Azami Ito |

@Kyras: lol. Yes. Well, I left that out because I didn't really want to go into too much yet unrevealed information. But yes. Let's add change it as thus:
...all of which hinged on Kyras' half-sister Bethany (a friend-of-the-Emperor-scholar-turned-criminal-leader who found the ancient tomb of the Chan in some dig, and also moving goods through the Kagawa family who were slaughtered --along with Azami's husband-- by the Plum Blossom Syndicate for that affiliation --according to the Emperor-- and sought after by the Black Dragonflight, both because they believed her to be a Gate chosen by the Telestari) who may be anywhere, but was at a noodle shop they attacked yesterday with Vu and someone named Scurcrow.
...Can Azami just hold her head in pain now?
Items question:
Kyras' dragon statue - which is missing a stone - was not recovered. There still is the dragon statue that belongs to Tokine.

DM Downrightamazed |

You have my ancient dragon statue from my temple that was stolen from the garden. Imuri and the guards retrieved it and I gave to you for safekeeping. Was there another?
There was, indeed. There was the statue Kyras recovered from Bethany's storage unit and that one he never got back.

Shoto Imuri |

I am holding off on gifts and resolution of the days' errands in deferrence to Baslav, who seems to be adding up some details, assuming his information is trustworthy.
I'm happy to move the tea party (ha!) forward if everyone likes. But there's a LOT of information out there we haven't sorted out individually or corporately, so I am hoping some of it will congealbefore we decide what to do next.

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I had a better post planned but it got ate... so yeah I really need to start typing stuff up in a word file and then paste it: :/
I will be traveling/working for the next 12hrs, please DMNPC me if neede so I don't hold things up. It was kind of a surprise to be called back to work early, but that's the oil field life in a nut shell. Work long hours, work 2 weeks or more at a time with good pay and short notices. :)
I don't mind either way if things get hurried along. It has been really fun hashing a lot of information out along with all the wonderful dialogue to go with it. Post quality has been astounding as per usual, sadly though I didn't have much to add in my own respect. But Chu's eyes are more open to what is going on around them.
Well done btw Imuri, this entire scene has definitely made me realize that we can set the bar higher for our involvement in DRA's world and not just move with the even flow. Granted everything has its time and place but I really enjoyed this 'peacful' tea shop. :)

Azami Ito |

Ok, didn't get as much drawing/finishing done as I wanted this weekend/holiday.
But Steven/Imuri - here's a more complete version of Imuri, with the spider mon.
I've gotten some work done on Chu that needed some touch up, and hopefully tonight (?) I'll get to color one or both of the pieces (assuming Steven indicates that he likes it). That is, if I don't get sucked into my other online RP and/or the Xbox.
On the list of to-dos:
--somehow add the red dragon background to Kyras new colored version without redoing the whole thing.
--scan all of them at high quality

Azami Ito |

@Azami: that was an awesome post. Sadly Chu's head is going to explode... =)
I suppose that I would have said that her tone conveyed uncertainty about /something/...but didn't actually say anything about the Emperor's affiliations. But--I will roll with it! :D

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Oops! My bad lol, you guys had been speaking enough about him I thought it would be obvious but~ I can change that as well. Chu usually keeps a cool head but being a man of the Emperor makes him a little predisposed to support his boss. ;)
I mean't his head was going to explode in the way of information he's received today, he has a lot to sift through both useless and valuable information. Which he still has to determine. =)

Davor Akorian |

I'll take a break from constructing my Annihilation Barge so I can post now. At the moment it looks like a floating scorpion-thing.
Necrons are so badass.
EDIT: Is this the part of my story where people kick the door in and attack? I'm guessing this is what we're leading up to.

Azami Ito |

Davor Akorian |

If you want, sure. How many should attack? ;-)
I just thought that's what we were heading to. Assuming Davor's assumptions are correct. I guess I feel like Davor doesn't have any concrete leads to run down. I mean, he HAS leads, but nothing that he can hit pavement and investigate, I mean.
Unless I'm really dumb and missed your clues....

DM Downrightamazed |

Okay, so, two questions:
1. Is there still active discussion going on in the tea party? Seems like it's stopped.
2. If it has stopped, Imuri will you be able to get the gift presentation ceremony posted soon? I really want to see it and see people's reactions, but I also want to get things moving again. I'm getting really fidgety to move along since it feels like we've stalled.

Kyras Erodal |

@PsionicFox I saw that you are looking to get in a Kingmaker game. As it so happens, I have a Kingmaker game. One of my players (Tandlara) is on an indefinite hiatus until he gets more time, so I'm down to five players. We are about to start Chapter 2.
The one catch is that this story is now progressed to the point that the Founders are the focus of the story, and introducing a completely-new PC would be pretty difficult. There's a wide, wide range of NPCs that could be adopted though. Come here for more details.
This is partially as an apology for shamelessly stealing your character.

Shoto Imuri |

I'm sorry about the gift ceremony. I was a little caught up in wirk, and waiting for there to be a clear trun from Baslav to our conversation. Once we got there, I was sort of waiting for the conversation between Azami and Chu to wind down.
To make matters worse, I am looking for a lengthy text document where Imuri describes each gift, which all has very intentional language about purpose or whatnot. So if I can locate it again, I'll post it as a flashback. If I can't do it seamlessly, maybe we can include some of those flashbacks when and if the items gain some kind of attention. Sound okay?

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Sorry for holding things up there, please never feel like you need to wait on me. That was why I was using telepathy mainly. To avoid holding us up any further then I already had. I look forward to your flashback posts btw. =)
Also the items are really~ cool thanks Imuri. =)
@Azami: I just saw the picture post and I really like it =) Thanks again for making one for me =D

Aylaeth Brely'an |

[/b]" He motions for you both to follow and begins walking down the hall. "Tonight's guests are from the cities of Izmir and Lesotho, led by a warrior-general named Illuminada Vittoria. She has been quite a favorite here amongst the guards and soldiers, and has taken part in many exercises and sparring matches. Her skills in combat are...extraordinary, though some of her philosophies are questionable by some."
'Big Sis' has been strutting her stuff! Yippee! Go Get 'Em Sis!

Azami Ito |

No worries. We're in kind of a general lull at the moment anyway, it seems. Hope things went alright in the PSW.
As well as can be expected, given the circumstances. Two weeks is the prognosis - that seems generous to me.
SO! I'm all ready to get back into the swing of this thing. I need some good distraction, so let's RP.

Azami Ito |

"Are you, then, the one the young lady spoke of? The owner of this vestibule? Or am I doomed to suffer the dimwitted protestations of an ever-lengthening chain of servants and lackeys, never to reach a point of actual authority, and forced to put down my report based purely on what I can surmise from these spare surroundings?"
Best description of the Empire, EVER.