Azami Ito |

So I'm curious how the characters are feeling about the interconnectedness of all things, right now. How much the mists are related to the gaijin are related to the campers Yohei and Azami found are related to the Vampire Ninja (oh yes I did) that's on the loose, to the paintings. What's everyone making of all this, given just what they know, obviously, and leaving out metagaming?
Ok, now that I have a little more time to do this:
Azami is certain that this is all pulling together to lead her where she needs to go next. Obviously the emissaries are all connected with it - each group brings war, and her vision definitely involves a sense of something fought for. The attack in the marketplace with the furies shows their disregard for the Emperor and the Empire, and she believes them to be in general a bad idea. At present she doesn't connect the people in the forests with the Black Dragonflight. But the people she's met - Kyras, Daveth, and seeing/hearing Princess Erudima -seem to be clear signals of something coalescing, just as signs are forming in the mists, pointing towards something.
She REALLY wants to speak to Erudima!

Daveth Ashvale |

I'm fairly certain Daveths rather out of the loop in regards to things being interconnected since he isn't aware of what's going on else where xD He's a bit interested in the fact that the same samurai he met earlier happened to also be fleeing from possibly the same area he is to be scouting though.

Daveth Ashvale |

We did, and it was a few decades. Can't remember how he had that justified mechanically. Feel free to retcon it into something you're more comfortable with, otherwise I can dig back through the LFP to find it as I think that's where it was...
It was the Eternal Slumber Grand Witches Hex I believe, i think the hex says something about the character remaining as they are until they are awakened.

DM Downrightamazed |

DM Downrightamazed wrote:We did, and it was a few decades. Can't remember how he had that justified mechanically. Feel free to retcon it into something you're more comfortable with, otherwise I can dig back through the LFP to find it as I think that's where it was...It was the Eternal Slumber Grand Witches Hex I believe, i think the hex says something about the character remaining as they are until they are awakened.
Oh right! Thanks, Daveth.

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DM Downrightamazed |

Really enjoying this little parlor drama that's starting to play out at the Imperial Temple of Cultural Exchange, OMG. This is great! Y'all have such awesome command of your respective characters that I'm super giddy to watch it unfold. :-D
BTW Yesterday was my girlfriend's birthday (observed) and she and I spent it hanging out. Updates for y'all coming today. :-)

DM Downrightamazed |

I don't know, actually! That is up to Madame Curator. I mean, I'm 100% sure that there is probably some of the best sake in the universe located somewhere in that temple -- object of beauty, after all, in its own way -- but whether or not Tokine would already have it out for elevenses is a different question entirely. :-)

Tokine Nagano |

....and, the hits just keep on coming.
That wasn't directed at you :-) Akiku is an acolyte at the temple, she is the young impressionable girl serving tea, under the watchful eye of Izumi, assistant head curator. Throw in Azami, getting on Tokine's nerves. And me trying to keep up with the replies while at work...and it all grows into Azazmi and then Azazi...you can see it in my posts. It was unintentional..on a conscious level...but so Funny in the story. Tokine would not have done this on purpose...but it is funny what stress can do. Enjoyed the outburst! ;-) She will apologize but did not want to interfere with your 'real' name banter.

Kyras Erodal |

I hope you don't mind Kyras's infatuation with Tokine. Seemed in-character, as she's got 18 Charisma, blue hair, and is the only person Kyras has met here that has been honest with him. Already in this short time, he's grown quite attached to her, though I'm pretty sure he desperately wants to hide the Dragon from her as long as possible.

Tokine Nagano |

Tokine is used to it, in her fashion :-)
It is how she operates. She is the librarian who everyone has a crush on, but she is oblivious to. She exudes no overt sexuality as she is so caught up in her duties. But she has found that being nice to people and smiling at them has gotten a lot of things done {like adopted by a clan of dwarves or convince a barbarian to subdue rather than kill). People just like to help her, and she likes to help them back. It is the basis for so much good will toward the temple.

Azami Ito |

Azami Ito wrote:That wasn't directed at you :-) Akiku is an acolyte at the temple, she is the young impressionable girl serving tea, under the watchful eye of Izumi, assistant head curator. Throw in Azami, getting on Tokine's nerves. And me trying to keep up with the replies while at work...and it all grows into Azazmi and then Azazi...you can see it in my posts. It was unintentional..on a conscious level...but so Funny in the story. Tokine would not have done this on purpose...but it is funny what stress can do. Enjoyed the outburst! ;-) She will apologize but did not want to interfere with your 'real' name banter.....and, the hits just keep on coming.
Heh. I totally thought it was likely a mistyping, but thought I'd seize upon it as Azami being super touchy.
And my reference to "the hits" were the combination of all the things that Azami is HATING in this experience. This day has been NOTHING but bad stuff for her so far. From terrible nightmares to disapproving Xorns, to disapproving Curators, to Dragonborns acting nice when she saw him melt off a kid's face, to Curators getting in the way of ORDERS, to being torn between wanting to fulfill her orders and talking to Erudima...and then finding out her father is dead...or likely dead.
I totally, by the way, ADORE your character and playing of her. She's the type of character I usually play. So it's hard to pull back from my political intrigue/snarky responses and be rough Azami, who is beginning to think that everything that is said in an artful way is somehow a slight --because that's what you silver tongued people do!
I'm playing up Azami's disconcert around Tokine for two reasons: 1--they are so on opposite spectrums of grace, beauty, and behavior and 2--Azami's elements are earth and air. Perhaps some fire. Tokine's watery nature is foreign to her.

Azami Ito |

I hope you don't mind Kyras's infatuation with Tokine. Seemed in-character, as she's got 18 Charisma, blue hair, and is the only person Kyras has met here that has been honest with him. Already in this short time, he's grown quite attached to her, though I'm pretty sure he desperately wants to hide the Dragon from her as long as possible.
*grins* Azami has been honest too. She's just not friendly to strangers that melt off people's faces. Or really anyone. But especially those face-melters.

DM Downrightamazed |

Tokine is used to it, in her fashion :-)
It is how she operates. She is the librarian who everyone has a crush on, but she is oblivious to. She exudes no overt sexuality as she is so caught up in her duties. But she has found that being nice to people and smiling at them has gotten a lot of things done {like adopted by a clan of dwarves or convince a barbarian to subdue rather than kill). People just like to help her, and she likes to help them back. It is the basis for so much good will toward the temple.
This is all really good insight, actually, and I'm glad you shared it. Like Aimee Bender wrote (though I don't reckon she was the first): "Everyone has a librarian fantasy."
Honestly I've felt the back-and-forth between poor beat-up and confused (but still quite dangerous) Kyras and the enormously self-assured Tokine has been terrific. Keep it up, you guys.

Tokine Nagano |

Thanks. I definitely love the way you got Azami getting under Tokine's skin. She works hard at not letting people do that. I think the bluntness of the Mountain and the Fire of the hair and personality definitely clashes with Tokine's serene blue Water. Air would be her next element, so maybe there can be a meeting of the minds there. ;-D
But earlier, I really wanted you to know that Akiku was not me further butchering your name...I am still chuckling over that outburst.

Azami Ito |

But earlier, I really wanted you to know that Akiku was not me further butchering your name...I am still chuckling over that outburst.
Oh! Yeah, I didn't think Akiku was a reference to Azami. :D
Yep, the water nature of Tokine definitely clashes with her solid earthiness. Azami's air conflicts with herself - strong willed and trying to approach everything without emotion. But it might, as you say, be a place where Tokine and Azami can connect. Certainly not the drive of the fire in her.
I'm certain, actually, that Azami and Tokine will get along fine as soon as they are on the same side of things. Azami appreciates battle-worthiness and loyalty, and is in awe of healers in general. It's just that everything that Tokine says is so PRETTY. Azami generally doesn't talk much at all, or open up to anyone. What would be the purpose?

Azami Ito |

@Yohei: OH SNAP. Awesomely amusing response to Kyras. I LOL'd at work.
@Tokine: I'm looking forward to Azami seeing Tokine fight; it's one thing to have a weapon--it's another thing to use it. Azami has respect for Curator Nagano for what Azami sees her as, but when she sees that Tokine also kicks a$$, well. That'll be fun.

Yohei |

@Yohei: OH SNAP. Awesomely amusing response to Kyras. I LOL'd at work.
Haha nice :)
I'm mentoring someone at work all this week and next week so my posting time is cut down to just breaks and lunches right now. Hopefully I'll still be able to keep up with the excellent fast and furious posts going back and forth :)

niel |

Sorry to be so bad about keeping up, folks. I mostly post from work and we got a suprise notice of a suprise inspection, so I've been busy. I am keeping up with reading, just not commenting.
Consider the Xorn as the quiet, earthy type, more interested than he lets on.
San Pen is, at present, marveling at the diversity of these humans and the depth of their emotions. It's like a psycology journal in here. He's actually feeling a little uncomfortable at the raw emotion, but it doesn't seem like the time for a lecture on the-illusion-that-is-what-is and balance-of-karma.

DM Downrightamazed |

Sorry to be so bad about keeping up, folks. I mostly post from work and we got a suprise notice of a suprise inspection, so I've been busy. I am keeping up with reading, just not commenting.
Consider the Xorn as the quiet, earthy type, more interested than he lets on.
San Pen is, at present, marveling at the diversity of these humans and the depth of their emotions. It's like a psycology journal in here. He's actually feeling a little uncomfortable at the raw emotion, but it doesn't seem like the time for a lecture on the-illusion-that-is-what-is and balance-of-karma.
It's all good! Thanks for letting us know, though. ^_^ Everyone gets the bum-rush from RL once in a while, I just appreciate the hell out of eveyone's awesome efforts in this game so far. So juicy. So great.
But anyway! How about that Banad, huh? Hell of a guy, him! ;-D

Daveth Ashvale |