Illa Ashshade |
"Yes, we should," Illa agrees, her voice grim and her face slightly haggard; the spellwork may have been splendid, but it clearly took a fair bit out of the Elfmaid. "All critical areas need to be guarded by at least ten at a time.
As for next battle; that all sounds grand. If we've got someone who can speak Terran, I can summon earth elementals to muck up the ground. It's just I can't speak their language to give precision instructions."
Later, Illa takes a brief detour to the dead Warmage's quarters, and scrutinizes the door, checking whether she can at least identify the protections he left behind.
Detect Magic + Spellcraft 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30.
motteditor RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |
The damage is indeed mechanical, not magical, though none of the guards remember seeing anything odd. There doesn't seem to be any further signs of sabotage that you can find.
Illa, you detect what looks like a river of wind spell on the door.
Dyalg Lemseth |
”Terran? I don’t know anybody who speaks that.” Dyalg looks down to see that his left boot is unlaced. Sighing he reties the laces. ”Perhaps Saria knows Teran or can use divine magic to help us. Marmoth only knows Common.
I don’t know much about the arcane. If a person is invisible he cancels the spell if he attacks, right? What if he causes sabotage? The catapults were disabled in a mundane manner. If an invisible orc climbed the wall, he could have done that to the catapults without revealing himself, right? So the saboteur is either one of the soldiers or an invisible orc. Are there any other options?”
Illa Ashshade |
"That's the first spell of invisibility," Illa says, nodding. "There's a more powerful version, though, which doesn't end when the one enchanted attacks. Let's hope that isn't being used... Or teleportation spells. There are some relatively low-level ones which still allow for a goodly distance travelled."
Illa ponders for a moment, then nods. "Invisibility spells do not make you intangible. Setting traps would still work. Heck, casting flour or fine sand on the floors would still reveal footprints."
Dyalg Lemseth |
”Teleportation. I hadn’t thought of that. We should add two or three guards around the catapults. Or do random checks ourselves.”
Dyalg folds his arms over his chest. ”The officers. The heavy weapons. What’s next? The horses? The food? The gate itself? How are we going to find the traitor in our midst?”
Illa Ashshade |
During deliberations Illa nods at Galvrin.
"We can do it in stages. A lot of people will be gathered in the mess hall for dinner, so we can question some of them there and then."
At the warmage's quarters, Illa considers her options -- and takes out her wand. She gives the wand a squeeze and summons a small air elemental.
"Wait," she orders, "wait." She takes a few steps to the side, then gestures sharply at the air elemental, pointing at the door. "Advance!" she orders.
Air subtype creatures are supposed to be immune to River of Wind, so I hope the air elemental can open the door without trouble. ^^
motteditor RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |
Dyalg Lemseth |
Dyalg doesn’t speak Auran.
As far as interrogating the garrison’s soldiers I think that would cause trouble. Zone of Truth may help us here. Dyalg can order Marmoth to prepare it for tomorrow — Galvrin do you want the honors of questioning the soldiers? It might help us eliminate some suspects.
Graah! |
The half-blind longshanks seemingly unable to find anything, Graah! decides that he ought to take a look around the engines himself, to see what someone competent might be able to make of the situation on the walls.
He first stalks about the siege area looking for any hint or sign of tracks, checking for any sign that someone who might not have supposed to have been there might have been sneaking about.
Survival: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16: 20 total if Orcs are involved.
He then looks over the walls nearby, and the device itself, trying to determine if there is any sign of scaling on the wall, such as tool marks, gouges from grappling hooks, or again, any sign that the foul Orcs have been there...
Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (9) + 13 = 22: 26 total if Orcs are involved.
Dyalg Lemseth |
I’m still here and look forward to the game progressing, be that on Sunday Dec. 1st or later.
"Illa nods at Galvrin.
"We can do it in stages. A lot of people will be gathered in the mess hall for dinner, so we can question some of them there and then."
”Marmoth can cast Zone of Truth twice today, for a total of ten minutes total. If we,” he indicates the entire group, ”can question soldiers to find the most suspicious ones first then that may make the limited spell time we have more effective. Is that an acceptable course of action?”
motteditor RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |
Graah, you don't find any sign of tracks, but with the heavy stone and iron walls, not to mention the many people around the towers, it would have been nigh impossible to spot anything.
Dyalg, you can give me a Diplomacy check to try to interrogate people to find the most suspicious. Anyone who wants to help can also give Diplomacy checks to aid him.
motteditor RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |
After questioning for some time, gently enough that you don't seem to provoke any anger among the troops, none strikes you as particularly suspicious. All seem to mix anger and surprise about the attacks, along with fear for their lives and a grim resolution to try to hold the fort for as long as they can.
Dyalg Lemseth |
Dyalg thanks the last soldier he interviews for his time and then turns to his companions. With a grim smile he says, ”Everyone seemed sincere. We can still use the truth spells, but with a wider range of suspects may not be as effective. What questions should we ask? Should we focus only on the catapult sabotage or ask about the officers’ death as well?”
Illa Ashshade |
Illa stands silent in thought, her brow wrinkled.
"This is tricky," she says. "Perhaps..." Abruptly, the Elf lowers her voice. "Perhaps we should practice a deception? Make mention of some secret weapon we are concocting, then set a trap?"
Illa Ashshade |
"We'll need to prep some, first," Illa says, stroking her chin. "Secure a room, Put some guards on it. Squirrel away some alchemical rubbish, some quality parchment for scroll-scribing, maybe some metalworking equipment if any can be spared. It needs to look, smell and quack like a duck before we can expect to lure out a weasel."
motteditor RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |
motteditor RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |
You start spreading the rumors about the trap you're making, as you hear soldiers taking about the plan in hushed whispers, excitedly hoping this could turn the tide of battle, though the theories as to what it is vary widely.
Let me know if you want to make an actual trap or are just spreading rumors. This is really sandboxy, so you can do whatever, but I just need some specifics.
motteditor RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |
Tour it is. Obviously it's a big fort, so I'm going to go sort of piecemeal -- not necessarily in the order you're entering -- just because that'll be a bit easier, I think. Feel free to let me know what if anything you want to do in any of the rooms. My description will include Sgt. Hal basically telling you what's where, without you going in a specific area unless you specifically tell me to.
Also, remember that you've stayed up all night fighting, so you'll either need to get sleep at some point or be considered fatigued if/when fighting begins again presumably at sundown.
At your request, Sgt. Hal tells you about the fort's layout:
In the basement, below the stables to the west are storerooms Room 8, containing additional mechanical supplies for the fort: heavy cloth, chains, iron pitons, extra lanterns, barrels of lantern oil and pitch, etc.; and unused raw materials — metal for the smithy, wood and leather for the workshop, as well as chain and plate that can be made into armor or barding.
The other rooms, both of which some of you have been in, include the prison Room 14, with cells and an interrogation room; and near the kitchen, the bath Room 15 and more stores 8F, this one containing additional kitchen supplies such as cured meats, ale and wine, and barrels of water.
The link to the basement map has been updated.