one post a day minimum to keep me organized, but that'll be better than on again off again.

Apologies again for the yoyoing. I've been trying different meds and not meds and its wrecking havok with sleep and general ability to focus; either I'm sleeping 14 hours a day, or I'm awake but a zombie.

Hopefully that will work out soon.

-- I will make fireface today, and figure out a way to work her in!

Grand Lodge

Kingmaker World Map Encounter Map Lords of Themselves Kingdom Tracker

Np lexi. Go ahead and retcon being found a captive of the haflings, and introduce yourself to the chief

Grand Lodge

Kingmaker World Map Encounter Map Lords of Themselves Kingdom Tracker

We need a post from you, lexi. If you're too busy to play please let me know so the game can move on

Sorrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :(

Grand Lodge

Kingmaker World Map Encounter Map Lords of Themselves Kingdom Tracker

maps of thornkeep and echo woods up in campaign info, I'll annotate them as you explore locations. Story progresses a little later tonight while I have downtime at work.

Grand Lodge

Kingmaker World Map Encounter Map Lords of Themselves Kingdom Tracker

Ok, with that the railroad ends and you are free to do whatever you want. Among your first goals should be exploring the town, meeting the members of the goblin tribe, building some kind of shelter for yourselves in the Brambles, and keeping Graalsk off your back by being productive. I'm running this as a true sandbox game, so there are no limits to what you can do or where you can go. I have some events and plots planned, and of course the material presented in the Thornkeep book will be available, but you have the chance to drive content as well. If you all decide to become paladins and fight Treerazor at the Worldwound, that's what we'll do. Due to the nature of play by post, we have much more lattitude in "I'm going off by myself and doing this" than at a tabletop game, so if you want you can hang out separately from the group. Be careful doing that, though - Thornkeep is a dangerous place for a lone gob.

Kobold Lotus Geisha - HP: 8/8 | AC: 13; T: 13; FF: 11; CMD: 9 | Fort: 0; Ref: 4; Will: 1 | Init: 2; Perc: 5

So we're at 17 on the Thornkeep map then?

Grand Lodge

Kingmaker World Map Encounter Map Lords of Themselves Kingdom Tracker

Yes, the Brambles are location 17. I'll update campaign info shortly

Grand Lodge

Kingmaker World Map Encounter Map Lords of Themselves Kingdom Tracker

campaign info has been updated with known locations and NPCs. I'll get to your first foray in town after I get home from class.

Grand Lodge

Kingmaker World Map Encounter Map Lords of Themselves Kingdom Tracker

Updated campaign info. For non-combat encounters like these explorations, I like to have several going on at once. It saves time and moves the game along. They happen chronologically in the order posted. Please seperate differing locations in your post with either spoilers or [bigger.][ooc.][/ooc][/bigger] tags.

You found 400g on the haflings, split 6 ways for 66gp each.

Kobold Lotus Geisha - HP: 8/8 | AC: 13; T: 13; FF: 11; CMD: 9 | Fort: 0; Ref: 4; Will: 1 | Init: 2; Perc: 5

Sounds cool :) Yay monies.

HP: 9/11 | AC: 17; T: 17; FF: 12; CMD: 16 | Fort: +4; Ref: +7; Will: +3 | Init: +5; Perc: +6
Martial Artist of Many Styles 1

Sorry about the silence, guys. I've been GMing two conventions and ended up making myself extremely sick. I'll try to get caught up tomorrow.

Kobold Lotus Geisha - HP: 8/8 | AC: 13; T: 13; FF: 11; CMD: 9 | Fort: 0; Ref: 4; Will: 1 | Init: 2; Perc: 5

Con Crud eh? Bummer

Male Goblin Pajama Clan Fighter 9/9 HP AC 18

Before the night ended, did anyone have any cure spells? Okki was down to his last couple of hitpoints.

Kobold Lotus Geisha - HP: 8/8 | AC: 13; T: 13; FF: 11; CMD: 9 | Fort: 0; Ref: 4; Will: 1 | Init: 2; Perc: 5

As long as you don't mind some slight soul irritation Makena could have hooked you up ;) (infernal healing :p fast healing 1 for 10 rounds, for guaranteed 10 hit points back. May contain traces of devil blood.)

Male Goblin Pajama Clan Fighter 9/9 HP AC 18

Sorry GM, I just realized I kinda skipped over exploration there. If would would like, I can undo Okki's actions and simply wander in a big circle until he finds the inks he is looking for.

Also, is it okay for tattoos to have a bonus in game? Like maybe a Masterwork Tattoo can add +1 to 1 charisma based skill chosen by the
buyer? (Except UMD)

Masterwork tools grant +2 to a skill check, but you can have multiple tattoos, so this is a balancing move.

That keeps it only moderately useful but fun anyways. Would also venture to say that any social skill can only benefit from 1 tattoo, period. Whatcha think?

Grand Lodge

Kingmaker World Map Encounter Map Lords of Themselves Kingdom Tracker

There's nothing to say that a cool tattoo couldn't be classified a masterwork tool. Think Tyson's eye swirly thing, barbed wire arm bands, 14/88 WHITE PRIDE across the forehead: Masterwork intimidate tool. Sailors got tattoos as well, HOLD FAST across the knuckles to strengthen their rope grip, a pig on one foot and chicken on the other to stave off drowning: Masterwork Profession:Sailor tool right there. Flavor it appropriately and I got no problem with you calling it a masterwork tool.

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