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If anyone minds enlightening me on what terms/title are appropriate to each character. I'd be in your debt! I'm trying to get up to speed as too what title is the most respectful when addressing Shoto Imuri (among others) and perhaps I need to crawl back to the beginning and start there but if there is anything anyone can offer on hand i'd appreciate it.
Just want to avoid wrecking an good vibes we have going. =)
Also let me know if there is any way to improve my character or personal performance. I like constructive criticism when its available. =)
Thanks! ;D

Shoto Imuri |

As an imperial advisor who has been in the presence of the Emperor, you would address Imuri as Shoto-san, recognizing his clan and family. Knowing him more personally, you might call him Imuri-san. Not until he replaces his mother as daimyo would he be considered a -sama to the likes of Chu.
As far as improving the roleplay, I think Chu is great. I think most of us write in present-tense, and that adds to the urgency of newer posts and the excitement, ut I have no complaints about anything, really.

DM Downrightamazed |

Hey guys, just added a new PC to my Seer's Journey group. He's one of the guys in my regular IRL Monday night game. He's a great gamer and longtime player but it's his first time doing PBP so he was looking to see if anyone had any feedback, etc. on his build or just PBP tips in general.
http://paizo.com/campaigns/TheSeersJourneyDMDownrightamazed/discussion& page=7#309

Azami Ito |

So, um, Chu - no hard feelings. :D You have just turned into Azami's least favorite person at the moment. Congrats. :) But she has no reason to believe that the Adviser has /anything/ to do with what she and Kyras have to do - so, in her mind, he's taking the magnifying glass and she'll never see him again. He's /stealing/ their things, in front of her face, while simultaneously being rude.
DRA: if I'm upsetting the cart by not paying due attention to PC flag, please let me know. I can push Azami to begrudgingly let Chu do what he wants. ;)

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@Azami: No problems at all! Besides just playing Chu as he would react and your character is making quite the impression. Besides he wasn't there for any of the events that led to you receiving said items, I try to avoid being metagamish. ;D
Besides Chu is starting to like Azami's straightforward attitude and from here he is only going to tes her further. So just let me know if it gets too much. =)

Azami Ito |

@Azami: No problems at all! Besides just playing Chu as he would react and your character is making quite the impression. Besides he wasn't there for any of the events that led to you receiving said items, I try to avoid being metagamish. ;D
Besides Chu is starting to like Azami's straightforward attitude and from here he is only going to tes her further. So just let me know if it gets too much. =)
Sounds good! And he doesn't have to /ever/ like her. She's quite capable of being irascible to a fault.

DM Downrightamazed |

2000 posts! Way to go you guys that's awesome! ^_^
Looks like you'll all live to see the dawn, too, which means you'll level up! Keep up the great work. I won't lie, I consider it a mark of personal pride that 2 out of 3 of my PBPs have in excess of 2000 posts (and the third is getting damn close) in well under a year.

Shoto Imuri |

So are we going to pursue the other one/two reavers? I have two OOC ideas about this, but again, I don't think it's be right for Imuri to start bossing around other PCs.
1. Can anyone cast locate object? We find another necklace in range, or check out the temple of Shelyn and cast it, and arrest/detain/killify any Wong Tsai's we find.
2. Do we have a great tracker? Maybe the accounted-for Wong Tsai's came from somewhere specific - a meeting palce or something - and if we could get there, we could maybe determine where the others went.
3. I don't have a 3. But everything seems better in threes. So I'll just say that if a reaver attacked the Shoto city house, it had better already be dead.

Azami Ito |

It's my understanding that the palace magic-users can cast the spell that will allow them to find the other two. That's currently what Azami is shooting for - assuming:
1)the magic-users are available right now (hopefully Takagami will tell them right now!)
2)we can use them
So, she would suggest they go WITH Captain Takagami to have this spell cast, so they can learn right away where to go.

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Normally Chu would have continue on with the task the Emperor gave him but he doesn't want the demons to cause any more death's or damage. So for now hes with the group~
1. Pursue the other Reavers and finish them.
2. Continue investigating on San-Pens whereabouts.

Kyras Erodal |

Hit Points 1d12 ⇒ 12 Woooooo
Okay, at level 8, Kyras gains the following:
Caster Level/Spells Known: +1
New 0 Level Spell (Spark)
New Bonus 3rd Level Spell (Fly)
BAB: +1
Fortitude/Will: +1/+1
Item Shuffle: As PsionicFox picked out a number of items for Kyras that I have never used, DRA said I could shuffle his items around. His new items are: +1 Katana, +1 Mithril Chain Shirt, Handy Haversack, Belt of Giant Strength +2, Headband of Alluring Charisma +2, Cloak of Resistance +2, with 1700gp left over.
I have updated him to reflect these new stats.

Dare Mo |

+1 WIS
HP: 1d8 ⇒ 7
BAB: +1
Reflex save: +1
CMB: +1 (BAB)
CMD: +1 (BAB)
Will save: +1 (WIS)
SA: Improved Uncanny Dodge, Combat Trick (Improved Feint)
13 (8 class + 3 INT + 1 human + 1 favored class)
Acrobatics +1
Bluff +1
Climb +1
Diplomacy +1
Disable Device +1
Disguise +1
Escape Artist +1
Intimidate +1
Knowledge (Local) +1
Perception +2 (+1 rank, +1 WIS)
Profession Courtier +1 WIS
Profession Sailor +1 WIS
Profession Soldier +1 WIS
Stealth +1
Sense Motive +2 (+1 rank, +1 WIS)
Sleight of Hand +1
@Tokine & Kyras
Did you guys remember your +1 ability bonus? I didn't see you write it down, so I just wanted to make sure you didn't forget.

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Level 8 Chujitsuna
+1 Sorcerer levels (4th Level sor now)
+1 to Cha (CHA = 24)
+1 0 level spell = Jolt
+1 2nd Level Spell = Scorching Ray
+1 to Will
+1 to BAB
+8 SP +1 for favored class
- Perception
- Spellcraft
- Acrobatics
- Bluff
- k: Arcana
- k: The Planes
- k: Religion
- k: History
- Sense Motive
Hp - 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Major Image 1/day
Dominate Person 1/day
Poison Save DC18
Exchange Unseen servant for Shield (4th level spell swap)

Shoto Imuri |

Imuri gains:
+1 Str
+1 level of ninja
Ninja trick: feat: Martial Stalker (stack ninja/samurai for sneak attack and ki pool)
+1 BAB
+1 Ref save
New Ki pool: 7
New Hit points: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
New Skills: +2 Diplomacy, +3 Bluff, +2 Use Magic Device, +3 Sense Motive, +1 Acrobatics, +1 Stealth. I think. 12 total includes favored class benefit.

Azami Ito |

Nothing special: Another level of Samurai
1d10 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
BAB +8/+3
+1 to Fort saves
Extra Ability point: +1 CON (was really tempted to take it in wisdom)
which should add 7 more hitpoints.
Total HP: 88
Skill points (4)
+1 Knowledge Local
+2 Sense motive
+1 Intimidate
Gained Without Master Order ability.
Lemme know if there's anything I've missed.

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Nothing Special: Another level of Awesomeness!
Nothing Special... Psh I for one think your character rocks.
Kyras is plain scary. o.O;
Imuri is the most political character I have ever seen, which is awesome the detail to his character astounds me. xD
Tokine's typing is as intriguing as DRA btw. I seriously want to copy and past everything that goes on here into a book format and print it out. Because this is most definitely a page turner. =)
Daisuke... Don't know what he is about but I love what he gets himself into. =) Very well done character.
I'm still working on Chu, personally I find it a little hard to fit in with a political scheme but i'm working on it. The story is a good blend of Political, pure rpg and imaginative posts. No matter what, it is awesome. =)
@DRA: I should have found this out sooner but where does Chu stay? Its a bit presumptuous of me to think he stays in the Palace. But I thought I would ask. Apologies for not asking sooner. D:
@Imuri: Good thing you went home early Imuri, Yikes! Good Luck bud!

DM Downrightamazed |

** spoiler omitted **
@DRA: I should have found this out sooner but where does Chu stay? Its a bit presumptuous of me to think he stays in the Palace. But I thought I would ask. Apologies for not asking sooner. D:
Chu has quarters in the palace, but it is highly likely he would also have rooms elsewhere in the city, probably near his favorite place(s), like the university, or a certain park, and/or in his favorite districts. Feel free to come up with whatever you like.

Daisuke |

Oh, I'm seeing that. Between Daisuke/Dare Mo and Imuri, this should be interesting.
I had considered retiring the Daisuke identity last night and switching to one more amenable to Azami and Kyras, but ultimately decided against it. He regards Azami as the greatest obstacle to the success of his mission, and doesn't think he has any identity that she would find persuasive.

Azami Ito |

Azami Ito wrote:Oh, I'm seeing that. Between Daisuke/Dare Mo and Imuri, this should be interesting.I had considered retiring the Daisuke identity last night and switching to one more amenable to Azami and Kyras, but ultimately decided against it. He regards Azami as the greatest obstacle to the success of his mission, and doesn't think he has any identity that she would find persuasive.
She actually didn't have much of a problem with Daisuke - he seemed somewhat straightforward when they spoke before. She was amenable to going to the dig once they got the heck out of the palace - there was just no place for her to tell him what /she/ knew while they were in there.
The Palace/Court scene was probably the worst place to deal with Azami --soooo uncomfortable. -4 circumstance modifier to social interactions.
But...hey, however it goes. We shall see. :)