Kingmaker AP with GM Mustache (Inactive)

Game Master Mustachioed

Start: Pharast 1, 4710
Current Day: Gozran 10, 4710

Kingmaker Stats
Kingdom Building: City Buildings and Terrain Improvements
Mass Combat
Roll20 link

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GM Mustache wrote:
Akihiro Tomikawa wrote:
My cleric of Groetus/Slum Shaman in a CotCT game has a snake named Rat.
backstory, Charles? Uh... your barbarian that is. Not your snake named rat.

Ha! Sorry, spring break got out of hand yesterday. I've worked it all out, just want to type it out on an actual keyboard, not my phone.

GM Mustache wrote:
cuatroespada wrote:
Diceros the Half-Elf Druid wrote:
Disclosure: Family member of Mr. Mustache, newbie to PbP
this reminds me that i meant to ask if the skald was the aforementioned skald family member
Do you have a backstory? It isn't in your alias.

still finishing it up. should have it posted by morning. realized i needed to make another craft roll or two to finish my shield.

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

two more weeks and an extra 25g. still worth it.

Rognar Grimtooth wrote:
Ok I really had a great buffer devout pigrim for the group who gave out swift action enlarges and standard action rolling 2 20's and taking the best 7 times a day. Will definately have to keep the build. So I really still want to get into this mosh pit GM, any tips on what to try now as far as a build?

from what i can tell, roguish trap finder type has the least competition. other than that, gm said an arcanist and frontliner (both of which seem to have a decent number of entries now) will be selected as well as a wildcard that will probably fill a weakness like ranged combat or another frontliner.

edit: @Rognar i made one of those for a gestalt kingmaker that didn't quite make it to the first encounter. paired it with brawler. it was going to be all sorts of RP fun!

Scarab Sages

And here's the stat block for Gwenallt:


Gwenallt Cadogan (of House Medvyed)
Human Cavalier (Gendarme) 1 of the Order of the Lion
Medium humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +1
AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 17 (+5 armor, +2 shield, +1 Dex)
hp 11 (1d10+1)
Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee lance +3 (1d8+2, x3) or
. . longsword +3 (1d8+2, 19-20/x2) or
. . warhammer +3 (1d8+2, x3)
. . cold iron dagger +3 (1d4+2, 19-20/x2)
Ranged shortbow +2 (1d6, x3)
Str 15, Dex 12, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 14
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 14
Feats Horse Whisperer, Mounted Combat
Traits Noble Born (House Medvyed), Inspiring Rush
Skills Craft (leather working) +5, Diplomacy +6 (add. +2 with fey), Handle Animal +6 (add. +2 with horses), Intimidate +6, Kn Local +5, Kn Nobility +5, Ride +5 (add. +2 with horses), Sense Motive +7
Languages Common, Sylvan
Favored Class Bonus +1/4 to the cavalier's banner bonus
Special Abilities
Challenge (Ex) 1/day As a swift action, the cavalier chooses one target within sight to challenge. The cavalier’s melee attacks deal extra damage whenever the attacks are made against the target of his challenge. This extra damage is equal to the cavalier’s level. The cavalier takes a –2 penalty to his Armor Class, except against attacks made by the target of his challenge. Whenever an order of the lion cavalier issues a challenge, he receives a +1 dodge bonus to his AC against attacks made by the target of his challenge. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels the cavalier possesses.
Horse Whisperer You gain a +2 bonus on Handle Animal and Ride checks to handle or ride horses. In addition, you can attempt one Handle Animal check to issue a command to all horses within a 60-foot radius. An opponent whose animal companion or mount is within range can attempt a DC 20 Handle Animal check as an immediate action to prevent her horse from being influenced by you. If the opponent succeeds, you cannot influence that creature again for 1 hour.

My opinion may or may not matter to anyone but I would certainly be down for two divine casters in a party. Two people protecting, buffing, and healing us? Sounds fine to me. Especially given the flexibility prepared divine casters have to make sure they're not overlapping. But there certainly are quite the busload of quality submissions here so selection's going to be tough... GL to everyone and the GM in particular. :)

Scarab Sages

Personally, I look forward to my first ever mounted charge (if I get in).

Understandable. I've yet to play a mounted charger but the speed, power, and sheer epic flavor they can pull off is truly impressive.

Your battle cry should be "This is what 3d8+15 damage looks like!"

Yeah, these recruitment threads are always heartbreakers. You disappoint more people than you can make happy. Usually in life I avoid doing things like that in the first place.

You can not please everyone. Just keep a list of those that did not make it but were good enough that you would bring them in once a player stops posting or dies...Most everyone loves the King Maker AP.

That's just what happens. People who play in play by post games are the ones who put more work into it.

I wish all good luck with their applications!

Yes! Good luck to all!

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Akihiro was, as his father and his father before him, the kogi kaikushunin, the executioner for his Lord. It was an honorable profession, and one he took deeply seriously. However, unbeknownst to Akihiro, the Lord was dishonorable, plotting behind the Jade Regent's back. When the Regent's forces attacked, Akihiro tried to protect his Lord, but when his wife was killed in the chaos and his new daughter taken hostage, he broke down and was captured. Then he learned the true nature of his Lord, who had mad a deal with a powerful Oni in exchange for influence. Akihiro and most of the Lord's men were pardoned, but Minkai held only ghosts, memories, and regrets. He and his daughter traveled west, making money on the road as best he could. Eventually, he heard of the expedition funded by Restov. A true fresh start for he and Fujiko.

He is a tall, broad shouldered Minkai man with a stoic, serious expression. He wields a Nodachi, a large sword of Minkai design. When he enters his "sword trance" all hint of emotion disappears as he becomes one with his blade.

(Whew, under the wire. Good luck to all!)

live game went late last night and i'm at work rn but i'll post my background as soon as a get home from work at 5 and get to my compy.

Scarab Sages

Keante wrote:

And here's the stat block for Gwenallt:

** spoiler omitted **...

Looks like I left out of the stat block a line stating that I was taking the Eye for Talent alternate racial trait. That's why Gwenallt only has 2 feats intead of 3, and the source of the extra +2 in his Sense Motive modifier. I was thinking I'd put the +2 ability score boost for Alayne on Intelligence so he is capable of knowing more tricks (not trying for any shenanigans like the horse suddenly being able to understand languages or no longer needing Handle Animal checks).

Grand Lodge

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I found a guide to including horses in your fiction. Linky

I thought it would be pertinent since Tal is a horse Archer, and figured I'd share since it seems like a couple of people also have characters who are Equestrians.

Saturday night will be the cut-off for any more submissions. I definitely have some favorites so far, so any last minute entries will have to wow me! As mentioned earlier, only people who dotted by the cut-off last week can enter.

I'm envisioning first posts will go up by Sunday night (Eastern Time Zone here).

Sounds good! Good luck, all!

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This is Rognar Grimtooth and his new Alchemist submission, sans equipment, which will be added if accepted

Hoping for the best!

Looking forward to the results!

...I hope!

I have the decisions on hand, but technically five more people can still submit characters. If they do, I will reevaluate , but like I said, it has to be good! I'll cut things off at midnight (tomorrow morning more honestly, when I wake up).

A lot of good intries, it is gonna be a tough cut to choose players. I'm looking forward to the results good or bad. :)

Good luck one and all!

"see... the months, they don't matter; it's the days i can't take. when the hours move to minutes and i'm seconds away..."

These character are selected for the campaign.

Arcane: Arlen Graytale- evil librarian who thought dumping strength was a good idea
Bard: Sigurd Jarlson- drunk with Gorum
Ranged Rogue: Rai Zon - bomb master
Front-liner:Brokk'r Battleforge- super armored shield crafter
Divine: Diceros- Tribal rhino friend
Wildcard: Ichorius "Ike" Melfesh- Possibly utterly worthless ooze, but he means well.

Everyone else, I am sorry. There were some great entries. Some people obviously put a lot of work into it. It is possible that selected characters will drop out as time goes by and you may find a mail from me in your inbox.

Those selected, read through the campaign tab and the beginning of the gameplay tab. You are welcome to start posting there to introduce your character in gameplay and starting talking to the others.

Grand Lodge


Grats to those chosen!

Yaaaaaaay! I hope to make myself a useful part of the team!

And so I must continue my quest to find the Kingmaker game that will accept the druid dwarf.

As a fan of Salvatore, I absolutely love dwarf druids. It just didn't fit into the party mix. Same with everyone. Great submissions all around, but only a few can be picked. I wish everyone best of luck in their gaming.

Scarab Sages

GM Mustache wrote:
As a fan of Salvatore, I absolutely love dwarf druids.

Oo oi! Doodad!

I haven't read those books. I barely know which character you're talking about and that wasn't how I was planning to run him at all.

Well... didn't mean to offend you. But he is an awesome character.

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