
Eleanore Eaglefeather's page

5 posts. Alias of Helikon.

Full Name

Eleanore Eaglefeather




Unchained Summoner 1







Special Abilities

Summon Monster I 7/day






Common, Celestial

Strength 8
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 10
Charisma 18

About Eleanore Eaglefeather


Name: Eleanore Eaglefeather
Race: Human
Job: Summoner
Age: 21
Alignment: NG
Personality: Inquisitive, Sarcastic, Helpful
Likes: Solving Problems, Riddles, Helping People M
Dislikes: Unsolved problems, unfair treatment of clients
Favorite foods: died fried vegetables surrounding a veal steak
Hobbies: Pipe, solving cases, chelish opera
Physical Description: Olive Skin, black hair, black eyes, expertly died
Deity: Abadar
Languages: Common,


24 point buy for stats
Stat point distribution:
STR: 08 = +2
DEX: 12 = 2
CON: 14 = 5
INT: 10 = 0
WIS: 10 = 0
CHA: 16 = 10 (+2 Human Bonus) (18)


Hit Points: 11 / 11
Init: +1
sling +1 1d4-1 19-20/x2 70ft
Dagger -1 1d4-1 19-20/x2
Melee: -1 = 0(base) + -1(STR);
Range: 1 = 0(base) + 1(DEX);
CMB: 0 = 0(base) + -1(STR);
CMD: 10 =10 + 0(base) + -1(STR) + 1(DEX);

AC: 14 = 10 + 3(Armour) +1(Dex);
Touch: 11 = 10 +1(Dex);
Flat: 13 = 10 + 4(Armour);

Fort: 2 = 0(base) + 2(CON);
Ref: 1 = 0(base) + 1(DEX);
Will: 3 = 2(base) + 0(WIS)+ 1 Trait;

Class Traits:

The Summoner (Unchained)'s class skills are Craft (Int), Fly (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha), Knowledge (all) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Summoners are proficient with all simple weapons and light armor. A summoner can cast summoner spells while wearing light armor without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance. Like any other arcane spellcaster, a summoner wearing medium or heavy armor, or using a shield, incurs a chance of arcane spell failure if the spell in question has a somatic component. A summoner still incurs the normal arcane spell failure chance for arcane spells granted by other classes.

Spells: A summoner casts arcane spells drawn from the summoner spell list. (The unchained summoner’s spell list on page 39 is different from that presented in the Advanced Player’s Guide.) He can cast any spell he knows without preparing it ahead of time.

To learn or cast a spell, a summoner must have a Charisma score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a summoner’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the summoner’s Charisma modifier.

A summoner can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level each day. His base daily spell allotment is given on Table 1–4: Summoner. In addition, he gains bonus spells per day if he has a high Charisma score (see Table 1–3: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Spells on page 17 of the Core Rulebook).

A summoner’s selection of spells is limited. A summoner begins play knowing four 0-level spells and two 1st-level spells of the summoner’s choice. At each new summoner level, he gains one or more new spells as indicated on Table 1–5: Summoner Spells Known. (Unlike spells per day, the number of spells a summoner knows is not affected by his Charisma score. The numbers on Table 1–5 are fixed.)

Upon reaching 5th level, and at every third summoner level thereafter (8th, 11th, and so on), a summoner can choose to learn a new spell in place of one he already knows. In effect, the summoner “loses” the old spell in exchange for the new one. The new spell’s level must be the same as that of the spell being exchanged, and it must be at least 1 level lower than the highest-level summoner spell the summoner can cast. A summoner can swap out only a single spell at any given level and must choose whether or not to swap the spell at the same time that he gains new spells known.

A summoner doesn’t need to prepare his spells in advance. He can cast any spell he knows at any time, assuming he has not yet used up his allotment of spells per day for the level.

Cantrips: A summoner learns a number of cantrips, or 0-level spells, as noted on Table 1–5. These spells are cast like any other spell, but they do not consume any slots and may be used again. Cantrips prepared using other spell slots (due to metamagic feats, for example) consume spell slots as normal.

Eidolon: A summoner begins play with the ability to summon to his side a powerful outsider called an eidolon. The eidolon forms a link with the summoner, who forever after summons an aspect of the same creature. Each eidolon has a subtype, chosen when the eidolon is first summoned, that determines its origin and many of its abilities. An eidolon must be within one alignment step of the summoner who calls it (so a neutral good summoner can call a neutral, lawful good, or chaotic good eidolon) and can speak all of his languages. An eidolon is treated as a summoned creature, except it is not sent back to its home plane until reduced to a number of negative hit points equal to or greater than its Constitution score. In addition, due to its tie to its summoner, an eidolon can touch and attack creatures warded by protection from evil and similar effects that prevent contact with summoned creatures.

A summoner can summon his eidolon in a ritual that takes 1 minute to perform. When summoned in this way, the eidolon’s hit points are unchanged from the last time it was summoned. The only exception to this is if the eidolon was slain, in which case it returns with half its normal hit points. The eidolon does not heal naturally. The eidolon remains until dismissed by the summoner (a standard action). If the eidolon is sent back to its home plane due to death, it cannot be summoned again until the following day. The eidolon cannot be sent back to its home plane by means of dispel magic, but spells such as dismissal and banishment function normally. If the summoner is unconscious, asleep, or killed, his eidolon is immediately banished.

The eidolon takes a form shaped by the summoner’s desires. The eidolon’s Hit Dice, saving throws, skills, feats, and abilities are tied to the summoner’s class level and increase as the summoner gains levels. In addition, each eidolon gains a pool of evolution points based on the summoner’s class level that can be used to give the eidolon different abilities and powers. Whenever the summoner gains a level, he must decide how these points are spent, and they are set until he gains another level of summoner.

The eidolon’s physical appearance is up to the summoner, but it always appears as some sort of fantastical creature appropriate to its subtype. This control is not fine enough to make the eidolon appear like a specific creature. The eidolon also bears a glowing rune that is identical to a rune that appears on the summoner’s forehead as long as the eidolon is summoned. While this rune can be hidden through mundane means, it cannot be concealed through magic that changes appearance, such as alter self or polymorph (although invisibility does conceal it as long as the spell lasts).

Life Link (Su): At 1st level, a summoner forms a close bond with his eidolon. Whenever the eidolon takes enough damage to send it back to its home plane, as a reaction to the damage, the summoner can sacrifice any number of hit points he has without using an action. Each hit point sacrificed in this way prevents 1 point of damage dealt to the eidolon. This can prevent the eidolon from being sent back to its home plane.

In addition, the eidolon and the summoner must remain within 100 feet of one another for the eidolon to remain at full strength. If the eidolon is beyond 100 feet but closer than 1,000 feet, its current and maximum hit point totals are reduced by 50%. If the eidolon is more than 1,000 feet away but closer than 10,000 feet, its current and maximum hit point totals are reduced by 75%. If the eidolon is more than 10,000 feet away, it is immediately returned to its home plane. Current hit points lost in this way are not restored when the eidolon gets closer to its summoner, but its maximum hit point total does climb to the levels indicated and eventually returns to normal.

Summon Monster I (Sp): At 1st level, a summoner can cast summon monster I as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier. Drawing on this ability uses up the same power that the summoner uses to call his eidolon. As a result, he can use this ability only when his eidolon is not summoned. He can cast this spell as a standard action, and the creatures remain for 1 minute per level (instead of 1 round per level). At 3rd level, and every 2 levels thereafter, the power of this ability increases by 1 spell level, allowing him to summon more powerful creatures (to a maximum of summon monster IX at 17th level). At 19th level, this ability can be used as gate or summon monster IX. If used as gate, the summoner must pay any required material components. A summoner cannot have more than one summon monster or gate spell active in this way at one time. If this ability is used again, any existing summon monster or gate from this spell-like ability immediately ends. These summon spells are considered to be part of the summoner’s spell list for the purposes of spell trigger and spell completion items. In addition, the summoner can expend uses of this ability to fulfill the construction requirements of any magic item he creates, so long as he can use this ability to cast the required spell.

Racial Traits:

•Ability Score Racial Traits: Human characters gain a +2 racial bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
•Size: Humans are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
•Base Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet.
•Languages: Humans begin play speaking Common. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic). See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
Feat and Skill Racial Traits
•Extra Feat
•Skills: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.


Spell Focus Conjuration
Augment Summoning
Unchained Summoner 2+INT +1H = 3 * 1 = 3 + 2 BS
ACP = -0 //Armour Check Penalty
Acrobatics: 1 = 0 + DEX Mod + 0 - ACP;
Appraise: 0 = 0 + INT Mod + 0;
Bluff: 0 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0;
Climb: 0 = 0 + STR Mod + 0 -ACP;
Diplomacy: 10 = 1 + CHA Mod + 3 + 2circumstance;
Disable Device: 1 = 0 + INT Mod + 0;
Disguise: 2 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0;
Escape Artist: 1 = 0 + DEX Mod + 3 -ACP;
Handle Animal: 2 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0;
Heal: 3 = 0 + WIS Mod + 0;
Intimidate: 6 = 0 + CHA Mod + 0 + + 2circumstance;
*Know(Arcane): 0 = 0 + INT Mod + 0;
*Know(Dung): 0 = 0 + INT Mod + 0;
*Know(Engin): 0 = 0 + INT Mod + 0;
*Know(Geo): 0 = 0 + INT Mod + 0;
*Know(Hist): 0 = 0 + INT Mod + 0;
*Know(Local): 4 = 1 + INT Mod + 3;
*Know(Nature): 0 = 0 + INT Mod + 0;
*Know(Nobility): 0 = 0 + INT Mod + 0;
*Know(Planes): 0 = 0 + INT Mod + 0;
*Know(Religion): 0 = 0 + INT Mod + 3;
*Linguistics: 4 = 1 + INT Mod + 3;
+Perception: 0 = 0 + WIS Mod + 0;
+Prof. Lawyer 4 = 1 + WIS Mod + 3
Ride: 1 = 0 + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP;
Sense Motive: 0 = 0 + INT Mod + 0;
Sleight of H.: 0 = 0 + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP;
*Spell Craft: 0 = 0 + INT Mod + 0;
Stealth: 1 = 0 + DEX Mod + 0 -ACP;
Survival: 0 = 0 + WIS Mod + 0;
Swim: -1 = 0 + STR Mod + 0 -ACP;
*Use Magical D.: 8 = 1 + CHA Mod + 3;


DC = 10 + 3 + Level
Acid Splash, Daze, Detect Magic, Guidance,
Level-1: 1 + 1(Wis)+1Domain
Enlarge Person, Mage Armor


Weapons: 51

20 Bolts
Dagger 2
Hooked Lance CI 6
Bolts 1
Armour: 30gp
Parade Armor 25


Adventure Gear:(55gp)
Kit, Cleric
Price 25 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
Pen and ink

Special Substances and items:
Clothes: (free gp)
Outfit, Traveler’s *1 (free lb each)

Weight Total:20.5 + 8(Clothes)
Light: 76, Med: 153, Heavy: 230

--Weight: 58

0 Platinum
9 Gold
1 Silver
3 Copper


Eleanore is a young woman of maybe 21 winters with long rust-red hair, emerald green lines and sensual lips. She has a lean figure and not too femine curves. She moves with a natural grace, but measured, a trait she learned in her past when she was given the cane if she toppled something by accident.
She has an easy smile and if she is truly happy it can lighten up a room.
Her voice is a melodic and she has won many a case thanks to her convincing words.


Eleanore is a bastard son of Constance Lebeda, the once favorite niece of the the Lebeda Family Matriarch Sarrona Lebeda.
Eleanore never knew the identity of her father and learned at a very young age never to ask.
But the Lebedas take care of their own, no matter how embarrassing the circumstances.
Shee was allowed to live in the ancestral fortress of the Lebeda, far away from curious eyes, together with her mother, until her 5th year, when she was called away to New Stetven, to aid the family in the shadow dance of royal politics.
The separation was painful for the young girl, made even worse when he was given to the care of the castellan, Master Blade Prodloise.
All to prepare Eleanore for the destiny the Matriarch had in might form him.
She was to learn to laws of nobles and commoner, to act as a councilor for her trueborn cousins.
Unfortunately Eleanore was not a erudite girl. To sit over books and listen to experts was boring beyond measure for her. It was not that she was willing, o Iori forbid, but some people are made to be bookworms, but not her.
But that didn´t mean she was unsuited for the profession. Alas, as soon as she had to work with people, speak up upon her case, she was in her element. To sway the people, that was something she was good at, as long as someone else helped her (a LOT) with the case.
In her evening she often dreamed of friends and helpers and she somehow was able to call animals to her side, to play with them.
On day she even managed, after an extremely horrible day, a true friend to her side.
He was a beautiful man with long flowing hair and a certain otherworldly appearance.
He called himself her “Wächter” and Eleanore found out that if she concentrated, he could keep him longer by her side. Over the months, it took less and less effort from her side until one day, he stayed with her all day long.
A few weeks ago, Eleanore had a hard case, defending a commercial dispute between house Lebeda and house Lodovka. Thanks to some expert preperations and the best speech Eleanore ever held before the court, using every trick in the book and then some, she won an unwinneable case. Casper Lodovka, a cousin and the black sheep of his house, was utterly pissed. He could not attack house Lebeda, but a bastard was fair game and he sent two thugs after her.
Alas without Wächter it would have been the end of Eleanore, but her friend made short work of the mooks.
But Sarrona Lebeda knew that it was time to send Eleanore away and the opportunity to send an agent on this mission was to good to pass upon.
It was a dangerous adventure, but a bastard is expendable. If she succeeded, excellent. If not, well nothing important lost.
Pulling a few strings she made sure Eleanore would get a place to join the expedition.


I will not PvP!
I will keep player and character knowledge seperate!
I will post at least 3 times between Monday and Friday and 1 time during the weekends. (If I cannot make this, I must let us know)
I will respect the GM's and each other's time and the fact that we all have real lives too.
I know that this is a game and the idea of a game is to have fun


Medium Azata Eidolon
Size Medium;
Speed: 30 ft.; AC: 13 T 11 FF 12 Hp 11 Ini +1 Darkvision
Str 16, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +2;
Attack: 2 claws +4 (1d4+3);
Hooked Lance CI +3 1d8+7 /x4 Piercing CI Reach Trip
Class skills for eidolons: Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Knowledge (planes) (Int), Perception (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), and Stealth (Dex) + Diplomacy, Know Local, Intimidate, Climb
Diplo +4; Know Local +4, Perc +12, Sense Motive +4
Feats: Power Attack
Evolution: (Skilled (Perception)