Hoenheim Dobberkau *Nacht* |

Nacht tilts it's head eye blinking at the words this being said. An Angel? What manner of being was this ? The way in which the female-being said such words convinced Nacht it must be somewhat true. " Whhaaat, does an angel neeed to do? Answer the Anngeeelll. Whhhy do you cry...? Whhhhy are you heeeere?"

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

Let's search Jourdemayne to see if there's anything on her. Then I guess we can go talk to Roger Bolingbroke, see if he's evil and go from there.
Listening at the door from the basement to the house: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

Michael Johnson 66 |

Let's search Jourdemayne to see if there's anything on her. Then I guess we can go talk to Roger Bolingbroke, see if he's evil and go from there.
[dice=Listening at the door from the basement to the house]1d20 +7
A sound of booted feet can be heard drawing nearer through the door!

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson moves well away from the door.
Let's not be hasty, Gentlemen, we're only here to stamp out evil and get evidence of the Witch's plot against the King -- not murder house guards who honorably do their duty.

Hisao of the Yellow Reeds |

The invisble Hisao shurgs and stealthily searches the Witch's body while keeping away from the path of the stairs.
[Fast Stealth Search Perception]1d20+10[/dice]
[Fast Invisible Stealth]1d20+20+13[/dice]

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

To Sir Alphonse (& everyone else):
We've done nothing wrong so far. We KNOW the Witch was evil and plotting against the King. We will find irrefutable evidence.
Let us see who comes through the door.

Elsabeth Bolingbroke |

Nacht tilts it's head eye blinking at the words this being said. An Angel? What manner of being was this ? The way in which the female-being said such words convinced Nacht it must be somewhat true. " Whhaaat, does an angel neeed to do? Answer the Anngeeelll. Whhhy do you cry...? Whhhhy are you heeeere?"
I.... I'm here so my Roger can fornicate with that witch!! *SOB!* That witch, who has lain with devils!!

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Quickly, what was the Maid doing in the corner as we dispatched the Witch, the one whom I'm impersonating?
(still in disguise)
Guards quick, come in. Milady Jourdemayne is a Witch! She made me into a Doppelganger and was going to turn me into a newt but these heroes from the King stopped her.
They have evidence she was plotting against the King!
Inspired Bluff: 1d20 + 11 + 1d6 ⇒ (15) + 11 + (2) = 28

Hoenheim Dobberkau *Nacht* |

Nacht's voice is still for a moment before responding. " Ssooo you wish this Rogar-beiinng dead as well as this witch-being? Thee Angel can dooo sooo. You are allready freeee. "

Man-at-arms |

[dice=Initiative]1d20 +2
Quickly, what was the Maid doing in the corner as we dispatched the Witch, the one whom I'm impersonating?
(still in disguise)
Guards quick, come in. Milady Jourdemayne is a Witch! She made me into a Doppelganger and was going to turn me into a newt but these heroes from the King stopped her.
They have evidence she was plotting against the King![dice=Inspired Bluff]1d20 +11 +1d6
The guards are clearly confused, and alarmed by the sight of the dead witch, and seem to be trying to puzzle together what the "maid" is saying to them, while also looking quizzically at the tied-up maid in the corner.... They hold bared swords, but take no immediate actions....

Elsabeth Bolingbroke |

Nacht's voice is still for a moment before responding. " Ssooo you wish this Rogar-beiinng dead as well as this witch-being? Thee Angel can dooo sooo. You are allready freeee. "
No! Please! Don't harm my Roger! I love him.... And once, he loved me.... But the witch has seduced him! Poisoned him against his loving wife....

Hoenheim Dobberkau *Nacht* |

" The witch will be no moreeeee sooon. Go to him nooow. The way is opeen. " Nacht tired of the female-being, there was nothing to be had from this one, as it was already somewhat broken. Nacht opened the door wide to illustrate to the female-being to leave. His form still very much cloaked by the spell.

Paddy |

Aye, it's as he said....she was consorting with dark powers...demons and the like. She was
going on about her influence over Bollingbroke...she was most evil indeed....
bluff: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18

Alphonse Veritas |

The guards are clearly confused, and alarmed by the sight of the dead witch, and seem to be trying to puzzle together what the "maid" is saying to them, while also looking quizzically at the tied-up maid in the corner.... They hold bared swords, but take no immediate actions....
"I swear on my position as a squire of the realm and a servant of our Lord above that Lady Jourdemayne was steeped in evil. Her death was necessary. She was the Witch of Eye, in service to the foul dragon Conflagratious."
"You can lower your weapons. I believe the danger has passed." Alphose says, sheathing Foereaper.
"Iommi. There is no need for such a ruse."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (7) + 13 = 20
Dice pls.

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

Whoa, whoa,... the real maid isn't tied up. ....Is she?! Why would we have done that?
Iommi-Tyr Magnusson waits a moment to see how the guards react to Sir Alphonse's honesty gambit before allowing his disguise to fall.
I'll aid your Diplomacy when it's a bit more appropriate for me to try -- my Bluff of a bold-faced lie (a good one, I thought) is still pretty hot off my lips and now probably wouldn't make a heckuva good time to turn a 180. ....Let's see how they react.

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

(still disguised, noncommittal about my earlier Bluff)
To the guards:
I can see by the looks on your faces that you guards have suspected wrongdoing from Milady Jourdemayne--
Perhaps we should all tell what we've seen and beg audience with Lord Gloucester to decide on the King's behalf.
Iommi-Tyr Magnusson takes the forged letter from Hisao.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Whoa, whoa,... the real maid isn't tied up. ....Is she?! Why would we have done that?
.Iommi-Tyr Magnusson waits a moment to see how the guards react to Sir Alphonse's honesty gambit before allowing his disguise to fall.
I'll aid your Diplomacy when it's a bit more appropriate for me to try -- my Bluff of a bold-faced lie (a good one, I thought) is still pretty hot off my lips and now probably wouldn't make a heckuva good time to turn a 180. ....Let's see how they react.
Um.... Yeah.... Hisao totally bound and gagged her....

Elsabeth Bolingbroke |

" The witch will be no moreeeee sooon. Go to him nooow. The way is opeen. " Nacht tired of the female-being, there was nothing to be had from this one, as it was already somewhat broken. Nacht opened the door wide to illustrate to the female-being to leave. His form still very much cloaked by the spell.
The.... The Witch is.... No more? You.... You have dealt with her?
Elsabeth rises from the bed, tears streaming down her cheeks....

Hoenheim Dobberkau *Nacht* |

" She will diiiiie, one way or the otherrr. I tire.. " As a wisp Nacht hen leaves heading back to kill the witch as they had set out.. unknowing the deed had been done.

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

(In Celestial)
Well Sir Alphonse, shall we tell the guards the whole story and hope to god they let us look about so we can find absolute proof of the Witch's evil plots against the King -- and maybe her relationship with Conflagratious?
Standard Action: Dismiss the Disguise
(To the guards)
Whom do serve first, His Grace or Roger Bolingbroke?
....Margiery Jordemayne was a Witch plotting against King Henry for Conflagratious. We righteously and lawfully executed her but did so away from Bolingbroke -- not yet knowing whether his alliance with The Witch of Eye is his corrupted choice or if he is being coerced or charmed.
What say you guards before we go confront Bolingbroke--
His Grace?
Or Roger Bolingbroke?

Alphonse Veritas |

Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14
Alphonse shakes his head sadly.
"Forgive me for what I must do." he pleads to the guards, and sheathes his scythe in the light of mercy. He scans Roger Bolingbroke for signs of evil as he did the Witch.
Standard: Add Merciful to Foereaper, Move Detect Evil.

Roger Bolingbroke |

Alphonse shakes his head sadly.
"Forgive me for what I must do." he pleads to the guards, and sheathes his scythe in the light of mercy. He scans Roger Bolingbroke for signs of evil as he did the Witch.
Standard: Add Merciful to Foereaper, Move Detect Evil.
The stench of foul evil assaults Alphonse's nostrils as he looks into Bolingbroke's intelligent eyes....

Hoenheim Dobberkau *Nacht* |

Forgot this was a new day, The penalty from the vamp fight is gone I believe about where is Nacht located and did the woman ever follow/ leave/whatever the room?