GM Tobi |

You are in Absalom, the might City at the Center of the World, and you've always longed to explore one of the countless ruins of failed conquerors that litter the plains outside the city's walls.
You've heard rumors that one of the sealed siege castles has been laid open by a minor earthquake. Word on the street is that no one has yet entered the tower, which folks are calling the "Fallen Fortress." What better way to start a life of excitement and adventure than by exploring its long-abandoned, dusty halls and perhaps claiming its ancient treasures?
It is assumed that the group has joined forces to explore the tower. Please feel free to introduce your characters before you set out. The fortress is only a few hours from the city.

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An obvious aasimar joins the party. He carries himself well, though he's not arrogant. He smiles and speaks with a quiet confidence, "Greetings friends. I am Engleaktig, servant of the Healing Flame." Bowing, he continues, "I am at your service. You may trust in me." The holy symbol of Sarenrae that he wears is obvious. He has a scimitar at his hip. He also carries a morningstar, a wand and a few items in flasks. "And, if any of you are so inclined, after our mission, I would be happy to discuss with you the merits of the Sarenite faith."

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A tall, slender humanoid gives Engleaktig a shallow bow. The delicate tracery of scales on his exposed arms and face, together with his slit-pupiled eyes and something rather odd about the shape of his tongue, betray a heritage quite the opposite of the aasimar's. "Rhu Entekh."

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At the mention of the word discussion, a slim humanoid with dark skin covered in small, bleached-on geometric shapes looks at Engleaktig. His quiet demeanor along with the skin bleach-i-fication give him away as a Wayang. "I..I would quite enjoy such a discussion after this expedition, I find individual belief quite fascinating given the eventual end all creatures must face at the conclusion of their lives." the Wayang says shyly. "By the way my name is Kalari." he adds, smiling nervously and adjusting his glasses.

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An impeccably well-maintained and clean human female smiles at her new companions, her teeth perfect and white. Beautiful beyond belief, she had been examining her nails as the group discussed the details of the mission.
"It all sounds dirty and gross," she mutters.
With resignation, she stands before the group, but is suddenly cheerful and diplomatic.
"What heroic deeds shall these my fellow Pathfinders accomplish? Shall we discover murderous villains, boldly rescue some poor wretch, bring justice and punish the perpetrator of a vile conspiracy, and finally return home with valor to receive the cheer and adulation of all?"
As she finishes speaking, she unfurls a banner of the Pathfinder Society she has been carrying, then curtsies with a dramatic flourish.
"I am Taliesin," she says, as if each should already know.
perform oratory: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16

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"It is an honor to make your acquaintance Rhu Entek," Engleaktig nods to the monk. "And yours, Kalari. I am particularly pleased that you are open to discussion later." The cleric nods to the wayang. "And yours, Taliesin," the aasimar nods to the performing human, "Dirt and grossness, notwithstanding." He proffers a genuine, warm smile at everyone. "I am glad to journey with this group."
This guy is built to be a healbot. 7 channels, 7 rebuke deaths, 3 cure light wounds (if he spontaneously switches out his two prepares Blesses), and 1 brand new wand of cure light wounds with all 50 charges. In combat, his preferred tactic is to provide a flank with movement and use the aid another action--giving his flanking ally +4 to hit. He also will provoke attacks of opportunity so that allies can get more advantageous positioning without fear of taking damage.

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"As am I Engleaktig." says the Wayang a bit more cheerfully after the spectacle of Taliesin and her banner. "Truth be told I'm glad to be out of the lab for a bit."
Trapsmith(or springer...) type, brainy investigator. I can switch hit in combat fairly well.

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Taliesin, eh? I think the historical one was male, but he did write that he had "...been a multitude of shapes, before <he> assumed a constant form."
Rhu is, unsurprisingly, a primary ranged combatant, but if necessary he has the HP and AC to survive the front line in low-level fights. He's also got his own CLW wand, though someone else will have to use it on him.

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A crimson skinned individual stands after finishing a puff from his long pipe, from the back of the room. His dark colored robes are adorned with various symbols. He has the obvious look of some sort of spellcaster. If there was any doubt about his race, after standing up and seeing a tail protruding through a hole in the back of his robes, certainly confirmed him as a Tiefling.
"Greetings all. Especially you brother Rhu."
After bowing to Rhu, Baru's smile changes to a contemptuous sneer as he glances in Engleaktig's direction.
"I suppose this greeting includes you as well, holy one.
Baru takes a drag from the end of his pipe, then addresses the party.
"I am well versed in arcane magic. My mind and knowledge are, like my ancesters, bound to serve you. I prefer, like my brother Rhu, to keep a distance from things that may be, as the surprising amorous... for a human, Taliesin stated... dirty and gross. Amazing things are achieved with the mix of intellect and innate magic."
Baru's tail raises to take possession of the pipe and places it gently inside the sorcerer's robe.
"Well then, now that we are all prepared..."
Baru snaps his fingers and the nearby door opens
Baru just cast mage hand
"... shall we proceed toward our mutual location of interest?"
Baru then exits through the recently opened door chuckling slightly as he mumbles quietly.
"Sarenite நம்பிக்கை ஊக்கமளிக்கிறது. அபத்தமானது."
just to clarify... I'm not trying to single you out, harass, or make you feel uncomfortable Engleaktig. I'm just roleplaying a tiefling sage sorcerer's reaction to an aasimar cleric. I look forward to a fun adventure with all of you, sorry about the delay of my 1st post due to the holiday weekend.

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Just as Baru moves to the door you see a blue-skinned oread striding your way. In one hand he carries a longspear, while the other is empty. As he approaches he introduces himself
"Well met and my apologies for the delay. I am Kerastes, chosen of Abadar and will accompany you on this exploration."

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just to clarify... I'm not trying to single you out, harass, or make you feel uncomfortable Engleaktig. I'm just roleplaying a tiefling sage sorcerer's reaction to an aasimar cleric. I look forward to a fun adventure with all of you, sorry about the delay of my 1st post due to the holiday weekend.
No problem. :-) You're role playing! It's all good.

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Kalari's eyes widen a bit at the sight of Baru and Kerastes. How interesting!
"Welcome friends." the small Wayang flashes a brief smile. "I believe our new Tiefling friend here is correct. Now that we've assembled we'd best head out before others beat us to the punch. Word has surely spread farther than our ears that one of the sealed castles cracked open during the earthquake." he finishes, saying the last bit quieter so that only his newly gathered companions can hear.

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"Excellent point, Kalari!" the aasimar beams at the wayang. Indeed, he beams with genuine affection at all his companions, even the surly Baru.
Redemption is part of Sarenrae's portfolio. Engleaktig will see Baru's disdain as an opportunity. :-) Though, I'm confused why Baru would be so openly hostile when his alignment is listed as CG. Engleaktig is only one step away at NG. Philosophically, they likely have very much in common.
Then he strides to the door and holds it open for the party.

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Taliesin moves closer to Engleaktig, perhaps for the first time noticing the motley assembly of races of her new companions. She addresses Baru in a strange tongue.
"நீங்கள் அந்த மாதிரியான இல்லை ... நரக பேசுகிறார் என்று ஒரே ஒரு இல்லை ..."
Turning to the others, she says in a chipper voice: "Well, then! Let us make our departure without delay!"

GM Tobi |

First I want to say, thank you for the role-playing. I love it and it made my day. Second, let's get the show on the road.
The journey to the Fallen Fortress takes you through the Cairnlands. All around, shattered weapons, barrow mounds, and mass graves surround you. Rising from the war-torn earth, like the grasping arms of the dead, are countless siege castles, towers, and fortresses that were constructed over the millennia by would-be warlords who tried to take the great city and inevitably failed.
As you crest a hill, you catch sight of your goal.
The ruined siege castle now being called the Fallen fortress, rises out of the churned earth. No doors or windows mar the otherwise smooth expanse of the tower's walls. The tower is quatrefoil in plan; its eastern wing has largely collapsed, exposing the dark interior floors to the open air. Only the topmost level seems whole, though its eastern portion hangs precariously over the mountain of rubble left by the collapse. At ground level, the rubble frames a gaping hole int eh side of the building that looks to provide access to the tower's darkened interior.
Looking the tower over, you would guess it to be nearly 80 feet tall. While the exterior walls appear amazingly smooth, thus difficult to climb but not impossible, the ragged remains of the east wing's walls appear to be an easier route to the next few floors, but not all the way to the top.
I will have a link to a google docs map up at the top of the forum and also underneath my name for you guys (table 1).

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"Cracked open like a giant egg..." the wayang mutters under his breath. "It seems our easiest point of egress would be through that collapsed eastern wing there." he says, pointing.
"Let's have a look."
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16 Checking for movement in/around the crumbled structure

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"Aptly put, Kalari" the aasimar says to the wayang. "Perhaps additional sets of eyes will prove to be useful."
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21
Survival: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
The cleric steps forward to the edge of the rubble and scans the area all around the party. "I hope that we are the first ones to investigate these ruins."

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"More eyes never hurt, Engleaktig." Kalari says quite agreeably. "Nor a bit of caution" he adds, unslinging his bow to provide cover for the aasimar cleric as he makes his way towards the rubble.

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Missed the Infernal byplay earlier....
At Baru's comment, Rhu shrugs. "ஒரு கடவுள் மிகவும் மற்றொரு அதே தான்." He continues in Common. "None of them listen to my kind, anyway."
The tiefling unlimbers his bow as well, setting an arrow on the string and peering back and forth. "I'm no tracker to tell if anyone's been here."
Perception check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

GM Tobi |

Casting glances around the base of the tower, first thing you see is that the tower itself appears to be very dark (Those with darkvision can see some details inside, mostly looks like the interior doesn't have the rubble the outside does).
Something else quickly becomes apparent as you study the structure. Low growls can be heard from the north side of the rubble pile, and soon a trio of ill-kept dogs make their way slowly up onto the rubble pile. Each one looks dirty and starving. Their eyes move around to each of you slowly as the growls increase in volume, lips peel back from yellowed fangs.

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@GM - should we each roll initiative, or will you be rolling for us?
initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
Baru's tail slides into the front of his robe and produces a wand, places it in Baru's hand, and disappears behind him again. Baru then flicks the wand, says a few words, and ends with the wand pointing at the closest dog.
wand of snapdragon fireworks
"Incertus, Pulcher, Imperio!"
sparks and flames that resemble the head of a dragon shoot from the end of the wand. The dragon head passes inbetween Taliesen and Kerastes, cuts infront of Kerastes, then repeats this zig zag pattern, till it arrives and impacts on dog 3.
Reflex save: DC 11 = half, no daze
fire damage: 1d4 ⇒ 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components S, V, M (a bundle of sulfur wrapped in cloth)
Range long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Effect dragon-shaped fireworks
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Reflex negates; Spell Resistance yes
A favorite display at halfling midsummer festivals, this spell lets you create fireworks in the shape of tiny dragons. Once per round, as a move action, you may designate a target 5-foot-square within range and launch a pyrotechnic in that direction. The pyrotechnic takes a zigzag path from you to that square, always missing creatures and objects in its path, and detonates in that square with a bang and a colorful burst of fire and light. Creatures in the target square take 1d4 points of fire damage and are dazzled for 1 round (Reflex half, a successful save negates the dazzled condition). Normally when this spell is used as part of a festival, the chosen target is high in the sky to increase visibility and protect observers.

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ooc here's an initiative roll in case you need one from me also, I may nod off here soon so if anything crazy happens and I take too long to respond I'll assist the others with small shortbow shots for 1d4 each! ^_^
initiative: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

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Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Engleaktig is right, they just seem to be hungry. Does someone have a ration to toss to them?

GM Tobi |

Yeah sorry should have mentioned. I'll usually roll for intitiatives but those that did roll I'll keep those rolls.
Taliesin: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
Kalri: 13
Baru: 19
Kerastes: 7
Engleaktig: 12
Rhu: 5
Dogs: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Combat Order: Bolded can go
Taliesin, Baru, Kalri, Engleaktig, Kerastes, Dogs, Rhu
What we'll do is everyone before the dogs can take their actions, Baru if you still want to send off the spell that's cool or if you want to take it back that's alright too. I will say that the talking about trying to feed the dogs has been said.

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A sudden gust of wind lifts the banner that Taliesin has been carrying. The standard of the Pathfinder Society flutters chaotically for a few seconds on the pole in her hand.
The breeze also whips the beautiful human's long blonde hair, and she stands for a moment in inspiring majesty.
"Let's see what you've got, Pathfinders!" she cheers.
Standard Action: Bard's Inspire Courage +1/+1 on attack and damage.
Also, I have the Flagbearer feat: Benefit: As long as you hold your clan, house, or party’s flag, members of that allegiance within 30 feet who can see the flag (including yourself ) gain a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, and saving throws against fear and charm effects. You must hold the flag in one hand in order to grant this bonus.
Not sure if we are going the feed the dog approach or not, but if we are doing combat, everyone has a +2 attack and +2 damage!

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keep my actions. these dogs are hungry and see us as steaks. but I will be happy to have held my actions until after the bards bonuses apply. thus adding +2 to my damage! lol.

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"I imagine we look much tastier than the dried trail rations in my pack. These are wild, maybe rabid. I love dogs but I hate the idea of being one's breakfast." Kalari says, drawing his shortbow and letting an arrow fly towards the closest dog. Firing at number 3
Attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
Damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

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@Engleaktig - just for clarification. I had already posted the action before Taliesin. Most pbp games don't wait for post in initiative order, and as people post, is the order of their actions. I also posted my action before an actual initiative roll was initiated by DM, so that action would happen before she would act. You are correct though, officially her action would go 1st in initiative order, and without the prior post, her acting 1st would be implied.

GM Tobi |

No problem Baru, I see where you're coming from.
A slight wind picks up, unfurling Taliesin's banner proudly showing off her allegiance. As the banner waves in the wind, she calls out to her fellow adventurers, spurring them on to glory.
From behind the bard, Baru slips a wand into his hand and after saying a few words launches a spell from the wand. Sparks and flames erupt from the head of the wand, quickly forming into the image of a dragon that streaks through the air. It takes a zig zag path before exploding near one of the dogs in a ball of bright light and noise.
Reflex: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21 success
The dog watches the strange image flying toward it and just as the firework explodes, it slides to one side saving itself from the full attack.
Kalari realizes that these dogs would much prefer some fresh meat than the dried jerky the adventurers carry, pulls out his shortbow. Quickly knocking an arrow he aims and lets it fly, it strikes one of the dogs, burying itself into the dog's flank.
Dog 2: 1 damage
Dog 3: 4 damge
Combat Order: Bolded can go
Taliesin, Baru, Kalri, Engleaktig, Kerastes, Dogs (0,1,4), Rhu

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With a sad heart and a feeling of disappointment, the cleric moves into the rubble / difficult terrain, hoping to protect his allies from the dogs. He takes a stance of total defense. (Engleaktig's AC is now 20. I have moved him on the map.)
- Move Action: Move 10' in difficult terrain.
- Standard Action: Total Defense
- Free Action: ...

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not that it really makes any difference, but unless the dogs have evasion 1/2 of the damage from 3 would be min 1, 2 if you round up. on dog 3.

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@Baru I shot dog 3 for 4 points with my mighty shortbow! Did you attack dog 3 also?

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Core Rulebook page 8 says to always round down
Kerastes moves forward to confront the nearest dog and attacks it with his longspear
Attack, Bard: 1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 + 2 = 22
Damage, Bard: 1d8 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 3 + 2 = 11
I am in the train, commuting to work and the map fails to display. I hope Kerastes is able to attack a dog after his move (20') with his reach-weapon. If not then he will take a double move to a position where he can attack a dog next turn.

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Since speaking is a free action...
"Hm. From this vantage point I can see the very faint marks of footprints. Yes. There, there, and again there. These prints indicate a creature of roughly medium size. But, this is odd. The feet seem to have claws! Be warned, Pathfinders, we are not the first ones to arrive at this fortress."

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"Way to go, Pathfinders! We wouldn't hurt them if they would just leave us alone! I wish there were a good shelter for strays like these!" Teliesin says with a mournful pout.

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Can access the map again and I moved Kerastes. He is not able to reach an attacking position. Please treat the attack as an readied attack to be executed as soon as a dog comes within reach (10 ft)

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"Perhaps when we return to Absalom I'll look into taking on a dog to raise as my own." pipes up the wayang. "That is, unless I end up inside the stomach of one of these here." he finishes dourly.

GM Tobi |

Baru, the dogs don't have evasion but the closest dog to you is Dog 2 and it made the save. So as you said, half of 3 rounded down is 1.
With growls and barks the dogs launch themselves at Kerastes, but the inquisitor is ready for them. The first one (Dog 2) is easily speared and drops to the ground. Even as it's pack mate is falling to the ground, the second dog (Dog 3) moves in toward Kerastes.
Kerastes AoO: 1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 + 2 = 21
Damage: 1d8 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 3 + 2 = 13
Kerastes sees the dog moving in and with a quick and precise stab, brings the beast to the ground.
The last dog, with a lonely howl moves in to try and bite the creature that just killed it's two pack mates.
Bite: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
But the armor protecting Kerastes deflects the dog's bite.
Rhu and everyone else is up. There is only the one dog left.

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Rhu sets an arrow on the string and moves to where he has a clear shot at the dog. With a look of preternatural calm on his face, he draws and looses the arrow in one clean movement.
Arrow to dog, incl. PBS, banner, and inspire courage: 1d20 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 15
Arrow damage, if applicable, incl. PBS, banner, and inspire courage: 1d8 + 1 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 + 1 + 1 = 9

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ooc: Assuming there's still one to shoot at on my turn, otherwise I move closer to inspect the poor pups.
Attack: 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 5 + 2 = 12
Damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17

GM Tobi |

Rhu and Kalari both let lose arrows, but are unable to land a hit on their target due to it's close proximity to Kerastes.
Rhu, you missed due to the -4 from target in melee