Medieval Europe PbP campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Michael Johnson 66

Set in a version of 15th century Europe where magic, monsters, myths and legends are real....

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male teifling Rogue(u) 7/slayer 2, HP 75/75, AC 30, T 18, FF 22, F +13, R +20 W +11, Perception +24(+27 traps); darkvision 120', Initi. +13

No offense, boyo, but don't you think cleansing this place is a bit above your ability? I mean this place just absolutely smacks of evil...I want to vomit just because I am near it. I think the big boys might need to come and cleanse this place. In the meantime, let's get down to the job at hand....planning to kill this Nero chap. If he is indeed a lich, we are going to need a plan. Any idea on how to kill a lich? I know absolutely nothing about the blighters.

Male HP: 112/118|AC: 27 (30 Smite) |T: 12|FF: 26 | Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +9| Init +1| CMD 20 |IMMUNE Fear, Charm, and Diseases| DR 3/-| LoH 8/8

Kn. Religion: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15

"Not a clue, I've never fought one before."

Male Fleshwarped Half Elf Verminous Hunter 4/Medium 4 (Level 8)| HP 59/59| AC 31 T 22 FF 24 | Fort +9 Ref +14 Will +8| CMD 30 | Init +9 | Perception +12 (+18 Wasp Focus)

Nacht had been slowly dabbling with the rubies and gems he had found, pulling one after the other out and examining it while the beings spoke of, purification and other such matters. It wasnt until the talk of slaying some creature that the Yellow eyes of insectile man came to focus on the beings once more, curiosity within them.

" Lich..? "

LG Viking INV: Empiricist-2 / ALC: Mindchemist-5 .... Initiative: +7 | HP: 62 /62
AC:29 (T/FF: 16/25) | Fort:+11Ref:+11Will:+20 | CMD: 20 | Move: 40

Lich is a good vote.

You'll have to excuse me a bit for the next several days; I'll be lurking and will post when I need to but won't be driving the Campaign forward in this temporary lull. I'm preparing two PC proposals in the Recruitment of two new PbPs, one of which is a gestalt-20th level game. Needless to say, my Paizo-time is pretty full up on those two Recruitments. But I'll still be lurking here, of course.

So anyway, we go get a priest?

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

The Lusty Fools have seen a number of cathedrals, churches and chapels in their travels through the streets of London and Greenwich, and in the countryside in between. Any of these might host a priest of sufficient spiritual authority to cleanse and reconsecrate the satanic chapel of Lucifer....

Male HP: 112/118|AC: 27 (30 Smite) |T: 12|FF: 26 | Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +9| Init +1| CMD 20 |IMMUNE Fear, Charm, and Diseases| DR 3/-| LoH 8/8

We go get one, and bring him back.

"As you can see, father, this was an urget matter. Can you feel the filth of evil radiating from this altar?"

Having received the message born to his manor by the silver raven of Notre Dame, Lord Humphrey arrives with haste to witness what evidence The Lusty Fools have uncovered at the townhouse of Roger Bolingbroke....

His countenance is strangely hard to read as he looks upon the unconscious, bound, and gagged Bolingbroke and The Witch of Eye.... Sense Motive checks, please....vs DC 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (1) + 16 = 17

He examines the chapel of Lucifer with a look of distaste on his face.... Separate Sense Motive checks can be made again....vs DC 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (1) + 16 = 17

Frankly, I am not terribly surprised at what you have found here, as it was widely known at Court that Bolingbroke is a student of the magical arts, as is Marjorie Jourdemaiyne, also known as The Witch of Eye. *Sigh!* Fine investigating, Lusty Fools. I shall see that these two face the justice they deserve at The Tower....

Gesturing at the two bound satanists, Humphrey orders the men-at-arms he brought with him (eight well armed and heavily armored soldiers) to take custody of Bolingbroke and The Witch, and imprison them in The Tower, taking care to follow the protocol for securing dangerous spellcasters....

Alphonse Veritus wrote:

We go get one, and bring him back.

"As you can see, father, this was an urget matter. Can you feel the filth of evil radiating from this altar?"

Aye! agrees Father Malcolm of St Peter's Cathedral in London. The stink of the Evil One is enough to make a Christian want to wretch here!

Father Malcolm goes about the chapel with an aspergillium, sprinkling everything liberally with holy water from St Peter's baptismal font.... He burns frankincense and begins to say a special mass of exorcism in Latin....

male teifling Rogue(u) 7/slayer 2, HP 75/75, AC 30, T 18, FF 22, F +13, R +20 W +11, Perception +24(+27 traps); darkvision 120', Initi. +13

sense motive: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22

sense motive: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24

LG Viking INV: Empiricist-2 / ALC: Mindchemist-5 .... Initiative: +7 | HP: 62 /62
AC:29 (T/FF: 16/25) | Fort:+11Ref:+11Will:+20 | CMD: 20 | Move: 40

I thought The Witch of Eye was all dead, not mostly dead.

Inspired Sense Motive on Duke Humphrey's reaction to our defeated enemies: 1d20 + 13 + 1d6 ⇒ (5) + 13 + (3) = 21

Inspired Sense Motive on Duke Humphrey's reaction to the Satanic chapel: 1d20 + 13 + 1d6 ⇒ (6) + 13 + (2) = 21

Again, has Bolingbroke's wife shown up?

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

Both Paddy and Iommi-Tyr get the feeling that Humphrey might have somehow known more about Bolingbroke's and The Witch's activities than he is letting on....

Further, when he takes custody of the two satanists, both Paddy and Iommi-Tyr get a sinking feeling that they might escape true justice....

Yes, Bolingbroke's wife is distraught at the sight of her unconscious husband, bleeding from a few places, bound, and gagged, and must initially be restrained by the stalwart guards.... She seems despondent, protesting that her "dear husband" was not to blame, and that he was a victim of "that harlot", The Witch of Eye, who enchanted him with her satanic charms and witchcraft....

male teifling Rogue(u) 7/slayer 2, HP 75/75, AC 30, T 18, FF 22, F +13, R +20 W +11, Perception +24(+27 traps); darkvision 120', Initi. +13

Pardon me for asking, Lord Humphrey, but what exactly will his punishment be? I mean, is there a set sentence or a trial? It might not be the greatest idea to let them fester about. They might have followers that do anything to set them free.....perhaps the powers that be should be notified immediately. They might want to know of these events.

Paddy wrote:
Pardon me for asking, Lord Humphrey, but what exactly will his punishment be? I mean, is there a set sentence or a trial? It might not be the greatest idea to let them fester about. They might have followers that do anything to set them free.....perhaps the powers that be should be notified immediately. They might want to know of these events.

They shall receive a fair trial in a court of law, and after their confessions are taken, they will face the fate that all who practice black magic face: they shall be burnt unto death at the stake.

Bluffery 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (3) + 16 = 19

LG Viking INV: Empiricist-2 / ALC: Mindchemist-5 .... Initiative: +7 | HP: 62 /62
AC:29 (T/FF: 16/25) | Fort:+11Ref:+11Will:+20 | CMD: 20 | Move: 40

Well I look forward to meeting your older brother, John, again when I testify what I've seen here when he adjudges the trial.
(Looks to see Humphrey's reaction when I passively remind that the Duke of Bedford and not Humphrey would be the rightful judge at the trials of The Witch of Eye & Roger Bolingbroke.)

Well all is good then, Lord Humphrey. I believe my allies and I have matters to attend elsewhere, as you do of course, as well.

Once we're away from Humphrey I'll mention that I'd like to go back to France to gain an audience with Humphrey's older brother, John Duke of Bedford -- to convince him to come up to London to adjudge the trial of treason against his nephew.

We should, I would think, have time afterwords to get to Italy (or wherever) to find Nero. But leaving The Witch, Bolingbroke, and now obviously Eleanor Cobham AND Humphrey behind us as enemies, knowing who we are, is foolish.

male teifling Rogue(u) 7/slayer 2, HP 75/75, AC 30, T 18, FF 22, F +13, R +20 W +11, Perception +24(+27 traps); darkvision 120', Initi. +13

sense motive: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16

Male Human Ninja 10| HP 92/92 | AC 32 (T 20 FF 23) | CMD 25| CMB 7| Saves F 5 R 15 W 5 | Init +14 | Per +13 | Ki 8/8 r 2/2

Sense Motive : 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

Male Human Ninja 10| HP 92/92 | AC 32 (T 20 FF 23) | CMD 25| CMB 7| Saves F 5 R 15 W 5 | Init +14 | Per +13 | Ki 8/8 r 2/2

Shrugging, the invisible Hisao nods at Paddy and stealthily moves to the bound figures. Covering their mouths the ninja discreetly slashes their armpits wide open to let their blood seep out in a manner that won't be noticed for just long enough for them to die.

Bluff Pass message to Paddy HE LIES: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15

Stealth Witch Coup: 1d20 + 33 ⇒ (17) + 33 = 50
Coup De grace Witch of Eye damage: 2d6 + 4 + 2d6 + 3d6 ⇒ (1, 4) + 4 + (1, 6) + (4, 1, 6) = 27

Stealth Bolingbroke Coup: 1d20 + 33 ⇒ (10) + 33 = 43
Coup De grace Bolingbroke damage: 2d6 + 4 + 2d6 + 3d6 ⇒ (6, 4) + 4 + (1, 5) + (6, 2, 6) = 34

Second roll on both damage is acid. I'm thinking this happened within 20 seconds for three rounds of action.

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
Hisao of the Yellow Reeds wrote:
[dice=Sense Motive ]1d20+5

Though his English is still less than fluent, the young ninja is well versed in the meanings of body language, and he senses that the Duke is being less than completely honest....

Male Human Ninja 10| HP 92/92 | AC 32 (T 20 FF 23) | CMD 25| CMB 7| Saves F 5 R 15 W 5 | Init +14 | Per +13 | Ki 8/8 r 2/2

How did Hisao's stealthy coups go?

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
Hisao of the Yellow Reeds wrote:
How did Hisao's stealthy coups go?

Both targets are assassinated in cold blooded ninja fashion....

LG Viking INV: Empiricist-2 / ALC: Mindchemist-5 .... Initiative: +7 | HP: 62 /62
AC:29 (T/FF: 16/25) | Fort:+11Ref:+11Will:+20 | CMD: 20 | Move: 40

So,.... off to find Nero?

Let's go. Once we realize everybody's dead Dave.

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

The copious torrent of blood in the chamber quickly makes it apparent that Bolingbroke and The Witch of Eye aren't just unconscious, but are in fact dead.

As this fact dawns on Duke Humphrey, the Lusty Fools attempt to extricate themselves as quickly as possible....

Which unfortunately makes them look even more like a mob of murdering hobos....

Humphrey suddenly changes his attitude toward The Lusty Fools!

Sieze these murdering cutthroats!

Now, the Lusty Fools stand as outlaws against the throne....

Male HP: 112/118|AC: 27 (30 Smite) |T: 12|FF: 26 | Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +9| Init +1| CMD 20 |IMMUNE Fear, Charm, and Diseases| DR 3/-| LoH 8/8

Alphonse startles.

"What in Blazes!" he cries. and immediately apologizes "Forgive me for my language, Father."

"What happened to them?"

UH OH!!!! Eeeeek! Eeeeek!!!

Initiative 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21

I know not what trickery is afoot.... But I will not be made the fool!!

LG Viking INV: Empiricist-2 / ALC: Mindchemist-5 .... Initiative: +7 | HP: 62 /62
AC:29 (T/FF: 16/25) | Fort:+11Ref:+11Will:+20 | CMD: 20 | Move: 40

I surrender.


Lord Humphrey, I ask that you give a verdict on the actions of and conspiracies of Roger Bolingbroke and Margiery Jourdemayne. You see their shrine to Satan and have heard the testimony of these house guards and servants.

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

Diplomacy check, Iommi-Tyr....

Humphrey's men bare their blades....

Initiative 1d20 ⇒ 5

male teifling Rogue(u) 7/slayer 2, HP 75/75, AC 30, T 18, FF 22, F +13, R +20 W +11, Perception +24(+27 traps); darkvision 120', Initi. +13

initiative: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18

Male HP: 112/118|AC: 27 (30 Smite) |T: 12|FF: 26 | Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +9| Init +1| CMD 20 |IMMUNE Fear, Charm, and Diseases| DR 3/-| LoH 8/8

1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15

LG Viking INV: Empiricist-2 / ALC: Mindchemist-5 .... Initiative: +7 | HP: 62 /62
AC:29 (T/FF: 16/25) | Fort:+11Ref:+11Will:+20 | CMD: 20 | Move: 40

Inspired Diplomacy: 1d20 + 12 + 1d6 ⇒ (16) + 12 + (5) = 33

Male Human Ninja 10| HP 92/92 | AC 32 (T 20 FF 23) | CMD 25| CMB 7| Saves F 5 R 15 W 5 | Init +14 | Per +13 | Ki 8/8 r 2/2

Init: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11

Male Fleshwarped Half Elf Verminous Hunter 4/Medium 4 (Level 8)| HP 59/59| AC 31 T 22 FF 24 | Fort +9 Ref +14 Will +8| CMD 30 | Init +9 | Perception +12 (+18 Wasp Focus)

Init: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14

Nacht looks between the beings baring blades and strangle does not hold his own out quite yet. These beings he had fought before in some manner, the slaughter could come later if need be.

Male Human Ninja 10| HP 92/92 | AC 32 (T 20 FF 23) | CMD 25| CMB 7| Saves F 5 R 15 W 5 | Init +14 | Per +13 | Ki 8/8 r 2/2

The still invisible Hisao is very confused by what is happening. Should have done it after the others left he thinks to himself.


TBD: Iommi-Tyr!

Eeeeek! Eeeek!!!

Humphrey backs quickly to the stairs that lead out of the cellar, blade ready to strike at any who dare try to flee up the stairs past him....

Readies attack on any of The Lusty Fools who come within reach....

Male HP: 112/118|AC: 27 (30 Smite) |T: 12|FF: 26 | Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +9| Init +1| CMD 20 |IMMUNE Fear, Charm, and Diseases| DR 3/-| LoH 8/8

"Why are we fighting?"

LG Viking INV: Empiricist-2 / ALC: Mindchemist-5 .... Initiative: +7 | HP: 62 /62
AC:29 (T/FF: 16/25) | Fort:+11Ref:+11Will:+20 | CMD: 20 | Move: 40

I am not fighting.

No one is being made a fool, Lord of Gloucester.

You gave us leave to search for evidence of evil that is plotting against the Throne. We found The Witch of Eye and, to our surprise, Roger Bolingbroke in league with the devil. There is his shrine to Satan. Here his servants have given witness to evil actions they have done.

Are these two guilty, Lord Humphrey, of worshiping the devil and following Conflagratious?

EDIT: You can put me on Initiative 1.

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

This round of PC actions could drastically change the course of the campaign.... Will be interesting to see where things go from here....

Backing up into a corner near the stairs and Humphrey....

Lord, have mercy!

Father Malcolm crosses himself, looking anxious....

Likewise, Maid Molly crosses herself and huddles next to Father Malcolm....

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

The guards, Maid Molly, and Father Malcolm gawk in horror at all the blood expanding to cover the cellar floor, and take careful steps so as not to slip in it....

The blood-covered floor is slippery enough that characters not treating it as difficult terrain must succeed on a DC 10 Acrobatics check when moving quicker than half-speed or fall prone!

Male HP: 112/118|AC: 27 (30 Smite) |T: 12|FF: 26 | Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +9| Init +1| CMD 20 |IMMUNE Fear, Charm, and Diseases| DR 3/-| LoH 8/8

Alphonse, full of dread at the sudden shift in Duke Humphrey's disposition to hostility, uses his evil sensing powers on the man.

Alphonse Veritus wrote:
Alphonse, full of dread at the sudden shift in Duke Humphrey's disposition to hostility, uses his evil sensing powers on the man.

Humphrey does not smell evil to Alphonse.

Any specifics I can glean from that? Did the spell fail to detect anything, or did it fail like it was blicked?

male teifling Rogue(u) 7/slayer 2, HP 75/75, AC 30, T 18, FF 22, F +13, R +20 W +11, Perception +24(+27 traps); darkvision 120', Initi. +13

Everyone, put your bloody weapons down! We can explain all this. Humphrey, these two were guilty...letting them live was not a good choice. They would just try to use their vile magicks and twist anyone around to their cause. A summary execution was the only choice.

bluff: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14

Paddy lowers his blade, but warily watches the reactions of the others.

hold my action

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