About Kyras ErodalKYRAS ERODAL (Picture)
Male Half-Elf Barbarian 1, Sorcerer (Crossblooded, Wildblooded) 4, Dragon Disciple 6
CG Large Humanoid (Elf, Human) Init +3; Senses Low-Light Vision, Blindsense 30 ft.; Perception +10 Hero Points 6 -------------------- DEFENSE -------------------- AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed 18 (+5 armor, +1 Dex, +4 natural, -1 size) hp 137 (7d12+4d6+66) Fort +13, Ref +6, Will +8 Immune sleep; Resist fire 10 -------------------- OFFENSE -------------------- Spd 40 ft. Reach 10 feet Melee 2x Claw +13 (1d8+7) and Bite +13 (1d8+10+1d6 fire); or 2x Claw +11 (1d8+11) and Bite +11 (1d8+16+1d6 fire) -------------------- SPELLCASTING -------------------- Sorcerer(CL 11, +13 melee touch, +8 ranged touch): 4th: DC 19 (4/day) Fear 3rd: DC 18 (6/day) Fly, Fireball (10d6+20) 2nd: DC 17 (7/day) Resist Energy, Scorching Ray (4d6+8, x2), Burning Arc (10d6+20, DC 17/5d6+10, DC 15/2d6+4, DC 13) 1st: DC 16 (8/day) Burning Hands (5d4+10), Enlarge Person, Shield, Disguise Self, Mage Armor 0th: DC 15 (at will) Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Light, Detect Magic, Spark -------------------- STATISTICS -------------------- Str 25, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 20 Base Atk +7; CMB +15; CMD 26 Feats Arcane Armor Training, Blind-Fight, Cornugon Smash, Eschew Materials, Intimidating Prowess, Power Attack -2/+4, Skill Focus (Knowledge: Planes), Eldritch Heritage (Abyssal), Toughness Traits Elven Reflexes, Magical Knack: Sorcerer (Crossblooded, Wildblooded) Skills Bluff +19, Intimidate +26/+30, Knowledge (Arcana) +9, Knowledge (Planes) +8, Perception +10, Sense Motive +9, Spellcraft +13 Languages Common, Draconic, Elven Combat Gear +1 Mithral Chain Shirt; Other Gear Belt of Giant Strength, +2, Cloak of Resistance, +2, Handy Haversack (empty), Headband of Alluring Charisma, +2 -------------------- SPECIAL ABILITIES -------------------- Breath Weapon (2/day) (DC 16) (Su) Breath Weapon deals 10d6 Fire damage in 30 ft. cone, DC 18. Elemental Ray (8/day) (Sp) Ranged touch attack deals 1d6+2 Fire damage. Magic Claws & Bite (16 rounds/day) (Ex) Claws and Bite Rage (9 rounds/day) (Ex) +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 to Will saves, -2 to AC when enraged. History:
Kyras Erodal's father, Fhera'an Erodal, was an accomplished elven academic who came to Warbane two hundred years prior to research their unique culture. In his twenty years in the city, he fathered (at least) two children by human women who could not have been more different. One of the women was a fellow academic, who gae birth to a daughter named Bethany. The other was a Warbanian warrior, who gave birth to Kyras. Kyras was raised as a warrior, though he was small in stature by Warbanian standards because of his elven heritage. What he lacked in size, he made up for in ferocity. It seemed at time that he was more savage than man. Despite this, he was quite close to his half-sister, who was raised in neighboring Stormfare. They saw each other frequently, especially after their father left on a journey to the other side of the world to look for some obscure book and never returned. Bethany took after her own mother, becoming an accomplished academic. As both their mothers died of old age, and their elven blood kept them aging slowly, they became even closer.
Thirty-three years ago, Kyras bade goodbye to his sister and set out as a mercenary, as Warbanians tend to do. He promised her that he would return within 5 years, and that he would not abandon her as their father and mothers had. Unfortunately, he was unable to keep that promise. During the course of his travels as a sellsword, he joined an expedition to Iridian that sought the lost treasures of the once-great kingdom. He ended up falling deeply in love with one of the other members of the expedition, Larissana. She became pregnant with his child during the trip to Iridian, and he looked forward to bringing her back home to meet Bethany and settle down (as much as a Warbanian can). Amidst the ruins of Iridian, though, the expedition discovered that Larissana was actually the infamous Blightwitch, a powerful spellcaster who sought to recreate Iridian with her as its queen. When they came to slay her, Kyras initially defended her as the mother of his child. However, one of his friends cast a spell allowing him to see Larissana's true form, an ancient and terrifying hag. When Kyras turned on her, horrified by her true nature, she seized control of his mind with her magic and forced him to help slay the others. When she was done, she cast a powerful hex on him, which drove him into an unending sleep. Kyras slept for thirty years, a restless and dreamless sleep for the first few years. However, in the last few years, he began to dream of the Dragon. Something awoke in his sleeping mind, an ancient and primal font of power. This Dragon grew in strength inside Kyras's dreams, which were always visions of fire and acid and flight. Larissana built an army (in part, using the reanimated and enslaved bodies of his friends) and conquered much of Iridian during Kyras's long years of captivity. A mercenary company, the Lionhearts, assaulted her stronghold and slayed her in a mighty battle. Kyras awoke when she died, the power of the spell ending with her life. After meeting the Lionhearts and turning down an opportunity to join them, Kyras looked far and wide in Iridian for the child that Larissana had been pregnant with when he was hexed. He discovered that she had given birth to a daughter, but could not discover her current whereabouts or any other information. Dejected, he returned home to Warbane, only to discover that Bethany had also left years earlier. He traced her research to the Empire of Mists, and followed her to find the only family he has left. Appearance & Personality:
Kyras is tall by normal standards and short by Warbanian standards, standing at 6'5. He is muscular but lean, the result of the physicality of his time as a mercenary. Broad-shouldered and broad-chested, he is a striking figure with brown hair and blue eyes. His slightly pointed ears hint to his elven heritage, but he looks human for the most part. He is very handsome in a rugged, masculine way.
Kyras is charming and droll with a golden tongue, but quick-tempered and prone to making threats when angry. (These threats are not idle, however.) He is foolish around most women and skilled at seduction, though he longs for a true connection like he thought he had with Larissana, something he would not admit to himself or any other. Still, he has an altruistic streak to him, and will do the right thing so long as he is not angered. He is stubbornly loyal to those who gain his trust, and has no issue deferring to the leadership of another if that person has earned his respect. |