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I am ready too.
I am getting my 'endgame cinematics' in the Frostfur Captives.
I will bump to level 3 -- now I get to use my 19 wisdom over my 13 dexterity for archery!!

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OK, right now we have four players. I've head from another via PM that is interested. Its puts us at Jory (3), Skorn (7), Riley (5), and Jezebel (?3)
I'll give recruitment through the weekend to get us another player or two, then we start.
Please make sure that you all have active links with your character. Any items you want to buy or pregame stuff, now is the time. :)

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Jory will accept the risks if we play up. He has a 15CON and put all FC into hps.
As we should talk strategy, Jory has benefitted from mage armor from spellcasters on previous adventures.
If it can't be provided, I will probably need to purchase some potions of it or even a wand to give to Jezebel.
With a level 5 fighter and level 7 inquisitor I am sure we can bring some melee hurt to the party. Don't mind the dwarf with the big bow firing in the back.

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Riley does pack a wand of mage armor as his primary source of Armor bonus (...what?) and has ranks in UMD to make working with it not completely unbearable wihtout a mage. (....what?) Still, I do generally prefer to have an arcane caster actually use the blasted thing because it generally takes a number of rolls to get it working.

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This is Fendahl (my LL character) aka-Roland checking in with a pregen. What is the party mix? I lost track with the people leaving.
Inq 7, Fig 5, Wiz 3, Archer 3 playing up? Sounds like healing might be good idea. 7th cleric?

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This is Jezebel Savet checking in. I realize I am playing up. Like most teleportation spec wizards, I focus on Conjuration. Level 3 means I have access to second level spells! Yay!
My first task will be to hand my CLW wand to whoever is capable of using such a thing on me. My second task is to answer various and varied Knowledge based questions. (most at +9, some at +10)

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I will have enough to spend the 2000gp to enchant my bow to +1.
I will spend 2PP so I buy a wand of mage armor.
Then I will hand mage armor wand to Jezebel and my CLW wand to our healer.

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@GM - If given time to rest, Fendahl would plan to switch out the standard cure spells for the spells listed in parenthesis since he can spontaneously cast those cures if needed.
Fendahl purchases (47.5gp)
30 Courtier's outfit
5 Spring loaded wrist sheath
5 Light mace
4 Cold Iron Dagger
1 Wooden holy symbol
2 Sunrod
.5 chalk, piece of paper

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We stuck for some reason?
I'll be on the road all weekend so will not be posting much if at all Saturday and Sunday. I hope everyone has a great weekend. I'll be around and able to post all day today.

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No Sutoku not stuck, more of making sure that everyone gets a good chance to talk to the Kirin before the rest of the adventure gets going.
Now that the attack is on in earnest - the module is written in such a way that some of your actions will change the future combats. If it seems at some time that I am vague on the effects of a weapon or spell its likely because of how the module is written. Don't worry about the detail too much at this point, if you get too far off of the reservation I'll let everyone know.

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Admittedly, I'm just posting every time I see Riley having a result, since his combat's basically gotten separated from everyone else piling onto the mid-boss.
Might help if at the top of next round (Round 5) we start posting what round we /think/ we're acting in?

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There is a lot going on the background of this module- all of the actions that you do in preparation and in between the waves changes the number of foes you face. So your actions are doing things, even if you are not seeing direct results that are typical in Pathfinder. Now that we are in initiative phase, things go back to normal.

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I am not sure I am properly visualizing where everyone is.
I had Jory and Sutoku on A7 (the top of the round tower apart from the house). From the map it appears fairly distant from the front door (A1) that Riley just ran in and even upstairs from A5 where Fendahl and Jezebel have been launching spells.
Is Sutoku moving into A5 from the tower?
Is one flying officer chasing Riley and another chasing Sutoku or is it the same person?

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I threw this map together to see if I have it right. I thought A7 was at the top of the round tower, attached but away from the house. Or is A7 at the top of the main house?
The letters represent the people (blue=party, red=enemies) I think everyone can move them if I have it wrong. I apologize if I am just confusing things. :(

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What are the odds we can wrap this up by the 14th at the current rate of posting? (3 days hence)? I need to pick Fendahl's new faction, which I will probably pick as Qadiran if it matters. Grand Lodge will be his second choice. I am still not sure if all his faction points will convert into the new faction or be split between old and new?

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There is a fair chance.
I've run this a couple of times already, and I think I can see how this fight is going to turn out (for good or ill I won't say!).
However, there is a decent chance to be done by the 14th.
For you LL PC's I'll have the chronicle sheets dated, completed, and ready to post on the 14th.
For now, we will try to play fast pace. If you are able to post actions for several rounds in a row (like Jezebel did) that would be helpful... but certainly not required.

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Well, I though we'd have to resort to some GM trickery to get finished by tomorrow, but it all ended well and by the book.
I'll get chronicle sheets scanned and posted here tonight. I'll also have results into Paizo by tonight as well.
For those interested until your sheet is ready (all assuming Normal progression, please LMK if your Slow playing):
Gold: 3288
PP: 2
Items: cloak of resistance +1 (1,000 gp), nightdrops (250 gp; Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment 312), +1 brawling leather lamellar (8,210 gp; Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment 12, 116), amulet of natural armor +1 (2,000 gp), potion of fly (750 gp), ring of protection +1 (2,000 gp)
And finally, the boon that everyone wants!
Triumph of the Lantern Lodge: The Lantern Lodge has realized its ambitious goals, and the victory is bittersweet. Although Amara Li spares no expense in providing you special training, she dissolves the Lantern Lodge in Absalom. Before August 14, 2013, you may change from Lantern Lodge to a new faction without spending Prestige Points or losing any faction-specific Prestige Awards. When you complete this change to a new faction, choose one ability score. As the culmination of years of service to the Lantern Lodge and Amara Li’s guidance, you receive a permanent +1 bonus to that ability score. If you are not a member of the Lantern Lodge faction, cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet. As of August 14, 2013, the Lantern Lodge is no longer a legal faction. As a result, no character may receive this boon.
True Ally of the Lantern Lodge: Amara Li recognizes your invaluable contribution in ensuring a strong alliance with the Way of the Kirin, and she promises to assist you in the future. Whenever you spend 1 Prestige Point to gain a +4 bonus on any one skill check while in Tian Xia, the bonus increases to +5. If you are in Goka, the bonus instead increases to +6. If you are a member of the Lantern Lodge faction, cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet.
The Kirin’s Debt Repaid: If you have the Debt of the Kirin boon from a previous adventure, Iko Tsuneo offers to purchase back the ancient letter of credit in return for one of his organization’s treasures. Choose one item worth up to 3,000 gp (Subtier 3–4) or 5,500 gp (Subtier 6–7). When you next purchase the chosen item, you do so at a 25% discount. When you use this boon, cross both it and the Debt of the Kirin boon off their respective Chronicle sheets.
Quote:People who are taking advantage of Triumph of the Lantern Lodge, please lmk tonight which Ability Score you are choosing.
If you want a day job roll, please do that here tonight as well.

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Hey gang- nice job on this scenario and thanks for playing!
Some background that I'll share with you. Normally I wouldn't done this but the time restraints forced the issue. I took several trips this summer and it made posting sometimes an issue. Thanks everyone for hanging in there and making it in under the wire.
The defending the house mechanic was kinda odd. If you did some stuff to defend the house, you had less NPC's attack. Unfortunately, it didn't scale well. So if you did more, then you had the same number of less NPC's.
The house was never going to burn down as you see. But it was supposed to feel like it was. In fact, it was never the intent to keep the house up, just give time to summon the Kirin warriors.
Lastly, the BBEG was an Oracle, lvl 8, that preferred melee. As written he was soft villain. If you used his spells a bit more then it could have gotten a bit more interesting, but two crits ended the battle before it really started.
If you let the Stranglers grapple you, they fly off the cliff and drop the PC into the water! It happened in my home group much to my amusement. The PC survived, not much damage to be honest but it took the PC out of the fight for awhile.
Any other questions about the scenario, just let me know.
Also- Sutoku, before you attacked what were you referencing the BBEG do?

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I think you are asking about my post about Jezebel's pit. Sutoku moved up, taking the attack, so that the large enemy would either have to move away and provoke from me, OR stand his ground and end his turn adjacent to the pit. That pit is active and if you end your turn next to you you have to save again or fall in. You do get +2 to the save.
So if the BBEG failed its reflex save it would not have been there for Sutoku to crit.
Thanks for running! And sorry to steal the final battle away. Second time that has happened. Sutoku critted the BBEG in Quest for Perfection III, one shotting the cavalier with a flaming burst. That flame spell becomes Flaming Burst IF the inquisitor has a judgement up, which Sutoku had not had the chance to cast yet.
In case anyone is interested, with a con of 10 and no shield, the Tengu is very much a glass cannon. A 21 AC and 45 hit points does not impress too many things at 7th level.
Day Job roll of Herbalist: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

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Whereas Riley functions almost as a tank in spite of the fact that the man foolishly refuses to wear armor, since he can get his AC up into the 27/28 range while still having a reasonable chance to hit most things at his CR.
As to my ability score, I should think that would be obvious - Dex all the way!
And thanks for the run from me as well!
EDIT: Oh, right, Day Job. Well, got a Perform skill for that Duelist level, may as well use it.
Perform (Oratory): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
EDIT EDIT: OH!!!! Right, almost forgot. Can you put me down for the 2 PP to purchase a Jade Wayfinder before it becomes illegal?

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Thank you all. Great party and GM.
Jezebel and I were never in danger with you guys along. I may be tempted to drive to GenCon this weekend and get Jory some more PFS play.