[PFS CORE] 7-14 Faithless and Forgotten Part 1: let Bygones Be HIGH SUBTIER (Inactive)

Game Master Scott Young

CURRENT MAP - Catacombs


Fox's Den

For CORE Campaign PCs level 3-5

For discussion!

Scarab Sages

Dwarven monk-8; HP 76/76; Re-roll@+3(+6 FJC) 1/1; Stunning Fist 8/8 (DC18); Ki 8/8; Wand CLW 38/50; AC 20(24 w/mage armor; Fort +10(+12 vs poison); Ref +10(evasion); Will +12;Extra +2 vs spells, +4 vs enchantments; Init +4; Perc +16

PFS: 100387-15
Faction: Scarab Sages
Day job profession(woodcutter): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

Note - I will be in travel status tomorrow, so won't be able to post until the late evening. This goes for Saturday and Sunday as well - I'll try and post nightly, but probably won't get to do much during the day. Thanks for your patience!

Grand Lodge

Gnome Ranger 6 (CORE) | HP 54/58 (1 NL) | AC 22* | T 15* | FF 19 | CMD 23* | Fort +7 | Ref +8* | Will +6 | +2 vs. illusion, +1 vs. mind-affecting spells/SLA (+2 if psychic), +1 vs. disease, +1 vs. distraction of swarms | Init +2 (+4 urban) | Perception +10 (+12 urban) (low-light vision) | Sense Motive +5 | Reroll 0/1 | Active Conditions: Haste(*), Longstrider

Player Name: Andrew
PC Name: Chip
PFS#: 43439-54
Faction: Grand Lodge
Day Job: Not actually my day job... using this check for my faction card. I will have no gold for my day job. Profession (Scribe): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23
Normal/Slow Track: Normal
Level Starting Adventure: 4

I'm typically less available on Saturday/Sunday too although I can still post at some point of the day usually. I am usually running or playing PFS games, or visiting my mother. :)

Tomorrow, I'm actually playing the first part of the Seeker Arc All For Immortality. Wish me luck!

Dark Archive

AC14 T10 FF14 CMD14| HP 33/33| F +4 R +2 W +5 | Init +0, Perc +0 | Mage Armor, Protection from Evil

Player Name: Ilmakis
PC Name: Nemrok
PFS#: 22523-25
Faction: Dark Archive
Day Job: Craft Alchemy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
Normal/Slow Track: Normal
Level Starting Adventure: 3

OK, I'm back - sorry for the delay, we had next to no wireless access at the festival site. Updates today!

Hey folks, down with stomach illness... hope to be able to post tomorrow. Sorry for delay.

Liberty's Edge

Human Sorcerer/5 - Core | Init +3 | Per +0 | HP 32/32| AC 15, 12flat, 14touch, 19mage | Fort +4 | Reflex +5 | Will +5 | Reach 10' | Move 30'

I'm going to be fairly scarce again this week. My wife's father's health has taken a turn for the worse. He has been battling cancer for 2 years. Last week we were informed that it has metastasized into his stomach. He has been moved to hospice care. The whole family is congregating in Florida (we live in Kansas City) where her dad lives. I'll try to post when I can.

I will be home next Sunday and should be back to a regular posting schedule.

That sucks... sorry. No problem, come back when you're able to. Good luck.

Grand Lodge

Gnome Ranger 6 (CORE) | HP 54/58 (1 NL) | AC 22* | T 15* | FF 19 | CMD 23* | Fort +7 | Ref +8* | Will +6 | +2 vs. illusion, +1 vs. mind-affecting spells/SLA (+2 if psychic), +1 vs. disease, +1 vs. distraction of swarms | Init +2 (+4 urban) | Perception +10 (+12 urban) (low-light vision) | Sense Motive +5 | Reroll 0/1 | Active Conditions: Haste(*), Longstrider

I will be playing a Wardens of the Reborn Forge marathon this weekend, so likely won't be able to post Friday night - Sunday evening (7/15-7-17).

Feel free to bot me. Likely, Chip will use his longsword two-handed if he has to move, or two-weapon fight if he can full attack (has quick draw, so can quickly pull out a second weapon if needed). If it's flying, he uses his longbow instead. Out of combat, he is useful to perceive (+8 Perception) and track (+8 Survival, +10 when tracking).

OK. Have fun!

Grand Lodge

Gnome Ranger 6 (CORE) | HP 54/58 (1 NL) | AC 22* | T 15* | FF 19 | CMD 23* | Fort +7 | Ref +8* | Will +6 | +2 vs. illusion, +1 vs. mind-affecting spells/SLA (+2 if psychic), +1 vs. disease, +1 vs. distraction of swarms | Init +2 (+4 urban) | Perception +10 (+12 urban) (low-light vision) | Sense Motive +5 | Reroll 0/1 | Active Conditions: Haste(*), Longstrider

Just checking in to say that Friday has come and, as stated before, I won't be able to post until Sunday evening. Have a good weekend everyone!

GM Lamplighter wrote:
OK. Have fun!


Grand Lodge

Gnome Ranger 6 (CORE) | HP 54/58 (1 NL) | AC 22* | T 15* | FF 19 | CMD 23* | Fort +7 | Ref +8* | Will +6 | +2 vs. illusion, +1 vs. mind-affecting spells/SLA (+2 if psychic), +1 vs. disease, +1 vs. distraction of swarms | Init +2 (+4 urban) | Perception +10 (+12 urban) (low-light vision) | Sense Motive +5 | Reroll 0/1 | Active Conditions: Haste(*), Longstrider

Seems this is wrapping up, but just need to announce something again lol...

I am travelling to Gen Con Tuesday August 2 and playing games from Wednesday to Sunday, and travel back August 8. During those times, my attendance will be spotty, but I will try to keep up with what I can. No guarantees.

Dark Archive

AC14 T10 FF14 CMD14| HP 33/33| F +4 R +2 W +5 | Init +0, Perc +0 | Mage Armor, Protection from Evil

The same as Chip. I will be at GenCon this year, flying to the US tomorrow.
My ability to post will be spotty but I will try my best to post whenever possible.

Scarab Sages

Dwarven monk-8; HP 76/76; Re-roll@+3(+6 FJC) 1/1; Stunning Fist 8/8 (DC18); Ki 8/8; Wand CLW 38/50; AC 20(24 w/mage armor; Fort +10(+12 vs poison); Ref +10(evasion); Will +12;Extra +2 vs spells, +4 vs enchantments; Init +4; Perc +16

Oh you lucky folk. Those of us living down under... the trip to Gencon would be just too long. Maybe if I win lotto one day.

Liberty's Edge

Human Sorcerer/5 - Core | Init +3 | Per +0 | HP 32/32| AC 15, 12flat, 14touch, 19mage | Fort +4 | Reflex +5 | Will +5 | Reach 10' | Move 30'

Have fun! I attended GenCon annually from 1988-1997, running all kinds of multi-round events in AD&D 2nd ed. Loads of fun. I went back in 2012 to play PFS and Wow! It has grown even larger.

No problem, we may be done by then anyway. No GenCon for me this year.

Grand Lodge

Gnome Ranger 6 (CORE) | HP 54/58 (1 NL) | AC 22* | T 15* | FF 19 | CMD 23* | Fort +7 | Ref +8* | Will +6 | +2 vs. illusion, +1 vs. mind-affecting spells/SLA (+2 if psychic), +1 vs. disease, +1 vs. distraction of swarms | Init +2 (+4 urban) | Perception +10 (+12 urban) (low-light vision) | Sense Motive +5 | Reroll 0/1 | Active Conditions: Haste(*), Longstrider

It's my first time. Thought I'd do some PFS at the biggest con for PFS while it's going strong. ;)

Grand Lodge

Gnome Ranger 6 (CORE) | HP 54/58 (1 NL) | AC 22* | T 15* | FF 19 | CMD 23* | Fort +7 | Ref +8* | Will +6 | +2 vs. illusion, +1 vs. mind-affecting spells/SLA (+2 if psychic), +1 vs. disease, +1 vs. distraction of swarms | Init +2 (+4 urban) | Perception +10 (+12 urban) (low-light vision) | Sense Motive +5 | Reroll 0/1 | Active Conditions: Haste(*), Longstrider

Gen Con time. Will try to post but may be completely silent come Wednesday.

Liberty's Edge

Human Sorcerer/5 - Core | Init +3 | Per +0 | HP 32/32| AC 15, 12flat, 14touch, 19mage | Fort +4 | Reflex +5 | Will +5 | Reach 10' | Move 30'

Just realized I never filled this out.

Player: Valjoen_KC
Character: Drixel Von Hielsen
PFS: 58734-12
Faction: Liberty's Edge
Day job: None

Liberty's Edge

(Core) HP 37/37 AC 20 TAC 15 FF 16 | CMD 12 | F +6 R +8 W +5 (+2 vs fear) Res 10 elec | Reroll: 1/1 Er: 8/8 L1: 4/8 L2: 2/4 | Senses +0
Acrobatics+6,Bluff+11,Climb-1,Diplomacy+6,Escape+4,Fly+6,HandleAni+6,Inti+9 ,K.Arcana+8,K.History,+8,K.Planes+8,Ling+3,SenseMotive-2,Spelcraft+8,Stealt h+8,Survival-2,Swim -3,UMD+12,Concentration+10
Male Halfling Sorcerer 5 | - (Inactive)

Player Name: Daniel
PC Name: Ledt
PFS#: 134452-6
Faction: Grand Lodge
Day Job: Craft alchemy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
Normal/Slow Track: Slow
Level Starting Adventure: 4

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Gnome Ranger 6 (CORE) | HP 54/58 (1 NL) | AC 22* | T 15* | FF 19 | CMD 23* | Fort +7 | Ref +8* | Will +6 | +2 vs. illusion, +1 vs. mind-affecting spells/SLA (+2 if psychic), +1 vs. disease, +1 vs. distraction of swarms | Init +2 (+4 urban) | Perception +10 (+12 urban) (low-light vision) | Sense Motive +5 | Reroll 0/1 | Active Conditions: Haste(*), Longstrider

Any chance of chronicles? ;)

Grand Lodge

Gnome Ranger 6 (CORE) | HP 54/58 (1 NL) | AC 22* | T 15* | FF 19 | CMD 23* | Fort +7 | Ref +8* | Will +6 | +2 vs. illusion, +1 vs. mind-affecting spells/SLA (+2 if psychic), +1 vs. disease, +1 vs. distraction of swarms | Init +2 (+4 urban) | Perception +10 (+12 urban) (low-light vision) | Sense Motive +5 | Reroll 0/1 | Active Conditions: Haste(*), Longstrider
Chip~ wrote:
Any chance of chronicles? ;)

May be playing this character offline soon. Any update?

Liberty's Edge

Human Sorcerer/5 - Core | Init +3 | Per +0 | HP 32/32| AC 15, 12flat, 14touch, 19mage | Fort +4 | Reflex +5 | Will +5 | Reach 10' | Move 30'

Curious as well.

Grand Lodge

Gnome Ranger 6 (CORE) | HP 54/58 (1 NL) | AC 22* | T 15* | FF 19 | CMD 23* | Fort +7 | Ref +8* | Will +6 | +2 vs. illusion, +1 vs. mind-affecting spells/SLA (+2 if psychic), +1 vs. disease, +1 vs. distraction of swarms | Init +2 (+4 urban) | Perception +10 (+12 urban) (low-light vision) | Sense Motive +5 | Reroll 0/1 | Active Conditions: Haste(*), Longstrider

PMed the GM.

Sorry - had another RL issue. Chronicles are here: link

If it's not there, it's because I don't have a PFS number for your character.

Note that I have not made you fill out the full Chronicle before signing it, which is technically against policy. I trust you all to not abuse this.

Thanks for the game - we'll start part two in a day or so. I will PM you all the link for the game; if anyone chooses to not participate, we'll find a sub.


Grand Lodge

Gnome Ranger 6 (CORE) | HP 54/58 (1 NL) | AC 22* | T 15* | FF 19 | CMD 23* | Fort +7 | Ref +8* | Will +6 | +2 vs. illusion, +1 vs. mind-affecting spells/SLA (+2 if psychic), +1 vs. disease, +1 vs. distraction of swarms | Init +2 (+4 urban) | Perception +10 (+12 urban) (low-light vision) | Sense Motive +5 | Reroll 0/1 | Active Conditions: Haste(*), Longstrider


If you wanted to participate in Gameday V (and potentially get boon support, and maybe even a GM boon... I dunno), you could with part 2 of this series. :p

Would basically mean the game couldn't start until August 27, but that's only a week and a half away.

Scarab Sages

Dwarven monk-8; HP 76/76; Re-roll@+3(+6 FJC) 1/1; Stunning Fist 8/8 (DC18); Ki 8/8; Wand CLW 38/50; AC 20(24 w/mage armor; Fort +10(+12 vs poison); Ref +10(evasion); Will +12;Extra +2 vs spells, +4 vs enchantments; Init +4; Perc +16

I'm okay with waiting until the 27th if you would prefer.

Are you okay with me marking up Oggil's ring of protection and amulet of mighty fists on the PDF?

Liberty's Edge

Human Sorcerer/5 - Core | Init +3 | Per +0 | HP 32/32| AC 15, 12flat, 14touch, 19mage | Fort +4 | Reflex +5 | Will +5 | Reach 10' | Move 30'

Thank you!

I'm pretty loaded up with games right now, so I think I'd better sit this one out. Very sorry.

Grand Lodge

Gnome Ranger 6 (CORE) | HP 54/58 (1 NL) | AC 22* | T 15* | FF 19 | CMD 23* | Fort +7 | Ref +8* | Will +6 | +2 vs. illusion, +1 vs. mind-affecting spells/SLA (+2 if psychic), +1 vs. disease, +1 vs. distraction of swarms | Init +2 (+4 urban) | Perception +10 (+12 urban) (low-light vision) | Sense Motive +5 | Reroll 0/1 | Active Conditions: Haste(*), Longstrider

Played a session this weekend locally with this dude. All leveled up and ready for the next one. :)

Sovereign Court

CORE Female Half-Elf Cleric Sarenrae 11 (HP 91/91) AC 22[18] /12[12]/20[16] (CMD 15) (Fort +12[+9], Ref +8[+4], Will +15[+11]) (Init +2) (Perception +17[+12]) Immune Sleep, RezFire/10, +2 Ench 1/7 channels used {airwalk cir v evil } | glory+9 (0/9) used. Fire bolts 0/10 | 1 reroll

Sorry - have been traveling for business and missed the post above with the link with the chronicles.

Looks like my post from Lasaraleen with her info was lost.
I apologize for any delays I may have caused.

Player: GMAarvid
Name: Lasaraleen
Faction: Sovereign Court
PFS: # 9884-12
XP: 9

No day job

Dark Archive

AC14 T10 FF14 CMD14| HP 33/33| F +4 R +2 W +5 | Init +0, Perc +0 | Mage Armor, Protection from Evil

Ready for part 2

Scarab Sages

Dwarven monk-8; HP 76/76; Re-roll@+3(+6 FJC) 1/1; Stunning Fist 8/8 (DC18); Ki 8/8; Wand CLW 38/50; AC 20(24 w/mage armor; Fort +10(+12 vs poison); Ref +10(evasion); Will +12;Extra +2 vs spells, +4 vs enchantments; Init +4; Perc +16

good here too.

Scarab Sages

Dwarven monk-8; HP 76/76; Re-roll@+3(+6 FJC) 1/1; Stunning Fist 8/8 (DC18); Ki 8/8; Wand CLW 38/50; AC 20(24 w/mage armor; Fort +10(+12 vs poison); Ref +10(evasion); Will +12;Extra +2 vs spells, +4 vs enchantments; Init +4; Perc +16

Not sure if I missed the link for part 2?

But I'm off on holiday for a week, so posting will be at best erratic. Hope to come back to find you are kicking off and in need of some good dwarven wisdom.

Liberty's Edge

(Core) HP 37/37 AC 20 TAC 15 FF 16 | CMD 12 | F +6 R +8 W +5 (+2 vs fear) Res 10 elec | Reroll: 1/1 Er: 8/8 L1: 4/8 L2: 2/4 | Senses +0
Acrobatics+6,Bluff+11,Climb-1,Diplomacy+6,Escape+4,Fly+6,HandleAni+6,Inti+9 ,K.Arcana+8,K.History,+8,K.Planes+8,Ling+3,SenseMotive-2,Spelcraft+8,Stealt h+8,Survival-2,Swim -3,UMD+12,Concentration+10
Male Halfling Sorcerer 5 | - (Inactive)

Got the chronicle! Many thanks!

When possible can you set this campaign as closed so it no longer appears in our campaigns list?

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