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Targim will move forward against the centipede.
"Hey cut that out! Oswald can you do something about the little blue guys taking potshots? I'll try to do something with the overgrown bug."
greatsword: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
damage if hit: 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (5, 4) + 4 = 13
crit confirm: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
crit damage if confirmed: 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (1, 5) + 4 = 10

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The giant centipede scuttles toward Oswald and catches the man in its poisonous mandibles.
Melee Attack: 1d20 ⇒ 14 (for the record I'm not posting the monster's mods, only circumstantial mods.)
Bite Damage: 1d6 - 1 ⇒ (4) - 1 = 3 plus DC 13 Fort save.
Two more little blue men lauch darts at Targrim, but he dodges one while the other bounces harmlessly off his armor.
Ranged Attack: 1d20 ⇒ 9
Ranged Attack: 1d20 ⇒ 13
Ther'al joins Oswald and Targrim against the centipede who attempts to bite him as he moves past to flank. The centipede manages to get its long body out of the way of Ther'al's fist, but it does it no good when Targrim's greatsword splits it open and leaves it twitching on the floor of the cavern as the life leaves its body.
AoO: 1d20 ⇒ 10
Ther'al Melee Attack: 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 3 + 2 = 11
FYI: It takes two squares of movement to enter a square with water in it.

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Fort: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Oswald stumbles over the downed centipede and fires at the furthest blue thingy.
Touch Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
Electricity Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

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It's fortunate that you'd hit almost any touch AC at this level with that raw roll anyway because I need you to take 1d3 ⇒ 2 Dex damage, Oswald.
Oswald steps past the centipede and sends a bolt of electricity flying across the cavern into the furthest small blue creature's comparatively large head leaving it in an unconscious heap on the ground.
Angered by the loss of friend and companion, one of the little blue creatures' eyes begin to bulge hideously as it summons innate magics to strike fear into the heart of a foe before retreating a bit.
Targrim, make a DC 10 Will save.
FYI: It takes two squares of movement to enter a square with water in it.

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will save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26 well I guess that will work
Targrim drops his sword and pulls his bow out aiming at the blue guy with the bulging eyes.
shortbow: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
damage if hit: 1d6 ⇒ 2

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Yay things are moving! :)
"Die, you pathetic scum!" yells Pierre, drawing his crossbow and firing at nearest blue creature.
Light Crossbow: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17 for Bolt: 1d8 ⇒ 2

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Pierre launches a crossbow bolt at the nearest enemy wounding its tiny torso.
In retaliation the creature uses it's innate abilities on Pierre then retreats.
Pierre, make a DC 10 Will save.
Ther'al rushes across the river while Targrim runs upstream, dropping his greatsword and drawing his shortbow, to fire an arrow at one of the fleeing creatures; it falls just short of the tunnel out.
FYI: It takes two squares of movement to enter a square with water in it.

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"Great! Anyone needs healing? IF we're ok, I suggest we don't linger here too long, if you remember, Janira is fighting outside and still hasn't joined us!"

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Sure enough, as you travel up the tunnel to the east, you hear the faint sound of combat and a familiar woman's voice half-shouting/half-reciting, “As the legendary Gregaro Voth successfully battled the wild beasts in the deepest reaches of the Mwangi Expanse, so shall I defeat you, foul servant of Lamashtu!”
The route to the surface leads through a maze of tight passages that include steep ascents and short climbs as they wind from west to east. As you travel, you can hear the sounds of a distant battle echoing through the caves, intermixed with inspirational tales of famous Pathfinders and the heroic deeds—the raging fight between Janira and the minotaur.
The light of the surface world above provides a welcome reprieve from the blue and green fungus of the caverns below, and light illuminates a stream whose water is hastened by runoff from a recent storm further up the mountains. A ledge to the west rises up to the nearby forest canopy.

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Targrim will double move to a spot just south of Oswald's current position. I believe he can make it to the spot 4 spaces due south from Oswald and the cave entrance.

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Pierre takes a double move.

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Ther'al joins Oswald in the brush. Which is difficult terrain.
Pierre: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18
Targrim: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
Ther'al: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Janira: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
Minotaur: 1d20 ⇒ 1
Sweet! Super easy. Good guys. Bad guy.
Janira slides just out of the minotaur's reach and tries unsuccessfully to disarm it with her whip.
Disarm Attempt: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Noticing the PCs approaching, the minotaur attempts to finish Janira off with a single blow and very nearly succeeds.
Melee Attack: 1d20 ⇒ 11
The Good Guys
The Bad Guy

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Pierre takes another double move, shouting "Here we are Janira! Don't be afraid!"

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Targrim continues with another double move toward the pair fighting.....
"Hey you cloven hoofed monstrosity! How about picking on something more your size?"
hmmm, might should have drawn my sword prior to aggravating it

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Ther'al bursts through the brush right behind Oswald and leaps across the river.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
Meanwhile, Janira carefully disengages from melee with the minotaur and tries to regroup with the party.
The minotaur stays close on Janira's heels, attacking her and Ther'al. Ther'al manages to avoid any serious damage from the blow, but Janira falls, unconscious and dying.
vs. Janira: 1d20 ⇒ 19
Damage: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (5, 5) + 2 = 12
vs. Ther'al: 1d20 ⇒ 15
Good Guys, you're up again.

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Still trying to get to the party, Targrim draws his sword and continues his rush towards the water. 4spots due south, can't update map from my phone, sorry

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Pierre double moves again, trying to reach to melee by the glory of Iomedae.

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Oswald's lightning hits the minotaur dead on, momentarily disorienting the creature. Ther'al closes with the minotaur, calls upon the blessing of his deity for a surge of strength, and unleashes a flurry of unarmed strikes.
Flurry: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 191d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Jabbing Style: 3d6 + 4 ⇒ (6, 3, 2) + 4 = 15 Janira's performance is still lingering for the next two rounds btw.
Janira Stabilization check: 1d20 + 1 - 4 ⇒ (20) + 1 - 4 = 17 Success!
Beginning to look worn down, the minotaur swings once more at Ther'al before attempting to retreat, leaving the sacred fist struggling to catch his breath.
vs. Ther'al: 1d20 ⇒ 18
Broken Battleaxe Damage: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (5, 1) + 2 = 8
Heroes up!

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Seeing his allies in such a awful state, Pierre channels positive energy.
Channel Positive Energy: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
+5 HP for everyone, folks! :D

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acrobatics: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (10) - 1 = 9 not sure if this is still a DC5 to get out
if so
Targrim will crawl out of the creek and move to a spot inbetween the others who are injured and the Minotaur. Should he decide to come back.

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Eh... it's fine. It was a swim check and you'd have sank, but then I think it would have been appropriate for you to just walk out since it isn't very wide. Also...
Janira comes to, while Ther'al, feeling invigorated, charges the minotaur.
I'll let you guys decide if he should or not. You can call out and stop him or let him charge.
Unarmed Strike Damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

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I guess he will, as a Warpriest. Would you GMPC Oswald, please?

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Ther'al charges the minotaur while Oswald fires another crackling bolt at the monster. The bolt goes horribly wide but Ther'al's fist connects and the minotaur continues to flee from the pummeling.
Ranged Touch Attack: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 3 + 1 = 5
Satisfied that the foul spawn of Lamashtu will not be returning anytime soon, the man returns to check on Janira.
Janira thanks you all profusely for saving her life. She'll be writing you all glowing recommendations. After showering you with praise, Janira pauses a momement.
"So, what did you find out?" she asks eagerly.
After a bit of story telling, Janira leads the expedition back to Absalom without further incident. Once safely back in the Grand Lodge, Master of Scrolls Kreighton Shaine inquires excitedly about what you found and asks to see your notes. He compliments those who recorded notes for being certain to write down ideas and observations while the thoughts are fresh.
"It’s difficult enough to remember what one had for breakfast the day before to say nothing of recalling exactly what one was thinking while studying an inscription," he observes. "Well done, Pathfinders; you've guided them well, Janira." The halfling beams. "Now then... seeing as you all are the foremost authorities on this particular cave, it only seems prudent that you be the ones to name it."
Three days later, the Master who best represents each of your interests confirms you as a full Pathfinder field agent. As part of the ceremony, they also gift you a personalized wayfinder, reminding you that this is not only the symbol of the Pathfinder’s trade but also a reminder of the three principle duties: explore, report, and cooperate.