motteditor RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |
Sgt. Hal continues to show you on a map where everything is. Again, if you actually want to go to one of these places, let me know. Right now, I'm assuming he's just showing you on a map.
The stables dominate the western section of the fort with a separate room for the horses' tack.Room 2 and 2b Several arrow slits in the wall look toward the courtyard, a feature in most of the interior walls. It's a bit hard to see on the map, but if you look closely, you can note them in the walls.
Next to it is the smithy Room 3 and workshop Room 4.
Guard rooms Room 5 and privies Room 6 are also dotted through the fort at strategic spots.
You've already been in many of the first-floor rooms on the east of the fort.
The kitchen Room 7 is connected to a storeroom with cooking supplies such as grain, flour and oil. Room 8b
Next to that -- where you've already been -- are the mess halls. Tables and benches fill the soldiers' dining room. A giant banner featuring the garrison's coat of arms — an iron shield between two sandstone pillars — dominates the northern wall.
Off of that is the officer's mess, which Sgt. Hal is now using as a war room, sketching out the fort on a piece of paper. Two round tables stand in this room, surrounded by padded chairs and paintings of mountain scenes line the walls.
A short ways away is the muster hall/armory, where weapons — swords, axes, polearms, bows — and barrels of arrows and bolts line the walls. Room 11
It connects to the barracks -- where an assortment of mismatched rugs cover the floor below dozens of bunk beds with a pair of small chests at the foot of each one. A huge banner on the north wall features the garrison's coat of arms surrounded by dozens of smaller, tattered banners. Room 12 -- and infirmary, now filled with injured soldiers, the floor a mess of bloody bandages. Room 13
Illa Ashshade |
"Hmmm," Illa says as she looks the map over. "About that dungeon room I asked about, sergeant... How soon could you have a portable forge and a desk moved in there? Provided such things are available, of course. And possibly a cot. I may need to meditate on-site once we get started."
Galvrin |
Once Illa has finished issuing orders, Galvrin will personally inspect all areas adjacent to earth (floor level, basement, basement walls, etc) for possible points of access other than gates. (drainage grates and the like) to see if there are any signs of comings and goings from within them.
motteditor RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |
"I don't think we've got a portable forge, but you'll have to check with Barcrith to be sure. He'd know, though he's probably still trying to fix the catapults. I suppose we could find some sort of desk and there should be cots in the cells."
1d20 ⇒ 5
Galvrin, please give me three Perception checks. Also I'll be out of town for the weekend; back Monday or Tuesday.
motteditor RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |
Galvin, other than the bath and well, which appear to access a natural underground stream, you don't find any points of entry.
However, you do find two dozen ceramic vials marked "Dragonfire" behind a pile of sacks on a dusty shelf far to the rear of the storeroom below the stables. They're alchemist's fire.
Before he leaves to search, Sgt. Hal outlines the rest of the keep for you.
Above the stables are the barracks for the cavalry Room 16 and the guest rooms, where we put you up Room 17.
Above the front and rear gates are the mechanisms for the portcullises Room 27 and guard rooms Room 5.
Near the rear is the shrine Room 18, next to Father Minos' room 19 and Saria's former quarters Room 20, which have been empty since she married the Commander.
Above the barracks and dining areas are the commander and Saria's room 21, the great hall 22, the library 24, the war wizard's quarters and his workshop 25 and 26, the officers' quarters 28 and the officers' hall. 29
"And of course there's the war room," he growls. "Which reminds me, if you can recover the bodies, they've got some valuable armor and weapons. Makes no sense to leave 'em there, since you were able to go in and out safely. I know they'd rather have the things used to help save as many men as possible, and I suspect you're best suited for that. I know the rest of the garrison would agree."
motteditor RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |
Illa Ashshade |
"The bodies... will have to wait until we have completed our initial setup," Illa says. "I need to make accurate measurements on the room."
motteditor RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |
Galvrin, you don't think someone normal size could swim through it. The holes are no bigger than the palm of your hand, plus they would probably need to be able to hold their breath for a long time, or not need to breath.
As you begin your efforts to set up the false trap Or are you going for a real effect with the trap?, you suddenly hear the alarm bell begin to ring furiously in the keep.
Racing to the courtyard, you discover two of the cooks running into the courtyard, followed by a writhing carpet of black ants.
Corvus: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14
Dyalg: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Galvrin: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
Graah!: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
Illa: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23
Antagonist: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
Galvrin, Illa and Graah can act in Round 1/2. Then I'll have the ants go and then we'll do a full Round 1.
motteditor RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |
Graah! |
Presuming that there are the typical barrels or pots of pitch or oil on the wall for repelling climbers...
Graah dashes straight up one of the courtyard walls, gaining the defender's positions once up at the top. Casking his gaze around for what he is seeking, he snatches up a bucket of pitch from near the cauldron that is slowly simmering more of the same viscous goop.
motteditor RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |
Galvrin races for the basement Will take you two rounds to get down, one to grab two vials, two to get back up as Corvus looks for high ground and Graah rushes up to the top of the Ironwall.
Below, the ants move toward the center of the courtyard, ignoring the fleeing, screaming cooks.
1d8 ⇒ 7
1d8 ⇒ 8
Round 1, everyone's up; Galvrin, I'm assuming you're still heading for the basement.
Illa Ashshade |
Illa remains in the trap room, hiding behind the door -- with her wand at the ready in one hand, her blade in the other.
I only have my wand for magic right now, and I have the sneaking suspicion that this might be a distraction by our saboteur.