HP 53/65 | AC 20/22; Tch 14; FF 17/19 | F +8; R +7; W +6; +2 vs. Fear | CMB:+5; CMD 18 | Speed 30 ft | Init +6 | Perc +11 (+12 vs Traps) | Stealth: +12
Rage Adjustments:
HP +8 | AC -2; Tch –; FF -2 | F +10; R +7; W +8 | CMB:+7 | Scent | Str +6; Con +6
HP 32/32 AC 17|13 T|14 FF || F +2 R +5 W +5* || Init +12 Perc +8 CMB +2 CMD 15
Elf Wizard (Conjurer) 4
"And thus, the thrice-vaunted vector of pure Entropy/ Did plummet from the Maelstrom like a fluttering dovelet/ Alighting in Elysium among the droplets of pure ambrosia, and the twilight reeds did bend......No, no, that doesn't scan. Bother! It's far too difficult to come up with poetry whilst on a horse."
Cëanel vaults from his mount a bit awkwardly. "There, there, um, Chestnut, or whatever your name is, O celestial steed, hang on a bit while while we fearless heroes reconvene." He pats the horse's muzzle, and it obliges with a whicker. As usual, he has a Mount and Mage Armor, typical of the 'fearless' wizarding types.
HP 53/65 | AC 20/22; Tch 14; FF 17/19 | F +8; R +7; W +6; +2 vs. Fear | CMB:+5; CMD 18 | Speed 30 ft | Init +6 | Perc +11 (+12 vs Traps) | Stealth: +12
Rage Adjustments:
HP +8 | AC -2; Tch –; FF -2 | F +10; R +7; W +8 | CMB:+7 | Scent | Str +6; Con +6
Halfling Barb x3 Ranger x1
Cëanel Firdhanor wrote:
Kay has money. Submit scroll requests!
Kay, if I bought a Scroll of Bull's Strength, would you be willing to cast it on me when the time is right? (I'll let you know when.)
HP 39/39 | AC 21 CMD 22 | Fort +5 Reflex +8 Will +4 | Perception +10 (+12 vs. traps) Initiative +3
Desh frowns up at the elf's poem, then barks a laugh as he dismounts.
"Chestnut, huh?" He yanks on the tether to the mule he's been leading during their return trip, a shaggy, surly thing that seems to have taken a serious dislike to its half-orc owner. "I'm gonna name this one večera if he don't quit nippin' at me." He gives the beast a wolfish grin, "Means 'dinner'."
The half-orc seems to have grown a few more weapons—now looking more and more like a walking arsenal—as well as a fancy new cloak and similarly fancy wooden shield on his back.
"So, we been in two levels of this place." He looks at the smarter group members (pretty much everyone), "What do ya think it is?"
Take your time; continue leveling up your characters. We'll begin when everyone is ready.
Some details for level 3:
(1) The walls are made of dressed stone blocks, covered in plaster and painted. Some feature murals in an advanced state of decay, while others feature new (and somewhat amateurish) murals.
(2) Except where noted, all corridor and room floors are covered with large, unevenly-spaced tiles.
(3) Except where noted, small oil lamps illuminate all areas. They are not very bright, providing only dim light.
Description of area C1:
Broad stone stairs open into a small, irregularly shaped chamber lit by oil lamps. To the east, a short flight of steps leads up to a sturdy door set in the middle of a wall and flanked by arrow slits. To the north, a wide gate of iron bars blocks an archway leading to a larger chamber filled with the eerie green glow of the Emerald Spire.
Let's get started soon. Is everyone just about ready? Your characters have plenty of in-game time to level up, train, and purchase items after the last adventure. So, feel free to kit yourselves out.
OK. The entrance is as described above: Broad stone stairs open into a small, irregularly shaped chamber lit by oil lamps. To the east, a short flight of steps leads up to a sturdy door set in the middle of a wall and flanked by arrow slits. To the north, a wide gate of iron bars blocks an archway leading to a larger chamber filled with the eerie green glow of the Emerald Spire. Feel free to move/arrange yourselves on the map.
HP 39/39 | AC 21 CMD 22 | Fort +5 Reflex +8 Will +4 | Perception +10 (+12 vs. traps) Initiative +3
With a shrug at the mounted elf, Desh drops the tether to the mule and proceeds forward … cautious as ever. He moves to the gates first, checking for traps before testing to see if they’ll easily open.
Let’s see about this gate, first.
Perception:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9; +1 vs traps. <— sigh
Stealth:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
Bad Guy Perception:1d20 ⇒ 14 Bad Guy Perception:1d20 ⇒ 14 Desh Perception:1d20 ⇒ 1Sorry, Desh. :-( I tried to give you another one...
Following your standard operating procedure from previous levels, Desh leads the way, looking for traps. As he moves forward and messes with the gate, a voice says: "Hey! You're not one of us! What are you doing here?!?"(I know you stealthed into the room, but between the lamps, the light of the spire, and you messing with the gate/bars, you're in plain sight.)
HP 39/39 | AC 21 CMD 22 | Fort +5 Reflex +8 Will +4 | Perception +10 (+12 vs. traps) Initiative +3
Surprise registers on Desh's face as two bolts thunk into his side, burying themselves deep and sending him staggering a few steps. In a show of resilience any orc would be proud of, the scout keeps his feet and lurches back across the room .... where he collapses in a heap on the stairs.
"Ambush," he chokes out as his eyes roll back in his head. Only his labored breathing indicates he's still alive at all.
Using my Ferocity-borne move action to GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE! O.o
(map updated)
HP 53/65 | AC 20/22; Tch 14; FF 17/19 | F +8; R +7; W +6; +2 vs. Fear | CMB:+5; CMD 18 | Speed 30 ft | Init +6 | Perc +11 (+12 vs Traps) | Stealth: +12
Rage Adjustments:
HP +8 | AC -2; Tch –; FF -2 | F +10; R +7; W +8 | CMB:+7 | Scent | Str +6; Con +6
Halfling Barb x3 Ranger x1
Flyn quickly pokes his head around the corner to see if he can spot Desh's attackers, then ducks back.
Stealth:1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12
"Move back! Let's patch him up." he says, shoving Garret back up the stairs.
Male Halfling 5th level Bard | HP 37/37 | AC 21 | T 14 | FF 18 | CMD 15 | Fort +5 | Ref +9 | Will +6 | Init +5 | Perc +10 | Bardic Per 15/15 | Spells: 1st - 5/5, 2nd - 3/3
Garrett is happily watching Desh from around the corner when he suddenly grunts in pain. The halfling frowns until he spots the two bolts protruding from his side! Before Garrett can say anything, he is pushed backward by his newfound friend, Flyn!
"Whoa! Desh, that was amazing! Desh?" He then notices their half-orc scout is unconscious. "Kohi! Do your healing thing, dear!" When talk turns towards tactics, the bard hmmmmms. "I think that might be an excellent idea, Ceanel! I can even utilize some of my illusion spells to assist. We need to make it across without being turned into pincushions..."
Female Human Cleric 5 | HP 53/53 | AC 18, FF 17, Touch 11 | F 6, R 2, W 7 | Init +6 | Per +3
As Desh goes down under a hail of crossbow bolts, Kohi puts a hand to her mouth. Her other one goes to her waist and fishes out her holy symbol, which she raises to let forth a burst of healing power.
Channel:2d6 ⇒ (3, 2) = 5
"If you need more than that emergency dose and there's time, I'd be glad to use your wand. As for strategy, I don't have a great many insights beyond shutting those bows down somehow."
HP 53/65 | AC 20/22; Tch 14; FF 17/19 | F +8; R +7; W +6; +2 vs. Fear | CMB:+5; CMD 18 | Speed 30 ft | Init +6 | Perc +11 (+12 vs Traps) | Stealth: +12
Rage Adjustments:
HP +8 | AC -2; Tch –; FF -2 | F +10; R +7; W +8 | CMB:+7 | Scent | Str +6; Con +6
Halfling Barb x3 Ranger x1
We've got wands of CLW, if you want to save your channel. He's the only one hurt, after all.
"Good idea, Kae... Let's get Desh patched up, and then we can try that."
Nice! Glad to see everyone getting really flavorful posts in. I'm going to give you all circumstance bonuses for such a strong start to the module.
1d20 ⇒ 6 1d20 ⇒ 3 1d20 ⇒ 20 1d20 ⇒ 20
A couple of you notice a secret door! (Desh didn't notice it before because both he and I rolled 1's for his perception check.) You wonder if this door might provide alternate access to your ambushers.
(On phone, will update map later today to show door.)
HP 39/39 | AC 21 CMD 22 | Fort +5 Reflex +8 Will +4 | Perception +10 (+12 vs. traps) Initiative +3
Desh gasps as the healing brings him back to consciousness, and he begins growling out an unbroken string of orcish that anyone could guess was not complimentary of their hidden attackers.
After taking a few moments to have Kohi put his wand to good use, he picks his longspear back up and nods to the team’s success at finding the hidden door—where he had been such an abysmal failure a few painful moments ago.
I say we hold until we can see the door (it may be the best route ... it may not).
Do you want to take 5 rounds? It gives them 5 rounds for shenanigans...
Somebody opens the secret door. Weapon racks and wooden wardrobes line the walls of this room. The dummies in the center of the room wear suits of armor. Masks hang on the wall near the door; each consists of a brass nosepiece with cheek guards, from which a veil of red silk hangs.
HP 39/39 | AC 21 CMD 22 | Fort +5 Reflex +8 Will +4 | Perception +10 (+12 vs. traps) Initiative +3
Reconsidering response given your description. Update coming.
I'll take the first charge from that wand, and will take healing we I can get it as we sneak forward.
As Desh considers the new room, he whispers to to the crew. "Lie to'em. Tell'em we're sorry and we're leavin." Then he hands Kohinoor his wand, "Heal me as we move forward."
Then, after the first charge from the wand, Desh stalks forward, watching carefully for traps ... either of the mechanical or ambush types.
Female Human Cleric 5 | HP 53/53 | AC 18, FF 17, Touch 11 | F 6, R 2, W 7 | Init +6 | Per +3
Kohi shakes her head as she peers into the secret door. "By the Dawn, this place gets stranger and stranger. Knights in armor living below goblins and undead?"
HP 53/65 | AC 20/22; Tch 14; FF 17/19 | F +8; R +7; W +6; +2 vs. Fear | CMB:+5; CMD 18 | Speed 30 ft | Init +6 | Perc +11 (+12 vs Traps) | Stealth: +12
Rage Adjustments:
HP +8 | AC -2; Tch –; FF -2 | F +10; R +7; W +8 | CMB:+7 | Scent | Str +6; Con +6
Halfling Barb x3 Ranger x1
Flyndal fumbles with his wand, trying to coax the healing energies from it. "Bah! Infernal things..."
Male Halfling 5th level Bard | HP 37/37 | AC 21 | T 14 | FF 18 | CMD 15 | Fort +5 | Ref +9 | Will +6 | Init +5 | Perc +10 | Bardic Per 15/15 | Spells: 1st - 5/5, 2nd - 3/3
Garrett follows along with his companions, gleeful that Desh is back up on his feet. He examines the masks closely, but has no clue about the strange liquid dripping into the cloth. "Anyone interested in trying one of those on?"
HP 53/65 | AC 20/22; Tch 14; FF 17/19 | F +8; R +7; W +6; +2 vs. Fear | CMB:+5; CMD 18 | Speed 30 ft | Init +6 | Perc +11 (+12 vs Traps) | Stealth: +12
Rage Adjustments:
HP +8 | AC -2; Tch –; FF -2 | F +10; R +7; W +8 | CMB:+7 | Scent | Str +6; Con +6
Halfling Barb x3 Ranger x1
Flyndal waves the wand fruitlessly. "It's no good – I can't make it work," he whispers.
HP 53/65 | AC 20/22; Tch 14; FF 17/19 | F +8; R +7; W +6; +2 vs. Fear | CMB:+5; CMD 18 | Speed 30 ft | Init +6 | Perc +11 (+12 vs Traps) | Stealth: +12
Rage Adjustments:
HP +8 | AC -2; Tch –; FF -2 | F +10; R +7; W +8 | CMB:+7 | Scent | Str +6; Con +6
Male Halfling 5th level Bard | HP 37/37 | AC 21 | T 14 | FF 18 | CMD 15 | Fort +5 | Ref +9 | Will +6 | Init +5 | Perc +10 | Bardic Per 15/15 | Spells: 1st - 5/5, 2nd - 3/3
Gotcha! That's what it seemed like to me the direction you guys were going. I just wasn't sure if that was the case. Thanks, Desh!
Personally, because it makes sense for Garrett, I'm going to work my way towards E, then work my way up towards G. I never knew about this cool little thing with the Emerald Spire boons, it's pretty cool.
Lastly, Garrett is ready to go unless anyone has any requests on wands!
HP 39/39 | AC 21 CMD 22 | Fort +5 Reflex +8 Will +4 | Perception +10 (+12 vs. traps) Initiative +3
Flyn's player and I were chatting offline yesterday, and he's likely shooting for a more "mercantile" approach given his Exchange faction. So he might be looking for plots that boost his income or Day Job rolls and stuff. He wasn't decided, though.
Desh is just a scout and wilds-guy, though, so just owning some land and building up a training facility for other scouts is pretty much his goal at this point.
As for wands ... I have no clue. We'd be smart to have a few of the "survive" scrolls (like Lesser Resto I mentioned in the gameplay thread), but I don't know how critical those will be for this run.
HP 39/39 | AC 21 CMD 22 | Fort +5 Reflex +8 Will +4 | Perception +10 (+12 vs. traps) Initiative +3
GM Engleaktig, I bought a mule to carry all Desh's extra gear (to keep his encumbrance light). My understanding is that mules can come with us into dungeons.
Will Desh's mule be able to accompany us to carry stuff? I figure it's better than constantly making my group-mates carry stuff. Now all they have to do is hold the leash.
HP 53/65 | AC 20/22; Tch 14; FF 17/19 | F +8; R +7; W +6; +2 vs. Fear | CMB:+5; CMD 18 | Speed 30 ft | Init +6 | Perc +11 (+12 vs Traps) | Stealth: +12
Rage Adjustments:
HP +8 | AC -2; Tch –; FF -2 | F +10; R +7; W +8 | CMB:+7 | Scent | Str +6; Con +6
Halfling Barb x3 Ranger x1
Desh Greyskin wrote:
It's just a regular ole, 8g mule... I'm not even sure how I would go about getting it "tricked out".
HP 39/39 | AC 21 CMD 22 | Fort +5 Reflex +8 Will +4 | Perception +10 (+12 vs. traps) Initiative +3
That's a good point, do you want us to list our sells/purchases between the adventures? I've got it on a tracking sheet, but could easily copy/pasta it here if you want it on our Chronicles.
HP 53/65 | AC 20/22; Tch 14; FF 17/19 | F +8; R +7; W +6; +2 vs. Fear | CMB:+5; CMD 18 | Speed 30 ft | Init +6 | Perc +11 (+12 vs Traps) | Stealth: +12
Rage Adjustments:
HP +8 | AC -2; Tch –; FF -2 | F +10; R +7; W +8 | CMB:+7 | Scent | Str +6; Con +6
Halfling Barb x3 Ranger x1
Desh Greyskin wrote:
That's a good point, do you want us to list our sells/purchases between the adventures? I've got it on a tracking sheet, but could easily copy/pasta it here if you want it on our Chronicles.
I put mine down so it's easier to track if I find discrepancies on my sheets, later.
HP 53/65 | AC 20/22; Tch 14; FF 17/19 | F +8; R +7; W +6; +2 vs. Fear | CMB:+5; CMD 18 | Speed 30 ft | Init +6 | Perc +11 (+12 vs Traps) | Stealth: +12
Rage Adjustments:
HP +8 | AC -2; Tch –; FF -2 | F +10; R +7; W +8 | CMB:+7 | Scent | Str +6; Con +6
Male Halfling 5th level Bard | HP 37/37 | AC 21 | T 14 | FF 18 | CMD 15 | Fort +5 | Ref +9 | Will +6 | Init +5 | Perc +10 | Bardic Per 15/15 | Spells: 1st - 5/5, 2nd - 3/3
I think I'm going to start gearing Garrett towards Summoning. I'm trying to find some other good feats for a Core Bard, but coming up short. I figure he can pop out some summons while maintaining bardic performances and disarm/tripping... If I can ever get a good line of sight that is... lol.
Female Human Cleric 5 | HP 53/53 | AC 18, FF 17, Touch 11 | F 6, R 2, W 7 | Init +6 | Per +3
Thank you for bearing with me. I'm back-ish, but will be travelling across the United States this coming week. Feel free to continue botting me if I'm holding anything up.
HP 53/65 | AC 20/22; Tch 14; FF 17/19 | F +8; R +7; W +6; +2 vs. Fear | CMB:+5; CMD 18 | Speed 30 ft | Init +6 | Perc +11 (+12 vs Traps) | Stealth: +12
Rage Adjustments:
HP +8 | AC -2; Tch –; FF -2 | F +10; R +7; W +8 | CMB:+7 | Scent | Str +6; Con +6
Halfling Barb x3 Ranger x1
GM Engleaktig wrote:
Kay and Garrett both know all there is to know about gibbering mouthers. They don't have any explicit weaknesses.
So, they know about the DR 5/bludgeoning? Nudge, nudge, guys...
HP 53/65 | AC 20/22; Tch 14; FF 17/19 | F +8; R +7; W +6; +2 vs. Fear | CMB:+5; CMD 18 | Speed 30 ft | Init +6 | Perc +11 (+12 vs Traps) | Stealth: +12
Rage Adjustments:
HP +8 | AC -2; Tch –; FF -2 | F +10; R +7; W +8 | CMB:+7 | Scent | Str +6; Con +6
Halfling Barb x3 Ranger x1
Heads-up: I'm going out of town tomorrow, and will be out-of-pocket a lot over the next week. I will try to post when I can, but I don't want to slow down the action. Feel free to bot me as necessary.
Folks, I have to do a little bit of travel this week. I expect to be able to continue to post, but if there's a day or two when I seem slow or unresponsive, please bear with me. I might be stuck somewhere. :-)
My apologies, but I have just been informed about the need to do some further unexpected travel for the next couple of weeks. I expect to be able to post once or twice a day as usual. However, there may be a day or two when I'm unable to post at all. Sorry about the inconvenience. Please bear with me.
Female Human Cleric 5 | HP 53/53 | AC 18, FF 17, Touch 11 | F 6, R 2, W 7 | Init +6 | Per +3
This has been a very rough module for me, due to a lot of changes in my personal life. I'm currently traveling back across the country (Maine was a toxic situation for me), so I'll continue to be spotty. If I haven't been here enough to actually get credit, I totally understand.