Radsworth |

"It depends. If we are all together we can all be caught in a single spell. It's possible Yingzen could cripple the enemy. It's also possible the enemy detects or foils him, in which case Yingzen will learn the value of his team mates."

Yingzen |

Yingzen looks the room over before sneaking into the room and plunging his sword into the wizard's back
perception: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (4) + 24 = 28
stealth: 1d20 + 27 ⇒ (4) + 27 = 31
coup de grace: 2d10 + 8 + 4d6 + 2 ⇒ (9, 10) + 8 + (4, 1, 4, 1) + 2 = 39
fort save dc 49 or die

Devil Ray of Cthulhu |

A mental alarm rings in the Devil Ray's head, startling him as he is struggling to decipher the cryptic verses in the old tome....
Eh? What's this? Someone disturbs my studies? Who would be so brazen? Someone who wants to end up as my next zombie butler, that's who!
The wizard looks over his shoulder, peering into the shadows outside his doorway....
Perception 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

Devil Ray of Cthulhu |

Pinned against the large desk by the hulking tengu, the wizard shrieks as Yingzen's blade marks a bloody X in his flesh! But he still stands....
He tries to concentrate through the searing pain of his wounds....
Concentration check vs DC 25 to cast defensively while Yingzen threatens him.... 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (18) + 16 = 34 succeeds!
The Devil Ray of Cthulhu utters an incantation and gestures at Yingzen....
Fortitude save DC 20, Yingzen.... Or be transformed into a rabbit via baleful polymorph!

Darius "Mr. Clean" Blake |

Damn! I didn't make it here in time. I was planning to get on 2 and a half hours ago but got caught up watching a movie
You ain't goin alone. I'm comin' with y.... And so he goes alone anyway. Well then.
He turns to Marcus. Familiar with a few of the oracle's spells, he gives him "the look". The look that he is trusting in Marcus (and his darling wife) to prep for combat.
Marcus, I know you can take care of yourself, but play nice with the others. To the rest of you, I DON'T know what you are capable of. I'm gonna see if I can catch up with the snaky bird. Just... Don't shoot me or anything.
He offers Marcus one more reassuring look and nods to him, then turns and moves into the shadows following the tengu's estimated route.
Stealth: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (2) + 20 = 22

Darius "Mr. Clean" Blake |

Also, for good measure Perception+Darkvision 120': 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (1) + 16 = 17. Even if I will probably never catch the Tengu, I can possibly see someone else lurking.
EDIT: Unless I keep rolling 1's and 2's...

Marcus Greer |

Marcus looks at Clean's retreating back and shrugs.
Let's go check this out, shall we? he thinks to himself.
Making no attempt at stealth, he starts forward with a spring in his step after his companion and the strange bird man he'd hooked up with.
Whistling a tune to himself, he gives a cursory look around to make sure no suspicious characters jump him while he's making his way after the two.
Perception+60 ft. Darkvision: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26

Darius "Mr. Clean" Blake |

Initiative: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26

Darius "Mr. Clean" Blake |

Blake will use Marcus' distraction to use cover to stealth. Assuming he can surmise that the little black rabbit is the Birdy made bunny he will purposefully make his way around the Devil Ray as he is watching for the whistling companion and sneak past, scooping up the rabbit and disappearing behind some other large object if any are available.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Blake will use Marcus' distraction to use cover to stealth. Assuming he can surmise that the little black rabbit is the Birdy made bunny he will purposefully make his way around the Devil Ray as he is watching for the whistling companion and sneak past, scooping up the rabbit and disappearing behind some other large object if any are available.
Stealth check, please....

Darius "Mr. Clean" Blake |

Stealth: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (8) + 21 = 29
My last roll was off by 1 because I had forgotten to factor in my belt adding to my dex. It has been corrected.

Marcus Greer |

Well, at least you get to keep your ninja skills. Now you can be the Vorpal Bunny!
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
Marcus continues on his way, his whistling not ceasing as he concentrates.
The air twists oddly and about 10 feet in front of him, an image appears, of the blank hallway behind him, and him walking down it, whistling. The image moves with him, maintaining that 10 foot distance, as he strolls forward.
Immediately after the image appears, Marcus stops whistling, so there is no gap and no overlap between the appearance of the image and the ceasing of his whistle.
With that done he continues to walk forward, moving diagonally to hug the right hand wall as he does so, so he's not in the center of the hallway where the newly formed illusion appears to be.
Minor Image. Never used this spell before, so tell me if it's not a valid use for pseudo-invisibility. The size shouldn't be an issue unless the halls are HUGE, since I can create twelve 10 ft. cubes of illusion currently. So my thinking was that basically, anyone looking from the front can't see the real Marcus off to the side unless they disbelieve, but Marcus can see through it just fine. DC 19 Will to disbelieve, lasts for 2 rounds after I stop concentrating, which will be now, since I was supposed to arrive in a round anyway. Once he interacts with it the Wizard will know what's up regardless, I'm just hoping this buys me a round or so.
So I arrive at the end of this round, or does that Standard slow me down too much?

Darius "Mr. Clean" Blake |

Wow, i really need to look closer to at the gunslinger (this is my first) Apparently, if i have 1 grit, i gain +2 init. That puts me at 28, not 26. Unless you want me to reroll Init.

Darius "Mr. Clean" Blake |

Should I take my action or wait for Rad to roll? Also, since I headed in, can i get the lay out of the immediate area?

Michael Johnson 66 |

Go ahead and act....
The office is about 20 ft by 15 ft, with a 3-ft-by-5-ft desk in the center, an open doorway on the north wall, large windows make up the south and west walls, and a cabinet stands against the east wall.
The Devil Ray is standing adjacent to the desk.

Darius "Mr. Clean" Blake |

Blake moves around the Room ensuring that he only moves when the Devil Ray's attention moves away from his location. Accustomed to creatures that can see in darkness like himself, he does not utilize shadows to hide, rather he utilizes any stationary objects around him. Noticing the huge and fresh gashes Devil Rays person he assumes that their birdy friend had already begun the assault. This one was gonna be on alert. He then notices the fluffy black rabbit right next to the Devil ray. Something was familiar about it. A sudden realization came to him as he thought back to his conversation just a few minutes ago about Merlin turning him into an undesirable. A string of curses jolt through his head. He gauges his distance getting ready to move in and snatch up the little fluff ball when the moment arises. Upholstering 'Heart Breaker' he gets ready for his moment.
Stealth: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (7) + 21 = 28
First move to get close to the rabbit. Readying action to use Targeting (Head), using 1 Grit if spotted by the Devil Ray. Since it is a full round action, it will trigger on the standard of his next turn. On next round, if Readied action IS triggered, Targeting goes off and move action to pick up rabbit. If NOT triggered, Move action to pick up rabbit, second move action to return to hallway near group. Will roll stealth on next round if needed.

Derrik Stonesmith |

Derrik simply watched the two newcomers, remaining quiet, allowing others to respond for him or relay information.. He wanted to see who they were, what they were, how they would function truly before he interacted with them. The One known as Marcus Greer seemed to have set off his suspicions due to the strange, somewhat possessed, frequency of where he would talk to someone else.. that he knew wasn't there.. He would know. Even Derrik has caught Yingzen from time to tome sneaking around. And the Other.. Darius..known as "Mr. Clean".. was more volatile than even the Demon Hammer Koran.. simply from being called short... It also did not help that there was an odd compulsion in his entire being that.. disliked him for no particular reason.
Derrik studied the interactions.. the maps and information Yingzen handed to him and seemingly ignoring the going's on, when he truly was not. There only being an audible gasp for a small second when Daisy mentioned being part of Arthur's Queen. As Yingzen did he current scouting run however.. something seemed off and the reaction of the outlier group prompted Derrik to pursue though slower in his armor..
The audible footsteps of heavy armor approaching not to far behind the rest of the group.
" Let's hope for the sake of this opponent Yingzen is not harmed.. or there will be no mercy... "