Mists of War - DM Downrightamazed

Game Master downrightamazed

Three groups of gaijin approach the Son of the Heavens, ruler of the Empire of Mists, in his palace in far Lanzhu. A great war is underway in the west, this is known, but what could these strangers want?

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@Tokine and @Kyras: Great first posts, you guys! I love it! Let's rock the bells, everybody. :-D

DM Downrightamazed wrote:
@Tokine and @Kyras: Great first posts, you guys! I love it! Let's rock the bells, everybody. :-D

Thanks! I'm seriously excited!

Sieg Oshagairea wrote:
What exactly are those of us not directly involved in the palace doing? Odd I could have sworn he was supposed to be CN....will have to fix that.

If you're CN then I have no problem with that. But be careful...karma's a bugger. ;-)

Since Kyras was last awake a century ago, I am planning on his speech patterns being slightly off. Case in point, he will not use contractions. That may change over time, but he's still using an older dialect of Common, so he may misunderstand what you say from time to time...

Kyras Erodel wrote:
Since Kyras was last awake a century ago, I am planning on his speech patterns being slightly off. Case in point, he will not use contractions. That may change over time, but he's still using an older dialect of Common, so he may misunderstand what you say from time to time...

That's a cool way to play it. :-)

Also, more awesome first postage from Shan and Daveth. This is seriously rocking.

We had a drop?


Oh well, we shall soldier on!

At least it was right at the beginning.

Hoping San Pen is out there. I see some great RP out there with a cleric of Shelyn seeing the inner beauty of a Xorn.

Yeah. Both Sieg and Rose had to drop for personal reasons. We're down two and I'm seeing if I can get San Pen to join. If anybody sees Niel on the boards, could you ping him for me? He was my first alternate, though I realize now I was negligent in telling him so. (>_<)

Tokine Nagano wrote:

At least it was right at the beginning.

Hoping San Pen is out there. I see some great RP out there with a cleric of Shelyn seeing the inner beauty of a Xorn.

San Pen answered the call, thankfully. I think that's a terrific idea, Tokine. Once San Pen shows up here we'll finalize how you two know each other. This'll be great!

Reporting for duty.

It's busy at work today so posting may be limited.
Will polish profile as I can.

Sounds good sir, thank you for joining us!

For San Pen and Tokine:

So here's the thing, I love the idea of you two being friends. Feel free to work out some of that ahead of time here in the OOC thread; how you met, what you have in common (a love of fine gems? painting? theater?), that sort of thing.

For San Pen Only:

You are the only one who knows the true emperor. The emperor has hired many graceful, wise-seeming old men to appear in public in his stead. He, in the meantime, governs mostly in secret, moving about in plain sight or light disguise in public, in the light of day, because no one knows who he is. Part of why he trusts you is he knows you are not fooled or taken in by surface pretensions, and he respects your arcane abilities and unique perspective.

From time to time he summons you to The Room With No Doors, a secret location deep in the heart of the palace. The emperor is an Eldritch Knight of great power, so he teleports to the room; you, with your burrowing ability, are able to get in there as well without revealing your location or purpose or alerting anyone to your presence. It is because of this that you are the only one of his advisers he speaks with in the Doorless Room. He views you less as a "wizened old sage" and more as a peer and a friend.

The Emperor is surprisingly young; just 42 years of age and in excellent health. He is handsome but not excessively so. This helps him blend in to crowds.

What do you think of all this, sound alright so far?

If I wished to purchase some books or scrolls containing odes or tales which I could read to amuse myself or others, how would you price them?

I feel very proud to be in the trust of the Divine Emperor. I have watched him grow out of his childhood and his youth and his scholarliness and love of his people have been an inspiration to me. It is apparent that the destinies of the Heavens are embodied in his actions. My life is his to command.

I see we share a trait (scholar of ruins) and I believe your wisdom and faith would offer insights I would wish to hear.
I could see myself seeking you out when you came to the capital with your exotic gems and tales of ancient ruins. Your knowledge of history would intrigue me.
Perhaps we became friends as we spoke of these things?
I would be careful to not intrude on your privacy of interupt your duties, but I would seek you out in my role as a scholar in Imperial service.

San Pen:
Excellent, this'll work out stupendously. When you get a chance, please write yourself an introductory paragraph in the IC thread similar to what the others have done. Don't worry about matching length or anything like that; I just want to have an idea for the voice of your character, and an idea of how he starts his day.

As for books/scrolls, that is a wonderful idea. Let's price like this:
*you can have three scrolls or books that are rare and/or no longer in existence. We'll just say you picked these up in your "first life" i.e., your earlier travels.
*for common or in-print books it'll be 5sp each.
*for rare or scholarly books it'll be 10gp each
*for extremely rare or out-of-print or specialized scholarly tomes, it'll be 40gp each (mwk price, basically)

Made some slight changes in gear. DRA, any questions or concerns about details in my profile?

San Pen:
Tokine just loves that you have reached such enlightenment and that your stony exterior contains such care and thought. Knowing that your mobility is likely limited in the city, she will bring gem dust she collects from the artisans workshops, that you might sprinkle it in your tea (if you would like), while they discuss history.

San Pen wrote:
Made some slight changes in gear. DRA, any questions or concerns about details in my profile?

It all looks good to me. :-)

DMA, I am down right amazed at your creativity and output. Quite the blistering pace you are setting, I love it!

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

DM Downrightamazed wrote:

@Imuri: for any kind of stand-off style samurai/ninja duel, like you propose, I would combine the following:

Martial Skill as reflected by BAB
Stillness of mind and strength of will as represented by WIS
Ability to bluff and psych-out as represented by CHA
Sheer quickness as reflected by bonus to initiative

So let's say d20+the above to win a STRICT iajutsu duel. Any stretches into kenjutsu/regular melee will then be handled by normal combat mechanics.

So 1d20+Wis+Cha+BAB+Init? I will total that roll and place it into my character sheet. And I'll move my introductory text into the IC thread.

Good to meet you all!

Tokine Nagano wrote:
DMA, I am down right amazed at your creativity and output. Quite the blistering pace you are setting, I love it!

LOL thanks Tokine! I really appreciate it. ^_^ It helps when the players put so much into it, that rocks. My set up and pace is only as good as the folks who help sustain it, so kudos to y'all.

Don't forget to use the character alias!

Alright, we got us another Samurai. Awesomesauce. Azami Ito will be joining us shortly to replace our other drop, make her feel welcome. Also, carry on being super fantastic yourselves, love how things are going thus far!

Also! Gotta say you are all picking and/or doing some awesome character drawings. I'm really loving 'em!

Female Human Samurai 11, HP: 84/128, 3/4 Resolve, 1/4 challenges

Hi all. I'm relatively new to the PbP boards, but have been playing for a while. I'm looking forward to playing with everyone!

Male Half-Human, Half-Erinyes Burglar Lv4, Skirmisher Lv2
Azami Ito wrote:
Hi all. I'm relatively new to the PbP boards, but have been playing for a while. I'm looking forward to playing with everyone!

Hello Azami :D Looking forward to playing with you too.

Female Human Samurai 11, HP: 84/128, 3/4 Resolve, 1/4 challenges

DRA: fluff updated, still not totally done with eq. Heading over to IC thread to see if I can get my first post in this morning!

Welcome aboard!

Female Human Samurai 11, HP: 84/128, 3/4 Resolve, 1/4 challenges
Tokine Nagano wrote:
Welcome aboard!


Female Human Samurai 11, HP: 84/128, 3/4 Resolve, 1/4 challenges

Super impressed with all the character writing in this. I have to say I used Chongde's opening description to help me with getting something up there quickly.

Welcome aboard!

realized I never rolled hit points
so 6d10 + 45 ⇒ (4, 9, 3, 5, 6, 7) + 45 = 79

Does San Pen travel through the city? Or would Tokine bring tea to him?

I was hoping there could be a tea shop you two meet at where the owner is enlightened enough to appreciate San Pen for who he is, and not be at all alarmed by his admittedly monstrous presence. It will allow me a bit of RP/story flexibility.

But if you had something cool in mind for a meeting at the palace, then go for it. :-)

I was heading to a tea shop, so it would be cool to have San Pen meet us there.

Tokine Nagano wrote:
I was heading to a tea shop, so it would be cool to have San Pen meet us there.

Done and Done. :-)

A tea shop it is!

Male Half-Human, Half-Erinyes Burglar Lv4, Skirmisher Lv2

I'll be out with my friends playing in a campaign tonight, I likely will not be able to post until tomorrow so feel free to keep Daveth asleep and if you need to awaken him obviously feel free to DMPC him xD

Daveth Ashvale wrote:
I'll be out with my friends playing in a campaign tonight, I likely will not be able to post until tomorrow so feel free to keep Daveth asleep and if you need to awaken him obviously feel free to DMPC him xD

You got it man, thanks for the heads up.

Hey, just so everyone knows, Shan Chongde has left the game permanently due to personal reasons. I am not currently seeking a replacement.

Relatedly; Kyras? Daveth? You guys still out there? I'm starting to feel lousy about my DMing abilities, I'm losing players left and right. :-/

Hey guys, I'm on a short "tour" out east with one of my bands for a few days, so posting is gonna be a bit spotty during that time. I'm still checking in and will post longer things when I have wifi, but will try to get shorter posts done while in the van. Anything to beguile the tedium of a journey across IN, OH, and PA.

Is it a bad reason to support these people just to put the two bimbos in their place? That trick of getting the Princess to dress and speak inappropriately ticks me off.

San Pen:
I know, right? Poor Erudima. Speaking completely OOC, you may want to wait to see what young Shoto Imuri does, as he has his sights on those two, as well. Speaking IC, San Pen would know there is no love lost between Clan Shoto and Clan Sera, so would be aware that jockeying for position was going on, and that Imuri-san could well come to the Princess' aid.

As for your question, if San Pen decides to do that, that is certainly his prerogative. He has the ear of the emperor, though, and knows the emperor is in the room and probably can see the same things he does, so he might not deem such an action to be necessary, as it would eat up some of his carefully-gathered and hard-won political capital, and he'll be able to speak directly with the emperor, where no one else can do such a thing.

I can totally see San Pen saying something humble and wise that puts the sisters in their place without sacrificing his integrity, or displaying what would be regarded as a suspect bias on his part. That would be way rad.

In the end, though, he is your character, and I will roll with whatever you decide to do. To be perfectly honest, I'm rather on the edge of my seat to see how all these dinners turn out.


I want to put the focus back on the greater issue, but I'm feeling the pressure to come up with a pithy way to refocus the crowd and not make a commitment as an advisor to any side on the question. Dealing with the b%&~%es comes later.
This advisor stuff is tuff, but really fun.

San Pen:
Right on! So far I LOVE the way you're playing the character. The writing style fits perfectly. Keep it up!

husband half Italian Expert 15 (carpenter 5/ gamer 5/ reader 5)

In retrospect, eating a man-shaped item at a court reception seems rather rude.


Shocking some of the nobles out of their complacency works for me.

Plus any gossip the next day probably won't mention the Princess' dress.

Heyo, Kacy here. I play with DRA in Barcas' Kingmaker game and have been invited to join in here as I hear you guys need some players. I'm going to be playing this Tengu Zen Archer. I still have some reading to do to catch up with the thread and forumalate a backstory, but I figured I'd go ahead and intro myself to get things started.

DRA suggested that I could be a member of the Palace Guard, possibly leading a contingent of Tengu Archers and this sounds good to me. Anyyways, looking forward to playing with everyone :)

Also, I didn't realize we were rolling HPs and just took averages when making my character. So here are my rolls:

5d8 ⇒ (8, 1, 4, 3, 4) = 20
20 + 8 + 12 = 40 HP

niel wrote:

In retrospect, eating a man-shaped item at a court reception seems rather rude.


Shocking some of the nobles out of their complacency works for me.

Plus any gossip the next day probably won't mention the Princess' dress.


Your actions will indeed have interesting repercussions, but first you have to get through tonight...

Male Half-elf Dragon Disciple 11

Hello, hello. Also a possible fill-in!

Yeah! Welcome Yohei/Kacy and Mizu/Barcas, everybody. Both are terrific RP'ers so they'll be fantastic additions to the already-superb posting you guys are perpetrating. I have a feeling Yohei is going to end up paired with Azami, at least for the start, and Mizu will be in town and end up interfacing first with Imuri. Gonna let 'em get caught up and they'll we go from there.

But yeah, say hi! :-)

Welcome Yohei and Mizu. I have enjoyed following your Kingmaker Campaign. Just missed the cut with my gnome cavalier and have watched it since.

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