PbP GameDay 3: The Confirmation (Inactive)

Game Master cuatroespada

Explore. Report. Cooperate.
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Greetings, Pathfinders. The Third Play by Post Game Day is coming up, and I thought I'd provide another table for The Confirmation. I really enjoy this scenario as it provides good context for your characters to explore why they decided to join the Society and provides opportunities for an array of skills to be useful. So, please be prepared to share your character with us. Just because your character isn't particularly talkative, doesn't mean you can't let us know what they are doing. Words about actions can speak louder than words about... words. :D

I would like to thank bluedove as the following is hi-jacked from her Confirmation recruitment thread for propriety (almost verbatim).

Players should:

  • Be a registered member of Pathfinder Society Organized Play.

  • Apply & post with a complete, legal character of appropriate level. Please include your PFS number for your submitted character on the Alias profile or post it to the discussion thread along with email and information for your Chronicle Sheet.

  • Make sure you are familiar with the rules included in the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play. It's a free download and part of the core assumption.

  • Commit to check in and post at least once per day on weekdays. Post rate is key in keeping a PBP fresh and interesting to all who participate. I will always understand that life comes first, but this is Official Society Play. Habitual stragglers will be asked to step down if I feel they are not carrying their weight as Pathfinders.

  • Recognize that the rules of Pathfinder Society Organized Play require the player to own the Additional Reasources used to build his/her character. While I will not ask for any proof of ownership, I will expect to be provided with a link to the Online Reference Document when asked. Coding the links into your sheet will save time and is especially appreciated.

  • Provide an abbreviated stat block with your most referenced values on your Classes/Levels field of the character's profile, i.e:
    Class/Level | HP 10/10 | AC: 18 /T: 13 /FF: 15 | F: +4 /R: +3/ W: +0 | CMB +5 | CMD +17 | Speed 20 | Init. +3 | Perc. +4 | S.M. +4 |

  • Provide at least a short section on character background that coordinates with traits selected. This is not a requirement, but very much encouraged as it enriches the role-playing experience.

  • Please, be bold and roll your own actions when you post it! (via the dice expression, see "How to format your text" below the post window) Leaving it to me to look up your attack/skill bonus and roll it for you just makes more work for me. I will make missing rolls, passive rolls for the party as a whole as well as saving throws and initiative rolls when necessary.

As your GM, I will:

  • Finalize tables by midnight on October 30, 2014, if not before then and begin the game before 11:59 pm my time on November 1, 2014.

  • Update the Gameplay thread at least once per day during the week as well as once over the weekend or do my best to notify the group of the reason for the delay.

  • Report our progress and send out Chronicle sheets at the conclusion of each scenario we run.

  • Respond in a timely manner to any questions or concerns.

Grand Lodge

Submitting Targrim Rockbreaker for application.

Warpriest 1

Edit: forgot this sorry PFS# 146422-2

and 1. welcome aboard.

Grand Lodge

Thank you. Looking forward to it. I have a couple of of PbP games that I'm in but 1st official PFS game for credit :-)


Wanted to express my interest. I'll have a new character profile up some time tonight.

I'm an experienced PBPer from both sides of the screen and have both played and GMed the Confirmation (several times)

Grand Lodge

Pirate Rob here.

That was faster than expected. I suspect at least 1 error has cropped in somewhere, I'll go over it again tomorrow to be sure.

Great! Glad to have you, Pirate Rob.

Grand Lodge

Welcome, nice turn around time on the character, BTW.

Wait... a Kineticist? I didn't think psionics were included in any of the additional resources.

They were just recently put up for playtesting here: http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/occultAdventuresPlaytest

For that matter, I was wondering if you'd be open to an Occultist from the same book joining in on your merry adventure.

I would like to submit a character from the Occult Adventures play test as well. I'll put something together during the day today and hopefully have it ready for posting tonight.

Scarab Sages

I'm interested :)

This is the character I want to run, something out of the ordinary for me, a Warpriest (Sacred Fist) of Irori.

I'll post the summary to my class information when I get home tonight as it's a royal pain at the moment from my phone....

Are you full yet? I want to participate in the play test.

Sure, playtest characters are fine. Nohwear, you would make 6 with everyone else that's posted, so come on along. I'll take a look at the new classes. You guys get your characters ready.

Silver Crusade

If by chance there's a spot, I'm interested in playing Pierre Viret, Cleric 1. :)

Grand Lodge

Right now I am just making it easier to work on my Occultist.

I have no problem taking 7 and playing up, but that's up to you guys. Discussion thread is open.


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