Kingmaker AP with GM Mustache (Inactive)

Game Master Mustachioed

Start: Pharast 1, 4710
Current Day: Gozran 10, 4710

Kingmaker Stats
Kingdom Building: City Buildings and Terrain Improvements
Mass Combat
Roll20 link

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Put on your adventuring hats and tall muckin’ boots, because it is time to build a Kingdom!

The is the recruitment thread for the Kingmaker AP. I will be taking on 6 players and looking to form a balanced party. Possibly 2 of those slots are reserved for family that I am attempting to lure into PBP.

Players guide link: ers-Guide

Submissions must include the stats and a proper back story, as always. I will be interested in people who can come up with unique and unusual characters from both a backstory and character concept perspective.

The story will be primarily from the adventure path, but I plan on weaving in characters' backstories and character development, and will homebrew some aspects to build a stronger overarching narrative, which is one of Kingmakers strongest critiques (and that critique is spot on in my opinion). I am looking for people who want to experience character change through time, as that always makes for the most interesting stories.

Race: I’m more of a classic type of guy, so am looking for core races mostly, but would consider a rare and exceptional submission with a different race. (You would need to blow me away).

Point Buy: 15 pts. (party of six, so keeping individual power level down).

Classes/Archetypes: Any Paizo. Remember you are largely exploring a huge wilderness area, and eventually building a city and a kingdom. I would be particularly interested in someone willing to brave the new shifter class. (There is official errata available for the shifter, fyi:

Traits: Two traits, one from the players guide and one other.

Skills: We'll be using the Background Skills system, which must include a profession. You have to contribute to your new kingdom, and there is plenty of downtime (months, years) to work your job!

Starting gold: Max gold for your class.

HP: Max HP at level 1. After that, you roll and GM rolls, and you keep the better of the two.

A good story here is important. I want players who know how to tell a story, how to type well, how to spell, how to use good grammar. Write up a detailed backstory about why you are interested in leaving your current life and starting a new one in the Stolen Lands. Read through the Players guide first to get some ideas and to properly base your character in Golarion.

Other Odds and Ends:

1. Poison/Disease: We will use the unchained rules of these.

2. Crit Cards/Crit Fumbles: I bought these Paizo cards, and they are fun, and they will probably end up killing someone. I’ve been using these in my Iron Gods campaign, and so far there, they haven’t been a big deal so far.

2. Roll20: Tactical battles, wilderness exploration, and kingdom building will be run through Roll20. At least initially, since I have a Roll20 subscription and use dynamic lighting with my live table stuff, I will use dynamic lighting and line-of-sight-constraints with this play-by-post. That means that low-light vision and dark-vision are certainly more useful than normal… though, that being said, there is less underground type adventuring and more above ground adventuring in Kingmaker as compared to other APs.

3. Character death: Is not the end of the world. If you die, you will be welcome to stay on in the game with a new character. Consequently, I am not holding back. I imagine this is how it normally is for PBP games with all the rolls being in the open.

4. Kingdom Building and Mass Combat: This is further out in the future, but for full disclosure, it will mostly use the rules from Ultimate Campaign but I will be homebrewing various aspects.

Posts: One a day minimum, and more is better. I want players who feel invested, and player momentum is important for keeping a PBP game alive.

Deadline: No particular deadline right now. At some point when the submissions start to look solid,I will give a hard deadline that would give players several more days to finish up.

Woohoo! I'd love to play this! You know I'm a steady poster (Charles here). Now, to choose a character...

Grand Lodge

I'm in! I've got some bardbarian or bard or skald ideas brewing. I'll post one soon.

Scarab Sages

I assume it begins at level 1. Is that correct?

I've wanted to participate in a kingdom-building game like this for a very long time (in my D&D 3.5 days I remember reading the Stronghold Builder's Guidebook voraciously!), so let's see what I can come up with for a compelling character.

Stormborn sorcerer for me.

Keante wrote:

I assume it begins at level 1. Is that correct?


Consider me interested! I think I've actually got a killer concept for this!

Grand Lodge

Going for Fated Champion Skald

CaptainFord wrote:
Consider me interested! I think I've actually got a killer concept for this!

CaptainFord, you apply for everything! But would love to see what you come up with.

GM Mustache wrote:
CaptainFord wrote:
Consider me interested! I think I've actually got a killer concept for this!
CaptainFord, you apply for everything! But would love to see what you come up with.

And if I do it enough, one of these days, perhaps I will conjure up something that is actually good!

Will adjust

I have this character which I made for an old Kingmaker which sadly closed down a short time after I joined. I want to use her again if possible and experince the story from the beginning, she is made with 15 pts, so I only have to do some slight adjustments. My idea for her is a spy rogue which would later go into the Noble scion or Spymaster prestige class depending on how her story unfolds and what you'll allow. :)


Natalie Saratov wrote:
I have this character which I made for an old Kingmaker which sadly closed down a short time after I joined. I want to use her again if possible and experince the story from the beginning, she is made with 15 pts, so I only have to do some slight adjustments. My idea for her is a spy rogue which would later go into the Noble scion or Spymaster prestige class depending on how her story unfolds and what you'll allow. :)

Yes, past kingmaker experience is allowed as long as players didn't run it from beginning to completion and they are careful to not metagame.

GM Mustache wrote:
Natalie Saratov wrote:
I have this character which I made for an old Kingmaker which sadly closed down a short time after I joined. I want to use her again if possible and experince the story from the beginning, she is made with 15 pts, so I only have to do some slight adjustments. My idea for her is a spy rogue which would later go into the Noble scion or Spymaster prestige class depending on how her story unfolds and what you'll allow. :)
Yes, past kingmaker experience is allowed as long as players didn't run it from beginning to completion and they are careful to not metagame.

I joined the previous game at 6th level and only played untill the start of 7th level, so I think I can only have played a part of one the second or third book, I can't really remember much we had a run-in with some random encounter and did a little Kingdom building.

I did enjoy the AP and really wants to play it from start to finish.

I forgot to mention that this is going to be a gunless world.

the character is almost finished. Just need to adjust to 1st level and should be good to go. I am not planning on changing any of the background if you would like to look at that now.

Heavy dot.
As the GM would prefer a shifter, I will try to make one!

After reading through the Shifter I will change my focus to a summoner. Would you prefer chained or unchained?


Extremely interested. I have a samurai I’ve been wanting to play for a while.

I've finished adjusting to your rules and level 1.

Grand Lodge


Helikon wrote:
After reading through the Shifter I will change my focus to a summoner. Would you prefer chained or unchained?

This one made me laugh. Unchained summoner.

Yeah, the Shifter as written does not overwhelm me on paper. That is why I want to see someone try it for real.

The problem is shifter is horrible MAD. You need Dex Con and Wis and main is Str.
For my summoner I have the idea of the young innocent girl with her Azata bodyguard. Or the young boy.
Depends on what picture strikes my fancy.

Actually, I was going to go with a Constructed Pugilist Brawler with a robot arm from Numeria (which evolved from having him be a bandit who lost his arm, but had a kodama kami volunteer to replace it with a wooden one).

However.... if my love of kobolds is any indication, I do like to give some love to classes and concepts that folks say suck or are underwhelming... so I gimme a bit to have a look at the Shifter. Might get struck by something...

If you want to play a shifter, I will be more lenient with non-core races.

I also do like the country of Numeria, playing Iron Gods currently with a live group and PBP group, and geographically speaking Numeria is really close to the Stolen Lands. It would be a logical fit.

Kingmaker computer game trailer. Awesome!

Fellow ecologist here interested in submitting a kindly old elven librarian who specializes in arcane casting. Wizard, right? Well that's what he'd prefer everyone to think...

Buffer/debuffer/controller witch.

You ok with magic item creation feats? I like keeping myself and my friends well-equipped. No biggie either way. Definitely interested. Have wanted to play kingmaker for a while and would be willing to help with kingdom building book-keeping.

Statting up my character now. No longer gonna be a Stormborn sorcerer. Rakshasa-blooded. (He has no idea, just thinks he's a very lucky con artist.)

I don't have much experience in PbP but I'm definitely interested in trying, specially Kingmaker.

Razmiran Priest Sorcerer Human with Brigand and Trustworthy traits

Question: you say we need a profession (which I like), but could that be a Craft, Perform, or Artistry as well?

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Crafting feats are definitely welcome.

As for Digger's question, the goal is to be able to make money from the profession by rolling checks. I know profession does that, it looks like you can do that with craft, I see you can do it with artistry.

I am not seeing performance as a make money type of skill, so maybe you would have to take profession (lounge singer) to make money with that one. In that vein, feel free to make up your own profession rather than be saddled with paizo's options.

Awesome. That gives a little freedom to let this fella coalesce as a whole.

Question: How do you look on prestige classes and retraining?
I like to use them and sometimes I want to try somerhing new only to learn it doesn't fit as well with my concept as I thought.

So having had a look at the Shifter class, I'm really tempted to make an Elementalist Shifter and flavor it as having dragon's blood...

But then I saw the Oozemorph Shifter and I absolutely adore how doofy and weird and strange it is, even if it's not very optimized for... anything, really. That might be why I love it.

So I'm wondering: how disruptive/difficult would it be to have an ooze as part of the party? Because I really am amused by the idea of a human being cursed or magically afflicted with that ability. Or even better, a sentient ooze trying to find a place in the world that he can fit in.

Edit: By the way, if I do go with that last bit, this will absolutely be his theme song.

I did contribute to the Kingmaker game. Let´s see if the investment does pay off.

This will be my contribution, Eleanore Eaglefeather, Human unchained summoner with Azata Eidolon named Wächter.
Picture of Eleonora
Picture of Wächter

I had to listen to the theme song. Utterly cheesy and terrible, and sounds perfect for a doofy ooze. Your choice, you can develop it if you would like! It does make sense that this expedition would be chance for something this reviled to make a new home.

Retraining: I would allow retraining of feats, and other selectable little things, for some type of gold penalty cost. Maybe I would require a certain building to be built in a city, like a University. But I think retraining level selection would be too much, as that is character defining. Also, any prestige class will be out in the future a good while, (right? they don't usually happen until after levels 5-7) so you have time to decide as you go.

This is Digger/Charles' submission, Moussa Immanuel. Short version: fast-talking writer/conman who pissed off the wrong mark and needs to get out of Restov quickly.

Moussa Immanuel was born to a barwench in the Free City of Restov, never knowing who his father was. From an early age, it was clear that something was different about the handsome young lad. Hyperverbal, he learned to read, write, and speak at a very early ages (especially since he was mostly self-educated), skipping babytalk altogether. As he got older he noticed how other reacted to him, and how easy it was to manipulate “grown-ups.” By his early teen years he’d taken to telling stories, often getting small monetary tips from his mother’s customers. As he got older, the stories became more and more complex, often with dozens of characters in various roles.

He soon learned that that wasn’t the only way for his verbal skills to get him money. One customer was a travelling grifter who took to the boy with the silver tongue, and introduced him to “the Game.” Though his mentor was highly unscrupulous, Moussa never felt right conning people in situations similar to or worse than his. But the rich bastards with the fine, clean clothes? They surely had more gold than they needed. (They really did.)

In addition to his verbal skills, Moussa demonstrated some innate arcane talent, though mostly in passive, unflashy ways. This suited him fine, as a flashy conman is often a busted conman.

Things went well, mostly, with Moussa able to support himself and contribute money to the household as well. But for every confidence artist, there comes a time when they pick their mark ...poorly. One minor scandal with the minor offspring of a minor noble from Brevoy, and all the sudden Restov wasn’t such a great place for Moussa to be in. When he heard of another noble sponsoring a trip into the Stolen Lands ...perhaps to form a new settlement, it seemed too good to be true.

Of course, it was. A city-born and city-bred, roughing it in the wilderness was a lot harder than he’d assumed. To him, Nature and everything in it wanted to kill you! And it was so gods-damned quiet all the time! He turned to writing to pass the time, writing plays, specifically, which was a lot harder than his old improvised oral stories, but a lot more satisfying as well. Surely a new settlement needed artists as well as woodsmen (especially if he didn’t put “confidence” in front of “artist”).

A fresh start, unfettered by home, hearth, or tradition. Maybe it WOULD be worth the damned crickets and their racket.

Appearance and personality:
Moussa has handsome, racially ambiguous but chiseled features. Lithe, if not particularly athletic or strong, his long, lean limbs fit well on him without seeming gangly. He currently dresses fairly modestly, as paying for clothes were never where his scores ended up going. His brown eyes are sharp but warm, and he keeps his brown hair at a manageable length above his shoulders.

Though he can be self-serving, he shows compassion for people in poor circumstances, and, consequently, distrusts or looks down on the rich and powerful. What do kings know about life on the streets? Nothing! So what business do they have ruling it? None.

He's starting at CN, but my hope is to move him along to CG and maybe even NG eventually, as the campaign goes on. This, of course, relies partially on what actually happens to/around him, but I wanted you to know he's not a "CN=I do whatever I want." He's got a code, which so far is "F&++ the big guy, help the little guy."

Anyone interested in crit-fishing? My witch could let you roll twice per turn on attack rolls but I don't want to invest down that route early on unless someone REALLY likes the taste of crits. XD

Oozeshifters seem kind of awesome!

GM Mustache wrote:

I had to listen to the theme song. Utterly cheesy and terrible, and sounds perfect for a doofy ooze. Your choice, you can develop it if you would like! It does make sense that this expedition would be chance for something this reviled to make a new home.

Retraining: I would allow retraining of feats, and other selectable little things, for some type of gold penalty cost. Maybe I would require a certain building to be built in a city, like a University. But I think retraining level selection would be too much, as that is character defining. Also, any prestige class will be out in the future a good while, (right? they don't usually happen until after levels 5-7) so you have time to decide as you go.

I'm fine with those rules just wanted to ask first, so I knew if I could retrain a feat or skill to match what the prestige class requires.

I linked some documents above, which you are welcome to look at, but you don't have to at this point. Know this: if you aren't into looking through long lists of buildings, adjusting stats on spreadsheets, and roleplaying through all of it, this isn't the campaign for you. There is bookkeeping and I need the players to take an active roll (role) in it. You will be the rulers of a kingdom, after all.

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Alright... I humbly submit my Oozemorph Shifter, Ichorius Melfesh, or as he prefers, "Ike". A sentient ooze who just wants to fit in with the crowd.

I do work in an office doing a LOT of excel work.
Sounds like my kind of game!

I'm an acountant so I'm used to working like that, I've just not looked at it yet because I'm preparing to send my group through the end of Hell's rebels book 4.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Society Subscriber

"Our story starts with an elven orphan. A young man named Aleksand, in the streets striving to survive. One day a noble, of a family whose estate happened to be nearby, took a liking to Aleksand and offered him a place as a stable boy. The generous patriarch began spending time getting to know Aleksand. As some years drew on, the house began treating Aleksand as their own.

During the passing years though, the heir to the house, a headstrong young man, grew jealous of his father’s affection for Aleksand. The young man began claiming that Aleksand was trying to take his position as heir to the family. Upon hearing such accusations the family laughed and told him to 'grow up'. Persistent was this young man though, and he escalated with a claim one evening in the middle of the night that Aleksand had tried to use magic on him. Now it was well known that Aleskand had some minor ability to move objects and other small things around, but it never grew to more than that, maybe that was why he was a passable archer. The family, irritated at the young man’s claims, told him that enough was enough. But, his thick-headedness knew no bounds and he challenged Aleksand to a duel. Despite the family's feelings, tradition tied their hands and they had to relent and allow it. The next morning on the field stood Aleksand facing death for he could not match the young man’s martial prowess. As the duel started Aleksand threw down his sword bravely and humbly saying, 'Do what you will to sate your hatred for me!' Enraged the young man charged Aleksand only to be stopped by his father’s words. The father, accepting the tradition and his son’s position, presented an option to spare the life of Aleksand. He proposed that Aleksand be exiled in return for his life. Caving to his family’s wishes the young man agreed. Aleksand was cast out with many heart-warming goodbyes and was supplied enough to get him far enough away for the young man’s liking.

Days of traveling passed. As Aleksand began to run low on rations when he was waylaid by a group of bandits. Seeing that Aleksand had little they were about to kill him when his pleas for life won out and his execution was stayed for one day. The next morning the bandit group’s leader allowed Aleksand to defend his life. Aleksand then explained his proficiencies with horse keeping and bows and minor ability of telekinesis. Within no time Aleksand found a place among the thieves. He had found a new family. Aleksand spent some time with the bandits sometimes even devising some of the plans that succeeded greatly. Deep inside Alesand knew that it was time for him to move on and he left the bandits with promises of visits. Venturing toward civilization, Aleksand found himself in a place called Oleg’s Trading Post and soon found and adventure that could be worth his time,” and with a sweep of his arms a proud elf stands before the small crowd, his clearly worn, travel cloak over his lean, wiry form. As the Elf stands he has meager possessions except a tall thin wooden staff with a bowstring tied just short of the top and a quiver on his back.

Saashaa, not sure what you are; class,race,crunch, etc

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I didn't think I would have to do this already, but I am going to put a 12 hour warning on this recruitment. 12 hours to dot or express interest, and then several more days to turn in the final product. We already have enough submissions to fill the slots, and already enough possible rejections to make me feel bad, so if you don't post on this thread in 12 hours, you are out of luck. Thanks.

I have gotten into two of these games and had them both fall apart on me and want to do this, bad.

I am considering either a helpful bard or cleric depending on what the party seems to need. I usually go primary or secondary caster or rogue.

Well here's some of my character submission. I don't really like to fill out the nitty-gritty of a character stat block or make an alias for them until I know I'm actually going to get into a game.

Basic stats:
Morgrin Ironfold
Neutral Male Dwarf Druid 1 (Green Faith Initiate)
Str 10. Dex 12. Con 14. Int 12. Wis 17. Cha 10.
Campaign Traits: Pioneer, Devotee of the Green
Racial Traits: Fey Thoughts, Fey Magic
Feats: Toughness.
Languages: Common. Dwarven. Druidic. Sylvan.
Profession: Herbalist
Speed: 20 ft.
HP 12/12
Fort +4 Ref +1 Will +5

Morgrin Ironfold had a childhood that is barely worth mention. Born to two iron working dwarves in a small farming village he was ultimately expected to take up the family trade of trader and metal worker, but from an early age it became obvious that the he was different from the common dwarf. He would continually ask questions of nature, the process and meaning of life and death, the functions of the universe, and what was the universe like before creation. His parents always had the common answers or no answers at all, which of course led to Morgrin being disappointed.

As Morgrin grew older and more estranged to everyone around him, due to his talk of plants and animals and bugs that nobody else really cared about, it was with only mild surprise that instead of taking on the family trades or leaving to fulfill some short-sighted ambition that he became the village's first and only herbalist.

From then on it was a modest and quiet life living in a shack and tending to his home grown plants. Receiving the occasional visit from the villager who got into a drunken fight or injured due to some random accident. It's was a life he would have been fine with if the nicknames and jabs hadn't started, "Always pay respect to Old Man Greenbeard or he'll put you in the ointment he'll use to heal your family." Or, "Old Man Greenbeer dyes his beard with the guts of bugs who mock him and raise braids with the bones of the animals who laugh." None of the jokes were made with any malice but that didn't mean it hurt any less and eventually after trying and failing to get the villagers to stop he had had enough. He had packed his few things, told his parents he was leaving the village and left.

From then on Morgrin traveled from village to village acting as a healer because he had found little other practical use for his knowledge of herbs and remedies, and found he had enjoyed travel. He would eventually meet a druid of the green face and to become a follower as well. Soon after that he had heard of a charter of the Stolen Lands, the land South of his old home and he found the idea of visiting that land of untamed wilderness appealing.

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