DM Downrightamazed |

@Tokine K(Planes): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
There are, in the Empire of Mists, certain sub-beings that originate on the shadow plane and are often summoned to the material plane by minor devils or certain miscreant wizards to do dirty work at which they excel, especially espionage and assassination. Known as Shadougōsuto, or "little shadow ghosts", these creatures are usually tiny little things, as even the most powerful wizard fears the unfathomably immense evil (well, not so much "evil" as "utter lack of anything that could be called emotion or caring or compassion") of the shadow plane. Whereas evil can be understood and order and chaos appreciated, the shadow plane is unlife and undeath; it devours chaos and order alike. It is the cancer at the heart of all the multiverse, rightly feared and avoided by all.
You are fairly certain that whatever you saw was not a Shadougōsuto, though it does give you pause to think of the immense power a spellcaster or summoner would have to have to summon a tapestry-sized shadow ghost like that. Based on its lack of aggression, you feel it also could be some kind of ethereal manifestation, given unseemly appearance to intimidate any who should come upon it. But such manifestations, while usable for espionage, are better for getting messages to specific people, as their "life" such as it is, is quite short.

DM Downrightamazed |

Everyone with appropriate rank and/or privelege files into the great dining hall. Once again, and as always, the seating arrangements seem specifically designed to stir up gossip and cause consternation and deliver a series of specific messages. Tonight's arrangement is almost completely different from last night's. This time, Curator Nagano is seated in a position of exceedingly high honor; at the main table, at the frontmost seat, and on the emperor's right side.
The whispers and widened eyes begin immediately, and many are the inscrutable glances tossed Tokine's way over this sudden elevation in perceived station. Sera Aki-Kirei has been removed from the main table and set at an anonymous table, not even the table of her house. One seat away from her is her friend/rival Oda Kanzue. This setup baffles everyone, especially since an anonymous and rather tall and out-of-place westerner is seated between them; them! two of the greatest (possibly THE two greatest) beauties of the empire.
This westerner, of course, is Kyras, now with Aki-chan on his right and Kanzue-chan on his immediate left. The girls giggle knowingly and exchange glances when they realize who their companion at the table is.
Shoto Imuri has also been removed from the main table and seated next to his parents and sensei at the Clan Shoto table, and Sera Zhongyi has received a similar and analogous move as well. She gives Imuri an inscrutable look from her position near the head of her Clan's table.
Azami has been switched from her normal station (a lucky thing since she wasn't able to get her banner anyway) and has been put on door duty, though only the other guards recognize what an honor this is (and in fact Azami herself may be unaware); only the most trusted and stalwart guards are given the enormous reponsibility of guarding an entrance to so sacred a chamber.
The Loyal Shadow, Chu, the Serpentfolk, is seated in his usual spot at the emperor's right hand, the little round Table of Three, though the 10,000-pound dragon in the room, Sifu San Pen's empty chair, weighs heavily on everyone, for many different reasons.

DM Downrightamazed |

Once everyone is seated and quiet, a gong sounds, indicating the pending arrival of the emperor. All present bow as low as possible as his kago enters through a large side door towards the rear of the hall. Once it is placed in its appropriate spot and several more samurai are moved into position, the doors are opened to reveal the Illustrious Son of the Heavens, Emperor Hideyoshi Hikaru.
The emperor is a tall, slim, elderly man, well into his seventies, but still strong of heart and quick of mind and full of vitality. His beard is long, and can grow no whiter, and his moustache extends well past his chin. His carriage is erect and disciplined and his bearing is quite regal and wise. This same wisdom is reflected in his celadon eyes, a family trait of the Hideyoshi line. It is known that he has two healthy sons, both of whom occasionally assist him with matters of state, so the coninuation of his dynasty is assured.
Remember, as far as you know, you are the only ones who know that the man appearing as the emperor here is not actually the emperor, but a stand-in. The real emperor is disguised as a minor functionary and moves around in and amongst the guests, serving tea.
The emperor hands a scroll to his Mouth, the speaker-of-His-words, and that man stands forward and reads from it: "His Imperial Majesty, Son of the Heavens, Protector of the Mists and of the Land, welcomes to his humble empire three groups of mighty gaijin, emissaries from the west, for this and the next two nights, to speak their business to those present. Each group is allowed two representatives who may come forward and speak on their behalf. After an opening gambit made during tea, dinner will be served. Honored guests are asked to formulate questions during this time, only one per guest, which they will be allowed to ask after the meal is completed. Then the reception room will be opened for social activities, which the gaijin and all Honored Guests are free to attend or not, as they see fit. On this night we have just one emissary, Queen Llirrianna of the Great Trackless Woods, lieutenant and envoy-in-extraordinaire to Veriala, ruler of the Black Dragonflight.

DM Downrightamazed |

Llirrianna enters softly and quietly through the door where Azami is standing, and so silent are her steps that she takes many in the room by surprise, the faint rustling of her silk dress the only sound she makes as she crosses the space to her table. Her skin tone is flawless, likewise her hair. Her eyes are enormous, mysterious lapis lazuli orbs, making her words that much more difficult to read between. She is spectrally tall, and impossibly graceful. Her manners, bearing, and diction are impeccable. Clearly she is of the very highest birth.
She smiles warmly at all present, and speaks.
"To my shame, I am Queen Llirrianna, of the western lands. Great people of Lanzhu, I come to you speaking on behalf of my Queen, Veriala, and can assure you my words are hers, she whom I serve with all my being." She makes a strange but not uncomely bow, then, an odd curtsey-ish thing. Those trained in the dance will be seen to incorporate its motions into autumn's fashionable steps. The elf continues.
"This is a time of great confluence. Veriala has seen it, as have I and many other great magicians: Aban, the Madman of the Mountain; Starspurn, who dwells in towers; Firliadeth, the Countess de Vestrille, who cannot die; and others. They all know it is coming. It is a time when the right peoples, with the right powers marshaled, can come into their own as gods of the multiverse, reshaping their surroundings to their whims. Or build their own plane, a place to exist as they will, and where none could challenge them. It is a time when the Sacred Roads in The Old Land will once again open, when the Ley Lines will all once again pour into Enhathlad and those people will remember their purpose and wild magic will flow across the Land. It is a time when dragons and elves and men and all manner of creatures will work together toward a common cause, a common good. It will be a glorious time."
She pauses. "We believe in this time, good citizens of the empire, and we believe that with your help, with the natural strength of your people and the magic contained in this great land, that all of us together can rise up in this confluence, and take our rightful place as rulers of our own realms, universes, or planes! That we can become what we are meant to be; captains of industry and trade, stewards of true beauty and practitioners of all the many arts of this and every other conceivable land. If you will but join with us. Ally yourselves with Veriala and she will show you how these things can be done. This I swear..." The fey queen executes a humble bow. "...this I humbly ask, and await your questions, with glad heart and open mind."
As protocol demands, Llirrianna sits down then, her posture still utterly perfect, and prepares to eat. She seems utterly at ease sitting alone, with no lieutenants.
Begin to formulate your questions! Remember that you may wait as long as you wish, but Chu goes last no matter what. Azami gets no question, but Kyras does.

Kyras Erodal |

Kyras does not mind being in this position, though he can feel Azami glaring at him from the door. Between the two beautiful women, Kyras is powerless to maintain his focus on the very important tasks of finding his sister and mastering his own abilities. Still, his eyes drift up to Tokine often, even as he talks to the pair of women. At the beginning of the meal, he does his best to keep up with their flirtations and insinuations. While he is an able verbal fencer, these two are trouble: the kind of trouble he would like to get into.
When Llirrianna speaks, it is not Kyras who pays attention. It is the Dragon. With a sudden burst of energy, the primal entity pushes against Kyras's mind with a lust for her promises. The quiet he has enjoyed since Erudima's rescue is shattered with a vicious headache. He quickly recalls his mental barriers, chiding himself for growing complacent in the view the pair of beauties. He closes his eyes and tries to shut the pain out, but it is obvious to anyone who looks that he is having little success at gritting his teeth and dealing with it. A quiet growl escapes his throat as he quells the Dragon, just loud enough for the people at the table to hear.
Kyras holds his right to question her. While the Dragon may like what she has to hear, he does not. The Black Dragonflight has done nothing good for the city or for him. Their deceit is obvious to anyone with a lick of common sense. Of course, here in Lanzhu, common sense is easily seen in lower regard than the ability to politely insult someone and keep secrets from each other.

Shoto Imuri |

Imuri leans in closely to his mother as tea service begins and the din of quiet conversation fills the space between questions.
Why am I seated thusly? he whispers. Do the devils have a hand in seating? Am I being prevented from sitting near the Emperor, to stop me from telling him about today's ruse? They are a fool to think he doesn't already know. Or... have Zhongyi and I been removed to prevent us from reacting to something else? His voice seems uncertain, but only in deferral to his mother's experience.
After another question, one which receives noteworthy conversation, the young Shoto turns to his sensei and says Today I kidnapped the Plum Blossom Scarecrow with Swift's assistance. We should discuss his Shoto technique.

Daisuke |

While the others sit down to dinner, Daisuke maneuvers through the crowd gathered in the main hall. He circles the group, watching the figures at the center of attention.
While he moves, he subtly directs the crowd to move around him, playing against their natural instincts to heard them out of or into his path as it suits him. As jokes are told, he mimes laughter. As stories are told, he nods in understanding along with the others.
I'm attempting to discern where the erinyes is holding the jawbone. Are there any servants passing through this area, serving drinks or whatever?
Perception 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23

DM Downrightamazed |

The jawbone is easy to spot; she is wearing it as a necklace. A slim chain is connected at each end of the jawbone and run up and around her neck, and under her river of jet-black hair that cascades down near her ankles.
Daisuke Bluff check: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (9) + 17 = 26
Erinyes Sense Motive check: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15
Erinyes Perception check: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (13) + 16 = 29
The Fury has noticed you, but it is clear she thinks nothing of you whatsoever; her gazes passes over you and her face betrays not a flicker of interest.

DM Downrightamazed |

@Imuri: Your mother gives you a wise look, then nods at your father. "Honorable son." He begins, his voice quiet and calm, as always. "A true emperor, a divine son of the heavens, seeks always to enervate and protect his people and empire while simultaneously casting down his enemies, confounding their efforts at subterfuge and destroying their armies. This dinner is no different. Tell me. You have been a busy spider today. What have you learned of the Black Dragonflight, and of our guest, Queen Llirrianna?"
The elf sits calmly at her table, sipping tea and eating flower petals, smiling at any who make eye contact with her. Aside from Curator Nagano, you note that only the most aged nobles and youngest soldiers are seated at the main table. The cream of the empire has been pushed far back, by their families and near the exits, and within easy reach of weaponry or escape routes. Those at the main table are ones who tend to dress or act in such a way as to compensate for weaknesses or deficiencies in character or skill, so while they look impressive, you know that in truth, they are none of them the most prized citizens of the noble class.

Azami Ito |

Azami blinks; the vision of those otherworldy orange eyes feels burned, somehow, into her mind. Even as she stands guard at the door to the room...Word of my impropriety with Oda Kazue must have already reached the Captain's ears for me to have been so swiftly shunned to door duty...she can see the eyes in the hallway with Tokine, Daisuke, Imuri, and Minister Chu. And then fading away. If only there had been more time to speak to Tokine or Imuri. Perhaps Daisuke spoke to Imuri about Bethany.
Nevertheless, she stands her post with the appropriate formality and vigilance, greeting stolidly where necessary, gaze surveying the unique seating arrangement without showing the gears turning in her head.
Perception check, scanning for Rhon Tai or San Pen 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
K(local) check for being aware of the division of people 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3 WOW. FAIL.
It's practically the opposite of the previous evening's arrangement - that much she realizes - but whether there is purpose to it, Azami cannot divine. The only thing she knows for certain is Kyras is closer to her than he was the previous evening, which would be fortuitous save that he is bookended by the two foremost beauties of the Empire. And, clearly, Kyras is taking the opportunity to fully immerse himself in the experience.
Azami, barely controlling her scowl, is still strategizing their possible escape routes (including from the cooing clutches of Clan Oda and Clan Sera) when Llirrianna is announced; the otherworldy queen is already there at the door, gliding through to address the assemblage. Not even having enough time to contemplate the silence of her movements, Azami feels the wake of Llirrianna's presence wash over her like a drowning wave - horrifying and soothing in the same moment, it seems to close her throat as the woman speaks: her voice is a music...a promise...a threat. With difficulty, the samurai swallows past it, tension and anger rising to the ready even as the awe of the queen's presence staggers.

Shoto Imuri |

I have learned a great deal since the attack today. Imuri remains quiet.
..and then decides to make sure these are really his parents.
Sense Motive 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (4) + 12 = 16

Tokine Nagano |

Tokine needs a moment to find her spot at the table. She keeps a plain expression as she takes her place. Looking around she sees the Families are expecting the worst. She makes momentarily eye contact with the Beautiful yet Icy Elven leader. She finds herself reflexively bowing her head in acknowledgement of each other.
She then realizes that if trouble does break out, she is positioned to put herself before the Emperor. The wisdom of the seating arrangement is appreciated.

Daisuke |

Daisuke collects a beautifully painted porcelain cup, steam rising from its bitter, green contents, from a passing servant and then turns back to watch the foreign visitors.
The shadow was not this creature's thrall. It knows nothing.
He smiles, a response to a humorous anecdote, and takes a sip of tea.
The Fury's charms are visible to him, with its luxurious black hair and its patient, graceful stance.
The crowd is possessed by its terrible beauty, but he reads the lie written upon its face: It is a warrior, a deceiver, an infiltrator and a killer. It is a terrible dream, and its weapon is mortal dread.
A peer.
The smile is not entirely forced now, as he takes another small sip of tea.

Shoto Imuri |

Does it please you to make us so paranoid? I also look to ensure there are no plum blossom designs nearby. If not...
I have learned about the progenitors of our world and the attempt by some of their descendants to usurp the kingdoms we have inherited. I have learned about the Uniter and that some villains in our empire may think of themselves as heroes. And I ahve learned that the erinyes work for a greater power still, a small group of ancients who seek to bring disorder to the world and remake it from the ashes. And I have learned that I cannot trust any of these findings without pursuing those leads.
Imuri allows a bit of consternation to cross his face, again only in the presence of his parents and sensei. He looks carefully around the room to choose a moment when none are watching him, and slides the carefully hidden symbol of the Uniter into his mother's view. It is outside his kimono sleeve for only a second.
Slight of Hand 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19
And I was told today that the hounds have my scent. But I am not familiar with them.

Daisuke |

He rarely allowed himself a joke, and that was enough foolishness. His smile faded quickly.
His tea having cooled slightly, he secretly spilled some onto his kimono, and then drew the attention of a passing servant.
"Excuse me," he whispered, gesturing toward the wet spot on his shirt, "I don't wish to make a scene, but another guest clumsily bumped me, and I spilled my tea. Please escort me to a private area where I might dry myself so as not to appear uncivilized in front of the Emperor's foreign guests, then fetch me a towel."
sleight of hand 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (17) + 14 = 31
bluff 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (1) + 17 = 18

DM Downrightamazed |

Pardon the lacuna, y'all, RL threw me a couple curves, and I've been traveling.
@Imuri: Your parents exchange a significant look at the sight of the amulet of the Uniter. It does not appear anyone else noticed it. Yohuro-sama gives a slow, significant nod, as does your mother, but it is your father who speaks; "So it begins. We will speak more of this later. Keep what you have shown us, as it will very likely prove to be quite valuable. As to our seats, the Emperor wishes to give us the long view of the room, to keep us out of range of possible enchantments, and confuse the issue of who is most valuable to him. Llirrianna is very dangerous,this he knows."
Your sensei speaks. "The Hounds. We must consult the spirits. I believe I may know what that references."

DM Downrightamazed |

@Tokine and @Imuri: The assembled nobles and luminaries ask their questions. It is clear that some are aware the attack this morning was a ruse, though none come right out and say it, and Llirrianna deftly parries each verbal thrust, be it pointed or subtle. I is coming down to the last fewof you.
What will you ask?

Shoto Imuri |

Imuri studies each question and response. His intention is to test Llirrianna's patience and cleverness as much as he can. He knows this is not the forum to shake an experienced courtier, but he plans his moment to have every advantage. He waits for several lower ranking courtiers to attempt to speak at once. He allows the question from House Shoto to become the anticipated elephant in the room. He considers the questions of the other courtiers and strikes when the sorceress seems to have recovered from a short string of stressful questions.
When the other, lesser courtiers begin to rise, Imuri stands quickly, but evenly. He has watched for courtiers of higher station, so he knows he is not creating conflict with them. He singles out an upstart diplomat whom he suspects will asume rank and then bow in a test of wills to Imuri. After all, the Empire will survive and the Shoto must be prepared to seize every advantage in the weeks after.
Imuri has no need to clear his voice, or steel himself. In the moments when his servants were washing his hair, and when he was carrying the limp body of the Scarecrow to a secret entrance to his city house, he practiced this moment. It must not be too offensive. It must not demand the Black Dragonflight answer for their crimes. It must not declare a state of conflict between the Shoto and Inimitareh. It must not speak for other houses or the Empire itself.
It must do none of these things, but to the very wise, it must do them all.
Imuri waits with a pleasant, knowing expression on his face as his rival bows and re-seats herself. The small victory, barely distinguished except among the senior diplomats, the scions of powerful houses, and the wincing sensei who feel her pain, gives Shoto Imuri a slight boost in confidence.
Great and majestic Emperor, Son of Heaven, who's wisdom is divine, and who's hospitality is unmatched in all the world, I thank you for hosting such an excellent occasion as this. Imuri's bow is low. His tone is uncharacteristically sycophantic, as if he is exxagerating his expression of loyalty. The gesture might mean he is wrestling with his own ambitions - tempted by the promise Llirrianna spoke of. Or it might mean he is sending a mesage to those who would test the Empire - that Shoto cannot be bought. To Imuri, of course, the question is nothing more than a diversion. An uncharacteristically clumsy appeal to the Emperor will distract weaker minds and allow enemies of the Empire, or of his house, to dwell on their hopes for allegiance, or smugly re-affirm their preconceptions. The real point of Imuri's presentation is his question for Llirrianna.
Noble Queen Llirrianna, vassal of the Great One, Veriala. I am unable to challenge your oratory skills with my humble presentation, but I am honor-bound to act as the voice of loyal House Shoto.
You are doubtless aware that I hosted your servant, the fearsome and magnetic Inimitareh, earlier today. The samurai and shugenja of mighty Clan Shoto we honored to illustrate the skills of the Spider Clan, who fight with every weapon available to a samurai. We know war. We know peace. We excel at both. And so the compelling testimony of your great dragon was exciting for all who heard him speak.
I ask you, the direct representative of your esteemed Queen, to clarify the words of your subordinate today. Inimitareh-san explained to the Shoto that the choice before the powerful empire of Lanzhu is one of complicit allegiance or total subjugation. He says he prefer that the powerful houses ally with your concerns, but that they will be pressed into service even if they do not. Can you answer how the Black Dragonflight intends to gain the service of all the houses of the Empire of Mists if our glorious emperor chooses to remain at peace. After all, He already possesses divinity, and our vows are to serve Him. Our place is at his side, or in front of Him, as He wills it. Our place is not to be tempted by ambition if He does not allow it.
Please tell the nobles assembled here, most formidable Queen Llirrianna, how will you compel our Emperor to grant you troops and sages, and what is the response of the Black Dragonflight if he prefers to close our borders to you and your counterparts?

Daisuke |

As the servant turns her back, Daisuke quickly and silently strikes several pressure points designed to render her unconscious.
Attack 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
Damage (nonlethal) 1d3 + 4d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + (5, 6, 2, 1) + 1 = 16
Yeesh. Hero point to reroll.
Attack 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
stealth 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (11) + 14 = 25

DM Downrightamazed |

@Daisuke: The servant crumples instantly, letting out a tiny gasp.
Daisuke DC10 reflex save: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11
You catch her in the nick of time, grabbing the fragile teacup she had in one hand and setting it quietly down as you stop her fall with your other hand.
Guard perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
It appears no one has noticed; the Erinyes and Tiefling are still speaking with their inamorati, and all the guards stare straight ahead or watch the main room, none looking your way. For the moment, you are completely unobserved.

![]() |

lol, Oh no! Not that! D: Shoto is already too awesome and you threaten to increase his awesomeness!? We are all doomed!
K: Local 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23
Sense Motive 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28
Chu remained calm and collected, he listened carefully to each word that was said by Queen Llirrianna and her supporters. He was especially aware of the Erinyes that made up the Queens bodyguard, the furie didn't bother him in the slightest, he feared no enemy. He was merely a weapon in the right hand of the Emperor, much like she was, and he would strike at any enemy he had to to ensure the survival of the empire. So for now he limited himself to understanding the motivations, strengths and weaknesses of his enemies, and how best to manipulate them...
As he listened to the various questions posed to the Queen, he gave the briefest of smiles at the Shoto's pointed question for the Queen. Making sure to flash his brief smile at the Furie to both attract her attention and distract her. What he was doing was much like the Kizeme training technique, except she wasn't the only opponent he faced.
For now though he calmly awaited his turn to speak and secretly toyed with the attentions of their enemies...
His sudden interest is just a front, its easy to tell he's trying to manipulate you in some way.
1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29

DM Downrightamazed |

@Imuri (and others present): Llirrianna gives a silvery laugh. It is not impolite, but it is a bit surprising. It is the first time that the collected nobles of the empire look askance at the elven sorceress. "Noble Imuri, of House Shoto, I have indeed heard of your visit, and of Inimitareh's regretful lack of manners or subtlety." Again the laugh, like small bells in a spring wind. "Is that really what he said? Allegiance or subjugation? Well. It is regrettable he elected to be so...blunt, as I say, but all is well in the end, you see..." She pauses and delicately sips her tea.
"...because that was a test, and the Shoto performed marvelously. Flawlessly!" The elf beams at Imuri, at his whole family and retinue. "We needed to see how the various Houses would react under the threat of war or conquest, how loyal they would be, how calm, and if they would share the information. I apologize if it seems a bit duplicitous, surely you understand. Just as you got to see our effectiveness in battle against the dastardly outlanders who attacked your fine city today, so we got to see the best of the imperial citizens in action today, fighting on all fronts, and how they comport themselves in a variety of situations. Truly, it would honor us to have such allies."
"And if my dragon friend spoke brashly, please forgive his trespass. I offer you my humblest apology, for as I say it was all simply by way of testing your character, your faith, your acumen. Are the others going to ask anything of me?"
She looks directly at Kyras for a long time.

Kyras Erodal |

Not one to quail from a challenge like that, Kyras stands and offers the requisite bow. It does not come quite naturally to him, but he does a passable job. He takes a deep breath and prepares to ask his question. "Earlier today, a force of orcs and trolls attacked the citizens of this city. They were disguised by magic to resemble the paladine. Not a single actual paladin was involved in the attack, however. I would know, as I killed a few dozen of them myself. Your forces were fortunately armed and ready to fight the orcs and trolls, despite it being, as you just said, a treacherous surprise attack. At the end of that attack, the black dragon Inimitareh said something to me." He waits for a moment, to let the crowd anticipate the possible questions. He stares at Llirrianna intently before continuing. "He said, and I quote: 'Dragonborn, you will know our glory, or you will die. It begins tonight.' My question is this: what exactly did he mean by that, specifically?"

Azami Ito |

Shoto's question is well-crafted, and Llirrianna's response weak in comparison. Azami wonders how the Black Dragonflight intended to approach the Empire with so many obvious plots devised - surely the Queen cannot believe them wholly stupid. So then why is she here? Azami remembers the kitsune's words.
Azami steels her expression to keep from wincing; she knows that Kyras' blunt statement of the facts will not sit well with the court assembled there, that either his accusations - while true - may be laughed off as the foolishness of gaijin, or they may spark the beginning of whatever trap is laid for them all. It was brash question.
So she must also steel herself from smiling with pride in her companion's directness. Instead, Azami focuses on scanning the room for the reactions of the Black Dragonflight emmissaries and others gathered there (including a brief, inappropriate glance to the Emperor and his table partner, Tokine). She may as well sharpen her guard for activity that might signal some attack, eyes darting from ceiling to floor, across exits and faces, looking for something new...or something changed.
Just in case: Perception check 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
Just in case: Sense motive check 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21

Tokine Nagano |

Tokine reaches for her tea cup and sips at the fluid, her eyes intent on watching the proceeding.
Such a subtle dance we weave, and Kyras just stomps on everyone's toes. Making sure to clear the smile she shared with her cup, she sets down her tea, and rests her hand on the glaive propped next to her. The touch draws a single soft and muted chime

DM Downrightamazed |

Llirrianna smiles disarmingly at Kyras. "My goodness! I know not who you are, my friend; you who is on such personal terms with a great and powerful Black Dragon, and also the general of our eastern armies. He speaks to so few people. Truly you must be valued by him to be so adressed and threatened. As for what he meant by his threat, well, I guess that's between you and him, no? He speaks not to me of his personal matters."
The elf stands, and takes a small wooden box off her belt. It is roughly two inches high, three inches wide, and an inch deep. Calmly, she sets it on the table.
"It was rude of me not to completely answer Shoto Imuri's question. We of the black dragonflight, while certainly capable of politics, prefer to work with displays of force. Hence what you saw today; us helping to defend the city. If any of the attackers were disguised, I know nothing of it, we sought only to assist you. But I hope we were able to impress upon you just how quickly our forces were able to gain access to your homes and shops and shipping centers, your cafes and galleries, your libraries, your temples...in the name, of course, of defense." She smiles like a knife.
Everyone notices that the air has chilled. Even the most credulous of those gathered now are clearly looking dubiously at the elf.
"I hope that you will all be convinced of the value of fighting by our side. However. If the Empire closes its borders to us, I will leave you only with this small gift, to be opened by the emperor or his chosen delegate only." She indicates the box. "Once he has decided, the box will unlock itself, but not a moment before."

Tokine Nagano |

Tokine rises and rests her hand on her glaive, still in its provided stand.
She bows deeply to the Emperor and then a significantly lower bow to the Queen. She comes up straight with her own smile firmly in place.
"Another gift? You have already given this city so much. It is likely we will never forget the daring role you played amongst the violence that plagued our streets."
Still smiling, "I hope you have had a change to view the art on display." She scans the room and her hand flows out to extend toward the dragon art that was on display in the reception hall. I am but an artist and these calls for war or peace are beyond my judgement. But I do know art. Our imperial dragons, they are tied to the elements; the mountain, the skies, the river and sea. They make great subjects for art displayed amongst their stark elemental homes. But your dragons come to us based on colors. Now the artist in me can appreciate this. In art one sees white as the culmination of color with no blemish, which seems to me, the artist, what every chromatic dragon should aspire to. In the same vein, black is the absence of hue, void of color. In such a chromatic scale, is black where the power lies? Should the Emperor not wait for dragons of a more aspiring or enlightened color to arrive before he casts his allegiance. Many in this hall are like me and know little of your colorful dragons, how would you describe your black dragons' power amongst their kin? For as you say, the Empire should get the most value for its choice, and the Emperor will want to be associated only with the most powerful of dragons, as I am sure you will agree." She maintains a curious expression on her face for those assembled to see, encouraging their curiosity in the upcoming answer.

Dare Mo |

Stripping off his blue kimono, Dare Mo breathes easily, unburdened by the weight of wearing a fictional identity. Pointless affectations like honor are shed more easily than even a kimono.
He quickly tosses Daisuke's clothes and his swords in a closet. No sense in hiding them more carefully. If his work is not complete when they discover the girl, they are lost.
Carefully, Dare Mo removes the servant's outer clothes as well as the ribbons and pins from her hair, and places her unconscious body in another closet before dressing himself in her attire and quickly arranging his hair in a similar style.
Using face powder and rouge from small jars hidden within Daisuke's kimono, he completes the disguise.
Disguise 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (6) + 18 = 24
Blast! Darned single digit rolls. Ok, another hero point for +4. Diguise: 28

DM Downrightamazed |

@Dare Mo: There's actually a further -2 on your Disguise check for disguising yourself as the opposite gender, and I'm supposed to roll it for you in secret so you don't know how good it is. So you get back that hero point, and I made a few rolls here. No peeking!
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18
1d20 + 18 - 2 ⇒ (19) + 18 - 2 = 35
You step out from the small anteroom, and are immediately accosted by a functionary of higher station. "Kyo-chan! Where have you been! Our guests demand fresh beverages. And here, bring the winged lady these apricots, she is going to do a trick to entertain the crowd. Go, GO!" A full tray of tea, sake, and four ripe apricots is handed to you and the functionary slaps your butt and points furiously out into the room.

Dare Mo |

"Yes, of course, right away," Dare Mo squeaks with a meek bow as he collects the refreshments.
He heads straight for the main room, handing out the drinks before approaching the Fury.
"My lady," he says deferentially, eyes low, showing both fear and poorly concealed awe, "You asked for fruit? I have brought you apricots."

DM Downrightamazed |

@Dare Mo: You can do Bluff checks, I just found out that I'm apparently supposed to do Disguise checks. But in the interest of keeping things moving, since I was travelin' and best manning in a friend's wedding all weekend...
1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18
The erinyes does not even deign to look at you, mere servant that you appear to be. She simply holds out her hand and says "Yes. Give me the whole tray."

DM Downrightamazed |

Llirrianna raises her elegant eyebrows at Tokine's question and lets out another silvery laugh. "Oh my! Well, if it is power you seek, then Veriala and her draconic allies are without peer. There are other types of dragons that will say they are stronger, or know more magic, but for pure calculation and strategy, for those with the will to conquer and rule and achieve greatness, the black dragons cannot be surpassed."
The emperor's Mouth speaks. "All present are thanked for their wisdom and forthrightness in asking questions of our honored guest. The emperor's most trusted advisors now will ask their questions, as is their right to go last."
Chu, you are up.

Kyras Erodal |

Perception 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25
Bluff (to hide spellcasting) 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (13) + 14 = 27
For the second time today, Kyras looks up to see the spider above the elf sorceress. He silently curses to himself. The spider is yet another unknown factor of unknown auspices, spinning a web amidst the web of lies in the room. He subtly drums his fingers and gathers the magical energy in with his breath. He focuses on his lips as he drums his fingers, each drumming bringing the magic closer until the spell is settled. He points at Azami with his right hand and Tokine with his left, trying to make it look as natural as possible, before whispering a warning. "Look up. There's a spider above Llirianna. Be on your guard."

Shoto Imuri |

Perception 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26
Dp we, of the Spider mon, ever recieve portents in the form of ancestral spiders or other spirits? What other knowledges could Imuri tap to understand the spider and its movements? Also, is it a large spider or a Large spider?
Imuri gently alerts his mother with a coded tap of his fingers, drawing her vision to the spider on the ceiling overhead. He has little doubt Yohuro-sama will see it on his own.

![]() |

Perception 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25
Chu was kneeling at the Emperors right and he had listened very carefully to the questions posed by those present and the response of Queen Llirrianna. He paid little mind to the spider above her if it was summoning arcana. He would disrupt it, to protect those present and namely the Emperor himself. His life was forfeit ever since he swore fealty so long ago, his oaths were absolute.
He found her deflecting answers lacking, and weak in comparison to the the first hand accounts of the Shoto and the bold foreigner. To think any would dare threaten the empire with subjugation, only a fool would do so when so many warriors clans actively defend the Empire. He was not impressed but his serpentine features were well known for being hard to read.
He turned and bowed his head, placing his hands on the floor and showing his deep respect for the Emperor. He may be a trusted adviser but he was and would always be a loyal servant of the Son of Heaven.
"Noble Emperor, Enlightened son of Heaven, May all praise His name for in our resolve we only reflect his purpose of will and may our actions this day bring greatness to the Empire." After paying his respects he returned to sit, kneeling besides and below the Emperor. His golden scales shined brightly despite as his heritage became more apparent. "I, Kage Chujitsuna, am a scholar and I find your answers disturbing. Why should the Empire trust you as our allies when your own General speaks so brashly? If the black dragons ability to rule and conquer cannot be surpassed, what will stop you from turning on the Empire when your enemies are no more?"

Azami Ito |

Perception 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
Too focused on scanning the room, Azami's eye sweep right past the spider. The whisper obviously surprises her, shoulders stiffening as she turns to glance at each side before realizing it is Kyras' voice and likely magic. It is a great effort to not immediately look to the spider or at Kyras, taking the moment to scan across the room a couple more times before lifting her eyes to the ceiling. Gods weaving...are they in support of this?
Her eyes sink back to the floor, finishing her routine by letting her gaze slide over Kyras, and then sweeping her watch towards the head table where the Emperor and Tokine sit.

Tokine Nagano |

Perception -> 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
Tokine accepts the answer and sits again...very unsatisfying...She has come prepared for this and seems ready to deflect any question, yet Kyras seemed to get at her. Maybe the fly floating in the tea, was the one thing they could not plan for.
She sees Kyras looking at her with a raised finger...was this some western custom of approval?
Sense Motive -> 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14
She gives Kyras a slight nod and returns his gesture in a quick move, but then turns her attention to Adviser Chujisuna as he addresses the Emperor.

DM Downrightamazed |

@Dare Mo: There is a single instant when you think you have been found out. Just as you undo the clasp on the simple chain at the back of the Erinyes' neck (her skin inhumanly smooth, but also terrifyingly hot, almost to the point of startling you), she pulls her longsword out with one lethally smooth motion, her speed and dexterity alike alarming. In a split second, though, you realize that she has drawn the weapon to impress the proles and sycophants left in the room after the nobles have entered the forbidden chamber, where the dining occurs and the secrets are spoken. With one hand, the devil is tossing the ripe fruits into the air, and with the other she is splitting each neatly in half, its husk falling to the floor, burned to a crisp by her infernal blade. Each cut is perfect, each hemisphere identical. The dolts around her clap gleefully, either unaware or uncaring that she is demonstrating what she could do to them just as easily.
The item secured, you are able to back quickly away, unnoticed by anyone as far as you can tell. Neither the Erinyes nor the Tiefling looked your way, that is for certain.