
Game Master Jovich

A small group sets out to tame the wilds. With summer ahead of them they have all the time in the world...

Kingmaker Campaign and City Maps

Kingmaker - Calendar, Loot Sheet, Notable Persons, Quests Take 2.0

Combat Map - Narthropple Expedition

Sword Marches Stats

Kingmaker Campaign Rules

Rillka's Map


[dice=Ser Andreas Perception]d20+6[/dice]
[dice=Rillka Perception]d20+8[/dice]
[dice=Albert Perception]d20+1[/dice]
[dice=Saoirse Perception]d20+4[/dice]
[dice=Duzz Perception]d20+11[/dice]


[dice=Albert Init]d20+2[/dice]
[dice=Ser Andreas Init]d20+2[/dice]
[dice=Duzz Init]d20+4[/dice]
[dice=Jackob Init]d20+1[/dice]
[dice=Rillka Init]d20+5[/dice]
[dice=Saoirse Init]d20+3[/dice]

[dice=Monster Init]d20+[/dice]

501 to 550 of 4,655 << first < prev | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | next > last >>

Kingmaker Table 1

Annurian fails to make progress on the wagon.

It's gonna be a DC 13 Craft/Engineering check and 10g to repair the wagon. DC 23 to make it in less than 16 hours. Same to fix it without the appropriate check. Failed checks still take time.

Female Kitsune Oracle (Seer) 2 | HP 14/16 | AC: 15, T: 13, FF: 12 | Fort: +2, Ref: +3, Will: +4 | BAB: +1, CMB: +1, CMD: 15, M.Attack +1, R.Attack +4 | Init: +3 | Perception: +1

Eagerly dismounting the horse she had gingerly climbed upon, Mamise grabs a tool bag from Caladrel. "All right, here comes the wench with a wrench."
Woodworking was never one of Mamise's strong suits, but the gift of her magic allows her to tap into the ancient memories of the once-human spirits, and the echoes of ancient craftsmen move her tools.

I think we can spare the 10gp. Can we stack Aid ANother modifiers to try and take Annurian's 19 to a 23?
Craft, Natural Divination, help another: 1d20 + 2 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 2 + 10 = 18

As she fights against screws and rivets, she mutters strongly unladylike expressions in Sylvan.

Male CG Cloud Dwarf Bard 10 | AC: 18 (13 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMB 8, CMD: 21 | F: +10, R: +14, W: +8 | Init: +5 | Perc: +12, SM: +18 | Speed: 20' | Spells, HP, bardsong etc | Active conditions: BoF (+30' speed), Bless (+1 morale), Inspire Courage (+2 competence), Prayer (+1 luck), Hunter's Blessing (+2 sacred)

Oh, the wagon needs fixing? xD

Aid Another: Knowledge (Engineering): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

While Mamise and Annurian work, Gage watches over their shoulders and shares his two copper.
"Try attaching the other side first. Annurian, could you hold up this part over here?"
Gage doesn't begin actually helping until after finishing his cheese.

Kingmaker Table 1

With their combined efforts the group gets the wagon operational by roughly 4 in the afternoon.

Sovereign Court

Perc:+9|Stealth:+8|Acro+8|Climb+6/Swim+6|SM+9|Sur+8|Heal+7|KN Rel+5|Intim+4|Diplo+8|Ride+7
Aasimar (Garuda - Scion of Humanity) Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer) 3 HP: 24/24| AC: 18| T:13| FF:15|CMB:+4:CMD:17|Fort:+5|Ref:+4|Will:+6|Init:+6| Spells 1 - 2/4 Acid/Cold/Elec R5, Racial Detect Invis 1:1

Gird also helps ..

"Whew i'm glad that's over, now let us be off."

Male HP:13/13 AC:19 T:12 FF:17 F:+4 R:+2 W:+1 Perc:+2 Init:2 Bastard Sword +3, 1d10+2 CMB:+3 CMD:+15 Human Cavalier 2

Andreas attempt to help the other, He lets those that know what to do do the talking and directing. He takes the orders given and follows them as best he can.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kingmaker Table 1

4d100 ⇒ (43, 82, 80, 18) = 223 EA: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3EA: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20EA: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10EA: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8EA: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18EA: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14EA: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

Never mind, don't bother with the watch order or the checks.

Your journey back to Oleg's is uneventful. As you make camp overnight on your way there, Annurian hears all of their captives, at one point or another, try to escape their bindings, but having tied them himself, he just grins and rolls over going back to sleep.

You all push yourselves through a couple hours of darkness to make it to Oleg's before resting. The Levetons welcome you with open arms despite it being nearly ten o'clock at night. You notice a new set of tents, which the Levetons tell you belong to the mercenary Kesten Garess and a group of Restov soldiers under his command. They came to defend the Trading Post, pro bono, after the first set of bandits were taken to Restov and he heard about what's going on here.

Gage and K (nobility) DC 20:
You know that Kesten was disowned by the patriarch of House Garess for courting a weaver's daughter named Tania. You figure he's here to make a name for himself before that becomes common knowledge.

As they're getting the beds ready for the group, the Levetons also tell them about Jhod Kavken, a cleric of Erastil who has come on "church business," and after hearing of you all has been waiting to talk to you. Right now though, he's asleep in the far cot in the sleeping quarters.

Oleg happily allows the seven imprisoned to sleep among the manure in the stables.

Also, you can tell that while Svetlana is loving all the newcomers and excitement, Oleg's a bit...underwhelmed.

Male CG Cloud Dwarf Bard 10 | AC: 18 (13 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMB 8, CMD: 21 | F: +10, R: +14, W: +8 | Init: +5 | Perc: +12, SM: +18 | Speed: 20' | Spells, HP, bardsong etc | Active conditions: BoF (+30' speed), Bless (+1 morale), Inspire Courage (+2 competence), Prayer (+1 luck), Hunter's Blessing (+2 sacred)

Neat! xD

Before turning in for the night, Gage approaches Oleg.
"I thought you'd be happier now that the robbers are tied up; why so glum, chum?"
Diplomacy to gather info?: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

Female Kitsune Oracle (Seer) 2 | HP 14/16 | AC: 15, T: 13, FF: 12 | Fort: +2, Ref: +3, Will: +4 | BAB: +1, CMB: +1, CMD: 15, M.Attack +1, R.Attack +4 | Init: +3 | Perception: +1

Green-faced, Mamise climbs out of the wagon, drawing deep breaths to avoid throwing up and heading towards the kitchen. One large mug of ginger tea later, her nausea has settled down enough to allow her to join in the conversation. "Mercenaries working pro bono, eh? One might wonder what they may be trying to accomplish. Perhaps they hope to be recruited as a militia, once we have set up a fief worth its salt?"
Mamise takes a big sip, then she notices the plie of loot taken from the bandit outpost, and her eyes gleam.
"Ooooh, look at all the shinies! Is it splitting time?"

Male HP:13/13 AC:19 T:12 FF:17 F:+4 R:+2 W:+1 Perc:+2 Init:2 Bastard Sword +3, 1d10+2 CMB:+3 CMD:+15 Human Cavalier 2

At seeing the Leveton's, Andreas smiles and nods towards the couple. Once he sees that the prisoners are secured, he walks over to the couple. He extends a hand in greeting to Oleg and a bright smile to Svetlana.
My Lord, My Lady...I thank you for opening your gates to us at this late hour. With all these prisoners with us, we were pushing hard to make the walls before it got to late.

He listens as Gage asks his question.
This is Lord Gage and that is Mamise. We ran into them when we assaulted the bandit camp that is nearby. Their aid was of great value.
He introduces Gage and Mamise and turns to Oleg.

If there is something that is bothering you Lord, Please let us know and we will help you anyway that we can. If it helps you to relax....It is my honor to inform you that the immediate threat to this Outpost has been eliminated. The bandit are still roaming the region but the ones that are...or were in the area have been dealt with.

He looks at the companions that have put their lives in danger to help those that are in need of protecting. Seeing the tired looks on their faces.
My Lord, I do not wish to keep you and yours up any later than is needed. If you need to talk, we will listen. We will set watches and come morning, we can share our stories and see to these new visitors to your Outpost. We have supplies that we need and we have items that we wish to sell.
If oleg wishes to talk he will listen and respond and if not then he will ask for watches and set about getting things secured for the night.

As he walks toward their rooms, he pauses by Mamise.
Take a look at the items that we have recovered. If there is anything that you wish to have, make a mental note of it. We will talk about dividing up the coins and equipment in the morning.
He looks at the other companions
Is this acceptable to everyone?

As he heads to his room he informs the others...
I will take middle watch

Kingmaker Table 1

1d100 ⇒ 69

Oleg just shakes his head and says, "It's nuttink like dat. It's just dat I moved out here to get away from the city and now," he gestures to the tents and horses, "it looks like I started one of my own."

The night passes uneventfully. At dawn you can hear the soldiers running drills, and in the middle of the living space the cleric is saying a prayer over a pile of seeds in the shape of The Bow and Arrow. Oleg and Svetlana are tending to the outpost as they always do.

Female Kitsune Oracle (Seer) 2 | HP 14/16 | AC: 15, T: 13, FF: 12 | Fort: +2, Ref: +3, Will: +4 | BAB: +1, CMB: +1, CMD: 15, M.Attack +1, R.Attack +4 | Init: +3 | Perception: +1

As morning comes, Mamise is in her human form, cradling a large cup of coffee while going over Andreas' inventory of the treasure.
"Let's see, I say we keep the potions and scrolls, should we ever need them. Artisan's tools, construction materials and such can be stored here at the outpost for repairs, we've already got a lumberjack's axe and other tools on the donkey. The furs can be nice to trade, as will the weapons, gemstones and precious... thingies. Nice as these jewels may be, we'll need every coin we can spare if we're to expand the settlement. Lastly, I don't know whether we want to pool the money or split it, my vote is for pooling, but I'd be good either way."
"Now, perhaps those mercenaries will know of a way to repair the siege weapons on the walls, I'll go check up on them. If you can deal with that stuffy priest, in the meantime, you'll me making me a favour."

Sovereign Court

Perc:+9|Stealth:+8|Acro+8|Climb+6/Swim+6|SM+9|Sur+8|Heal+7|KN Rel+5|Intim+4|Diplo+8|Ride+7
Aasimar (Garuda - Scion of Humanity) Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer) 3 HP: 24/24| AC: 18| T:13| FF:15|CMB:+4:CMD:17|Fort:+5|Ref:+4|Will:+6|Init:+6| Spells 1 - 2/4 Acid/Cold/Elec R5, Racial Detect Invis 1:1

Gird has been trying to subtly look over mamises shoulder at the list and he kind of sidles over to sit on a bench.

"I agree we should pool our resources and even do with the rest as Mamise suggests, but we should also hold onto the potions, specifically giving those who cannot heal the cure potions so that they can be used to revive a fallen comrade who can. Also I will have a crack at talking to my fellow man of the faith."

Gird gets himself a cup of whatever is going, preferably tea and then wanders over to Jhod Kavken

"Good Morn to you faithful of Erastil, I hope you are well, I understand you needed to speak with us over a matter of importance to your faith. Please let us sit and tell me of your issue."

Male HP:13/13 AC:19 T:12 FF:17 F:+4 R:+2 W:+1 Perc:+2 Init:2 Bastard Sword +3, 1d10+2 CMB:+3 CMD:+15 Human Cavalier 2

Looking at each of his companions.
Each of you did an admirable job over the last couple of days. Each of you helped in your own way and were able to adapt to the changes that came up. We overcame some serious adversaries. Thirteen bandits we faced over a three day period. Ten of those were captured and brought to justice. One bandit died and two more have chosen to redeem themselves and strive for a better life. I thank you all for you efforts.

Andreas give Gird a nod of thanks as he heads off to the talk with Jhod Kavken.

I agree with the scrolls and potions. We should keep them and divided between us. We can pool our coin together, but we could just split it equally between us plus a group share. The group share would be used to purchase items that are needed by the group as a whole. It is just a suggestion. Items that we will need should be kept and stored somewhere. I will talk with Oleg about that to see how he feels about it. The other items we should sell off. I feel we should give first crack at them to Oleg.

He looks over at the Mercenaries and then back at Mamise.
If you wish to talk to the mercenaries that is fine but we should ask Oleg what he wants done with his place first.

I will have more to post as I figure out how I want to word it. The interaction with the redeemed bandits.

Kingmaker Table 1
Gird Medvyed wrote:

Gird gets himself a cup of whatever is going, preferably tea and then wanders over to Jhod Kavken

"Good Morn to you faithful of Erastil, I hope you are well, I understand you needed to speak with us over a matter of importance to your faith. Please let us sit and tell me of your issue."

At first glance, Jhod seems to be any other milk-drinking man of the cloth, but as you approach him you see that under his pristine garments, his face is hard and harsh, his features rugged, and his hands calloused. This is clearly a man who has toiled for every inch he's gained throughout his life.

"And to you," he looks Gird up and down, "Inquisitor of Kelinahat, the Levetons told me about you. Yes, I was drawn here by a vision from Old Dead Eye himself. It was a ruined temple of his in the wild, guarded by a bear. When I awoke from this vision, I felt the tug to go south from my home in Galt. The tug continued until I reached this place," he held out his hands, palms up, and looked about him indicated Oleg's, "then they stopped. That's when I heard about you lot as well as rumors about abandoned Erastilite temples in the Greenbelt." He paused to ensure he was being understood before adding, "My only request is that you keep your eye out for such a place, especially one guarded by a bear, in your travels. Meanwhile I'll be here for you. I'm told I'm a talented healer, and I could be of use to you in that capacity."


Oleg overhears the conversation about fixing the battlements from his place fixing the roof atop the living quarters. "Oy, if you and the mercenary want to fix those blastet thinks, be my guest! It'd be nice for this to be a fortress again!"

Sovereign Court

Perc:+9|Stealth:+8|Acro+8|Climb+6/Swim+6|SM+9|Sur+8|Heal+7|KN Rel+5|Intim+4|Diplo+8|Ride+7
Aasimar (Garuda - Scion of Humanity) Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer) 3 HP: 24/24| AC: 18| T:13| FF:15|CMB:+4:CMD:17|Fort:+5|Ref:+4|Will:+6|Init:+6| Spells 1 - 2/4 Acid/Cold/Elec R5, Racial Detect Invis 1:1

"Ha! I Outsmarted myself there, I should know better than to not introduce myself and my calling especially to a priest. Well Erastils faith is strong in these lands and I would be foolish to not help you such a simple matter."

Kingmaker Table 1

"Thank you so much," the cleric replies, "You have no idea what this means to me!" You might be mistaken, but you could swear this battle-borne holy man was beginning to tear up.

Male CG Cloud Dwarf Bard 10 | AC: 18 (13 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMB 8, CMD: 21 | F: +10, R: +14, W: +8 | Init: +5 | Perc: +12, SM: +18 | Speed: 20' | Spells, HP, bardsong etc | Active conditions: BoF (+30' speed), Bless (+1 morale), Inspire Courage (+2 competence), Prayer (+1 luck), Hunter's Blessing (+2 sacred)

Meanwhile, Gage grows impatient waiting for the mercenaries to finish their morning drills.

Why are their drills so long?

Gage interrupts the man in charge, spreading his arms wide and with a large grin on his face.

"Cousin Kesten! How are you?
Remember an endearing rascal way back when who needed a helping hand?"

I can't decide how well Kesten treated Gage back in the day! xD
My first guess would be not so great, but...

Male Shabti Unchained Summoner (Soulbound)

Annurian approaches Oleg shaking his head in agreement, then looks at Andreas.

I will start to help fix this roof. We could all benefit from resting a day or two here and getting this place to be more defendable.

Female Kitsune Oracle (Seer) 2 | HP 14/16 | AC: 15, T: 13, FF: 12 | Fort: +2, Ref: +3, Will: +4 | BAB: +1, CMB: +1, CMD: 15, M.Attack +1, R.Attack +4 | Init: +3 | Perception: +1

Seeing as Gage beat her to talking with the mercenary leader, Mamise sticks around for a few moments to see what happens.

Sovereign Court

Perc:+9|Stealth:+8|Acro+8|Climb+6/Swim+6|SM+9|Sur+8|Heal+7|KN Rel+5|Intim+4|Diplo+8|Ride+7
Aasimar (Garuda - Scion of Humanity) Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer) 3 HP: 24/24| AC: 18| T:13| FF:15|CMB:+4:CMD:17|Fort:+5|Ref:+4|Will:+6|Init:+6| Spells 1 - 2/4 Acid/Cold/Elec R5, Racial Detect Invis 1:1

No worries good Jhod, we shall call on you if we find your temple/"

with that Gird shall wander back to the group

Kingmaker Table 1

Kesten looks over at Gage, then back at his men, "At ease gents, that's good for this morning."

Kesten walks over and peers at Gage as if trying to determine what to do with him, then his face flushes red as he realizes that this truly is his cousin, "Well I'll be a goblin's ear!" the mercenary clasps his cousin's arm in an awkward fashion, "If it isn't Gage! How long's it been, eight? Ten years?"

I need a DC 20 craft check for repairs. And it'll cost 1/5 of the standard price of item you're repairing. Failing by less than 10 means you've made progress, but it'll take another week. (I fudged the rules a bit for the wagon, as it was only slightly in disrepair).

Male CG Cloud Dwarf Bard 10 | AC: 18 (13 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMB 8, CMD: 21 | F: +10, R: +14, W: +8 | Init: +5 | Perc: +12, SM: +18 | Speed: 20' | Spells, HP, bardsong etc | Active conditions: BoF (+30' speed), Bless (+1 morale), Inspire Courage (+2 competence), Prayer (+1 luck), Hunter's Blessing (+2 sacred)

Knowledge (Nobility): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25 oops, forgot to roll this earlier. Yay, it beats 20!
Gage pats Kesten on the back enthusiastically "It feels like it must be a decade, but worry not cousin, I've finally found proof for next time." Let's go with 9 years ago :P

Gage leans close and whispers something to Kesten.

"Please do let me tell my half-brothers first, if you can. Also how's miss T?"

Gage continues loudly before Kesten can reply.
"What brings you out here, cousin? Come to help us fix up Oleg's fort?"

Quick Skills:
Diplomacy +8, Handle Animal +8, Knowledge (History) +3, Perception +6, Ride +7, Survival +6,
Quick Stats:
HP 15/15, AC20, T13, FF17, F+4, R+3, W+0, Perc+6,Base Atk +1;CMB +3; CMD16, Hero Pt. 1, Int+3
Cavalier (Beastrider)

Derra smiled at the treasure and purred.

She sticks with Mamise, seeing the woman as a kindred spirit, not to mention being attracted to her.

"I say that when we have rrrested, Mamise, that you and I make some prrrrivate time forrrr ourrrselves. Plus, it will keep us away frrrom that stuffy priest. I prrreferrr priests of Shelyn, since she isn't stuffy as those who follow Old Deadeye."

Female Kitsune Oracle (Seer) 2 | HP 14/16 | AC: 15, T: 13, FF: 12 | Fort: +2, Ref: +3, Will: +4 | BAB: +1, CMB: +1, CMD: 15, M.Attack +1, R.Attack +4 | Init: +3 | Perception: +1

A shiver courses through Mamise's spine at Derra's words. With a shifting as quick as it's hardly believable, she takes the appearance of a short and scrawny old man with a white beard. "Vhat? I zink you haff miztaken me for zomeone elze, my tear."

Another shapeshifting later, she's back in her natural, foxlike form. "Alright, so, uhm, listen. No, I- urp. Ok. I've been... hurt, in the past. Pretty bad. I was tricked, shameful for a kitsune, I was- nevermind, let's skip the details, but it ended badly. That's why I'm here, to start a new life. But that also means that I'm not looking for- rather, I don't want to be in a relationship right now. Now I don't mean what it is you're looking for, if... I don't know. Commitment? Fun? I don't- well, I could do the latter, but... Oh, Starsong help me. Yes, I mean, that should be a question. What are you looking for?"
Her large eyes look at the catfolk, looking for deception.

Sovereign Court

Perc:+9|Stealth:+8|Acro+8|Climb+6/Swim+6|SM+9|Sur+8|Heal+7|KN Rel+5|Intim+4|Diplo+8|Ride+7
Aasimar (Garuda - Scion of Humanity) Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer) 3 HP: 24/24| AC: 18| T:13| FF:15|CMB:+4:CMD:17|Fort:+5|Ref:+4|Will:+6|Init:+6| Spells 1 - 2/4 Acid/Cold/Elec R5, Racial Detect Invis 1:1

Looking at Kesten and Gage speaking Gird has a realisation, he waits until they have talked for a bit before approaching "You two are related, that's great, a right noble gathering we are having. Good to meet you Kesten I am Gird of house Medvyed."

Male HP:13/13 AC:19 T:12 FF:17 F:+4 R:+2 W:+1 Perc:+2 Init:2 Bastard Sword +3, 1d10+2 CMB:+3 CMD:+15 Human Cavalier 2

As the companions take what they want from the pile of treasure, Andreas makes his way towards Oleg. He takes note on what is going on around him. The mercenaries and their leader talking with Gage. Derra trying to win over Mamise. Gird chatting it up with the priest and Annurian giving the outpost a professional look over. He feels good about the outcome of the last few days. He just met these people and quickly they came together in common cause.
I doubt any miracle could have done what we just did. Their lives were at stake and yet each did what needed to be done...simply because it was the right thing to do. All of them have their own motives and secrets but none of that interfered with the task at hand.
He gives a quick look up into the sky
Thank you...

Annurian's idea meets with a heartfelt approval.
That is an excellent idea. If you should need more supplies take what you need from ours. Oleg has sheltered and fed us, it is the least we can do. Andreas extend his right hand towards Annurian as the left hand claps his right shoulder in camaraderie.
and I agree that we all could benefit from a little down time.

Andreas extends his hand and shakes Oleg's in a strong firm grip.
Lord Oleg. If you have the time, I would like to talk to you about a few things if I may that is. After Oleg give a nod of approval. First I am sorry that we brought undue stress to you and your family. That was not our intention. If you wish us to find another place for our exploration and clearing of the greenbelt, please do not hesitate to say so. You have done much for us and I personally do not want to put you in any difficult positions. As I stated last night, we have cleared out some of the bandits. We also learned who is running them and we will make a run at him soon. As for your wife's ring, we have a lead on it and hope to have it located and returned to Svetlana soon. When you are free, we have some items that we would like for you to take a look at. We would like to see what you can offer for them. Andreas hesitates for a few seconds as he tries to figure the best way to proceed.My Lord, there were thirteen bandits in all that threaten your Outpost. We have captured ten of them, including Kressle their leader. One was slain and two have decided to reform their ways.

Andreas points at Herodion and Mathis. He waves them over.
As they make their way, Andreas continues
I do not know what the future holds for them but sometimes life is hard to deal with and you make poor choices. These two have taken up our offer of redemption and a second chance. They will be working for us. It is my hope that this will not be a problem.

As the two ex-bandits make their way to Oleg and Andreas.
I believe everyone knows each other here. Gentlemen, this is one of the hardest part of redemption. The first is accepting that you made a mistake and the second is asking for forgiveness. I hope we can all come to an understanding.

After talking with Oleg and hopefully solving a few problems, Andreas walks back over to the group when Gird comes back from talking with the priest.
Lord Gird, how did your talk with Master Kavken go?

Sovereign Court

Perc:+9|Stealth:+8|Acro+8|Climb+6/Swim+6|SM+9|Sur+8|Heal+7|KN Rel+5|Intim+4|Diplo+8|Ride+7
Aasimar (Garuda - Scion of Humanity) Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer) 3 HP: 24/24| AC: 18| T:13| FF:15|CMB:+4:CMD:17|Fort:+5|Ref:+4|Will:+6|Init:+6| Spells 1 - 2/4 Acid/Cold/Elec R5, Racial Detect Invis 1:1

"Fine, he needs our help in advising him of any sacred ruins of Erastil we run across in our journies, most likely he will need help reclaiming them as well, but for now he just wants us to report to him what we find."

Kingmaker Table 1
Gage G wrote:

Gage leans close and whispers something to Kesten.
** spoiler omitted **

Gage continues loudly before Kesten can reply.
"What brings you out here, cousin? Come to help us fix up Oleg's fort?"

Kesten whispers back to Gage.

"Not so well, I'm afraid. Those rumors weren't kind to her either. Not to worry, once I've made a name for myself out here, they won't be able to deny us."

Then replies normally, "More like protect it. We're soldiers, not engineers, I'm afraid."

Sovereign Court

Perc:+9|Stealth:+8|Acro+8|Climb+6/Swim+6|SM+9|Sur+8|Heal+7|KN Rel+5|Intim+4|Diplo+8|Ride+7
Aasimar (Garuda - Scion of Humanity) Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer) 3 HP: 24/24| AC: 18| T:13| FF:15|CMB:+4:CMD:17|Fort:+5|Ref:+4|Will:+6|Init:+6| Spells 1 - 2/4 Acid/Cold/Elec R5, Racial Detect Invis 1:1

After having another look through the loot Gird restocks his arrows back up to 20

"That rope ladder looks like it could potentially be very useful, i'm just not sure if we'd have an immediate need for it. I don't really need any other gear, other than an ongoing supply of food."

Male HP:13/13 AC:19 T:12 FF:17 F:+4 R:+2 W:+1 Perc:+2 Init:2 Bastard Sword +3, 1d10+2 CMB:+3 CMD:+15 Human Cavalier 2

I will take off 20 arrows unless you tell me that you need less than that.

Sovereign Court

Perc:+9|Stealth:+8|Acro+8|Climb+6/Swim+6|SM+9|Sur+8|Heal+7|KN Rel+5|Intim+4|Diplo+8|Ride+7
Aasimar (Garuda - Scion of Humanity) Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer) 3 HP: 24/24| AC: 18| T:13| FF:15|CMB:+4:CMD:17|Fort:+5|Ref:+4|Will:+6|Init:+6| Spells 1 - 2/4 Acid/Cold/Elec R5, Racial Detect Invis 1:1

I need like.. 4 .. but 20 extra will be fine

Kingmaker Table 1

Oleg tells Andreas not to fret about the stress, "Comes with the territory," he jokes, "and of course I'd love to buy your spoils, anything for the Greenbelt's very own Bandit Routers. I've got time now, what would you like to sell?" He leads the knight over to the storehouse, listening.

When Andreas introduces the two ex-bandits, it's clear that Oleg is not having it. He gets red in the face, but as the knight continues on about righting wrongs and forgiveness, it hits home and his countenance calms.

"I suppose everyone deserves a...second chance." Oleg's words seem to be addressed to himself as well as the warriors before him.

Male CG Cloud Dwarf Bard 10 | AC: 18 (13 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMB 8, CMD: 21 | F: +10, R: +14, W: +8 | Init: +5 | Perc: +12, SM: +18 | Speed: 20' | Spells, HP, bardsong etc | Active conditions: BoF (+30' speed), Bless (+1 morale), Inspire Courage (+2 competence), Prayer (+1 luck), Hunter's Blessing (+2 sacred)
The Little Game Master wrote:

Kesten whispers back to Gage. ** spoiler omitted **

Then replies normally, "More like protect it. We're soldiers, not engineers, I'm afraid."

"True," Gage shrugs, "but surely soldiers can appreciate the help of functional siege engines more than anyone else.

Wont you reconsider?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

Kingmaker Table 1

"Oh we'll appreciate it well enough. The trouble is, none of us has the first clue about repairing a siege engine." These guys come with pre-made stats. They have no knowledge or craft skills (except Kesten who has K (Nobility).

Male CG Cloud Dwarf Bard 10 | AC: 18 (13 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMB 8, CMD: 21 | F: +10, R: +14, W: +8 | Init: +5 | Perc: +12, SM: +18 | Speed: 20' | Spells, HP, bardsong etc | Active conditions: BoF (+30' speed), Bless (+1 morale), Inspire Courage (+2 competence), Prayer (+1 luck), Hunter's Blessing (+2 sacred)

darn xD

Quick Skills:
Diplomacy +8, Handle Animal +8, Knowledge (History) +3, Perception +6, Ride +7, Survival +6,
Quick Stats:
HP 15/15, AC20, T13, FF17, F+4, R+3, W+0, Perc+6,Base Atk +1;CMB +3; CMD16, Hero Pt. 1, Int+3
Cavalier (Beastrider)

Sorry y'all for not posting yet. Today was my birthday so well you know how that is!

Derra's tail puffed out like a bristle brush, a bit startled at the kitsune' words.

After regaining her composure, she replied, "I...I did not know. I apologize if I offended you. While I did plan on having some fun together, it was not because I want something from you or to take advantage of you in return for sexual favors. By Shelyn's holy and divine viola collection I would never do that to anyone. I still want to have some fun together with you but you must understand that I don't believe in hurting anyone. I do have a boyfriend but we have a open relationship and have agreed that it's alright for both of us to have lovers on the side as long as we've both honest with that other person. And just so you know that he would break up with me in a heartbeat even i ever took advantage of someone else and broke their heart...after he had shaved all my fur off with a rusty butter knife. So you must understand I have no intention of taking advantage of you or any relationship that might develop between us. And besides who knows maybe a three way wedding might be written in our stars, probably due to the wishes of Shelyn and Desna. But that's way way way off in the future and probably might not happen as well. But I think having some fun with one another is okay from time to time but you have my word that my honor as a knight of Shelyn that I will never do anything to manipulate you or break your heart and leave it in shambles. And the reason why I wanted to have sex with you was because I think you're a beautiful and attractive person. You're hardworking, talented, possess a good sense of character, I must say a friendly, charming, and witty person! And whoever hurt you in the past was a damn fool as they had no idea what a sweet and wonderful person you are and they were complete idiots who didn't deserve you especially for being so cruel to you. I do ask that if we do have some fun together, that you be in your true form. Makes things interesting and don't get me wrong, people without fur are okay but it just feels weird making love to someone who has no fur. But I'm getting side tracked. You have my word that I won't break your heart."

Male HP:13/13 AC:19 T:12 FF:17 F:+4 R:+2 W:+1 Perc:+2 Init:2 Bastard Sword +3, 1d10+2 CMB:+3 CMD:+15 Human Cavalier 2

I will remove a total of 24 arrows then. If there is anything else that someone wants please let me know.

Nodding towards gird
Thank you for looking in on him. So he wants us to let him know when and if we find any ruins. That is a bit odd that he would come all the way out here on the off chance that someone might run into some old sacred ruins. Did you get the impression that he may know more that he is telling you?

Watching Gage converse with his cousin, Andreas keeps his thoughts to himself.
Cousins of House that is interesting....Noblemen
He looks over at the mercenaries and gives a simple nod.
What is a nobleman doing out here in the Greenbelt with a heavily under strength squad made up of mercenaries? Why not soldiers from his own house?
They seem to be just hired swords and nothing more.

Andres watches carefully as he tells Oleg about the bandits. Seeing the reaction from him went a lot better than he thought.
Thank you for understanding. I was hoping to put them to work right away. I was thinking that Fenn would stay around here to give you some more protection and to bring some fresh game to your table every so often. I will have them place some tents outside the Outpost since it is getting a little crowded inside. If you will allow us to, we would like to reinforce the camp outside with some defenses of our own. If you could give me a list of things that need fixing besides the siege engines, I will get them on it right away. They may need help with directions on what you need and want done. We are not experts in repairing outpost.
Andreas walks with Oleg to the storehouse.
Lord Oleg, you have been straight and honest with us from the beginning. If ever you should need anything, let me know and if it is within my power I will do everything I can to aid you.
As they get to the storehouse
This is what we took from the bandits and other evil inhabitants of the land. There is more but I feel that those are items we will need in the future.


2 masterwork handaxes
a sickle
a bag of wheat
a bottle of good wine
a box of firewood
eighteen iron bars
two loaves of bread
a pair of low boots
a pouch of tobacco
a salted ham
a sewing needle
seventeen sledges
two small glass rods
a tiny wooden box
a waterskin
a whetstone
a wooden drum.
three crates of furs and hides

I have a favor to ask of you Lord Oleg. We would like to use this Outpost as a staging area for explorations into the greenbelt. I do not plan on this to be a permanent arrangement. Just till we get ourselves situated.

Andreas pulls Fenn, Herodion, and Mathis aside to have a little chat with them.
I wanted to take all of you with us but we need to add some protection to this outpost. I am counting on you three to help in that task. Are you able to do this. I was thinking that you set up a camp beside the Outpost since it is getting crowded in here. Help anyway you can to fix this place up. Set up defenses and it would not hurt to do some hunting for them every now and then. Fresh meat on the table can brighten your day. Equip yourselves as you see fit.

Making his way to the prisoners, Andreas ask to speak to Felta. He escorts her outside the Outpost gates for a little walk. She is treated fairly and he removes her bindings once he gets outside. He makes sure that Fenn is up on the walkway in case she gets any ideas.
He walks with her in silence for a bit, letting things settle in for a moment or two.
What did you and your sister do before you came into banditry and how did you end up here in the greenbelt? What choices led you to this end?
He lets her talk for as long as she need to explain things. After some time...Do you see this land around you. It is wild and unforgiving. We plan to tame these lands. To bring a sort of civility to the region. I wish you and your sister could have been apart of that.
Andreas walks her back to the prisoners and locks her up again.
He is trying to find out what the dwarves did before they became bandits. Dwarves are good at engineering and such thing like that...well not all but most I would think. He is hoping that she will talk to her sister.

Sovereign Court

Perc:+9|Stealth:+8|Acro+8|Climb+6/Swim+6|SM+9|Sur+8|Heal+7|KN Rel+5|Intim+4|Diplo+8|Ride+7
Aasimar (Garuda - Scion of Humanity) Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer) 3 HP: 24/24| AC: 18| T:13| FF:15|CMB:+4:CMD:17|Fort:+5|Ref:+4|Will:+6|Init:+6| Spells 1 - 2/4 Acid/Cold/Elec R5, Racial Detect Invis 1:1

At Andreas words Gird slaps himself on the forehead and then approaches Jhod again using studied target on him as he approaches

"Good Jhod, we are willing to help, but I fear I was remiss in asking the required questions to allow us to help you in the most effective ways. Can you please give me all the information you have on the ruins of Erastils faith that can be found?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

When Jhod replies Gird is analysing his mannerisms and such to see if he is holding anything back.

Sense Motive+Studied Target: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 8 + 1 = 26

Female Kitsune Oracle (Seer) 2 | HP 14/16 | AC: 15, T: 13, FF: 12 | Fort: +2, Ref: +3, Will: +4 | BAB: +1, CMB: +1, CMD: 15, M.Attack +1, R.Attack +4 | Init: +3 | Perception: +1

Mamise's jaw falls and she blinks rapidly as she takes in Derra's words. "I... First of all, thank you for the compliments and for the honesty. But for the rest, uhm, I mean- you are engaged after all, and we've only known each other for what, a couple of days? It's... kind of a lot to process. And I'm- I mean, you are impetuous as a raging fire, and- Oh, Mother Moon. Alright. Let's meet tonight, but it will be a one-time thing, at least for now. No commitment, no encore performances until- unless I ask you. Is this alright with you?"

Kingmaker Table 1

Oleg expresses his gratitude at having Fenn at hand, and informs Andreas that with that roof finally finished, the siege engines are the only things still in disrepair.

Oleg's eyes widen at the loot you bring in. After itemizing the lot, he informs you that you've got 1,023gp, 3 sp, and 1 cp worth of merchandise, but that he only has 500 gp to trade with at the moment. He can have the other 523 gp by next week.

Fenn, Herodion, and Mathis happily agree to their new positions, with Fenn eagerly taking on the mantle of head of the Trading Post's outer defenses. Having Fenn in charge of the ex-bandits also puts Oleg at ease to some extent.

Felta gives you a familiar story in an unfamiliar setting. Two females orphaned at a young age forced to beg in a society which frowns heavily upon begging, and so forced out into a society that was more forgiving. Once there, however, their options were slim: starve or steal. The rest you've heard before. It seems they never had the opportunity to learn any engineering.

Jhod shrugs and says he told you all he knows. About the dream, and that Erastil had been pulling him here, then stopped. You can tell he's not holding anything back, that he truly is a man out on faith.

Sovereign Court

Perc:+9|Stealth:+8|Acro+8|Climb+6/Swim+6|SM+9|Sur+8|Heal+7|KN Rel+5|Intim+4|Diplo+8|Ride+7
Aasimar (Garuda - Scion of Humanity) Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer) 3 HP: 24/24| AC: 18| T:13| FF:15|CMB:+4:CMD:17|Fort:+5|Ref:+4|Will:+6|Init:+6| Spells 1 - 2/4 Acid/Cold/Elec R5, Racial Detect Invis 1:1

Gird returns having remembered more of his conversation with Jhod before that he forgot to impart..

"Ok so I have this further info from Jhod - he is looking for a ruined temple of Erastil in the wild, guarded by a bear."

Quick Skills:
Diplomacy +8, Handle Animal +8, Knowledge (History) +3, Perception +6, Ride +7, Survival +6,
Quick Stats:
HP 15/15, AC20, T13, FF17, F+4, R+3, W+0, Perc+6,Base Atk +1;CMB +3; CMD16, Hero Pt. 1, Int+3
Cavalier (Beastrider)

Derra nods.

"Yes that is okay with me. Like I said before, my boyfriend and I have an open relationship and have agreed that is okay to have other lovers as long as we are both honest and respectful of those other lovers. I don't mind tonight being a one time thing until you say that you would like to do it again. I'm a patient woman so I see no problem with us waiting after we have had some fun tonight. And you're welcome. And I'm sorry for tossing this all on you. For now, let us enjoy each other's company, and the feel and warmth of each other's body against one another. Just remember to be in your true form for when we mate. Oh and just so you know I'm no slouch in bed."

At that last statement, the catfolk winks at the Kitsune.

Male HP:13/13 AC:19 T:12 FF:17 F:+4 R:+2 W:+1 Perc:+2 Init:2 Bastard Sword +3, 1d10+2 CMB:+3 CMD:+15 Human Cavalier 2

Andreas looks at Gird for a few moments.
Gird I am sorry if my question was vague or misleading. I was hoping you would tell me what your thoughts were of him as a fellow man of faith. I have come to trust in your judgment. I will try next time to be more clear in my questions, I am sorry for any confusion.

On to a different topic. Are there any supplies you need that Oleg may not have. I am planning on escorting the bandits to Restov. I plan on buying anything else that we may need before coming back here.

Male Shabti Unchained Summoner (Soulbound)

The skinwalker keeps his usual silence, looking especially more tired after the past days. He likes to do the good, honest work, so he's feeling a proud sense of tiredness. Nevertheless, he wanders around on his boar-like appearance, almost carrying his inheritance as a symbol. He's way too used of dealing with prejudice, so he feels somewhat as if having a fresh start on these new lands. Finally, he tries to go and double-check the current rewards or small quests as to engage on some more side jobs as they advance on their main mission.

Sovereign Court

Perc:+9|Stealth:+8|Acro+8|Climb+6/Swim+6|SM+9|Sur+8|Heal+7|KN Rel+5|Intim+4|Diplo+8|Ride+7
Aasimar (Garuda - Scion of Humanity) Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer) 3 HP: 24/24| AC: 18| T:13| FF:15|CMB:+4:CMD:17|Fort:+5|Ref:+4|Will:+6|Init:+6| Spells 1 - 2/4 Acid/Cold/Elec R5, Racial Detect Invis 1:1

"All good, it turns out I had omitted pertinent information before accidentally, but I find him a sincere man who seems to be trying to reconnect with his faith, his want to find a temple to restore seems to be in an effort to restore his own faith and position in his church."

says Gird as he looks at Andreas but looks around enough to include the others that are listening

"As to supplies, food is always needed."

Kingmaker Table 1

Something I forgot to mention about Jhod's mission: he would've told you already, he feels the temple is southwest of here, in the thick of the wood; and he wants to fully restore the temple, so once you've found it he'd be eternally grateful if you'd come back and get him so he can do so.

Going to the wanted board, Annurian sees one new wanted poster. It appears the new arrival Kesten has put it up and failed to mention it to Gage. "Wanted," it reads, "Falgrim Sneeg, Varisian 5'9", medium build, dark hair, light eyes. Former Brevic mercenary. Guilty of grand theft and banditry. Wanted alive for questioning and legal punishment. Reward: four masterwork weapons of the captors' choice, two if delivered dead."

Male HP:13/13 AC:19 T:12 FF:17 F:+4 R:+2 W:+1 Perc:+2 Init:2 Bastard Sword +3, 1d10+2 CMB:+3 CMD:+15 Human Cavalier 2

Anyone else need or want other supplies?

Sovereign Court

Perc:+9|Stealth:+8|Acro+8|Climb+6/Swim+6|SM+9|Sur+8|Heal+7|KN Rel+5|Intim+4|Diplo+8|Ride+7
Aasimar (Garuda - Scion of Humanity) Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer) 3 HP: 24/24| AC: 18| T:13| FF:15|CMB:+4:CMD:17|Fort:+5|Ref:+4|Will:+6|Init:+6| Spells 1 - 2/4 Acid/Cold/Elec R5, Racial Detect Invis 1:1

"Horses for all of us, if we can afford it?

Says Gird in a manner that invites comment by others

Male HP:13/13 AC:19 T:12 FF:17 F:+4 R:+2 W:+1 Perc:+2 Init:2 Bastard Sword +3, 1d10+2 CMB:+3 CMD:+15 Human Cavalier 2

Andreas nods at Oleg's offer.
That is a fair deal and consider it a done deal. Now what do you have for sell, we are in need of rations at the very least.

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