GM Dormin |

I want you to think very carefully about something. You are dropping in a planned area. The worse that can happen is you get stuck on a tree. A fortitude save is for poisons, stress, and any PHYSICAL effect that does not require you to move. Reflex save DODGING traps, explosions and instantaneous damage. Unless you are a god yourself there is no way you can make a reflex save in the billionth of a second between you feet contacting the ground, to when you feel the pain. There is no way. you cannot barrel roll on the ground. The way the US paratroopers are trained you land on your ass so...yaaah....no reflex for you. You are basically a falling brick.
I want you to watch this video of GERMAN paratroopers. I want you to see HOW MUCH the PARATROOPER SWINGS while he drops. Watch from 1:45 to about 2:30 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cmnq5iHBGh0 Take note that you do not see ANY of them able to land on your feet.
Also note...im not going to kill any of you this first round unless the dice just absolutely HATE you.
By the way...WHO HAS THE EURICA TRANSMITTER?!?!?!?!? If you do not have it ...you all die. Simple as that.

Insnare |

The construction of the German parachute and that of the western ones led to difference and the swinging effect. If you see in that clip, the risers of the German chute is one single line out of the pack and then it separates giving the paratrooper absolutely no control. However an American parachute the risers directly from the pack where the soldier would hold onto the line in end effect moderately stabilizing himself. So it didn't swing as much. A good parachutist could somewhat control where he was going the only problem with that is you would hit the ground harder, pulling down on your right or left riser would lessen the air in the canopy making your descent speed up and increasing the probability for injury.
Getting stuck in a tree sucks balls if you fell in a pond you would most likely drown.
Roy has the transmitter.

GM Dormin |

Again Insnare...my job as GM is not to kill you people. if you get a nat 1 ya your stuck in a tree. THAT IS THE WORST CASE SCENARIO. also your video proves my point. At the very last seconds of the video you see a guy land and roll as he smacks the ground. That is not a reflex save. That is lack of control. TODAY'S PARACHUTES could let you land nice and easy. Back then. NO it was not going to happen. im sorry im just doing it to make life easy. Also you are not taking into account that I will be rolling to see how much damage your chute takes while you float down. None of you will be shot out of the sky.
god why does EVERYONE question if I am going to put them in a situation where if they fail ONE SINGULAR SITUATION ROLL that you die. NO!!!!!
the worst that will happen is either you take a very minute amount of non leathal damage. remember there is about 100-200+ OTHER NPC PARATROOPERS that I will be killing....
I am sorry. These questions annoy the HELL out of me. THE PLAYERS ARE SOPOSED TO WIN!!!!! How hard it is to win is up to me, and the dice. You dying does not equal WIN....
Vonzara you and I have already talked and you know what you need to do.

Insnare |

I am not trying to be a nuisance.
You are funny. I didnt ask any such question.I guess someone else could have. But dont worry so much... I am not one of those clownshoes who will start bemoaning you about how I crafted my character and she is too good to die. (Truth is I generally dislike the term craft, sound pretentious)
I dont know I started playing with 2nd edition and deaths were a bit more commonplace.
The point I was trying to make was the Fallschirmjaeger parachute was a lot more out of control. You DO Like to Vent! :)

Roy MacArran |

Oh, wow, I totally missed this Discussion thread!
Uhm, I'm going to be finishing up a stat-sheet for my alias posthaste.
As for rolling and that sort of thing, I'm good with whatever. If Roy gets caught in a tree, there'll be plenty of cursing and annoyance, but it won't be the end of the world.
I'm also not the type to freak out if a character dies. Sometimes I almost want it to happen, just to go down gloriously!
And, yes, I have the transmitter.

Roy MacArran |

Sorry for my absence, everybody. I got strep throat and with my shoddy immune system, I've been pretty laid out for this week--this is the first time I've gotten the chance to check the forums. If you guys want me back in, I'm happy to jump back, but otherwise, I think I may drop this game to keep from throwing people off.

GM Dormin |

Hey guys. I am sorry. I can't run any more games on PBP anymore. I can't find time to make the games I am running, I can hardly get the time to post. Graduation sucks. Please take care of yourselves. IF you want to find a new GM that is fine. But for the purposes of this campaign I just can't anymore.