PbP GameDay 2: PFS 05-07 Port Godless (5-9)

Game Master SwampTing

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 5–9.

Few are as adept at fighting demons as the Riftwardens, an organization of spellcasters dedicated to protecting the boundaries between the planes. Many are already committed to the Fifth Crusade in Mendev and are unable to assist the Pathfinders directly in the society’s upcoming expedition into the Worldwound, but if the Pathfinders assist the Riftwardens elsewhere, perhaps a small number of the mages might be free to return the favor. Unfortunately, this means entering the godless nation Rahadoum, where several Riftwardens have recently disappeared.

Content in "Port Godless" also contributes directly to the ongoing storylines of the Cheliax, Osirion, and Qadira factions.

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Ah well. It's a pity; archers are really great around 6th & 7th level, so I was looking forward to driving him. But it's not a fun game unless there is danger, and I knew what I was getting myself into by getting in his line of sight. Just try to keep his body somewhere safe, if you can!

I guess I just come back in a few months and pick up my cash and prestige...

Someone might have it memorized or a potion of remove.. I dont but someone might..

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Yeah, that bite is effectively a save-or-die for the rest of the compound. It's actually quite nasty especially because of the time constraint the group is under right now.

The Exchange

HP 72/72(+14)| AC 20 | T 14 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | Fort +11 | Ref +10 | Will +13* | Init +8 | Perc +3 | Images
Active Spells:
Extended Hero(200M), False Life(10H), Mage Armor(1H)

Sure would be nice if our 9th level guy would show up.. Have you pmed him yet?

Question: Can I burn my shirt reroll +1 on Scrill?

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Unfortunately, rerolls are not transferrable. Sorry Lillian (and Scrillion).

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Cleric (Calistria) 6 | HP 44/45 | AC: 20 /T: 11 /FF: 20 | Perc. +4 | F: +7 / R: +3 /W: +10 | CMB +6 | CMD 17 | Speed 20 | Init. +0
Active Spells:
Bless 6m, Shield of Faith 6m, Invisibility 6m, Summon Monster III 12r

I probably should have been better prepared for this scenario.

This is my first T5+ game ever so I've learned some things about what I should be carrying as a Cleric (a fistfull of scrolls being near the top of the list)...

I'm following this game more closely than any of my others, despite being a lump of flesh on the ground. Certainly is a page turner.

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Well, you pretty much triggered the worst of the battles in rapid succession, though you also dealt with most of it without triggering any alarm. (Well done.) Oh but because of the timing at which the daemon was taken down, something interesting has happened. ;)

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Cleric (Calistria) 6 | HP 44/45 | AC: 20 /T: 11 /FF: 20 | Perc. +4 | F: +7 / R: +3 /W: +10 | CMB +6 | CMD 17 | Speed 20 | Init. +0
Active Spells:
Bless 6m, Shield of Faith 6m, Invisibility 6m, Summon Monster III 12r

There's no way Aestrid's going to be able to climb out of a 40' pit before the duration expires. Dispel magic might work but most likely she's going to sit this out unless someone has Levitate or something...

Dark Archive

Male Half-Elf Wizard 5

I do, but I think the fight's over now. Soon at least.

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Cleric (Calistria) 6 | HP 44/45 | AC: 20 /T: 11 /FF: 20 | Perc. +4 | F: +7 / R: +3 /W: +10 | CMB +6 | CMD 17 | Speed 20 | Init. +0
Active Spells:
Bless 6m, Shield of Faith 6m, Invisibility 6m, Summon Monster III 12r

Might not have enough range, what with the pit being 40' deep, though I guess she could climb up into short range with her Prehensile Whip trait.

Most likely is she'll sit at the bottom and chill out for a minute or so or until someone lowers a rope. If something bad happens up there like a guardalanche, she can try her one shot at dispel magic with a 1/3 chance of success...

Hey, if anyone has a moment in there can they confirm that Scrillion's body is in a safe-ish place? Or move him so he is?

And, nice job getting through that.

Dark Archive

Male Half-Elf Wizard 5

Hey Cthonic, I figured out how to get you back into that action and attacking again!

...while paralyzed. :D

I cast Fly on you, for which movement is a purely mental action. Then you fly 20-30 feet above the enemy and drop on them for falling damage!

You could also, y'know...escape. That's a thing too.

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Ranus, can you show me a source where it says flying using a fly spell is a purely mental action? I would like to be able to cite it if there is one.

Dark Archive

Male Half-Elf Wizard 5

There isn't, I'm half-joking. However, I'm not sure what effect you could physically have on a Fly spell. Swimming through the air? It just seems to me it'd be mental.

I just thought of it and started laughing at the idea of using Scrillion as a human missile. :D

The Exchange

HP 72/72(+14)| AC 20 | T 14 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | Fort +11 | Ref +10 | Will +13* | Init +8 | Perc +3 | Images
Active Spells:
Extended Hero(200M), False Life(10H), Mage Armor(1H)

Their is no FaQ on that but there have been a lot of questions and hears what i gather from it..

You can make purely mental actions, such as casting stilled & silenced spells, using Sla's, or using Psionics..

It states in the spell description a paralyzed bird falls, but the fly spell has no wings.. The spell also states that it takes no more effort to fly than it does walk..

So is walking a mental action? There is obviously physical movement with walking but is what makes it happen physical? Or is it your mind? IMO walking forms from a Mental action, so can you use a fly spell while paralyzed? I would rule yes you can..

Not all pathfinder rules have been FaQ'd and there is some interpretation allowed for PFS GM's.. It is not always cut and dry RAW.. Sometimes you have to make a table ruling on things..

You also have to ask is the party in question trying to abuse something, or is he trying to keep his paralyzed character from being killed? In this instance if it were me, I would rule he could use a fly spell to move himself around mentally and avoid a coup de grace..

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Cleric (Calistria) 6 | HP 44/45 | AC: 20 /T: 11 /FF: 20 | Perc. +4 | F: +7 / R: +3 /W: +10 | CMB +6 | CMD 17 | Speed 20 | Init. +0
Active Spells:
Bless 6m, Shield of Faith 6m, Invisibility 6m, Summon Monster III 12r

Looking at the various rules discussions, I think that parafly doesn't work because the subject of the Fly spell is still subject to carrying capacity (strength) and the Paralyzed condition says that you have an effective Strength of 0:

Paralyzed: A paralyzed character is frozen in place and unable to move or act. A paralyzed character has effective Dexterity and Strength scores of 0 and is helpless, but can take purely mental actions.

Extra credit for trying to make me Cannonball, anyway. Fun idea... those pesky mechanics always get in the way of a good tromp.

Dark Archive

Male Half-Elf Wizard 5

Hey, GM hasn't said no yet. ;)

Also, did she have a spellbook?

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Not that it will matter within the scenario, but yes, she had a spellbook on the table where the black candle was.

4th—crushing despair, dimension door, summon monster IV
3rd—heroism, invisibility sphere, spiked pit, summon monster III, vampiric touch
2nd—create pit, glitterdust), scorching ray, see invisibility, web, acid arrow, summon monster II
1st—grease, mage armor, magic missile, protection from evil, ray of enfeeblement, shield, alarm, color spray, summon monster I
0 —acid splash, daze, detect magic, light

Still need your action for this round though.

Dark Archive

Male Half-Elf Wizard 5

Cool, I'll probably be scribing some of that afterwards. Too bad I can't just take her book for my own. ;)

I don't really have any actions I don't think. I considered obscuring mist but I'm not sure what sort of story Aestrid's going with and we don't have much time IC to plan.

Dark Archive

Male Half-Elf Wizard 5

Hopefully we can get out of here without any more fights or trouble.. I think we have at least two Riftwardens (the woman who was chained up and the man who wrote "rift" with his own blood, right?), and the guard may well come despite us bluffing successfully. Ranus would definately be against a full assault on the compound, particurarly with Scrillion down and Aestrid without a symbol.

This has definately been an interesting scenario though! Divine casters of all shades are in trouble, a stealthy approach and freeing some slaves without raising alarms, and the whole bath scene business. Potentially very dangerous.. but definately outside the standard hack'n'slash.

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Aestrid bought a contraband wooden symbol, which is how she has been able to cast and channel so far.

And yes...this is definitely not your regular murder-hobo-squad mission. In fact, I'll tell you guys just how badly this could have gone (apart from a party wipe) once this is over, assuming it does not happen (at this stage, it looks unlikely).

Dark Archive

Male Half-Elf Wizard 5

I imagine the likelihood of that is entirely based on whether or not we walk away right now. :D

Grand Lodge

Border of War map Reign of Winter map

Well, your two new friends seem to think you shouldn't be walking away just yet. =)

Liberty's Edge

Female Human Cleric (Calistria) 6 | HP 44/45 | AC: 20 /T: 11 /FF: 20 | Perc. +4 | F: +7 / R: +3 /W: +10 | CMB +6 | CMD 17 | Speed 20 | Init. +0
Active Spells:
Bless 6m, Shield of Faith 6m, Invisibility 6m, Summon Monster III 12r

Could we wait for the Xill poison to expire? At worst, we'll have a fight when the guards figure something's up, and at best we'll get an ally back.

Dark Archive

Male Half-Elf Wizard 5

Ranus will scribe Dimension Door, Summon Monster IV, Heroism, Summon Monster III, and See Invisibility for 540g total, and a scroll of Remove Paralysis for 690g total.

The Exchange

HP 72/72(+14)| AC 20 | T 14 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | Fort +11 | Ref +10 | Will +13* | Init +8 | Perc +3 | Images
Active Spells:
Extended Hero(200M), False Life(10H), Mage Armor(1H)

Just a heads up but theres an Alchemical product called Twitch Tonic that will remove Paralysis as well.. Gonna buy my standard alchemy list after this one..

Dark Archive

Male Half-Elf Wizard 5

Hm, another save at +2? Would be good for Scrillion, but Remove is guaranteed on a single target. A low fort save character might fail twice.

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