Three groups of gaijin approach the Son of the Heavens, ruler of the Empire of Mists, in his palace in far Lanzhu. A great war is underway in the west, this is known, but what could these strangers want?
Chu made haste to the gardens and shuddered at what he discovered there. The garden was completely ruined and the brave gardener was dead. He quivered momentarily with rage at what had transpired tonight, as he kneeled down to close the gardeners eyes he finally saw the message written on the ground in blood.
The Emperor...
He was on his feet in a blur of motion, as he moved swiftly back towards the gathering hall where the guests, courtiers and servants had been. Tonight he wasn't moving with the grace and subtlety of an adviser, he was acting on his instincts and he had been a fool to have left the hall unprotected.
As he got closer he took the time to fous his Ki and summon forth shadow clones of himself, each of them ompletely identical to him.
Cast Mirror Image1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
As four more of him appeared he continued to get closer to the hall, precious seconds mean't more lives possibly being lost. One of which could be the Emperor and he could not let that happen.
Male Human, samurai caste Ninja 7, Samurai (Broken Promise) 4 (HP 32/77 AC 22, T 17, Flat 17* - F+10 R+13 W+8; Init +9; Senses:Per +15
Acrobatics 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (17) + 16 = 33
Climb 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
The Spider samurai vaults to the top of the wall to gain his bearings. He follows the movements of the thief past he wall and checks the arc of the arrows fired by the kenku.
Survival 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
Imuri scans the grounds for a spot in the thief's path. Producing the scroll his shugenja noted for such an occasion, he recalls a few key pronunciations and implores the air kami to complete the spell for him.
Use Magic Device -w/ hdimension door 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
Female Human Samurai 11, HP: 84/128, 3/4 Resolve, 1/4 challenges
Round 1:
Initiative: 10
HP: 52/71
Placement on board: K-10
Shooting two arrows at Reaver in Q-7, dropping bow as free action.
Grimacing, Azami draws the bowstring back, pulling the longbow to its furthest tension. Two arrows cut through the air towards the bloodreaver closest.
Relieved seeing Imuri take up a chase she had no chance in, she calls out. "A small dragon statue and a jade stone were taken." and with that, Imuri was gone.
Tokine turns to Kyras. She nods back toward the Imperial Gardens and starts heading that way, "Stay close! The Queen attacked because she is after two things. The Gardener could not give her a 'snow bud', but hinted that a certain woman they both knew could..and would not be pleased to see the Queen. But for the second item, she did not say...I do not think it was what this thief took for the Queen could have easily taken it or stopped the thief...I believe it is you."
Upon entering the Gardens, she is shocked to the core at the amount of destruction. She leans against the wall as the loss of so much beauty overwhelms her senses, but the tears are not enough to hide the remains of Ryo from her vision. "oh dear... She steps back not wanting to enter.
I would assume sounds of fighting might be heard or a check might be in order, but will wait for Kyras's input on all this.
@Azami and @Daisuke: The demon nearest you turns and shrieks horridly as both of Azami's arrows fly wide and clatter harmlessly off the wall. "OHIAMSOBLESSEDTHEONESWITHTHEBLOODFACESSTILLNICECOMEIWRECKIEATITOHSOTASTYYE S" With a disgustingly feral and spider-like motion the creature runs towards the two of you, fading from view as it does until it is completely invisible. You last see it about 10' in front of Azami and just to her right.
Suddenly, you both feel a terrible wave of pressure and sickly, oily infernal magic invade your bodies, like vomit in your veins and bile in your eyes. Azami, her spirit cast in iron, grits down on that metal part of her and lets the arcane horror wash past her, gulping down her body's reaction and preparing to fight her now-invisible foe.
Daisuke, unfortunately, is caught utterly by surprise. With a terrible wet cough and a small concussive noise, blood begins to pour out of his eyes, nose, ears and mouth. He can still see, smell, hear and taste, but everything is tinged with the metallic tang of blood, and the pain is tremendous.
Advisor Chu hears Daisuke's cough of pain and the splat of his blood hitting the stone floor and picks up his pace, his thoughts bent on his duty to the Son of the Heavens, and to the empire.
Round 1, Initiative 9 (Blood Reavers)
AC 24, touch 12, flat-footed 22, 100/100HP
#1: staying put by the Seras
#2: MA to M-11
SA use invisibility spell-like ability
Siphoning Auru is on.
Azami DC19 Fort save: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28
Daisuke DC19 Fort save: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Daisuke you take 1 point of CON damage.
Daisuke is up! Chu, you will be inserted in the next round.
@Tokine and @Kyras: The destruction in the garden is terrible. As you both take it all in, you notice the mists of the city have begun to climb over the wall, roiling and twisting and thickening, like ink dropped into water. They wash over the barren garden soil and the black, dead plants disappear from your view. When they wash past your ankles, you both gasp in surprise at how cold they feel, even through your clothes.
A small funnel of mists is gathering over Ryuu's corpse, spinning and twisting and seeming to emit a small keening noise. Half-glimpsed figures appear and then vanish almost instantly; great samurai, courtiers, spies, warriors. Ryuu's body rises from the ground and begins to softly dissolve, like the fading dew or sugar in tea. When the last of his corporeal form is gone, he remains floating in the air, a ghost now, and part of the very body of the city. Part of the mists.
His eyes fix on Tokine. A rasping whisper rises with the wind and mournfully intones a single word: "...kylara..." The mists drop suddenly, then, and the spectre of the gardner is gone. The mists now move around through rich green vegetation in fine, humic soil. Giant exotic flowers nod sleepily in an unfelt breeze, and if one listens very carefully, a funeral dirge is heard in the far distance.
DC15 K(Local):
This is a thing out of legend; a mist burial. It is said to only happen to the great and/or wise, the powerful, or in particular -- the emperor or his family.
@Imuri: You vault to the top of the wall that separates the inner and outer courtyards. If the thief escapes the outer courtyard she will be out of the palace grounds and will have the whole city to hide in.
Unfortunately, the thief has vanished. You see her footprints in the dirt leading out about 50', then they disappear behind an urn. About twenty Imperial Guardsmen are walking around slowly, looking carefully for any trace of her. Some are looking right at the urn that she obviously ducked behind at some point -- clearly they see the footprints, too -- but they do not appear to see anything of significance.
Suddenly, from way off to your left, there is the tiniest clink, as of someone brushing up against the loose pottery that is by the nearest gate.
The guards go rushing over at top speed and leap on a shadowy figure, clad entirely in black. One of them looks up at you. "Lord Imuri, we have him."
DC15 Perception:
They yank the mask off the person they have caught. It is Swift.
Male Human, samurai caste Ninja 7, Samurai (Broken Promise) 4 (HP 32/77 AC 22, T 17, Flat 17* - F+10 R+13 W+8; Init +9; Senses:Per +15
Perception 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29
Imuri struggles to contain his irritation. Do not be satisfied with the capture of this ronin. Keep watch. Search him and his surroundings. The dragon must be recovered.
Imuri does not take his eyes off the area where the thief disappeared, except to stand atop the wall and scan for movement. Of the thief has his training in ninjutsu, he can only be invisible for so long. Assuming Swift is not the thief, Imuri knew he should be able to detect some sign.
He addresses Swift without betraying any familiarity. You. Do you deny that you stole art from the Emperor?
Can I keep my roll for the scroll if I get to use it here in a bit?
Kyras watches the strange sight before him quietly. This is obviously a sacred moment. He says a quick prayer to Apsu for the gardener's spirit, though it seems that he already had the favor of the gods. In this moment of quiet, though, he hears a sound of battle in the distance. His keen ears hear a few shouts and clangs of metal from another room. Warily, he interrupts Tokine's reverie. "Something's happening in the other room. I think that the Dragonflight has attacked."
Ryu was not the Emperor, right? He was masquerading as a minor dignitary elsewhere, yes?
I'm really hoping the Emperor didn't just die, you said I had seen him before but~ I'm really hoping that wasn't him. >.<;
Also I didn't know if you wanted me to roll my fort save or not. I didn't know if this was a spell like ability that SR applied to. So for now though I rolled it for the sake of keeping things smooth. ;)
Chu, and his four duplicates, moved quickly past the staggering Ronin as he hurried into the room. As he entered though he felt a terrible wave of pressure and the sickly, oily infernal magic assault his entire being. His body quivered as it felt like vomit was pumping through his veins and bile coated his golden eyes. But instead of succumbing to the vile effects he just barely resisted the dire effects, his heroic effort costed him.
He had failed the Emperor far too many time tonight and would not allow himself to fall so easily to his enemies tricks. His robes appeared to be distorted as the pale light in the room passed through a nearly invisible force that surrounded his being. He was far from invincible, but he was prepared to fight.
Fort save +Hero Point (6/7) DC191d20 + 7 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 7 + 4 = 19
He roared a challenge to whatever was speaking that vile gibberish. "I, Adviser Kage Chujitsuna, will be your opponent foul creature! Prepare yourself!" With the last words he raised one scaled hand and started chanting as he gathereed Ki from the very air around him. Motes of light from the various sources in the room flocked to his summons in the forms of birds and butterflies, the lights finally came to dance above his fingers before he lowered his hand and pointed to the creature at the far side of the room. Each of the lights shot off like twin missiles and slammed into the foul creature, leaving behind a pair of scorch marks on its chest.
@Imuri: Swift opens his mouth to speak but is interrupted by one of the palace guards, over by a series of hedges. "Sergeant! Come quickly! Look at this!" This hedge is not far from the urn where the previous thief's footprints had ended. Two other guards who are nearby rush over. "Amazing! What are they?!"
A couple other guards have gathered, and you notice one bearing the insignia of a sergeant -- obviously the one called out to earlier -- jogging over there.
While this is happening, you realize that the courtyard is now flooded with Imperial guards, and the entire perimeter is surrounded by tengu archers. Bullseye lanterns and magical light courtesy of imperial sorcerers are alike being employed to illuminate both the courtyard and the woods around the palace.
Female Human Samurai 11, HP: 84/128, 3/4 Resolve, 1/4 challenges
Round 2, Initiative 10
AC 20, touch 10, flat-footed 20
Free Action: Drawing Katana from scabbard of vigor, +2 for 5 rounds.
5 foot step to L-10
2 attacks in the general vicinity of where the thing was.
(no idea how to roll the 50% miss chance here, DRA)
Azami barely notices the light that spears from Chu's fingertips towards the monster across the room; she draws her katana from its scabbard, immediately following it with two slices in the area where the thing once was.
In a soft whisper, "The city has claimed him. He is now one with the mists. Truly a great and powerful man. I would have liked to know him more and his art gifts."
Still not quite herself, Tokine follows Kyras' directions.
Male Human, samurai caste Ninja 7, Samurai (Broken Promise) 4 (HP 32/77 AC 22, T 17, Flat 17* - F+10 R+13 W+8; Init +9; Senses:Per +15
Still standing atop the wall, looking for any sign of movement, Imuri calls down to the sergeant. Describe what you see, and be wary of traps. Touch nothing unless we have no other signs to pursue.
To Swift, he says, Quickly. Tell me what you have seen.
@Imuri: The sergeant replies quickly "Yes, Lord Shoto." Swift speaks softly to you, then; "I have seen a fox spirit captured and taken into a Temple where I may not enter, and where none may shed blood. While waiting to see what would happen, I was attacked by a foul nightbeast of some sort..." He indicates two fresh cuts on his neck. "I avoided being bitten, but it and its thralls chased me from that place. Wherever I walk, there are songbirds, and the endless rattling of chains."
Swift Bluff check to send message: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17
From his speech, you understand that Swift believes agents of Zon-Kuthon and Shelyn, who of course are siblings, conspired to chase him from the temple, and pursue him still.
As Swift finishes speaking, the sergeant comes up to you. "Lord Shoto. We found these; a statuette and a stone. Do they mean anything to you?" Looking down at what the sergeant is carrying, you see two items that could very well be the things Curator Nagano described as having been stolen; an ancient and beautiful carving of a True Dragon, and a small jade stone.
Male Human, samurai caste Ninja 7, Samurai (Broken Promise) 4 (HP 32/77 AC 22, T 17, Flat 17* - F+10 R+13 W+8; Init +9; Senses:Per +15
Can Imuri hear any of the screaming nonsense from inside?
Imuri glares at the sergeant. If these items are, or had been, trapped, you would have exposed yourself to significant dishonor, sergeant. Trust that when I advise you, it is for the safety of you and your men. He studies the items for a second, unwilling to believe they were simply left behind.
Continue to search for the thief. This ronin works in my employ. Your mark has either escaped, or hides here still. Track everything and offer your report to Azami Io-san in the morning.
He regards the sergeant coldly for scant second. There are other matters afoot. GIve me two yojimbo to carry the items back to the Curator, and finish your search. Finish it diligently. The ronin will come as additional protection, and describe the thief to me.
Can Imuri hear any of the screaming nonsense from inside?
No. There is too much other noise outside. Once you enter the palace, a DC10 Perception check will tell you that something is badly amiss in the main reception hall.
The sergeant bows, and returns to work. Two guards are dispatched to follow you in, both keeping a beady eye on swift.
There is a grunt of pain from Sera Zhongyi and a yell of protest from Aki-chan as the elder Sera leaps in front of an attack meant for her sister. With a sickening crack, her leg is broken by the Reaver's dire flail. Both sisters manage to score glancing blows on the thing, but their weapons seem barely to scratch it.
Suddenly, with a shriek and a burble, the other Blood Reaver materializes as it hammers Chu with its dire flail, the spiked and brutal weapon tearing a gouge out of the Advisor's shoulder. The creature moves with terrible speed and fluidity, following the arc of the head of the weapon around as it crushes Azami's right leg, nearly tearing off a piece of armor that thankfully absorbed the worst of the blow.
Both warriors feel a sick lurching in their heads, as if they both were pushed from a great height. But before the infernal effect of the Reaver's weapon can take hold, both re-assert themselves, staying present and on their feet.
@Kyras and @Tokine: You hear Aki-Chan shout something from back in the main reception hall, then there is the unmistakable sound of a human bone breaking. Insane babbling and shrieking, clearly demonic or infernal in nature, echoes down the hall.[/b]
It will take you both one round to get to the battle at a dead run. You will be able to enter combat in round 4. Feel free to roll initiative.
Male Human, samurai caste Ninja 7, Samurai (Broken Promise) 4 (HP 32/77 AC 22, T 17, Flat 17* - F+10 R+13 W+8; Init +9; Senses:Per +15
Had my fill of posting over and over again with no takes. Hope it's fixed tomorrow.
Imuri's group moves to the palace looking for Tokine until he hears the commotion. He orders every one in (trying to keep Swift in front of me). As he approaches the doorway, perhaps seeing bodies and splashed blood before entering, he spends a ki and vanishes.
After spitting another torrent of blood from his mouth, Daisuke charges the devil engaged with Azami and Chu, moving to flank it opposite Azami and delivering a fierce cut with his katana, but leaving himself open for a counter attack.
Despite running on adrenaline for the better part of the longest day ever, Kyras musters the energy to run towards the shouting and fighting. "Come on!" he shouts to Tokine as his long legs and unencumbered body stride across the corridor. He holds his sword in his right hand, preparing to use it. The Dragon bubbles to the surface, ready to lash out in violence.
@Chu, @Azami, @Daisuke:The Blood Reaver hisses and spits and laughs and growls as Daisuke delivers damage to it with his katana. Its head swivels unnaturally on its long neck. The other one has taken note of the lumbering stone golems and seems to be thinking things over.
You all hear Kyras shout from down the hall, and it sounds like more footsteps are coming as well. Reinforcements!
Back around to Chu! After this round, you will all be in the room and can fight together. I'll put up the new initiative order then.
Chu hisses in anger as the Sera's are injured, obviously the creature wasn't concerned by his presence. "By my honor I wil...!" As he attempted to yell again, he was cut off by the sudden materialization of another of the vile creatures and sadly this one had caught him unawares. Luckily its brutal looking dire flail cut down one of his images and he gave his newest enemy a threatening hiss. "I don't have time for a weakling like you!"
Acrobatics: Move through a threatened area DC=Blood Reavers CMD1d20 + 13 ⇒ (13) + 13 = 26
Using all of his agility and flexibility, Chu dodged his opponents feeble attack as he continued towards his original opponent. The Sera's were in desperate straights and he could at least provide them with a distraction so they could escape harm.
As a couple more bolts of light fire from his scaled hand, only to dissipate against the creatures infernal defenses, Chu continues to stride forward. "Face me Cretin!"
Female Human Samurai 11, HP: 84/128, 3/4 Resolve, 1/4 challenges
Azami turns away in a failed dodge attempt; the flail slams into her right leg, causing her to swallow hard against the unnatural sickening wave that immediately follows the burst of pain, her stomach and head twisting in tandem. Pain is understandable, acceptable. This other feeling is not.
Her voice rises in a snarling shout, a cleansing kiai to vomit that infernal energy back at the beast, refusing to let it sink any deeper. She reverses the energy of her recoil from the flail into her assault, katana slicing viciously across its horrid form. Azami layers another cut into the bloodreaver on the return stroke.
Round 2, Initiative 10
HP: 39/71
Katana: 4 rounds of +2 left, Keen (17-20). Weapon Expertise +2 to confirm criticals, two-handed (+2 dam).
Action: Standing in L-10, striking twice at L-11. Flanking
36 Damage to Blood Reaver in L-11 with critical hit.
Male Human, samurai caste Ninja 7, Samurai (Broken Promise) 4 (HP 32/77 AC 22, T 17, Flat 17* - F+10 R+13 W+8; Init +9; Senses:Per +15
Azami Ito wrote:
critical hit.
Don't be satisfied with that 22 damage! You don't just double the total, you roll another d10 and add 9, which means you'll likely do more damage since you only rolled a 2! Come on, Ito! Get 'em!
The hideous devil screams as Azami's magicked blade hammers chunks out of its flesh. It roars in her face, and flecks of blood spatter her skin and armor. The same aura, which feels in your head the bile tastes in your mouth, pulses off the thing. Azami and Chu are unaffected, but there is another concussive *POP* from Daisuke's face and more blood pours out of his cranial orifices.
Hideously, all of you who are wounded see that tiny drops of your blood are rising off of you and being whisked over to the Blood Reaver, where it joins the red miasma of blood that swirls on the creature's flesh.
Angered, the thing swings its flail in a mighty arc, tagging both Azami and Daisuke and wounding them both. Once again, though, citizens of the empire prove to be too tough for the infernal effects of the weapon and they keep both their feet and their wits.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the room, the other devil leaves the Seras and glides towards Chu, vanishing as it does so.
Round 3, Initiative 9 (Blood Reavers)
Saves vs. Siphon Aura:
Chu DC19 Fort save: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
Azami DC19 Fort save: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
Daisuke DC19 Fort save: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18 - Take 1 pt. CON damage
Blood Reaver #2 (AC24, HP 86/90, SR19):
MA: To P-7
SA: Turn invisible
Blood Reaver #1 (AC24, HP 56/90, SR19):
vs. Azami (AC20): 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (10) + 16 = 26
vs. Daisuke (AC16): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27
Damage to Azami: 2d6 + 9 ⇒ (4, 4) + 9 = 17
Damage to Daisuke: 2d6 + 9 ⇒ (1, 2) + 9 = 12
Azami DC20 Fort save vs. Stun: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
Daisuke DC20 Fort save vs. Stun: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
Daisuke is up! I have moved the rest of you to where you will begin the next round.
Knowledge check about Blood Reavers, only make one roll and look at the highest spoiler you make (info in the highest ones contains everything in the lower ones).
DC15 K(Planes):
These are Blood Reaver Devils; rare and powerful beasts thought to have been destroyed by Asmodeus for their treachery, destruction, and chaotic natures.
DC20 K(Planes):
These are Blood Reaver Devils; rare and powerful beasts thought to have been destroyed by Asmodeus for their treachery, destruction, and chaotic natures. Something must have gone terribly wrong in Hell for them to be loose, which is really saying something if you think about it. You know that these creatures are capable of regeneration and are highly resistant to cold and acid and immune to both fire and poison.
DC25 K(Planes):
These are Blood Reaver Devils; rare and powerful beasts thought to have been destroyed by Asmodeus for their treachery, destruction, and chaotic natures. Something must have gone terribly wrong in Hell for them to be loose, which is really saying something if you think about it. You know that these creatures are capable of regeneration and are highly resistant to cold and acid and immune to both fire and poison.
You also know that if you are within a 20' of one of them, your Fortitude will constantly be tested against their Blood Siphoning Aura, which will seek to remove all the blood from your body and add it to the swirling mist of the stuff that surrounds them at all time. They also imbue their flails with special power that can stun anyone they hit. They have no particular weakness, and can summon more devils to fight for them. They can teleport, and can turn invisible.
DC15 Perception:
One of the Blood Reavers is partially clad in the tattered remains of the vestments of a cleric of Nethys, of House Hoshi, and the other is dressed in the ruined uniform of a Palace catering functionary.
Daisuke, clearly weakened and growing pail from the thick rivulets of blood that continue to pour from his face, flows with the momentum of the flail strike, turning to follow the blood reaver's attack with his own, cleanly decapitating it with a single strike.
As he's moving to flick the foul blood from his blade, the creature's slumping body explodes in a shower of gore, splattering the room with blood and stringy hunks of flesh.
Spoke with DRA and he confirmed that on 3 20s, it can just die.
Azami and Daisuke take the brunt of the explosion. They are both unharmed, but not an inch of their person is left unsoiled as great splashes of blood and viscera wash over them. Some of the fleshy blobs melt, screaming quietly as they do, and some of the blood, horridly, crawls into Azami and Daisuke's open wounds. Neither one feels any differently afterwards, but it is a bit disconcerting to watch.
Meanwhile, advisor Chu's noble vestments are also now drenched from the spray of blood, though for him it's a bit less of a mess due to his distance from the Reaver when it...detonated.
The Blood Reaver's dire flail lay on the ground between the two warriors, smoking slightly.
Imuri, Kyras, Swift, and Tokine all bear witness to this grisly event as they approach the dining hall.
There will be more positive (for you guys) consequences from Daisuke's extraordinary rolls, but you'll find those out in just a bit. My jaw dropped when I saw the rolls on his laptop screen, no foolin'!
Male Human, samurai caste Ninja 7, Samurai (Broken Promise) 4 (HP 32/77 AC 22, T 17, Flat 17* - F+10 R+13 W+8; Init +9; Senses:Per +15
Knowledge [planes] (only looking for the 15 for Imuri) 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Before approaching the room, Imuri focuses on a blank spot in the air. His body goes gray and smoky until he is camouflaged to match the invisible point.
Spend a ki to become invisible and stand next to the Advisor. Ready my standard action with an iai strike when the blood reaver appears.
Two ronin march into the room, one trotting over to Tokine. Madame Curator. Shoto-sama said we should offer this if it helps. He tosses an ornate platinum rod to the curator. His face then widens in horror as he fully absorbs the carnage throughout the room.
In the moment it took him to blink, because he was suddenly being sprayed down by the death of the first creature, he found that his opponent had vanished. "Blood Reavers!" He quickly shed his drenched robes, he would face this creature with scale and claw. His golden scales shined luxuioriously in the light of the room, as he surveyed the room carefully his claws began to lengthen visibly. Doubling in length and size as he prepared himself for an attack. "Honorable Sera Sisters, please escape while you can. Everyone! Do not let the creature within twenty feet of you. Not unless you are ready to kill it!"
MA: Disrobe *Snicker* FA: Grow Claws SA: Cast Detect Magic: Try and discern where the creature is. (I don't think I have enough time though... >.<;) K: PLanes1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9 Perception (That's more info then I ca explain in one or two sentences xD)1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26
With his elongated claws in front him, Chu focused his Ki and tried to discern where the creature was in the room. Hopefully he had enough time...
Sera Aki is tending to her sister's leg and it is impossible to tell if they plan on heeding the Loyal Shadow's advice. Free of his horridly soiled vestments he casts his magically-enhanced eyes around but cannot find the exact location of the other devil.
Detect Magic needs three rounds to give you a precise location. From the PRD:
1st Round: Presence or absence of magical auras.
2nd Round: Number of different magical auras and the power of the most potent aura.
3rd Round: The strength and location of each aura.
Male Human, samurai caste Ninja 7, Samurai (Broken Promise) 4 (HP 32/77 AC 22, T 17, Flat 17* - F+10 R+13 W+8; Init +9; Senses:Per +15
Imuri stated his action for when initiative rolled up. Trying not to have anyone waiting on my post. Imuri stands invisibly next to the Advisor and has readied for an iai strike when the reaver becomes visible. Also, he's careful not to leave footprints in the gore on the way over. :b
I have a homebrew world called The Explored Land in which I'm currently running two separate parallel in-person campaigns involving 8 players in two different groups (one party of 5, one of 3). I'm also running two PBPs here on the boards (one of 6 players, one of 5), about which more later, and I'd like to start a third to explore another storyline I have going on. All these campaigns will affect each other; things you do in-game will have a direct effect on all the other players, and vice-versa. So if you, say, cause a volcanic eruption, the resulting ash storm may impede one of the other parties' progress. If they kill a major NPC that you were supposed to seek out, then you're out of luck and will have to find an alternate contact. That sort of thing.
About the world; I use Pathfinder rules, and I use the Golarion pantheon of gods. This is a high-magic, epic world so expect lots of magic items and artifacts. There are no firearms. (Sorry, gunmages.) I lifted a couple things wholesale from the Adventure Path, so you may find yourself interfacing with NPCs or entering cities (e.g., Katapesh is on the map) from that setting, but I try to keep it to a minimum. The map is intended to be as close to 100% homebrew as possible.
I'm very open about what race/class you use, so SGG stuff, Dorkistan stuff, APG, etc. are all fair game. (Most) playtests also welcome. Just check with me if you have any questions.
The Campaign:
This campaign will be starting out in the far eastern land of The Empire of Mists, which you can imagine as being like a mashup of feudal China and Japan. Samurai, ninja, ronin, emperors, geisha, eastern dragons, fox spirits, oni, etc. You get the idea. The beginnings of the adventure will be more political, with some heavier RP, but will get into combat and a long overland campaign eventually. If someone would like to play a Time Thief or Master Spy, that would be amazing and a perfect fit.
Characters: For this campaign, all characters will start at 6th level. I already have two players picked, one is a Samurai and one a Ninja, both playtesting the classes from Ultimate Combat, and I'm looking for three more PCs. I'd really like to get one more Samurai, but unless you've got a ridiculously awesome build, I think one ninja is enough.
Starting wealth is 20,000gp. All items must come out of this balance. You may spend no more than 5,000 gold on any one item. If something is on the cusp, but it's super cool, check with me and we'll see about making it happen.
Attribute rolls: In short, I want my PCs to be epic, and my rules for attributes reflect that.
For each attribute, roll 4d6, dropping the lowest die. If you rolled less than a 7, re-roll, i.e., 7 is my minimum allowed attribute score.
In addition, roll 7 attribute scores and drop the lowest. Assign attribute scores as you will.
Alternately, you may employ "epic rules" and roll 1d3+15 for any attribute
you choose, BUT for every attribute you roll this way, you must roll
one other attribute as 1d10+6. So let's say you're rolling a
sorcerer(ess). You would probably want to roll 1d3+15 for your
charisma, and then take 1d10+6 for maybe strength or dex, leaving your
other attributes as standard rolls. You get the idea.
Hero Points: Everyone starts with 1 hero point per level (so, 6 total) and I use the full APG rules, so +8 on any d20 roll if spent before the roll, +4 if spent after, and they can be used to pull all kinds of stunts, depending on the situation, and at GM's discretion. I'm a big fan of PCs attempting to pull off ridiculous and epic stunts, just make sure you have the skills/attributes to back it up. :-)
Cool! First: Please please please please please take a bit of time to read over the other two games I'm GMing to make sure you like my rules-light "epic OP craziness abounds" style of play, since I'm pretty sure it's not for everyone:
The Seer's Journey The Legacy of Marianasu
Second: take a look at the map and read the 'what you know about the world' documents that are in this folder. All characters will be from The Empire of Mists for this campaign so that'll make one choice easy, anyway, but there will be some answers for you about how things are in The Explored Land.
I'm a pretty [hyper]active GM, so I'm gonna need people who can commit to fairly regular posting, like ideally a couple a day. If this sounds like something you might be intersted in, please leave a description of your proposed character build here, as complete as you can get it.
Also, if you have a posting history, I would like to see links to other games you're in or GMing, so I can get a feel for your writing style and posting frequency. I'm not super uptight about grammar, etc. -- I value enthusiasm and cool ideas over precision -- but I do need to at least be able to understand your writing and, as said earlier, see that you commit to regular posting.
Anyone who's already playing in one of my other games, if you have comments for people about things you like/dislike about my games and GMing style, please feel free to share. The more info people have, the better they can decide if they're into it.
I would like to propose a paladin of Shelyn. She will wield a glaive or naginata, as the case may be. She will be accomplished in caligrapyhy and ink painting in service to her Goddess. For back ground hooks she can be a temple or library guardian, perhaps tasked with guarding certain scrolls or to deliver them. We can work on that.
Yeah, I'd prefer a second samurai over a second ninja. I read your homebrew nekogami, I dig it, and it's an interesting choice for a Ronin. The samurai that's already playing is an Allurin so if you can make this build really kick 455 it would be HILARIOUS to have a pair of Samurai where one is nekogami and the other is allurin. Can you imagine the RP possibilities for that? Not to mention the taunts of the enemy.
So yeah, rock the build. I look forward to seeing it.
I would like to propose a paladin of Shelyn. She will wield a glaive or naginata, as the case may be. She will be accomplished in caligrapyhy and ink painting in service to her Goddess. For back ground hooks she can be a temple or library guardian, perhaps tasked with guarding certain scrolls or to deliver them. We can work on that.
** spoiler omitted **
I will post the full profile here this evening (MST GMT-7)
Sounds good. I LOVE the calligraphy idea and librarian/temple gaurdian. As you'll see in the background doc of The Explored Land, there are a few great universities that a character like that might be very interested in visiting, using adventuring as a convenient excuse. Could be some excellent chances for cross-cultural exchange since the Empire of Mists "doesn't get out much" as it's locked behind the three great inhospitable regions of The Old Land, Enhathlad, and the Great Trackless Woods, none of which are fun places to be.
Stat Arrangement for said Catgirl Ronin (After Racial Modifiers)
strength 18
Constitution 16 (18-2)
Dexterity 17 (15+2)
Wisdom 12 (9+1+2)
Intellegence 17
Charisma 10
i have another question, could i give up the mount in exchange for an noncombatant npc tagalong younger sibling? who only serves RP purposes. gotta have someone to protect and ideals to work with.
Her Younger sister may eventually evolve into a backup character. (using the same rolls rearranged).
i was thinking of the idea of some self created edicts
smite anyone who attempts to bring harm to your younger sibling
try to protect your younger sibling whenever possible
and punish any obvious older siblings that bring harm to thier younger sibling.
problem is, it requires a tagalong younger sibling. what alignment would such a ronin be considered?
Stat Arrangement for said Catgirl Ronin (After Racial Modifiers)
i have another question, could i give up the mount in exchange for an noncombat npc tagalong younger sibling? who only serves RP purposes.
Sure! I love it!
In fairness, though, I should warn you that I will not hesitate to use him/her both for and against you in-game. There are no innocents in my games. Children and moms and dads and pets suffer grisly fates if my heroes don't do their jobs.
I would like to propose a paladin of Shelyn. She will wield a glaive or naginata, as the case may be. She will be accomplished in caligrapyhy and ink painting in service to her Goddess. For back ground hooks she can be a temple or library guardian, perhaps tasked with guarding certain scrolls or to deliver them. We can work on that.
** spoiler omitted **
I will post the full profile here this evening (MST GMT-7)
Sounds good. I LOVE the calligraphy idea and librarian/temple gaurdian. As you'll see in the background doc of The Explored Land, there are a few great universities that a character like that might be very interested in visiting, using adventuring as a convenient excuse. Could be some excellent chances for cross-cultural exchange since the Empire of Mists "doesn't get out much" as it's locked behind the three great inhospitable regions of The Old Land, Enhathlad, and the Great Trackless Woods, none of which are fun places to be.
Look forward to seeing the build.
Question - are there dialects that a character can know? For example, would "Common" in Empire of Mists be understood by those in Lesotho?
Would this be a Linguistics check or are there additional languages, akin to English and Chinese?
Question - are there dialects that a character can know? For example, would "Common" in Empire of Mists be understood by those in Lesotho?
Would this be a Linguistics check or are there additional languages, akin to English and Chinese?
It's something I wouldn't mind including, but it would feel disingenuous to suddenly add it to the world now, after everyone has chosen their languages. Basically the way I do it in-game is people like the Enhathladi, or your friend Belsarious from The Great Trackless Woods, etc. all speak in a heavily accented manner that occasionally requires a perception check to make sure you're listening closely enough.
I would, however, have no problem using Linguistics checks for written documents, justifying it as being a 'sacred language' based on different lingual roots.
I have read a bit of "The Seer's Journy" and find your type of campaign Highly relevant to my interests :D! If you'll have me I'll get to work on a fun character ^_^
Sadly the starting gold does not permit a character idea I've been thinking of but I think a few of you might get a kick out of it. An Alchemist(probably Gnomish or perhaps Goblin) with a Carpet of Flying who lays siege to his enemy's from the sky with bombs. A carpet bomber ^_^
I have read a bit of "The Seer's Journy" and find your type of campaign Highly relevant to my interests :D! If you'll have me I'll get to work on a fun character ^_^
Sadly the starting gold does not permit a character idea I've been thinking of but I think a few of you might get a kick out of it. An Alchemist(probably Gnomish or perhaps Goblin) with a Carpet of Flying who lays siege to his enemy's from the sky with bombs. A carpet bomber ^_^
That would be an awesome character in the Legacy of Marianasu game!
I have read a bit of "The Seer's Journy" and find your type of campaign Highly relevant to my interests :D! If you'll have me I'll get to work on a fun character ^_^
Well, it works in the opposite order, I'm afraid; I need to see a build before I can decide who's in. You don't have to do a full build if you don't want, but obviously the more I know about your prospective character (what motivates him/her, why is he/she adventuring, what is their family life like, how was their childhood, etc.) the easier it is for me to get into it and make a decision one way or t'other. :-)
Zain Ashvale wrote:
Sadly the starting gold does not permit a character idea I've been thinking of but I think a few of you might get a kick out of it. An Alchemist(probably Gnomish or perhaps Goblin) with a Carpet of Flying who lays siege to his enemy's from the sky with bombs. A carpet bomber ^_^
*groan* Hahahaaa, nice! Dolo's right, that would have been pretty interesting for The Legacy of Marianasu. Especially now when that group is fighting off Marrashi while there's a small army down below that wants to pick them off out of the sky.
I have read a bit of "The Seer's Journy" and find your type of campaign Highly relevant to my interests :D! If you'll have me I'll get to work on a fun character ^_^
Well, it works in the opposite order, I'm afraid; I need to see a build before I can decide who's in. You don't have to do a full build if you don't want, but obviously the more I know about your prospective character (what motivates him/her, why is he/she adventuring, what is their family life like, how was their childhood, etc.) the easier it is for me to get into it and make a decision one way or t'other. :-)
Zain Ashvale wrote:
Sadly the starting gold does not permit a character idea I've been thinking of but I think a few of you might get a kick out of it. An Alchemist(probably Gnomish or perhaps Goblin) with a Carpet of Flying who lays siege to his enemy's from the sky with bombs. A carpet bomber ^_^
*groan* Hahahaaa, nice! Dolo's right, that would have been pretty interesting for The Legacy of Marianasu. Especially now when that group is fighting off Marrashi while there's a small army down below that wants to pick them off out of the sky.
Oh alright ^_^ I'll get to work on a concept now then :D
Are there any restrictions on source material? I both bestiaries and the psionics unleashed book so I'd just like to know If there is anything I cant use.
As for Carpet McBomby(I promise that wont actually be his name) if you ever need someone to fill out a spot in that game I'd probably be up for giving it a try xD!
I think this covers it. This is from my original post, up top, which should answer most of the basic questions, and provides links to world material, attribute rolling options, etc. Any questions not covered there, feel free to ask.
downrightamazed wrote:
"I'm very open about what race/class you use, so SGG stuff, Dorkistan stuff, APG, etc. are all fair game. (Most) playtests also welcome. Just check with me if you have any questions."
I'm generally pretty cool with players running whatever they want, but I still appreciate a check-in on things not in any of the abovementioned sources, or without pre-existing rules for running them as PCs.
I've read over some of your stuff, and I REALLY like what I see. So here goes!
Here's a slighty quirky concept for you, in the spirit of witches and their curses, and a little bit of Rip van Winkle thrown in for good measure:
The idea is for an arcane spellcaster. Most likely a Sorcerer (probably a Dragon Disciple - I've never gotten to play one!), who, for a reason I haven't gotten around to yet, got slapped with the Eternal Slumber hex that high level Witches can get. Twenty or Thirty-odd years on, She's killed. Either by a rival witch, or perhaps an adventuring group, breaking the spell binding him in endless slumber.
There's just one problem - he's now a lot older. Fortunately for him, the power in his blood has slowly increased over time, resulting in his current level of power (ie. He wasn't level six when he fell asleep).
So now we have a fish out of water, because pretty much everyone and everything he knew is history. The world has moved on without him...
Alternatively, this concept could be used in a way that means the character hasn't aged at all (or at least very little), so then anyone they knew before who is still kicking around is now really old - while he's still young...
It's pretty rough as far as ideas go at the moment, but I thought I'd throw this down to see the interest-level.
Also, how do you feel about feats from no-PF sources? I'm specifically thinking of the Energy Substitution feat from Complete Arcane...
Question, the book states that a Half-Fiend needs to be Evil. Is there any way that I could be one without NEEDING to be evil? My current idea is a character who's mother is a Erinyes and father an Adventurer( or perhaps the other way around provided Erinyes CAN be male, the book doesn't actually say they have to be female simply stating that they are fallen angels which presumably can be of either gender.)
The reason I went with Half-Fiend rather than Tiefling is that the half-fiend gets wings and I want my character to essentially look like slightly less dark Erinyes.
My prospective alignment for the character would be LN, and I'm currently thinking Rogue(Basic) or Ranger or perhaps i could multiclass into both as I'd intended his father to have been a Rogue and Erinyes have a rather Rangery feel to them.
I want to play this character because I think it would be fun playing someone who has to fight against his demonic blood a lot harder than a Tiefling. Especially when the demonic blood is from an Erinyes a devil that is rather straightforward with just how much they want to kill and maim.
Perhaps even my characters Fiendish parent could remain in contact with him and sort of egg him onto being more devilish.
Question, the book states that a Half-Fiend needs to be Evil. Is there any way that I could be one without NEEDING to be evil? My current idea is a character who's mother is a Erinyes and father an Adventurer( or perhaps the other way around provided Erinyes CAN be male, the book doesn't actually say they have to be female simply stating that they are fallen angels which presumably can be of either gender.)
The reason I went with Half-Fiend rather than Tiefling is that the half-fiend gets wings and I want my character to essentially look like slightly less dark Erinyes.
My prospective alignment for the character would be LN, and I'm currently thinking Rogue(Basic) or Ranger or perhaps i could multiclass into both as I'd intended his father to have been a Rogue and Erinyes have a rather Rangery feel to them.
I want to play this character because I think it would be fun playing someone who has to fight against his demonic blood a lot harder than a Tiefling. Especially when the demonic blood is from an Erinyes a devil that is rather straightforward with just how much they want to kill and maim.
Perhaps even my characters Fiendish parent could remain in contact with him and sort of egg him onto being more devilish.
I believe there are Tielfling variants in the Council of Thieves Adventure Path. There is a list of traits that the tiefling can get and may include wings.
I believe there are Tielfling variants in the Council of Thieves Adventure Path. There is a list of traits that the tiefling can get and may include wings.
There are variants (including a devil variant of the attribute changes), but there's no 'wings' trait you can get. Although there are some interesting ones.
On a side note, I think I have decided on a build.
A Half-Elf Barbarian 1/Sorcerer 4/Dragon Disciple 1. The kicker is that, before his 'nap', he didn't know how to cast spells. But he's now spent thirty-odd years slowly gaining in power - meaning that he's really casting his spells on instinct. Now THIS is a fun idea!
And 2: How do you feel about a Samurai unknowingly decended of some ancient dragon. (i.e. trying to do a Samurai character with the Magus class.)
1. I haven't chosen anybody yet, and so far only one person has even done a build, so; no. Not full yet. :-)
2. Sounds good at that high of a level, could you flesh it out? Would love to see the mechanics behind it as well as the fluff. What kind of dragon? Primal? Metallic? Chromatic? How has it affected his/her upbringing? Does the dragon blood show up elsewhere in the family tree? How? What's this PC's current job? Habits? Hobbies? What motivates him/her?
Would love to see more! Also, I think you've got some stones to be doing a hybrid of two playtest classes. :-D Awesome.
On a side note, I think I have decided on a build.
A Half-Elf Barbarian 1/Sorcerer 4/Dragon Disciple 1. The kicker is that, before his 'nap', he didn't know how to cast spells. But he's now spent thirty-odd years slowly gaining in power - meaning that he's really casting his spells on instinct. Now THIS is a fun idea!
I like it so much, here are some stat rolls!
** spoiler omitted **
Cool! You can re-roll that 5, you know. I don't allow attribute rolls less than a 7. You might end up with something higher than your 10. :-)
Glad you like what you read so far, and your idea is super clever! I gotta say though that the fluff is gonna make it or break it for me, actually, more than the crunch. I know you're just getting the idea started, but questions that immediately occur to me are: Did he have family? Where? Are they still alive? What do they do? Why did the witch hex him? Why was she killed? Will more witches come after him now? Was he part of a crusade? Have people been looking for him all this time? Why or why not? What was his job? What's his first priority now he's awake?
As for non-PF feats, as long as it's legit for your build, I'm cool with it.
I'd be totally fin with playing a Tiefling with Wings as honestly while the stat boosts and abilities of a half fiend are awesome and all, I just really want the wings as that along with the attitude seems to be what defines an Erinyes.
I'm thinking that Daveth(My cahracter) would essentially have spent most of his life traveling due to need from both his human parent being an adventurer by trade and the fact that most people don't take kindly to those of demonic heritage and it's rather hard to hide the wings of an Ewrinyes even if you wear large cloaks.
Rogue(Burglar) 4, Ranger(Skirmisher) 2
I went with Skirmisher mostly because I doubt much any divine force would willingly provide a devil-child with power. xD
The Rogue levels come from his training with his human parent and the Ranger levels are a bit of his own work and a bit of influence from his heritage plus perhaps a bit of direct influence from his Erinyes parent ^_^
Sumrai (Magus) HP: 5d8(25)+24+8: 57 (Not the best tank in the world)
Miko (Sorc/Cleric) HP: 3d6(10)+2d8(13)+8+6: 37 (Definitely in the back)
Samurai (Magus6, actually): Noble bloodline, most samurai are, after all. Born in the mountains, raised there in isolation. Most of the family are mystics and monks, but this character preferred the 'honor' of bushido. Eastern Style dragon, so perhaps a dragon of Light (Fire + Good), or the dragon of Thunder (Air + Electricity) given where she grew up.
Periodically there is a hero born in the family, because family tradition states that they were founded by a noble woman and X Dragon as a show of good faith in the humans and the civilization as a whole. Thus why most of them are actually mystics and monks - prone to study and philosophy.
This character will have the hints of scales down the back at the beginning of play and a birthmark in accordance to the dragon she is descended from. As characters gain levels, this character's dragon markings will grow more pronounced - more scales down the arm, winds constantly surrounding them, etc.
Miko: Basically a Shinto Priestess. Combining rituals of the primal (Sorc classes) + mystic and clerical abilities (thus the cleric levels). If allowed, probably would consider going Mystic Theurge, as really as Miko are supposed to be able to heal and cast arcane energies about.
Would have to go through monthly purity rituals, and be a VERY ritualistic character. May not be good in combination with the lovely Librarian/Calligrapher already posted.
Weapon Expertise (Ex): At 3rd level, a samurai gains an unparalleled expertise with his chosen weapons. At 3rd level, the samurai selects either the katana, longbow, naginata, or wakizashi.
A nodachi isn't one of them unless DRA allows it of course. Though for the purposes of playtesting I'd say don't change anything yet, but that's just me. I'm honestly fine with what ever.
I want to play this character because I think it would be fun playing someone who has to fight against his demonic blood a lot harder than a Tiefling. Especially when the demonic blood is from an Erinyes a devil that is rather straightforward with just how much they want to kill and maim.
Perhaps even my characters Fiendish parent could remain in contact with him and sort of egg him onto being more devilish.
Hmmm...this is actually startlingly relevant to the current state of The Explored Land in that Erinyes are officers in the armies of the Black Dragonflight, answering only to the highest echelons of command. So having one as your mother (I play them as only ever being female in my world) would actually put you in some terrible situations.
It seems to me you'd have to be half-fiend since Erinyes are devils, yes? I can let an LE character sneak in, but your RP chops are gonna need to be super sharp.
Are you familiar with THE BOOK OF IRON MIGHT from Monte Cook's Malhavoc Press company? I ask, because he has a race in there called the Ironborn that I'd love to play. They are an artificially created race, sort of like the Eberron race - Warforged.
My concept is to play a Samurai Ironborn. The idea of his creation was to make something that could more truly embody what it means to be a Samurai. I can send you info about the Ironborn and the concept, later tonight.
I have two concepts that I'm thinking about. One is a fighter that was in a game that just ended. he's a whirling dervish with a cool pole arm. Veteran soldier who loves fighting but is tired of mercenary life. My thoughts are that he ended up in this land as an escort to some dignitary that for whatever reason died, and so he was left here without duty. He appreciates the culture, but is a bit of a fish out of water with his western ways, and fighting styles. (Profile attached, but changes would be made to background, and items if accepted).
The other is a crazy, dancing, singing, poetry spouting wisp of an old man, with a sorcery bloodline of some time. Always poking fun at people and spouting nonsense proverbs, but a ball of lightning when the s is on the line. Still thinking about the bloodline.
Are you familiar with THE BOOK OF IRON MIGHT from Monte Cook's Malhavoc Press company? I ask, because he has a race in there called the Ironborn that I'd love to play. They are an artificially created race, sort of like the Eberron race - Warforged.
My concept is to play a Samurai Ironborn. The idea of his creation was to make something that could more truly embody what it means to be a Samurai. I can send you info about the Ironborn and the concept, later tonight.
I'm quite familiar with Warforged so if it's like that, then yeah I'm down. Would love to see some fluff around this. What master would create such a being? What failings did he/she see they wished to correct? Do they view their creation as a success? Why or why not? Are their others of his/her kind? How are they as a "race" viewed in their particular prefecture or country?
I want to play this character because I think it would be fun playing someone who has to fight against his demonic blood a lot harder than a Tiefling. Especially when the demonic blood is from an Erinyes a devil that is rather straightforward with just how much they want to kill and maim.
Perhaps even my characters Fiendish parent could remain in contact with him and sort of egg him onto being more devilish.
Hmmm...this is actually startlingly relevant to the current state of The Explored Land in that Erinyes are officers in the armies of the Black Dragonflight, answering only to the highest echelons of command. So having one as your mother (I play them as only ever being female in my world) would actually put you in some terrible situations.
It seems to me you'd have to be half-fiend since Erinyes are devils, yes? I can let an LE character sneak in, but your RP chops are gonna need to be super sharp.
Carry on, sir!
Note to self: Invest ranks into bluff... claim angelic heritage..... also buy some paint for the wings... XP
Should I drop a level or two due to the LA on Half-Fiends?
The other is a crazy, dancing, singing, poetry spouting wisp of an old man, with a sorcery bloodline of some time. Always poking fun at people and spouting nonsense proverbs, but a ball of lightning when the s is on the line. Still thinking about the bloodline.
I know you already have your soldier build done, but I would really like to see this build. I mean, if you can RP this concept of the crazy old coot, including aging penalties in the mechanics, that would be mind-blowingly awesome.
i'm pretty sure he'd allow the Nodachi. i do not know why it's not part of the playtest, it definitely should have been there. i guess they must have gotten to hung up on the ninja and gunslinger to notice the lack of Nodachi.
Daveth Ashvale
LE Half Fiend
Lawful: Daveth follows his own personal 'code of honor' so so speak. He will not go out of his way to defend normal law but when ordered by those who have some level of 'command' over him he follows through with his orders to the T. To those willing to accept him Daveth is fiercely protective and will bring forth the full wrath of his devilish heritage upon those who intentionally(and sometimes unintentionally) harm those people.
Evil: Daveth's heritage and a bit of his upbringing are the major factors that have driven him into what most consider 'evil' territory. He has little patience for those who speak ill of himself or those he seeks to protect, in battle Daveth tends to show all the cruelty of the Erinyes blood that runs through his veins.
i'm pretty sure he'd allow the Nodachi. i do not know why it's not part of the playtest, it definitely should have been there. i guess they must have gotten to hung up on the ninja and gunslinger to notice the lack of Nodachi.