Panurgic Noir (Inactive)

Game Master Elsine

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Female Star | Danger 0 | Freak +1 | Saviour +1 | Superior +2 | Mundane -2 | ○●Potential●○ --- ●●●○

If we're waiting on me, then I'm gonna say if my move gets at least to a seven, then I want an NPC to be a member of the CoT, preferably someone who can kick some ass. Whatever option the GM chooses, should keep them focused on me and not everyone else, right?.

Female Innocent: ○○○○○   Danger:+2   Freak:-1   Savior:±0   Superior:-1   Mundane:+3   Guilty

With Moxie and Amir helping, you have a 7.

Female Star | Danger 0 | Freak +1 | Saviour +1 | Superior +2 | Mundane -2 | ○●Potential●○ --- ●●●○

Okay, then I'll focus the effect on a member of the COT, I don't get a say in how they perceive it....but maybe we'll get lucky and they'll want to help?

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