Panurgic Noir (Inactive)

Game Master Elsine

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Female Innocent: ○○○○○   Danger:+2   Freak:-1   Savior:±0   Superior:-1   Mundane:+3   Guilty

Moxie swings a surprisingly professional left hook at Ingress thinking he will turn to look at Twitch.

Potential 0 / 5 --- Dan -1 | Fre +0 | Sav +2 | Sup -1 | Mun +3
Afraid, Hopeless, Insecure
Influenced By: Bron/Bran the Blessed, Hex, Wingblade --- Influence Over: Hex, Mercy, Wingblade

The Kilt lifts his boot as Talla approaches Randal. "Thank you B!&*& 3." He resheathes the blade and crosses his arms. "Now, why did these other friends attack Connor? Were they actually abusing their abilities, or did Connor start something?"

Dodge 6, Parry 4, Fortitude 3, Toughness 6, Will 4
Variable 6 (Linked; Limited: Touch Range)

Siphon's mouth drops open in surprise, not having expected her banter with the hero would get Moxie to want to taken a swing at him. She takes a step back and holds up her hands.

Male Nova | Danger 1 | Freak 3 | Saviour 1 | Superior 0 | Mundane -2 | Angry, Afraid, Guilty, Insecure | Burn: 0 | Two Worlds: 0 | ○●Potential●○ --- ●●●●○ | 1 Advancement

"Fine. If you insist on playing it that way, then that's what'll happen." Dismissing whatever he was talking to, he turns his attention back to Shawn's attempts to address the three.

It's...going better than in his hands. Much better.
That wasn't surprising, really...for all he tried to do, for all the power he had, he couldn't really do anything - here, or most other times.
Things would just get worse, in the end. Things always found a f!#$ing way to undercut his efforts.

While Shawn and his so dubbed b$@%! trio are focused on one another, Manifest slips away to somewhere where his exit wouldn't be immediately noticed. Wings surround him to take him away from here and place him further on his route, leaving Shawn behind to handle this.
The only immediate sign from where they're standing that he's left is the emergence of a group of feathers from around a corner.

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2

Siphon, Twitch, and Punchy

You always get 1 more question on PtM, so on a 6-, you ask 1, on a 7-9, 2, and on a 10+, you ask 4

I think your view is warped. I don't think that hurting people is e right, even when necessary, and I kinda doubt you looked that hard for an alternative to draining people.

When Twitch arrives, he reaches for his bluetooth-looking headset. Hey, Dante, there's something goi- then he stumbles as Miss Moxie slugs him

What the hell! he says, catching himself and reaching for a baton and handcuffs. What possessed you to do that, Moxie?


A freak jumped Connor two days ago, super strong with electrical powers. broke 12 bones, and damaged his nerves permanantly. Talla says, eyes the word still think your creep-friends are all that?


You walk along, in an unpleasant part of town now. past the nice, uptown area, here has a homeless population. most people shy away from you, but one, a woman who seems to be handing out protein bars approaches you. Manifest, the Maker mage. My name is Alexandra, I'm pleased to meet you she says in a soothing voice. what do ou do?

Male Nova | Danger 1 | Freak 3 | Saviour 1 | Superior 0 | Mundane -2 | Angry, Afraid, Guilty, Insecure | Burn: 0 | Two Worlds: 0 | ○●Potential●○ --- ●●●●○ | 1 Advancement

Additional questions when piercing the mask of a villain.
Is there something we should know about Ingress?

The way everyone avoids him only makes Manifest feel worse and worse, and he finds himself in an increasingly cynical and pessimistic mood as he goes on. Combine that with a few bad experiences in the past with those bold enough to try and manipulate or deceive him, and the mage is more than a little suspicious of Alexandra. "Well. Those are words I don't hear often. To what do I owe the pleasure of someone being willing to speak to me?"

He scrutinises Alexandra intensely. Just what the hell did this woman want from him?

Pierce the Mask: 2d6 - 3 ⇒ (1, 2) - 3 = 0
...alright, I knew that wasn't likely to go well, but zero?

Dodge 6, Parry 4, Fortitude 3, Toughness 6, Will 4
Variable 6 (Linked; Limited: Touch Range)

Siphon's heart sinks. What had started as some snarky banter to get the so-called good guys riled up has now changed into something much more serious.

She throws herself in between Moxie and Ingress. "Stop! It was me! I put her up to that, so it's me. Leave her alone." She glances back at Moxie to give her a what the hell?!? look, then she steps toward Ingress with her wrists together to accept the handcuffs.

Provoke: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (5, 1) + 1 = 7
Wanting Ingress to detain me instead of Moxie

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Innocent: ○○○○○   Danger:+2   Freak:-1   Savior:±0   Superior:-1   Mundane:+3   Guilty

Moxie shakes the pain out of her hand. "Oh, come off it. It was only a punch." She stops to suck a knuckle. "You jailed every teenage normie who's given you a black eye, Mr. Top-of-the-Food-Chain? Let me tell you somethin' about government and regulation. It was the government that put bubbeh in the camps, and it was government that drove ma and ba out of their home country. It sure looked nefarious from here in the States, but that s~&# starts with dudes like you with your utility belts and arbitrary double standards."

She stops to breath, and the camera flashes catch her attention. Her face goes red, but she barrels forward. "The next time you and I have a disagreement, you better have the balls to face me without the cuffs and red tape. That s~%*'s to protect people who can't protect themselves."

Furious, embarrassed, and starting to get the hiccups, Moxie turns on her heels and starts trudging away.

Should I mark either "publicly battled another hero" or "committed a serious crime", or can this just be foreshadowing?

Potential 0 / 5 --- Dan -1 | Fre +0 | Sav +2 | Sup -1 | Mun +3
Afraid, Hopeless, Insecure
Influenced By: Bron/Bran the Blessed, Hex, Wingblade --- Influence Over: Hex, Mercy, Wingblade

Shawn freezes for a nearly imperceivable moment. 'Nerve damage...that's how it started with...' "You got him to a hospital as soon as you could right? Which hospital? Did the doctors give him medication? Where did this attack take place? Do you know-?" He cuts himself off and shakes his head. '"Calm down lad," it's not the same.' He looks over to the bench where Manifest is-...WAS sitting. 'Dammit Sig! Now is not the time to go emo loner on me!'

He takes a deep breath. "I'm...sorry. I didn't realize your friend had been so seriously hurt." He kneels down and helps Randal to his feet. "Especially to you laddie. That was uncalled for."

Comfort and Support: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (3, 1) + 2 = 6
Dang it...

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2


Siphon, you need to push a button that'll work for your desired effect... that was not the right button for "arrest Just me"

Yeah, I kinda figured. she's still gonna be handcuffed until we can sort out who is getting charged with what, if anything. he points to the ground In the meantime, sit down, over there. I'm not putting my hands close enough to yours to get sucked dry.

Jesus Christ, its like you two have jumping powers, but you can only ever go to the worst possible conclusion. I'm not arresting you, I don't have that authority. but until we can confirm that you aren't dangerous, we need to keep you.

Dante walks out of the building, suited up, hair flaming Okay, what's going on, who's getting handcuffed?

what do you do?


I rather think you've been in the wrong company, if you really think you're unwanted. I'm someone who thinks that the exceptional should be given the chance to live up to their potential. Alexandra says. she is a somewhat pretty girl, maybe 3 years your senior. And I think you have a great deal of potential.

Shifting freak up, mundane down


Course we got him to the hospital. doctors say he'll need PT. not telling you where he is. Talla says but if you wanna do some "super" on super violence, five blocks that way.

Randal does not take your attempts at comfort well. Oh, you get it. now that our friend was hurt, you feel bad for assaulting me? threatening deadly force? no, F!+* you, for being a traitor to your species, , for selling the normal people out, fr suckign the kool-aid ou-

Randal the second girl shouts, trying to pick him up. Don't.

Dodge 6, Parry 4, Fortitude 3, Toughness 6, Will 4
Variable 6 (Linked; Limited: Touch Range)

"Ha!!" Siphon barks out a laugh. "No authority to arrest me, and you're afraid of me! I see how you are. You'll never give me a chance. It's all I am, it's all I'll ever be."

Once Dante shows up, she screams over everyone, "You think I had a choice?!? I was fourteen, for chrissake! Tell the child that she should have figured out another way to stay alive!"

Heated and angry, Siphon's power flares up, causing her frame to go gaunt and sallow. Smoky gray tendrils rise from her skin, threatening a week's time in the infirmary for anyone who approaches and tries to grab hold of her.

She bores her black eyes at Ingress. "I'm not going anywhere with you."

Directly Engage a Threat: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (6, 3) + 2 = 11
If anyone approaches, I'm taking something from them (their powers), and frightening the opposition.

Female Star | Danger 0 | Freak +1 | Saviour +1 | Superior +2 | Mundane -2 | ○●Potential●○ --- ●●●○

Ooh boy, this is escalating...

"Dante! Just the man I wanted to see."

Perhaps this could work...

"Dante, my friends and I were on our way here after hearing your interview, you know, the one where you look extra 'inferno.' Anyway, it seems we're having a bit of a tussle here as well, so I'm going to propose something."

Her drones lower themselves so its clear to everyone in the area that they are being streamed live to the internet.

"You want us to have proper training? How about a crash course, a Al-Dante Special. For one day, you get to try and drill into our heads what it means to be a hero. It serves as a consequence for these lovely two ladies who seem to have tiff with your men, and you get to do some good for a few supers. That's a win, win, win in my book."

Provoke Someone: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (6, 6) + 2 = 14

Female Innocent: ○○○○○   Danger:+2   Freak:-1   Savior:±0   Superior:-1   Mundane:+3   Guilty

Moxie reaches Twitch and stops. "You've got the live thing, right? Hey! Where do I talk? Due to the graphic nature of this program, viewer discretion is advised. We're filming on location. All suspects are guilty until proven innocent in a court of Dante. See, we came to make nice and ask about possible enrollment for Siphon, but this Brody has no chill. He was trying to provoke my girl Siphon, so I had to deck him. Now he wants us cuffed and paraded in front of the dishonorable judge Dante. Attica!"

She turns, scissoring her knees to lower herself onto the floor. "Not like I've never been in cuffs before."

Male Nova | Danger 1 | Freak 3 | Saviour 1 | Superior 0 | Mundane -2 | Angry, Afraid, Guilty, Insecure | Burn: 0 | Two Worlds: 0 | ○●Potential●○ --- ●●●●○ | 1 Advancement

Manifest wilfully ignores the picture Alexandra's features paint as he starts to notice them, to mixed success. It's enough for him to seem roughly composed. "It's less my company, and more just the people I have to deal with while I have the mask on. That, and a certain pair of words that everyone fixates on."

He shakes his head. "No, no, getting distracted. Who exactly do you represent? What do you do? And what brought you here in the first place anyway?"

Potential 0 / 5 --- Dan -1 | Fre +0 | Sav +2 | Sup -1 | Mun +3
Afraid, Hopeless, Insecure
Influenced By: Bron/Bran the Blessed, Hex, Wingblade --- Influence Over: Hex, Mercy, Wingblade

The Kilt looks sideways at Randal. "...A, you threw the first punch B$!!% 2. B, yes, I do feel bad. I came into this situation already hot, and that's my mistake. C, I never threatened to kill you, only maim. I don't kill. D, the capes are your species too...well, most of them. And E, if you think I'M a sellout you should see the Brat doing a stream."

He turns toward the direction Talla pointed. "Where exactly? How long ago was it?"

As he talks Kilt pulls out his phone and beings to text.
To Twitch: "I'm gon take a wild guess n say that I lost royally?"
To Amir: "where'd u end up? U anywhere near east park?"
To Manifest: "wtf dude! Where'd u go?"

@Elsine, did the photokinetic get out of the scene yet?

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2

The JFHQ steps

Okay, civilians out! you can come back later, but it could be unsafe soon. Dante shouts.

Okay. I spend 10 minutes trying to catch up on paperwork! Ingress, why are you trying to arest Moxy, and what are you arresting Siphon for?

Moxy slugged me. just restraining her until we could figure out if she was a threat. Siphon confessed to putting her up to it.

G~+~!!nit Ingress Dante raises his voice, using his "command shout" Okay, no one is getting cuffed, no one is using their powers on eachother. Starting with Siphon, you three are going to tell me what happened.


SHS: Supers helping Supers. And I don't represent them, just work for them. Did you know that an estimated 0.0025% of the homeless population is neo-abled. almost 5 times the rate for the general population. we try to find those people, and insure that they don't slip through the cracks.. She says

On that subject, is there anything you feel you need? I can't promise we can provide it, but you would be amazed at the resources we can tap, given some of our members.


The girl holds Randal, covering his mouth with her hand when he tries to speak.

He was found on the fire escape of that polish bakery on 23rd. Talla says two days ago, in the early morning.

Male Nova | Danger 1 | Freak 3 | Saviour 1 | Superior 0 | Mundane -2 | Angry, Afraid, Guilty, Insecure | Burn: 0 | Two Worlds: 0 | ○●Potential●○ --- ●●●●○ | 1 Advancement

Manifest blinks, and relaxes...slightly. "You might not be an official representative, but when you're working for them, you represent them to other people watching as much as anyone else does. In any case though...5 times? That's-"
Siegfried's phone goes off as Shawn's text comes in, and his composure is utterly blown. " moment?" With a rapid gesture, his phone is out, hidden to others' sight by a small screen of feathers. His stomach turns as he sees the text.

@Kilt: I had a patrol to continue, and there was nothing good or effective could do in that situation. It was better in your hands.

He quickly spirits his phone away. "Sorry about that...teammate."
He takes a moment to consider the offer of help. While there were numerous things he felt stupid asking, one thing stood out. "I'm guessing with the name, there's a decent amount of supers among your number. have any Links? Conduits might be a more familiar name for them. Any Bonded, maybe? There's a lot of capes out there with similar seeming powers to me, but amongst that who actually operate on similar principles, I've only been able to find Binders, and the way they work is completely different to what I do...not that most people even know these different types exist. Bloody Dante's lot only has Binders, and seem utterly blind to when they're not dealing with one. Ignorant-"

Manifest stops. Deep breaths..."Sorry. Ignore that. Rough day, rougher time trying to research my powerset. Point is, someone that understands the particulars of how I have to do things would be nice, because I can't seem to find anyone that does. It's fine if the terms I listed mean nothing to you, but anyone who actually is one will probably recognise them if, has taught them properly."

The Doomed

Condition(s): None so far

Elsine wrote:


We were worried, once they mentioned your name. no one said who was injured. Bro, you can't get hurt now. you don't want to be all bruised up in the pictures, or when she first sees you, right? Gabby asks. in the background you can here your mother asking Is that him?. what do you do?

"Maybe not bruised up, but I think a couple cool scars would only make me more attractive," jokes Amir, with a half-hearted laugh. "Ah, but yeah, you're right. I'm sorry for worrying you guys. Can you give the phone to Mom so I can tell her I'm okay?"

Mid-conversation, the phone buzzes as a new text arrives. Amir takes the phone away from his ear to check it really quick. Thankfully it's from The Kilt, and not someone else in his family. There's no time to answer it now, but with any luck things would start slowing down sooner rather than later.


The Doomed has Influence over...
Siphon (Character Creation)

The Doomed labels themselves as...
Danger : +2
Freak : +1
Savior : +1
Superior : -1
Mundane : +0

The Doomed is running out of time...
Doom Track : 1/5
Doomsigns: 1/6
- 1. Bolstered

Dodge 6, Parry 4, Fortitude 3, Toughness 6, Will 4
Variable 6 (Linked; Limited: Touch Range)

Siphon powers down her draining field, though anyone attempting to grab her would still have a very bad experience.

Composing herself, she calmly addresses Dante. "Moxie and I stopped by. Ingress made his distaste for me instantly known, and I attempted to persuade him that things aren't always so black and white. He wouldn't listen, instead got aggressive. Moxie punched him, but I think that's a custom from the eighties. I've seen some movies from then. There's a lot of punching. Ever see Rocky? They don't even block."

Female Innocent: ○○○○○   Danger:+2   Freak:-1   Savior:±0   Superior:-1   Mundane:+3   Guilty

"Couldn't let him talk to my girl like that. Not after we came to play nice. Dude has no chill. Anarcho-capitalist... Eat my shorts, Dante."

Female Star | Danger 0 | Freak +1 | Saviour +1 | Superior +2 | Mundane -2 | ○●Potential●○ --- ●●●○

"Wholly agreed, and I get the footage to prove the back half at least."

Potential 0 / 5 --- Dan -1 | Fre +0 | Sav +2 | Sup -1 | Mun +3
Afraid, Hopeless, Insecure
Influenced By: Bron/Bran the Blessed, Hex, Wingblade --- Influence Over: Hex, Mercy, Wingblade

The Kilt nods. "Got it. I'll see what I can dig up. I'll make sure the guy who hurt your friend doesn't hurt anybody else." He hands Talla another business card with his number on it, then starts jogging towards the bakery...

...only to stop at short distance from the group. "...I know I'm not going to change your mind in one conversation. I don't know why you've decided to hate people who really do have your well-being in mind, even if they don't always know how to act towards it. But I'll say this: all that damage, all that pain that heroes do sometimes cause, I want you to think about how much worse it would be WITHOUT them. How many lives would be...ruined, if maniacs with solar guns or invading space aliens didn't get stopped by anyone. Firemen have to destroy a lot of stuff to save people too, but if they didn't respond at all a lot more damage and a lot more dea-...pain, would be in the world." He sighs. "Just think about it." He resumes jogging away.


As he jogs the Kilt taps away at his phone.
@Manifest: i know u havnt known me that long, but dude I am NOT the guy for peace talks. regardless, i got them to talk some. they said their friend (Connor) was attacked at the polish bakery on 23rd. headed there now. possible electric powered on scene. could use some backup.
@Amir: u readin me duster-buster? i need u to meet me at the bakery on 23rd. not urgent, but time-sensitive.
@Twitch: u won didnt u? thats y u think u can just ignore me, bcause u think u r team leader already? whatever. when u r done being a b&@~* i need u to look up a kid named Connor. he should b a recent patient in a hospital near 23rd. came in two days ago, sufferin broken bones n nerve damage from electrical discharge. might b undergoin pt.

Pausing at a street corner to catch his breath, Kilt watches on as traffic flows around him. 'God I need a car. Or a bike. Maybe a scooter? All the others have transport powers, meanwhile I'm running around like an idiot. Do they sell personal helicopters?' He starts to jog again as the lights change and traffic clears a bit. 'No, I should get something that everybody can ride in, just in case. G!+ D%&N I'm dying in these clothes! Too many layers for this much work!'

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2

On the steps

It was banter, repartee. the ting heroes do when they meet. she starts doing the whole "Victim of circumstance" thing, I calll her on it, and Moxy slugs me. Ingress says

Okay, it kinda looks like this is a big misunderstanding. sounds like you guys took Ingress the wrong way, and he overreacted a little. Dante says conciliatorially but you two really need to be careful. both of you evoke major villains,a nd you'll be judged more harshly for it.

pushing danger up, savior down

Okay, so, Twitch, you wana see if your team can hack it in the JF training course? Dante says, moving on as quickly as he can to try to stop Ingress from keeping the argument going.


Oh, Amir, I'm so glad to hear you're okay. do you have some time tonight? Saleem Your brother in law (unless you want a different name for him was going to help you decide on your wedding suit. your parents have been doing this lately, trying to use Saleem to connect to you. What do you do?


Yes, we do have a number of supers in our organizations, probably including a few Masters of your subtype, could you give us an email address or phone number to contact you at? it may be a few days before we can get back to you, your specialty is uncommon. she smiles, and hands you a pad of paper and pen from her handbag.


arriving at the bakery, you see signs of the fight in the alley. the side of a dumpster turned concave, scorch marks along the walls and ground. bits of trash not yet cleaned up (though that might just be because this is Panurgic city), and a badly damaged second floor of the fire escape (grating torn off, ladder at a 135 degree angle, the entire thing pulling away from the building somewhat). What do you do?

Male Nova | Danger 1 | Freak 3 | Saviour 1 | Superior 0 | Mundane -2 | Angry, Afraid, Guilty, Insecure | Burn: 0 | Two Worlds: 0 | ○●Potential●○ --- ●●●●○ | 1 Advancement

Get back to this later, but...reading again, wasn't Jake the one they said hit the hospital? Just noticed the name changed.

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2

Shoot. it was jake. I'm bad at notes, sorry

Dodge 6, Parry 4, Fortitude 3, Toughness 6, Will 4
Variable 6 (Linked; Limited: Touch Range)

Siphon glowers at Ingress and Dante. "I don't see how burning people is any better than what I do," she mutters just loud enough for those close by to hear.

When Twitch is offered the chance to put them through the training course, she takes a couple steps to her. "Don't bother. I won't be much help to you, since the hero's way is to have me starve, apparently."

Female Innocent: ○○○○○   Danger:+2   Freak:-1   Savior:±0   Superior:-1   Mundane:+3   Guilty

Somfort mein Heir.
Moxie is making herself look as subjugated as possible, cross-legged on the ground with her arms together behind her back and raised up so she's facing the ground. "Seriously, like you've never tried anything else. Like, who would? I can't even do chicken on the bone."

Male Nova | Danger 1 | Freak 3 | Saviour 1 | Superior 0 | Mundane -2 | Angry, Afraid, Guilty, Insecure | Burn: 0 | Two Worlds: 0 | ○●Potential●○ --- ●●●●○ | 1 Advancement

I should probably detail what those names I threw out actually mean at some point.

"Not kidding it's uncommon..." Manifest writes down the email he set up for his cape affairs, and hopes that he's not going to have to wade through too much crap to find the email when and if it comes.

"I appreciate this. I'd like to talk more, but I should-" Manifest's phone interrupts him again. "-continue with what I was doing..." He quickly checks what Shawn sent him, before turning his attention back to Alexandra. "Looks like I've somewhere to be. Til next time."

Manifest focuses, reaching out to the beyond...
Burn: 2d6 + 4 ⇒ (4, 4) + 4 = 12
And then vanishes, as Ariel takes him away once more.


A cascade of feathers marks Manifest's appearance at the Bakery, close to Shawn. He grits his teeth as he takes in the scene. "This is a f$@$ing mess. There was real force in whatever happened yesterday..." As he looks around, he spots Shawn is in the area, and suddenly finds himself feeling a lot more awkward than he usually allows while he's at work. He tries to speak up, talk to Shawn, but the words don't come.
Unable to say the first word, Manifest busies himself trying to figure out the scene before him.

Female Star | Danger 0 | Freak +1 | Saviour +1 | Superior +2 | Mundane -2 | ○●Potential●○ --- ●●●○

"Yeah, I wanna see if my team can handle what you're putting up. Like I said, win, win, win."

Twitch can see the text alert on her shades, and a quick open reveals The Kilts highly regular slough of profanity and charm.

Sry. Busy planning our stream debut. Also talking to hothead. xoxoxo she texts back quickly.

Potential 0 / 5 --- Dan -1 | Fre +0 | Sav +2 | Sup -1 | Mun +3
Afraid, Hopeless, Insecure
Influenced By: Bron/Bran the Blessed, Hex, Wingblade --- Influence Over: Hex, Mercy, Wingblade

The Kilt steadies his breath as he takes in the scene. 'Okay, I need to add more cardio to the workout. Feel like I'm about to pass out.' He kneels to inspect some of the scorch marks. 'Now, first crime scene investigation. Let's take some pictures, like on CSI.' He pulls out his phone, just in time for Twitch's text to pop up. Kilt rolls his eyes. "Great. Not only do I get to be her plaything for a day, but she gets to chew out Dante as well. Wonderful..." He quickly fires back a response. @Twitch: when u get the chance then. kids got info we need for an investigation. tell more later.

It's then that Manifest appears and awkwardly remains mute. Kilt rolls his eyes again. 'It seems that step one for this team is learning to communicate properly.' "Glad you're here." he says casually. "You're the only one who seems able to help at the moment. Duster-Buster seems to be asleep I guess, and the Brat is being the Brat. From what the B&&*+es told me this guy who attacked their friend is packing both strength and lightning. As the guy walking around with breakable bones and a giant lightning rod strapped to his back, I find that power set concerning."

Pierce Manifest's Mask: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (6, 3) + 2 = 11
@Manifest, what do you want me to do? + how could I gain Influence over you?

Kilt returns to the work of photographing the scene, taking more pictures than he probably should, but he makes sure to get every bit of damage and debri in the alley.

@Elsine, should I make some kind of roll to investigate the alley? If so, what kind?

Male Nova | Danger 1 | Freak 3 | Saviour 1 | Superior 0 | Mundane -2 | Angry, Afraid, Guilty, Insecure | Burn: 0 | Two Worlds: 0 | ○●Potential●○ --- ●●●●○ | 1 Advancement

Don't have time for a proper post right now, but you've got one more question, Kilt.

Potential 0 / 5 --- Dan -1 | Fre +0 | Sav +2 | Sup -1 | Mun +3
Afraid, Hopeless, Insecure
Influenced By: Bron/Bran the Blessed, Hex, Wingblade --- Influence Over: Hex, Mercy, Wingblade

*checks rules* Oh hey, I do. Cool, but I'm not quite certain what to ask. Uh..."how could I get you to support me as team leader?"

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2

On the steps

I'll admit, I do like the idea of watching you try to get though the urban mobility course... Dante smiles a little impishly

Diodemedes and Damascus step out as he's finishing. Damascus is in his battle form, his skin completely transformed into metal, and Diodemedes having a flight pack on, and wielding a large ray-gun Dante, we still needed?

No, stand down. Just had a little scare. would one of you Help moxy up? She seems to still thik She's going to be restrained.

diodemedes moves to comply

How does tomorrow sound? bring the whole team, Manifest and Amir could benefit from this as well.


That's totally Assess

Female Innocent: ○○○○○   Danger:+2   Freak:-1   Savior:±0   Superior:-1   Mundane:+3   Guilty

"Don't want you boys feeling too threatened, now. Wouldn't want to test that trigger discipline, I'm so
" When diodemedes stoops to help her up, she stands on her own. "Thanks, Buck Rogers, got to motor. See you tomorrow when we ace your obstacle course." She turns to Ingress. "Don't wait too long to put ice on that, Debutante. Wanna look nice for the cameras."

Unleash: 2d6 + 0 ⇒ (6, 6) + 0 = 12
Moxie springs away on a series of invisible trampolines, headed for the promise of gnocchi and undisputable team leadership.

Potential 0 / 5 --- Dan -1 | Fre +0 | Sav +2 | Sup -1 | Mun +3
Afraid, Hopeless, Insecure
Influenced By: Bron/Bran the Blessed, Hex, Wingblade --- Influence Over: Hex, Mercy, Wingblade

I thought it might be, but the questions seemed like a poor fit to me. Oh well, I'm new to this so I'll take your word for it.

Assess the Alley: 2d6 + 0 ⇒ (1, 6) + 0 = 7
What here can I use to discover the location of JC's (Jake-Connor's) attacker?

If he doesn't see this one too I'm gonna die laughing...

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Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2

If I don't see what now?

Male Nova | Danger 1 | Freak 3 | Saviour 1 | Superior 0 | Mundane -2 | Angry, Afraid, Guilty, Insecure | Burn: 0 | Two Worlds: 0 | ○●Potential●○ --- ●●●●○ | 1 Advancement

Alright, in order-
Don't pester him about his exit, and just take the lead. The way he's fidgeting, that whole affair is still bothering him, and he wants something else to focus on.
Make him feel appreciated. Focus less on his shortcomings, his powers - their destructiveness, their potential, what they do - and more on what good he's actually achieved. Expressing an interest in how his powers actually work, rather than fixating on what is done with them or jumping to conclusions about them, will go a long way too.
Take an interest in non-powered problems, and keep both your temper and ego in check. Be a hero, not a cape.

"I'd offer armour, but I doubt you'd take it. If you have any ideas for something that might help, let me know, but I'll probably need the story or a reference to get it for you." He continues examining the scene, checking for any sign of a trail. "You more focused on figuring out who was here, or finding them? I could try to call up something to scry this place, or just get a hound on the job or something. Maybe see if anything was around at the time..." Manifest continues muttering to himself, running through possibilities.

Dodge 6, Parry 4, Fortitude 3, Toughness 6, Will 4
Variable 6 (Linked; Limited: Touch Range)

Siphon sneers at Ingress just before she takes off. "Thanks for the pep talk and vote of confidence. With guidance like yours, I'm sure I'll be walking the straight and narrow in no time," she says with withering sarcasm.

Unleash: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (4, 4) + 1 = 9
Marking angry.

Female Star | Danger 0 | Freak +1 | Saviour +1 | Superior +2 | Mundane -2 | ○●Potential●○ --- ●●●○

Twitch smiles and she approaches Dante as she weves the light around her to make a gaudy reporter suit, fake microphone, and holds it up to Dante. Her drones zoom forward for a close-up.

"Dante, Dante, a comment for the audiences watching at home?" she asks, a terrible professional's cantor spilling from her mouth.

Dodge 6, Parry 4, Fortitude 3, Toughness 6, Will 4
Variable 6 (Linked; Limited: Touch Range)

Siphon finishes the race a few seconds behind Moxie. She is clearly still fuming after their banter with Ingress went south. "Well, looks like you'll be our fearless leader for this stupid training course. Problem is, Mox-- I mean, Mad Moxie's powers will have worn off by tomorrow, so I won't be able to help much. Unless, seeing as you're the leader, you want to order me to go out and get a bit of power?" She gives her a devilish grin.

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2

On the steps

Yeah, I do as a matter of fact. Be sure to tune in tomorrow folks, It'll be educational to see how real heroes operate. Date says into the microphone

You do know you were one of the bad guys, right? Ingress calls after Siphon.

In the alley

yeah, Straight-up Creepin' would be better, but you don't have that.

the scorch marks have two distinct patterns. one indicates weaponization, the other seems to follow the movements of the assailant. it doesn't seem this super is fully in control of their abilities. someone like this would have to be nearby, they couldn't go far with any degree of stealth. and the place they are holed up in is likely to have no power.

what do you do?

Female Innocent: ○○○○○   Danger:+2   Freak:-1   Savior:±0   Superior:-1   Mundane:+3   Guilty

Moxie's eyes are unfocused when Siphon arrives. She's standing on the roof of the restaurant, looking out at the city, tugging at a new hole in her tights.

"All they know us as is villains..." Moxie's non-response comes out in a sigh. It was a hard truth to swallow. The world hated her future self, and didn't trust her to make things right. "If you're ever running on fumes, Siphon, I've got your back. I'm an open book..." She cracks a smile. "Come find me in the morning and we'll find you something rad. I won't get much sleep tonight anyway."

Dodge 6, Parry 4, Fortitude 3, Toughness 6, Will 4
Variable 6 (Linked; Limited: Touch Range)
Elsine wrote:

You do know you were one of the bad guys, right? Ingress calls after Siphon.

Siphon doesn't turn around, but flips her middle finger at him as she leaves.


Siphon opens her mouth to say something to Moxie. You weren't always a villain, she almost says, but stops herself. She looks at her sadly, shaking her head. Instead, she sighs. "I don't want to take your powers. It could lay you up for a couple days or more, so that won't help us. I could ride a few public buses, make whoever tries to grab my ass have a bad day. Or I could go see if Ingress is willing to share anything more than his opinion."

She pauses to think, then reaches for a nonexistent cell phone. "Dammit. Need a new one, and you don't have one yet. We should call the boys, see what they're up to, and find out why they're not in the race. Say, you wouldn't have memorized Kilt's phone number?"

Female Innocent: ○○○○○   Danger:+2   Freak:-1   Savior:±0   Superior:-1   Mundane:+3   Guilty

Moxie stands and straightens her coattails. "No, I just mean, like, I've seen how you look when you're using your power- and the way you talk about it even... You need to do that to live. So I just mean, like, in the future... If you need something, just ask. You don't always have to take what you need."

If the Kilt ever gave Moxie his number, she remembers it.

Potential 0 / 5 --- Dan -1 | Fre +0 | Sav +2 | Sup -1 | Mun +3
Afraid, Hopeless, Insecure
Influenced By: Bron/Bran the Blessed, Hex, Wingblade --- Influence Over: Hex, Mercy, Wingblade

@Moxie, oh yeah, you definitely have a Kilt business card from when we first met. I'll make a full post later, but you've got his number.

Dodge 6, Parry 4, Fortitude 3, Toughness 6, Will 4
Variable 6 (Linked; Limited: Touch Range)

Just throwing this out there, Moxie, but that could be considered Comforting or Supporting.

Siphon shakes her head and waves her off. "That's all for show. I don't have to look like the girl from the Ring if I don't want to."

Siphon looks deeply uncomfortable with the thought of asking someone for help. "I don't think I could. Anyone who would say yes to me wouldn't be someone I'd want to drain, you know? It's easier just to take."

She tries to change the subject. "If you have Kilt's number, let's use the restaurant's phone and call him."

Female Innocent: ○○○○○   Danger:+2   Freak:-1   Savior:±0   Superior:-1   Mundane:+3   Guilty

Just wanted to make sure I was pushing the right buttons.

"Oh, not that part. In your eyes. You don't want to, but you need to, and it's been so long doing it... Just... I've been hungry before is all." Hopping down off the roof, Moxie grabs the door. "Anyway, even if you can't ask, just know I understand the why."

Support: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (6, 1) + 2 = 9

Moxie strolls up to the counter with a tap dancing pirouette. "May I use your phone? I've got a six top incoming, and I, like, gotta make sure they got the directions right." She smiles as sweetly as she can.

Potential 0 / 5 --- Dan -1 | Fre +0 | Sav +2 | Sup -1 | Mun +3
Afraid, Hopeless, Insecure
Influenced By: Bron/Bran the Blessed, Hex, Wingblade --- Influence Over: Hex, Mercy, Wingblade

Kilt starts to trace the scorch marks with his fingers. "Armor would just slow me down lad. Besides, how much good would it do in THIS town? Have you even seen those ridiculous suits they've got the SWAT guys in now? After so many years they still gotta tack on more and more junk."

He stands up and looks around the alley. "No need for extravagant methods. Judging from the marks, our mystery man of megavolts can't have gone far, at least without being noticed. He's putting out more power than he can control. Which means...scout around the block and look for places without working electric. Whoever this guy is, he's knocking out every gizmo and gadget in a 3-yard radius, at least."

His gaze pauses on the now-rickety fire escape. "Hold up. Can you summon something to fix the ladder over there? We don't wanna leave that till it breaks at a bad moment."

@Elsine, I'm a boisterous Scotsman, stealth is not my shtick. Also, would it be okay if I described Wanda's? I've got an idea for it, if you're okay with that. If not then that's okay too.

@Manifest, I'm not gonna capitalize too much on the influence-taking yet, doesn't seem like the right moment. Expect that to come up later though. ;)

Dodge 6, Parry 4, Fortitude 3, Toughness 6, Will 4
Variable 6 (Linked; Limited: Touch Range)

You did. Looks like you have a success, so I'll open up to mark potential.

At Moxie's mention of being hungry, Siphon looks haunted. "Before the treatment, I maybe got ten percent of what a normal person got out of eating. Now, it's less than one. Food won't keep me alive. But jerks like Ingress think I should just starve for the greater good? Screw him. He's got a perfect power, that lets him be a good guy for all the world to see. Let him feel what it's like for me. One week, and he'll be sucking his friends dry."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Nova | Danger 1 | Freak 3 | Saviour 1 | Superior 0 | Mundane -2 | Angry, Afraid, Guilty, Insecure | Burn: 0 | Two Worlds: 0 | ○●Potential●○ --- ●●●●○ | 1 Advancement

Of course.

"SWAT doesn't have access to the literal stuff of myth and legend. Not really a fair comparison."

Manifest looks over to the fire escape. "Yeah...that...that could do with fixing up. Question is what could...hmm?" He looks over to his side. "What are you...a tiger? Why - oh. Yeah, that might do it. Just hope it which way is west...?"

Turning about a little until he's happy with his facing, he makes a few gestures and focuses as a blue glow comes from his sleeves, concentrating intensely trying to maintain what he's calling forth. Large, translucent white paws start to come into vision, padding towards him and gaining solidity with each step.

Unleash: 2d6 + 1 ⇒ (6, 4) + 1 = 11

By the time it stops before Manifest, it's fully formed - a white tiger with black stripes and piercing blue eyes, larger than any of its kin and radiating a sense of virtue and nobility.
It looks over to the fire escape, with an expression that says it deems the task it's presented beneath it. Nonetheless, the grating returns back to its place and knits back together, the ladder rotates and smooths itself out where it had melted and twisted, and the whole thing moves back into place until it's like it was never damaged in the first place. Showing no sign having ever made any effort, the tiger gives a huff and vanishes, favour done, and the glow from the mage's sleeves fades.

Manifest looks over to Shawn, suddenly breathing heavily and rubbing at his back. "F~&$, that burns...sorry. I hadn't realised how much it'd take to get it to listen, let alone get any of its power through...can you test the fire escape? Should be fine, prideful thing probably wouldn't accept any less than a perfect job, but better to be safe."

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