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Baru's tail produces his wand of snapdragon fireworks from behind his robe and places it in Baru's hand. Baru speaks a few quiet words and points the wand at the swarm.
Sparks in the shape of a dragon's head zig zag to the northeast square of the swarm and explode! Lighting up the room and leaving numerous insects ingnited light fireflys.
damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6 fire damage
hopefully double damage against a swarm
School transmutation [fire, light]; Level bard 2, sorcerer/wizard 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components S, V, M (a bundle of sulfur wrapped in cloth)
Range long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Effect dragon-shaped fireworks
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Reflex negates; Spell Resistance yes
A favorite display at halfling midsummer festivals, this spell lets you create fireworks in the shape of tiny dragons. Once per round, as a move action, you may designate a target 5-foot-square within range and launch a pyrotechnic in that direction. The pyrotechnic takes a zigzag path from you to that square, always missing creatures and objects in its path, and detonates in that square with a bang and a colorful burst of fire and light. Creatures in the target square take 1d4 points of fire damage and are dazzled for 1 round (Reflex half, a successful save negates the dazzled condition). Normally when this spell is used as part of a festival, the chosen target is high in the sky to increase visibility and protect observers.
"Fry you little bloodsuckers!"

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GM, the swarm dissipates 2 rounds after the caster stopped concentration, which was when he cast produce flame in round 2. Since we are now in round 4 after Tasskar's initiative it should just dissipate ;-)

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But she screams on pitch, at least.
The swarm will apparently dissipate when Baru hits it with a firework; that will make him completely insufferable for the walk back to Absalom.

GM Tobi |

The firework from Baru's wand engulfs the swarm and as the smoke clears you see the swarm dispersing and disappearing. After a few more tense moments, you realize that the fight is over and you now control the tower.
You know that right now the tower is cleared, but in the pit of your stomach you know that it won't be long till someone or something else comes to claim the tower and pose a new threat.
Ah my new friends. I am glad you wandered in to this tower, even if you didn't mean to save me. Balenar says cheerfully. There isn't much I can do for you, but I can put in a good word with the Pathfinders in Absalom. For those of you who aren't already involved, perhaps its a place where your skills can become even more honed, and the pay is not that bad. Now shall we head back to civilization, the least I can do is buy you all a drink.

GM Tobi |

Hey guys. That's everything for this game, thank you for going through it, I'll get it reported. Hopefully you can get in on some gameday fun.
Hope you all had some fun.

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Thanks for running this GM!
Kerastes is already involved in his next mission, something with a gloomspire and a hall of flesheaters ;-).
Loved everyones involvement!

GM Tobi |

Unfortunately I didn't find out about gameday until it was too late to get in on things. So right now I don't have anything in the works for gming.

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I think you can still start games. The important thing is that they're done by the end of the period--can't remember the date offhand (even though I'm running something for it).