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I'll have to read up on the gods because the straight forward "honor and goodness" type have never really appealed to me.
As always, Sean K. Reynolds is your friend.
Tritheron is a fun god, as is the aforementioned Dalt and, potentially, Zilchus. Avoid St. Cuthbert, Mayaheine and, especially, Pholtus.

Ellantera |

Some ten years or so ago, one of the local barbarian tribes reached a critical mass. Outgrowing their resources and led by a charismatic young warrior, they started making a nuisance of themselves. This was not an issue until they successfully captured a pair of shipments from the mine and killed most of the teamsters and guards. Guards are easy to replace, but a good teamster - not to mention all the precious metal - that was inexcusable. A detachment of mercenaries were sent to quiet the rabble in response.
The folks of Diamond Lake were only to willing to tell the merc sergeant where to find the offenders - the last thing they needed was martial law in their little burg. After a quick and brutal campaign, the mercenary company returned to Diamond Lake with their dead and a few children "rescued" from the barbaric lifestyle of their parents. Now the names of the dead grace headstones on the city cemetery and the children live amidst the natives, mostly as servants.
Ellantera is one of those children, now a teen. Her situation, while not much fun, has been better than many of her fellow rescued. Her adoptive parents have noticed two things - the girl is starting to eat prodigious amounts of food, too much for her value; and she seems to accomplish things a grown man would struggle at. They have determined that they need to find a way she can bring in more money and this strength of hers might be the ticket. They have inquired around town for someone that might be able to teach her how to harness her power.
I am leaning toward her being more focus-oriented than rage-oriented from a fluff standpoint. Aubrey, would Dohrlok possibly take on a pupil? I've thought a focus born of a monastic tradition would be appropriate. I don't have any of her crunch yet - this character sheet is from an old aborted game and not updated for this game yet.

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Yeah, but that druid was a failed experiment where I learned not to make the loner, or in my case a completely closed off character with no real ability to socialize. I switched to a rogue maybe around level 2, but if I recall the reason was social not class.
That said, I wasn't really thinking about the undead angle of the AP so that really makes the class decision. But it might take me a minute to figure it out. Cleric is one class I have never played outside of a few PFS games and I'll have to read up on the gods because the straight forward "honor and goodness" type have never really appealed to me.
Ah yeah, that’s right – I couldn’t remember whether Dag’ret retired or was killed. I did recall you brought in Harrigan the dwarf after the first part of the AP.
If cleric, you may wish to consider Obad Hai, a neutral nature god (who has a temple near Diamond Lake) or Wee Jas, a LN goddess of death, law and magic, who also has a conveniently local church.

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In terms of your character, please think about and answer the following (at least the first few):
*Why is your character in Diamond Lake?
*Why have they not left yet?
*What would be your character’s motivation to explore an ancient cairn?
*Why would your character be chosen to be on the team?
*What would motivate your character to leave Diamond Lake?
*What would motivate your character to adventure in general?
*How would your character respond if they found out it may be up to them to save the world?
*Who/what does your character love?
*Who/what does your character hate?
*Who/what does your character fear?

Dohrlok, Stone Fist |

I am leaning toward her being more focus-oriented than rage-oriented from a fluff standpoint. Aubrey, would Dohrlok possibly take on a pupil? I've thought a focus born of a monastic tradition would be appropriate. I don't have any of her crunch yet - this character sheet is from an old aborted game and not updated for this game yet.
I think that would be very cool. Dohrlok is from out of town so he would not judge her by her origins. Instead, he would be interested in her innate qualities as a warrior. I notice that the current PC is an urban ranger - is it intended to convert her to being a bloodrager? Given that Dohrlok effectively worships elemental earth it might be cool if her bloodline was Elemental-Earth too, but don't feel bound by that if you have something else in mind.
Dohrlok is the strong, silent type (I mean really silent - monosyllabic) - I will have to contain my natural garrulousness to play him. He's also deeply Lawful and controlled, which will probably be different to a passionate barbaric bloodrager type. So I think the whole disciple thing will be a clash of opposites (lots of resigned head-shaking) and I think it will be really fun to play that out. I think I would not have her coming from a monastery, but maybe fail to get in to the one nearby, and instead Dohrlok takes her under his wing.
As a native of Diamond Lake she could then be his link to the others who then go and explore the Whispering Cairn.

Pixie Rogue |

I think that would be very cool. Dohrlok is from out of town so he would not judge her by her origins. Instead, he would be interested in her innate qualities as a warrior. I notice that the current PC is an urban ranger - is it intended to convert her to being a bloodrager? Given that Dohrlok effectively worships elemental earth it might be cool if her bloodline was Elemental-Earth too, but don't feel bound by that if you have something else in mind.
Dohrlok is the strong, silent type (I mean really silent - monosyllabic) - I will have to contain my natural garrulousness to play him. He's also deeply Lawful and controlled, which will probably be different to a passionate barbaric bloodrager type. So I think the whole disciple thing will be a clash of opposites (lots of resigned head-shaking) and I think it will be really fun to play that out. I think I would not have her coming from a monastery, but maybe fail to get in to the one nearby, and instead Dohrlok takes her under his wing.
As a native of Diamond Lake she could then be his link to the others who then go and explore the Whispering Cairn.
The new and improved Ellantera will be a bloodrager. I haven't started trying to build her yet - it's all conceptual so far, but HL should make short work of it. My intention was that her "adoptive parents" (or owners, depending on how you think of them) would have sought out someone that might be able to help her control her occasionally-apparent bursts of strength. If her blood called out to the earth-worshiper, that might explain why he would take on a teen. I had not pursued the potential bloodlines yet at all, so I am game to consider that. She (and her parents) would certainly serve as a potential "in" for the monk from out of town to make contact with other locals, if you wished.
So, sensei, if you were going to train your pupil with a two-handed weapon, what would that weapon be?

Pixie Rogue |

*Why is your character in Diamond Lake?
A local barbarian tribe was decimated by a retaliatory campaign by a group of mercenaries paid by the mining company. The merc captain showed mercy on the youngest children of the tribe, bringing them back to Diamond Lake where they were "adopted" by couples with differing plans for their new charges. Ellantera was one of these children and has little memory of life before Diamond Lake.
*Why have they not left yet?
She still lives with her adoptive parents.
*What would be your character’s motivation to explore an ancient cairn?
Boredom and an interest in testing her new skills. Her parents agree because she will be accompanied by her teacher.
*Why would your character be chosen to be on the team?
Youth, enthusiam, and as-yet-untested power.
*What would motivate your character to leave Diamond Lake?
Boredom and an interest in testing her new skills. Her parents would only agree if they felt they would see a profit from her adventures.
*What would motivate your character to adventure in general?
Boredom and an interest in testing her new skills. I'm seeing a theme here.
*How would your character respond if they found out it may be up to them to save the world?
If she thought about it, she would probably be a bit panicky, but she might also find it intriguing that she could be in the middle of the excitement.
*Who/what does your character love?
She is pretty even-tempered. Other than occasional youthful bursts of anger and frustration, she doesn't feel too strongly about anything right now, and then only for a short time. Or so she lets on...
*Who/what does your character hate?
As above.
*Who/what does your character fear?
She has vague memories and dreams of a time of violence. She seeks to know why these visions come to her. She has experienced bursts of power over which she has only slight control. This power seems to be getting stronger and she has a fear that it may overwhelm her and take control.

Stanley Sydell |

Stanley would likely get along with Dohrlok quite easily, as he himself is very stoic and taciturn. His career choice has given him a certain seriousness.
*Why is your character in Diamond Lake?
Stanley was born and raised in the town.
*Why have they not left yet?
People die everywhere, no reason to ease them through it somewhere else, when there are just as many in need here.
*What would be your character’s motivation to explore an ancient cairn?
He has a morbid curiosity about death, despite his drive to stave it off in others.
*Why would your character be chosen to be on the team?
He is both knowledgeable in a few areas, and staunchly devoted to tending those under his care.
*What would motivate your character to leave Diamond Lake?
Just about anything, as before, people die everywhere. There just was never any move from one group of dying to another just like it.
*What would motivate your character to adventure in general?
He actually has no interest in adventure, per se, but anything that would make him feel like he could prevent more unnecessary death would prompt him into action.
*How would your character respond if they found out it may be up to them to save the world?
See above
*Who/what does your character love?
He is rather fond of his parents, despite their nagging about his career choice and how it will not bring him a wife or them grandchildren. He cares for his patients. He loves his job, and his best friend Vesnik (his familiar).
*Who/what does your character hate?
He hates violence, preferring to resolve most conflicts by any other means, if possible. He still recognizes that some things just can't be reasoned with (or charmed or put to sleep).
*Who/what does your character fear?
He actually fears, above all else, his own mortality. Watching as each patient goes reminds him of it regularly, especially when it is from some thing he can't cure.

Stanley Sydell |

Interestingly, Ellantera could have been adopted by Stanley's parents, and she could meet Dohrlok through him.
He's not big brotherly at all, Dohrlok trying to train her almost as a favor as she often disrupts Stanley and his work.

Pixie Rogue |

Interestingly, Ellantera could have been adopted by Stanley's parents, and she could meet Dohrlok through him.
He's not big brotherly at all, Dohrlok trying to train her almost as a favor as she often disrupts Stanley and his work.
That would be one answer. I might have to re-think the relationship with the adoptive parents, though. I was envisioning them as the evil stepmother type - taking the girl in as free labor, now trying to find a way to make money off of her if only because she eats a prodigious amount of food... However, I won't make that assumption if you are my adopted brother. We can find sibling reasons for strife instead.

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Mothman wrote:The wall of text I just posted probably answers these, but to be clear, yes and yes.PR, you're still thinking Bloodrager, right?
Also, were you still thinking of having one of the town's named NPCs as an adoptive parent (if it makes sense)?
I've got some ideas for you, but it might take me a day or two to get them posted.

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Where's a good place to look for sensible Elf names?
My magus is likely to be working for the street gang as a subtle, muscle for hire type... He'll be known to quite a few people as someone who gets things done.
Diamond Lake’s gangs are almost exclusively (with the exception of the gangs comprising of kids playing at being tough) agents of the various mine managers. The range from the gang of violent, criminal thugs who work for Balabar Smenk and hang out at low drinking holes like the Feral Dog, through to the elegantly dressed ‘gentlemen warrior’ elves (but really just glorified thugs as well) who work for Ellival Moonmeadow and tend to spend their downtime in more upmarket or exotic hangouts such as Lazare’s dragonchess house or the Emporium. I would imagine your elf magus fits best with the later, but let me know what you think.
Another option is that he has been hired as a ‘specialist’ by the town watch (who are basically just another gang, but with badges) which would put him in contact with Vatters’ character. Similarly, he could be hired by the garrison in a similar (but more legitimate and lawful) role.
In any case you should consider why your character might want to leave his compatriots to strike out as an adventurer.

DM Mothman |

I'm planning to meet in the middle on that concept and go for a cleric of Obad-Hai. This has been (and continues to be) a busy week, so I haven't made it much farther than a general idea and browsing some options. I have some free time Sunday-Monday so I'll finish it off then.
Obad-Hai is an ancient god of Nature, Woodlands, Hunting and Beasts. He is often called the Shalm. Obad-Hai rules nature and the wilderness, and is a friend to those who live in harmony with the natural world.
Obad-Hai is Neutral and his favoured weapon is the quarterstaff. His domains are Air, Animal, Earth, Fire, Plant and Water, and his symbol is a mask of oak leaves and acorns.
Obad-Hai was worshipped by the Flan in ancient times, before the invading Aerdi arrived. In modern times he is often worshipped by barbarians, rangers and druids. Most of his priests are male, and he has more druid followers than clerics. His cleric followers tend to have little or no hierarchy, and often wander as pilgrims, wearing russet garments and carrying staves. Temples to Obad-Hai are wooden structures in rustic settings, or else groves of oak trees deep in the wilderness. He teaches that one should live in harmony with nature in all its variety. Those who destroy or otherwise harm nature deserve swift vengeance in an appropriate manner.
Obad-Hai’s strict adherence to neutrality and similar spheres of influence sometimes brings him into conflict with Ehlonna. Obad-Hai plays a shalm, a double-reed woodwind instrument and takes his title from this instrument.

DM Mothman |

No problem. I feel like I've been hogging the thread a bit, anyway. Time for the next person to get their brainstorm rolling.
Options for ‘named NPC adopted parents’ include:
Balabar Smenk, mine manager. Smenk is a detestable man, and would only adopt a young barbarian child as an investment of some type soon after his arrival in town about a decade ago – perhaps that the youngster could be trained up as a bodyguard, a member of one of his gangs of hired thugs, or later sold for a tidy sum to a brothel or gladiator stable or something. If none of these panned out, he’d probably force her to work in one of his mines if she was strong enough, or perform menial labour around his manor house if not.
Gelch Tilgast, mine manager. Tilgast has a reputation for ruthlessness in business, but the old man is not near as horrid as Smenk. He may have adopted a youngster seeking some advantage, but it is also possible that he intended to pass on his wealth and business to this child. However, his focus on his mines and trade would have made him a distant parent at best, and it is looking increasingly likely he will have little or nothing left to pass on if Smenk has anything to say about it.
Montague Marat and Zalamandra, owners of the Emporium. The pair may have adopted a child in the hope that she one day be a performer in one of the shows – perhaps as a strong woman or a magician … best case scenario. Worst case she might be billed as ‘the barbarian warrior princess’ in either in the Emporium’s freak show, its brothel, or both.
Hameneezer, a scrupulous and hardworking cleric of St Cuthbert, and second to the fiery Cuthbertine preacher Jierian Wierus, and his wife may have decided to take on an orphan as a ward of the church, with no ulterior motive, although it is more than likely that such a ward would have been inducted into the worship of St Cuthbert.
Dietrik Cicaeda, the chief cartographer of Diamond Lake and confidant of Captain Trask of the Diamond Lake Garrison is another possible candidate of an adopted parent with no ulterior motive, although it may be likely that any child of his with anything like martial tendencies would be being trained to join the militia.
Allustan, the town’s sage and brother to the governor-mayor may have decided to take in a young orphan, particularly if she seemed to display some sort of potential for magic, although he is likely to have been quite disappointed should it prove that she had no real capacity for wizardly magic. He would not be by any means a cruel parent but may prove to be somewhat indifferent – he really wants an apprentice rather than a child.
Amariss heads the Cult of the Green Lady, an order devoted to Wee Jas and one of her saints (The Green Lady). Amariss may have taken in a young orphan, perhaps for similar reasons to Allustan if the girl displayed some sort of magical potential, or to induct into the cult as a priest or protector as she grew older. Amariss is a student of prophecy, and might also take in an orphan who she believes relates to some prophecy or has potential to play a significant part in future events.

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Just a heads up, I will be away in China for about two weeks from the 1st of April. During that time I’m not sure how much internet access I will have, how much time I will have to get on, and whether I’ll be able to get access to Paizo; I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to get access to Google Docs for maps etc., and I may not have access to the adventure. Towards the end of the trip I’ll be in Hong Kong which might mean improved access. I’m not sure if we’ll be in a position to start the game before I leave – hopefully so. Either way we might hit a delay if I can’t get access, we might need to play it by ear.

Pixie Rogue |

Dohlok is less about the weapon and more about the discipline.
Excellent point. I will look for a two-handed weapon that requires more discipline than the average to fully take advantage of it. A three-section staff works as a bludgeon, but you have to train to use it well for a disarm, for example.

Pixie Rogue |

I was originally debating an earth breaker or a greataxe. Either seems appropriate. I think I will go with earth breaker, then. I have a greataxe-wielding character in another game.
Makes me wonder if there's anything fun tied to the earth breaker, but I will worry about that at a later date. The character's basically done, but without gear.

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OK, here's the latest incarnation of Ellantera. If I did something foolish, please let me know, but I think I'm done.
I’m not that familiar with bloodrager, but it looks generally ok to me. Can you let me know what the totem spirit trait does, and how you get a +1 on Will saves (I realise I may have just answered my own questions there)?

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Alright, let’s see if we can pin down the relationships between characters a little better.
The instigator(s) should have grown up in Diamond Lake, and the other characters should be connected to them in some way.
We have Verrik as the most likely plot instigator. Verrik likely knows Stanley, who also grew up in Diamond Lake (and could be a secondary instigator). Stanley’s parents might be members of or associated with the Cult of the Green Lady – worshippers of Wee Jas (and/or Stanley might be a member himself). Stanley probably knows Ellanterra, who was adopted by a member of the Cult (possibly the high priestess Amarris). It is not inconceivable that Dohrlok’s monastery might be on good terms with the (very lawful) church of Wee Jas – in any case, Dohrlok has become Ellanterra’s teacher / trainer. If Stanley invites Ellanterra along for the exploration of the cairn, she might in turn invite Dohrlok, or he might take it on himself to make sure his pupil remains safe.
I’m not sure how Adoven fits in as yet, but its most likely that his connection is via Verrik; depending on his exact background, its possible that Adoven might have worked with Verrik (if, as muscle for hire he’s worked with the Sheriff’s office) or come up against him (as a member of a gang). If the latter, you’ll need to work out why the two might have ended up with some mutual respect, enough that Verrik would invite Adoven to join the exploration of the cairn.
Adoven <- Verrik <-> Stanley -> Ellanterra -> Dohrlok
I don’t yet know enough about Ith’s character to have any solid suggestions on how he fits. The most straightforward way might be that he also grew up in Diamond Lake and knows Verrik and Stanley, but there could be other connections too / instead.

Ellantera |

Ellantera wrote:OK, here's the latest incarnation of Ellantera. If I did something foolish, please let me know, but I think I'm done.I’m not that familiar with bloodrager, but it looks generally ok to me. Can you let me know what the totem spirit trait does, and how you get a +1 on Will saves (I realise I may have just answered my own questions there)?
You actually did. The totem spirit is to the Moon and grants a bonus to Will saves and Perception checks.
@Aubrey: I found a feat that allows use of the klar and the earth breaker where the earth breaker is used one-handed and the klar's shield bonus is still used for the AC even when using it as a weapon. It would take some doing to get that combo to work, but I think it's too expensive for a bloodrager.

Stanley Sydell |

Stanley is fully updated.
I dot and deleted a post in the gameplay thread with the other character I thought I would play. If you could go in and unmark Gregor Ward as a character from the thread, that would be appreciated.

Stanley Sydell |

I have no problem with it (him being a plot instigator), but am concerned about his personal motivations not being enough to push others, unless the campaign has some in it that would push him.

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Good point.
The way the campaign is written, Diamond Lake is supposed to be such a crappy place, and any of the PCs are supposed to live such poor / crappy lives that ANY chance to get some possible fame / fortune which might eventually lead to being able to afford to leave Diamond Lake is more than enough motivation.
If your character actually has a meaningful existence in town, or actually wants to try to help people and make life better ... that kind of messes with the impetus to adventure.
Maybe your character needs a reason why they need cash fast, or a background reason why they either need to leave town in the near future, or need to gain a high enough public profile to get them out of some trouble they're in?

Stanley Sydell |

He will easily agree to help anyone that asks him to join them (Verrick, Ellantera, or Dohrlok), but I don't know enough about the premise of the module to comfortably give him a motivation that would line up.
What about this Wee Jas cult? How is it seen by the populace? The way it sounds, I feel like Stanley wouldn't like it. All the same, he's not very devout religiously, it's just his best death option for deities. So, maybe he has an issue with them for that reason, he's not as devout as they want him to be for what service he provides.

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@Aardvark, Stanley might tag along on this to maybe under a bit of sufferance. Have we established if Ellantera is his adopted sister? If so, he might feel protective. Also, once the whole "evil god of death, decay and undead" thing kicks off, he might feel that might interfere with the proper processes of death. On that basis, it might be better to have him more closely integrated into the Wee Jas cult (unless there are campaign reasons why that cult might be suspect) as they are the nearest to a 'benign' death cult in Greyhawk. Stanley might need a bit of 'sexing up' to give him some sort of reason to go adventuring, some sort of conflict, event or belief that disturbs the status quo of his life - a guy who likes working in the hospice isn't obvious adventurer material.

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Alright, let’s see if we can pin down the relationships between characters a little better.
The instigator(s) should have grown up in Diamond Lake, and the other characters should be connected to them in some way.
We have Verrik as the most likely plot instigator. Verrik likely knows Stanley, who also grew up in Diamond Lake (and could be a secondary instigator). Stanley’s parents might be members of or associated with the Cult of the Green Lady – worshippers of Wee Jas (and/or Stanley might be a member himself). Stanley probably knows Ellanterra, who was adopted by a member of the Cult (possibly the high priestess Amarris). It is not inconceivable that Dohrlok’s monastery might be on good terms with the (very lawful) church of Wee Jas – in any case, Dohrlok has become Ellanterra’s teacher / trainer. If Stanley invites Ellanterra along for the exploration of the cairn, she might in turn invite Dohrlok, or he might take it on himself to make sure his pupil remains safe.
I’m not sure how Adoven fits in as yet, but its most likely that his connection is via Verrik; depending on his exact background, its possible that Adoven might have worked with Verrik (if, as muscle for hire he’s worked with the Sheriff’s office) or come up against him (as a member of a gang). If the latter, you’ll need to work out why the two might have ended up with some mutual respect, enough that Verrik would invite Adoven to join the exploration of the cairn.
Adoven <- Verrik <-> Stanley -> Ellanterra -> Dohrlok
I don’t yet know enough about Ith’s character to have any solid suggestions on how he fits. The most straightforward way might be that he also grew up in Diamond Lake and knows Verrik and Stanley, but there could be other connections too / instead.
Ok, do I have this right? Not complicated at all ;)

Adoven Joysword |

*Why is your character in Diamond Lake?
Adovan grew up on Diamond lake. His father was a miner, and his mother kept the house and grew extra food.
*Why have they not left yet?
The opportunity has never arisen. Adovan has managed to keep himself in relative comfort (for Diamond lake) but has never had the courage to leave.
*What would be your character’s motivation to explore an ancient cairn?
Adovan knows at some point he must face his fear of the unknown. This looks like his best chance to do this, and he's going to bite the bullet.
*Why would your character be chosen to be on the team?
He is good in a fight, and although he isn't anything like as capable as he would like to think, he's shown Verrik that he can be trusted
*What would motivate your character to leave Diamond Lake?
The grass is greener on the other side. Or at least he hopes so. His skill can make him a reasonable life. But he hopes a better one awaits him.
*What would motivate your character to adventure in general?
The grass is greener on the other side. Or at least he hopes so. His skill can make him a reasonable life. But he hopes a better one awaits him.
*How would your character respond if they found out it may be up to them to save the world?
Adoven is the reluctant hero. He puts on a front of bravado, but deep down is a decent human being who will try to overcome obstacles in front of him.
*Who/what does your character love?
Life. His circumstances have been harsh but he still sees the joy and beauty in the world.
*Who/what does your character hate?
*Who/what does your character fear?
Being caught out/the unknown. Adoven has imposter syndrome and fears that others will work out that he isn't what he makes out.

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Mothman wrote:Ok, do I have this right? Not complicated at all ;)Alright, let’s see if we can pin down the relationships between characters a little better.
The instigator(s) should have grown up in Diamond Lake, and the other characters should be connected to them in some way.
We have Verrik as the most likely plot instigator. Verrik likely knows Stanley, who also grew up in Diamond Lake (and could be a secondary instigator). Stanley’s parents might be members of or associated with the Cult of the Green Lady – worshippers of Wee Jas (and/or Stanley might be a member himself). Stanley probably knows Ellanterra, who was adopted by a member of the Cult (possibly the high priestess Amarris). It is not inconceivable that Dohrlok’s monastery might be on good terms with the (very lawful) church of Wee Jas – in any case, Dohrlok has become Ellanterra’s teacher / trainer. If Stanley invites Ellanterra along for the exploration of the cairn, she might in turn invite Dohrlok, or he might take it on himself to make sure his pupil remains safe.
I’m not sure how Adoven fits in as yet, but its most likely that his connection is via Verrik; depending on his exact background, its possible that Adoven might have worked with Verrik (if, as muscle for hire he’s worked with the Sheriff’s office) or come up against him (as a member of a gang). If the latter, you’ll need to work out why the two might have ended up with some mutual respect, enough that Verrik would invite Adoven to join the exploration of the cairn.
Adoven <- Verrik <-> Stanley -> Ellanterra -> Dohrlok
I don’t yet know enough about Ith’s character to have any solid suggestions on how he fits. The most straightforward way might be that he also grew up in Diamond Lake and knows Verrik and Stanley, but there could be other connections too / instead.
Looks generally right!

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The Cult of the Green Lady
The cult of the Green Lady has been operating in Diamond Lake for about twenty five years, ever since the Wee Jas priestess Amariss turned up in the area with a handful of followers and moved into an old cairn on the far side of the lake from town. She claimed the cairn to be the final resting place of a devout follower of Wee Jas who had led her people on a great pilgrimage some thousand years earlier – the Green Lady. Since those days the cult has grown to include about two dozen locals; the inner circle and some others live in a camp near the cairn of the Green Lady, while others live in town, patrolling Diamond Lake’s graveyard and crossing the lake every few days to participate in services to Wee Jas at the cairn.
The cult is generally viewed with suspicion by the townsfolk and local authorities, but are tolerated owing to the fact that they provide cheap or free burials for those who cannot afford to pay, and that their patrols of the graveyard keep the place safe from graverobbers, necromancers and the occasional shifty student of medicine from Greyhawk.
In actual fact the cult appears to be a fairly above board group dedicated to a minor saint of Wee Jas as well as the Ruby Sorceress herself – investigations by several inquisitors from Wee Jas’ temple in Greyhawk over the years have apparently found no evidence of heresy. Still, there are ceremonies held from time to time deep within the cairn of the Green Lady that Amariss only allows her closest inner circle to attend … some whisper that these ceremonies are far from orthodox.

Dohrlok, Stone Fist |

*Why is your character in Diamond Lake?
Dohrlok is travelling as part of his physical and spiritual quest to improve himself, and has passed through Diamond Lake on the way,
*Why have they not left yet?
He has acquired a disciple, Ellantera, a roustabout young tearaway who nevertheless is willing to learn and grow and is touched by the sacred earth. Teaching Ellantera is part of Dohrlok's own spiritual growth.
*What would be your character’s motivation to explore an ancient cairn?
That which does not kill him (and Ellantera) will only make him stronger.
*Why would your character be chosen to be on the team?
He is combat-capable and would expect to accompany Ellantera.
*What would motivate your character to leave Diamond Lake?
If Ellantera were to leave, he would follow as her teacher while she needed him. And he himself may move on if the dictates of his personal quest require it.
*What would motivate your character to adventure in general?
His quest requires him to tackle challenges, and adventuring is one such challenge.
*How would your character respond if they found out it may be up to them to save the world?
He would accept it stoically and do his best.
*Who/what does your character love?
As a monk, Dohrlok tries to avoid emotional entaglements. However, he is fond of Ellantera in a platonic sense. His main dedication is to his path as a Stone Fist monk.
*Who/what does your character hate?
Dohrlok hates nothing - hate is an unbalancing emotion, like love, and to be avoided.
*Who/what does your character fear?
Failure and stagnation.

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Good work guys.
If everyone is generally happy with the relationships between characters that have been mooted, we're probably just about ready to start, apart from Ithuriel's character. It would be good to establish that connection, even if the character is not complete. I think having this character grow up with Verrik and Stanley will be easiest if that works with your concept Ith ... I can provide some incentive for a member of the Bronzewood lodge to be in Diamond Lake and contemplating exploring old cairns.

Stanley Sydell |

So, the way I'm reading the entry, I just feel like Stanley would/should have issues with the Cult. That would likely be his major motivation. He can either be harassed for speaking out against them and looking to not have to deal with them any more, or doing his best to investigate them on his own, or maybe he is pressured by the cult to get involved and he doesn't feel that any member of any religion should be as revered as highly as the god themselves.
If Ellantera is adopted by Amariss, he could be trying to get information from her, thinking her an easy window into the goings on within the cult itself.
He would also be bothered by the townsfolk turning to the cult instead of his practices, because he is by the book, and he doesn't know that they are following them to the letter.
EDIT: or maybe all three combined.He has been looking into them and speaking out against them (maybe the one that has reported them to the Inquisitors of Greyhawk), so they are trying to get him to join/play ball to shut him up/get him out of their hair.

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Another scene setting post up in the game thread.
If I have time before I leave for my trip (not sure about that yet), I will try to put up an introductory post for each character to introduce you to the game, provide a bit of background, and set you up for your characters to plan their mission.
I may need to make some assumptions on your backgrounds, motivations etc., but as much as possible I will try to work with the information you have given me. If there is anything that really doesn't gel for you in your introductory post, let me know, we can probably ignore it and move on or retcon as necessary.

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I'm working out the details, but I hadn't realized in advance that Mrs Ith was taking the laptop with her on this trip to NYC. So it has been slow going trying to do this through an iPad and phone. Nearly there though.
Question for the gang, do you think the Herald Caller cleric archetype is worth it?
None of Obad-Hai's domains are the "must have" tier, but they are fine. I was looking at Animal (for an eventual AC) and Earth (for some area control spells). If I took the Herald Caller archetype I would lose one of those domains and the medium armor and shield proficiency, but double the skill ranks, summon sponataneously (as well as cure spontaneously), can heal all summoned creatures with channel even if out of range, and get some bonus feats over time (augment summoning, superior summoning, and treated as if he had SF Conjuration for pre reqs.)
The creatures have to be thematically appropriate for Obad-Hai which would mean animals and elementals.